use of ddf.catalog.source.SourceUnavailableException in project ddf by codice.
the class RESTEndpoint method updateDocument.
* REST Put. Updates the specified entry with the provided document.
* @param id
* @param message
* @return
public Response updateDocument(@PathParam("id") String id, @Context HttpHeaders headers, @Context HttpServletRequest httpRequest, MultipartBody multipartBody, @QueryParam("transform") String transformerParam, InputStream message) {
Response response;
try {
if (id != null && message != null) {
MimeType mimeType = getMimeType(headers);
CreateInfo createInfo = null;
if (multipartBody != null) {
List<Attachment> contentParts = multipartBody.getAllAttachments();
if (contentParts != null && contentParts.size() > 0) {
createInfo = parseAttachments(contentParts, transformerParam);
} else {
LOGGER.debug("No file contents attachment found");
if (createInfo == null) {
UpdateRequest updateRequest = new UpdateRequestImpl(id, generateMetacard(mimeType, id, message, transformerParam));
} else {
UpdateStorageRequest streamUpdateRequest = new UpdateStorageRequestImpl(Collections.singletonList(new IncomingContentItem(id, createInfo.getStream(), createInfo.getContentType(), createInfo.getFilename(), 0, createInfo.getMetacard())), null);
LOGGER.debug("Metacard {} updated.", id);
response = Response.ok().build();
} else {
String errorResponseString = "Both ID and content are needed to perform UPDATE.";;
throw new ServerErrorException(errorResponseString, Status.BAD_REQUEST);
} catch (SourceUnavailableException e) {
String exceptionMessage = "Cannot update catalog entry: Source is unavailable: ";, e);
throw new ServerErrorException(exceptionMessage, Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
} catch (InternalIngestException e) {
String exceptionMessage = "Error cataloging updated metadata: ";, e);
throw new ServerErrorException(exceptionMessage, Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
} catch (MetacardCreationException | IngestException e) {
String exceptionMessage = "Error cataloging updated metadata: ";, e);
throw new ServerErrorException(exceptionMessage, Status.BAD_REQUEST);
return response;
use of ddf.catalog.source.SourceUnavailableException in project ddf by codice.
the class MetacardApplication method attemptDeleteDeletedMetacard.
private void attemptDeleteDeletedMetacard(String id) throws UnsupportedQueryException, SourceUnavailableException, FederationException {
LOGGER.trace("Attemping to delete metacard [{}]", id);
Filter tags = filterBuilder.attribute(Metacard.TAGS).is().like().text(DeletedMetacard.DELETED_TAG);
Filter deletion = filterBuilder.attribute(DeletedMetacard.DELETION_OF_ID).is().like().text(id);
Filter filter = filterBuilder.allOf(tags, deletion);
QueryResponse response = null;
try {
response = catalogFramework.query(new QueryRequestImpl(new QueryImpl(filter), false));
} catch (UnsupportedQueryException | SourceUnavailableException | FederationException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Could not find the deleted metacard marker to delete", e);
if (response == null || response.getResults() == null || response.getResults().size() != 1) {
LOGGER.debug("There should have been one deleted metacard marker");
final QueryResponse _response = response;
try {
executeAsSystem(() -> catalogFramework.delete(new DeleteRequestImpl(_response.getResults().get(0).getMetacard().getId())));
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Could not delete the deleted metacard marker", e);
LOGGER.trace("Deleted delete marker metacard successfully");
use of ddf.catalog.source.SourceUnavailableException in project ddf by codice.
the class Associated method putAssociations.
