use of de.be4.ltl.core.parser.node.Start in project probparsers by bendisposto.
the class BParser method fullParsing.
public int fullParsing(final File bfile, final ParsingBehaviour parsingBehaviour, final PrintStream out, final PrintStream err) {
try {
// Properties hashes = new Properties();
// if (parsingBehaviour.getOutputFile() != null) {
// if (hashesStillValid(parsingBehaviour.getOutputFile())){
// return 0;
// }
// }
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
final Start tree = parseFile(bfile, parsingBehaviour.isVerbose());
final long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (parsingBehaviour.isPrintTime()) {
out.println("Time for parsing: " + (end - start) + "ms");
if (parsingBehaviour.isPrintAST()) {
ASTPrinter sw = new ASTPrinter(out);
if (parsingBehaviour.isDisplayGraphically()) {
tree.apply(new ASTDisplay());
final long start2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (parsingBehaviour.isPrologOutput()) {
printASTasProlog(out, this, bfile, tree, parsingBehaviour, contentProvider);
final long end2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (parsingBehaviour.isPrintTime()) {
out.println("Time for Prolog output: " + (end2 - start2) + "ms");
if (parsingBehaviour.isFastPrologOutput()) {
try {
String fp = getASTasFastProlog(this, bfile, tree, parsingBehaviour, contentProvider);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (final IOException e) {
if (parsingBehaviour.isPrologOutput()) {
PrologExceptionPrinter.printException(err, e, bfile.getAbsolutePath());
} else {
err.println("Error reading input file: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
return -2;
} catch (final BCompoundException e) {
if (parsingBehaviour.isPrologOutput()) {
PrologExceptionPrinter.printException(err, e, parsingBehaviour.isUseIndention(), false);
// PrologExceptionPrinter.printException(err, e);
} else {
err.println("Error parsing input file: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
return -3;
return 0;
use of de.be4.ltl.core.parser.node.Start in project probparsers by bendisposto.
the class BParser method parse.
* Parses the input string.
* @param input
* The {@link String} to be parsed
* @param debugOutput
* output debug messages on standard out?
* @param contentProvider
* A {@link IFileContentProvider} that is able to load content of
* referenced files during the parsing process. The content
* provider is used for referenced definition files for example.
* @return the root node of the AST
* @throws BCompoundException
* The {@link BCompoundException} class stores all
* {@link BException}s occurred during the parsing process. The
* {@link BException} class stores the actual exception as
* delegate and forwards all method calls to it. So it is save
* for tools to just use this exception if they want to extract
* an error message. If the tools needs to extract additional
* information, such as a source code position or involved
* tokens respectively nodes, it needs to retrieve the delegate
* exception. The {@link BException} class offers a
* {@link BException#getCause()} method for this, which returns
* the delegate exception.
* <p>
* Internal exceptions:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link PreParseException}: This exception contains errors
* that occur during the preparsing. If possible it supplies a
* token, where the error occurred.</li>
* <li>{@link BLexerException}: If any error occurs in the
* generated or customized lexer a {@link LexerException} is
* thrown. Usually the lexer classes just throw a
* {@link LexerException}. But this class unfortunately does not
* contain any explicit information about the source code
* position where the error occurred. Using aspect-oriented
* programming we intercept the throwing of these exceptions to
* replace them by our own exception. In our own exception we
* provide the source code position of the last characters that
* were read from the input.</li>
* <li>{@link BParseException}: This exception is thrown in two
* situations. On the one hand if the parser throws a
* {@link ParserException} we convert it into a
* {@link BParseException}. On the other hand it can be thrown
* if any error is found during the AST transformations after
* the parser has finished.</li>
* <li>{@link CheckException}: If any problem occurs while
* performing semantic checks, a {@link CheckException} is
* thrown. We provide one or more nodes that are involved in the
* problem. For example, if we find duplicate machine clauses,
* we will list all occurrences in the exception.</li>
* </ul>
public Start parse(final String input, final boolean debugOutput, final IFileContentProvider contentProvider) throws BCompoundException {
final Reader reader = new StringReader(input);
try {
// PreParsing
final DefinitionTypes defTypes = preParsing(debugOutput, reader, contentProvider, directory);
* The definition types are used in the lexer in order to replace an
* identifier token by a definition call token. This is required if
* the definition is a predicate because an identifier can not be
* parsed as a predicate. For example "... SELECT def THEN ... "
* would yield to a parse error. The lexer will replace the
* identifier token "def" by a TDefLiteralPredicate which will be
* excepted by the parser
* Main parser
final BLexer lexer = new BLexer(new PushbackReader(reader, BLexer.PUSHBACK_BUFFER_SIZE), defTypes);
SabbleCCBParser parser = new SabbleCCBParser(lexer);
final Start rootNode = parser.parse();
final List<BException> bExceptionList = new ArrayList<>();
* Collect available definition declarations. Needs to be done now
* cause they are needed by the following transformations.
