use of ddf.catalog.source.IngestException in project ddf by codice.
the class CatalogMetricsTest method catalogCreateExceptionMetric.
public void catalogCreateExceptionMetric() throws Exception {
Iterable<Tag> createExceptionTags = Tags.of("type", IngestException.class.getName(), "source", "source2");
CreateRequest request = mock(CreateRequest.class);
CreateResponse response = mock(CreateResponse.class);
mockCatalogResponseExceptions(request, response, new ProcessingDetailsImpl("source2", new IngestException()));
assertThat(meterRegistry.counter("ddf.catalog.create.exceptions", createExceptionTags).count(), is(1.0));
use of ddf.catalog.source.IngestException in project ddf by codice.
the class ExceptionsTest method testIngestException.
public void testIngestException() {
IngestException ie = new IngestException();
ie = new IngestException(msg);
assertEquals(ie.getMessage(), msg);
ie = new IngestException(testCause);
assertEquals(ie.getCause(), testCause);
ie = new IngestException(msg, testCause);
assertEquals(ie.getMessage(), msg);
assertEquals(ie.getCause(), testCause);
use of ddf.catalog.source.IngestException in project ddf by codice.
the class CatalogFrameworkImplTest method testProviderUnavailableDeleteByIdentifier.
* Tests that the framework properly throws a catalog exception when the local provider is not
* available for delete by identifier.
* @throws IngestException
* @throws SourceUnavailableException
@Test(expected = SourceUnavailableException.class)
public void testProviderUnavailableDeleteByIdentifier() throws SourceUnavailableException {
MockEventProcessor eventAdmin = new MockEventProcessor();
MockMemoryProvider provider = new MockMemoryProvider("Provider", "Provider", "v1.0", "DDF", new HashSet<ContentType>(), false, null);
CatalogFramework framework = this.createDummyCatalogFramework(provider, storageProvider, eventAdmin, false);
List<URI> uris = new ArrayList<URI>();
try {
uris.add(new URI("id://1234"));
DeleteRequest request = new DeleteRequestImpl((URI[]) uris.toArray(new URI[uris.size()]));
// expected to throw exception due to catalog provider being
// unavailable
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
} catch (IngestException e) {
use of ddf.catalog.source.IngestException in project ddf by codice.
the class CatalogFrameworkImplTest method testProviderUnavailableUpdateByID.
* Tests that the framework properly throws a catalog exception when the local provider is not
* available for update by id.
* @throws IngestException
* @throws SourceUnavailableException
@Test(expected = SourceUnavailableException.class)
public void testProviderUnavailableUpdateByID() throws SourceUnavailableException {
MockEventProcessor eventAdmin = new MockEventProcessor();
MockMemoryProvider provider = new MockMemoryProvider("Provider", "Provider", "v1.0", "DDF", new HashSet<ContentType>(), false, null);
CatalogFramework framework = this.createDummyCatalogFramework(provider, storageProvider, eventAdmin, false);
List<Metacard> metacards = new ArrayList<Metacard>();
List<URI> uris = new ArrayList<URI>();
// expected to throw exception due to catalog provider being unavailable
try {
MetacardImpl newCard = new MetacardImpl();
newCard.setResourceURI(new URI("uri:///1234"));
uris.add(new URI("uri:///1234"));
UpdateRequest update = new UpdateRequestImpl((URI[]) uris.toArray(new URI[uris.size()]), metacards);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
} catch (IngestException e) {
use of ddf.catalog.source.IngestException in project ddf by codice.
the class CatalogFrameworkImplTest method testProviderUnavailableDeleteByID.
* Tests that the framework properly throws a catalog exception when the local provider is not
* available for delete by id.
* @throws IngestException
* @throws SourceUnavailableException
@Test(expected = SourceUnavailableException.class)
public void testProviderUnavailableDeleteByID() throws SourceUnavailableException {
MockEventProcessor eventAdmin = new MockEventProcessor();
MockMemoryProvider provider = new MockMemoryProvider("Provider", "Provider", "v1.0", "DDF", new HashSet<ContentType>(), false, null);
CatalogFramework framework = this.createDummyCatalogFramework(provider, storageProvider, eventAdmin, false);
List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>();
DeleteRequest request = new DeleteRequestImpl((String[]) ids.toArray(new String[ids.size()]));
// expected to throw exception due to catalog provider being unavailable
try {
} catch (IngestException e) {