public void putAssociations(String id, Collection<Edge> edges) throws UnsupportedQueryException, SourceUnavailableException, FederationException, IngestException {
Collection<Edge> oldEdges = getAssociations(id);
List<String> ids = Stream.concat(, -> Stream.of(e.child, e.parent)).filter(Objects::nonNull).map(m -> m.get(Metacard.ID)).filter(Objects::nonNull).map(Object::toString).distinct().collect(Collectors.toList());
Map<String, Metacard> metacards = util.getMetacards(ids, getNonrestrictedTagsFilter()).entrySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, e -> e.getValue().getMetacard()));
Map<String, Metacard> changedMetacards = new HashMap<>();
Set<Edge> oldEdgeSet = new HashSet<>(oldEdges);
Set<Edge> newEdgeSet = new HashSet<>(edges);
Set<Edge> oldDiff = Sets.difference(oldEdgeSet, newEdgeSet);
Set<Edge> newDiff = Sets.difference(newEdgeSet, oldEdgeSet);
for (Edge edge : oldDiff) {
removeEdge(edge, metacards, changedMetacards);
for (Edge edge : newDiff) {
addEdge(edge, metacards, changedMetacards);
if (changedMetacards.isEmpty()) {
catalogFramework.update(new UpdateRequestImpl(changedMetacards.keySet().toArray(new String[0]), new ArrayList<>(changedMetacards.values())));
use of ddf.catalog.source.SourceUnavailableException in project ddf by codice.
the class Query method getMetacardForId.
* @param searchPhrase The search phrase used to query for the metacard.
* @param proxyTicket The CAS proxy ticket that will be used by the STS to get a SAML assertion.
* @return
private String getMetacardForId(String searchPhrase, String proxyTicket) {
Filter filter = filterBuilder.attribute(Metacard.ANY_TEXT).is().like().text(searchPhrase);"Query filter: {}", filter.toString());
String queryError = "Unable to perform query " + filter.toString() + ".";
QueryRequest request = new QueryRequestImpl(new QueryImpl(filter), true);
StringBuilder responseString = new StringBuilder();
try {
Subject subject = securityManager.getSubject(new CasAuthenticationToken(proxyTicket));"Adding {} property with value {} to request", SecurityConstants.SECURITY_SUBJECT, subject);
request.getProperties().put(SecurityConstants.SECURITY_SUBJECT, subject);
} catch (SecurityServiceException se) {
LOGGER.error("Could not retrieve subject from securitymanager.", se);
return queryError;
try {
LOGGER.debug("About to query the catalog framework with query {}", filter.toString());
QueryResponse queryResponse = catalogFramework.query(request, null);
LOGGER.debug("Got query response from catalog framework for query {}", filter.toString());
List<Result> results = queryResponse.getResults();
if (results != null) {
String message = "The query for " + filter.toString() + " returned " + results.size() + " results.";
for (Result curResult : results) {
Metacard metacard = curResult.getMetacard();
LOGGER.debug("Transforming the metacard with id [{}] to xml.", metacard.getId());
BinaryContent content = catalogFramework.transform(metacard, "xml", null);
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
IOUtils.copy(content.getInputStream(), writer, "UTF8");
LOGGER.debug("Formatting xml for metacard with id [{}].", metacard.getId());
} else {
String message = "The query for " + filter.toString() + " returned a null result.";
} catch (SourceUnavailableException e) {
LOGGER.error(queryError, e);
} catch (UnsupportedQueryException e) {
LOGGER.error(queryError, e);
} catch (FederationException e) {
LOGGER.error(queryError, e);
} catch (CatalogTransformerException e) {
LOGGER.error(queryError, e);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.error(queryError, e);
return responseString.toString();
use of ddf.catalog.source.SourceUnavailableException in project ddf by codice.
the class SearchService method getSourceIds.
private Set<String> getSourceIds(String sources) {
Set<String> sourceIds;
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(sources, LOCAL_SOURCE)) {
LOGGER.debug("Received local query");
sourceIds = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(searchController.getFramework().getId()));
} else if (!(StringUtils.isEmpty(sources))) {
LOGGER.debug("Received source names from client: {}", sources);
sourceIds = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(StringUtils.stripAll(sources.split(","))));
} else {
LOGGER.debug("Received enterprise query");
SourceInfoResponse sourceInfo = null;
try {
sourceInfo = searchController.getFramework().getSourceInfo(new SourceInfoRequestEnterprise(true));
} catch (SourceUnavailableException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Exception while getting source status. Defaulting to all sources. " + "This could include unavailable sources.", e);
if (sourceInfo != null) {
sourceIds = new HashSet<String>();
for (SourceDescriptor source : sourceInfo.getSourceInfo()) {
if (source.isAvailable()) {
} else {
sourceIds = searchController.getFramework().getSourceIds();
return sourceIds;