final DefinitionCollector collector = new DefinitionCollector(defTypes, this.definitions);
List<CheckException> definitionsCollectorExceptions = collector.getExceptions();
for (CheckException checkException : definitionsCollectorExceptions) {
bExceptionList.add(new BException(getFileName(), checkException));
// perfom AST transformations that can't be done by SableCC
try {
} catch (CheckException e) {
throw new BCompoundException(new BException(getFileName(), e));
// perform some semantic checks which are not done in the parser
List<CheckException> checkExceptions = performSemanticChecks(rootNode);
for (CheckException checkException : checkExceptions) {
bExceptionList.add(new BException(getFileName(), checkException));
if (!bExceptionList.isEmpty()) {
throw new BCompoundException(bExceptionList);
return rootNode;
} catch (final LexerException e) {
throw new BCompoundException(new BException(getFileName(), e));
} catch (final BParseException e) {
throw new BCompoundException(new BException(getFileName(), e));
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new BCompoundException(new BException(getFileName(), e));
} catch (final PreParseException e) {
throw new BCompoundException(new BException(getFileName(), e));
} catch (final ParserException e) {
final Token token = e.getToken();
String msg = getImprovedErrorMessageBasedOnTheErrorToken(token);
if (msg == null) {
msg = e.getLocalizedMessage();
final String realMsg = e.getRealMsg();
throw new BCompoundException(new BException(getFileName(), new BParseException(token, msg, realMsg, e)));
} catch (BException e) {
throw new BCompoundException(e);
use of de.be4.ltl.core.parser.node.Start in project probparsers by bendisposto.
the class BParser method performSemanticChecks.
private List<CheckException> performSemanticChecks(final Start rootNode) {
final List<CheckException> list = new ArrayList<>();
final SemanticCheck[] checks = { new ClausesCheck(), new SemicolonCheck(), new IdentListCheck(), new DefinitionUsageCheck(getDefinitions()), new PrimedIdentifierCheck(), new ProverExpressionsCheck() };
for (SemanticCheck check : checks) {
return list;
use of de.be4.ltl.core.parser.node.Start in project probparsers by bendisposto.
the class ClassicalBParser method parsePredicate.
public void parsePredicate(final IPrologTermOutput pto, final String predicate, final boolean wrap) throws ProBParseException {
try {
Start ast = new BParser().parsePredicate(predicate);
printAst(pto, ast, wrap, WRAPPER_PRED);
} catch (BCompoundException e) {
throw new ProBParseException(e.getFirstException().getLocalizedMessage());
use of de.be4.ltl.core.parser.node.Start in project probparsers by bendisposto.
the class PreLexer method collectRhs.
private void collectRhs() throws LexerException, IOException {
if (state.equals(State.DEFINITIONS_RHS) || (previousState != null && previousState.equals(State.DEFINITIONS_RHS))) {
if (rhsToken == null) {
// starting a new definition rhs
rhsToken = new TRhsBody("", -1, -1);
rhsBuffer = new StringBuilder();
} else {
final State nextState = getNextState();
// end of rhs reached?
if (nextState != null) {
// push current token back into reader
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IOException("Pushback buffer overflow on Token: " + token.getText());
// prepare rhs_body token to be the current one
((Token) rhsToken).setText(rhsBuffer.toString());
token = rhsToken;
rhsToken = null;
rhsBuffer = null;
state = nextState;
} else {
// first token after "==" sets start position
if (rhsToken.getLine() == -1) {
token = null;