use of de.mossgrabers.framework.daw.midi.IMidiInput in project DrivenByMoss by git-moss.
the class SLMkIIIControllerSetup method createSurface.
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void createSurface() {
final IMidiAccess midiAccess = this.factory.createMidiAccess();
final IMidiOutput output = midiAccess.createOutput();
final IMidiInput keyboardInput = midiAccess.createInput(1, "Keyboard", "8?????", "9?????", "B?????", "D?????", "E?????");
final IHost hostProxy = this.model.getHost();
final IMidiInput input = midiAccess.createInput("Pads", "8?????", "9?????");
final SLMkIIILightGuide lightGuide = new SLMkIIILightGuide(this.model, this.colorManager, output);
final SLMkIIIControlSurface surface = new SLMkIIIControlSurface(hostProxy, this.colorManager, this.configuration, output, input, lightGuide);
surface.addPianoKeyboard(61, keyboardInput, true);
keyboardInput.setMidiCallback((status, data1, data2) -> {
final int code = status & 0xF0;
if (code == 0x80 || code == 0x90)
lightGuide.updateKeyboardNote(data1, data2);
use of de.mossgrabers.framework.daw.midi.IMidiInput in project DrivenByMoss by git-moss.
the class OSCControllerSetup method createSurface.
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void createSurface() {
final IMidiAccess midiAccess = this.factory.createMidiAccess();
final IMidiInput input = midiAccess.createInput("OSC");
final OSCControlSurface surface = new OSCControlSurface(, this.configuration, this.colorManager, input);
surface.addTextDisplay(new DummyDisplay(;
this.keyManager = new KeyManager(this.model, this.model.getScales(), surface.getPadGrid());
// Send OSC messages
final String sendHost = this.configuration.getSendHost();
final int sendPort = this.configuration.getSendPort();"Connecting to OSC server %s:%d", sendHost, Integer.valueOf(sendPort)));
final IOpenSoundControlClient oscClient =, sendPort);
this.writer = new OSCWriter(, this.model, oscClient, this.configuration);
// Receive OSC messages
final OSCParser parser = new OSCParser(, surface, this.model, this.configuration, this.writer, input, this.keyManager);
final List<IModule> modules = new ArrayList<>();
modules.add(new TransportModule(, this.model, surface, this.writer));
modules.add(new GlobalModule(, this.model, this.writer));
modules.add(new LayoutModule(, this.model, this.writer));
modules.add(new MarkerModule(, this.model, this.writer));
modules.add(new ProjectModule(, this.model, this.writer));
modules.add(new TrackModule(, this.model, this.writer, this.configuration));
modules.add(new SceneModule(, this.model, this.writer));
modules.add(new DeviceModule(, this.model, this.writer, this.configuration));
modules.add(new BrowserModule(, this.model, this.writer));
modules.add(new MidiModule(, this.model, surface, this.writer, this.keyManager));
modules.add(new UserModule(, this.model, this.writer));
modules.add(new ActionModule(, this.model, this.writer, this.configuration));
modules.add(new ClipModule(, this.model, this.writer));
modules.forEach(module -> {
this.oscServer =;
use of de.mossgrabers.framework.daw.midi.IMidiInput in project DrivenByMoss by git-moss.
the class PlayView method onGridNote.
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onGridNote(final int key, final int velocity) {
if (this.playControls) {
final int pos = key - this.scales.getStartNote();
if (pos < 8) {
final boolean isDown = velocity > 0;
final IMidiInput midiInput = this.surface.getMidiInput();
switch(pos) {
// Sustain
case 0:
this.isSustain = isDown;
midiInput.sendRawMidiEvent(0xB0, 64, this.isSustain ? 127 : 0);
// Pitch
case 1:
this.isPitchDown = isDown;
midiInput.sendRawMidiEvent(0xE0, 0, this.isPitchDown ? Math.abs(velocity / 2 - 63) : 64);
case 2:
this.isPitchUp = isDown;
midiInput.sendRawMidiEvent(0xE0, 0, this.isPitchUp ? 64 + velocity / 2 : 64);
// Modulation
if (isDown) {
this.isModulation = pos - 3;
midiInput.sendRawMidiEvent(0xB0, 1, MODULATION_INTENSITIES[this.isModulation]);
super.onGridNote(key, velocity);
use of de.mossgrabers.framework.daw.midi.IMidiInput in project DrivenByMoss by git-moss.
the class MidiMonitorSetup method createSurface.
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void createSurface() {
final IMidiAccess midiAccess = this.factory.createMidiAccess();
final IMidiInput input = midiAccess.createInput("Midi Monitor");
this.surfaces.add(new MidiMonitorControlSurface(, this.configuration, input));
use of de.mossgrabers.framework.daw.midi.IMidiInput in project DrivenByMoss by git-moss.
the class AbstractChordView method onGridNote.
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onGridNote(final int key, final int velocity) {
if (!this.model.canSelectedTrackHoldNotes())
super.onGridNote(key, velocity);
final int index = key - 36;
final int row = index / this.surface.getPadGrid().getCols();
final int note =;
final int[] chord = this.scales.getChord(note, CHORD_INTERVALS[row]);
// Send additional chord notes to the DAW
final IMidiInput input = this.surface.getMidiInput();
final C config = this.surface.getConfiguration();
final int channel = config.getMidiEditChannel();
int vel = 0;
if (velocity > 0)
vel = config.isAccentActive() ? config.getFixedAccentValue() : velocity;
for (final int element : chord) input.sendRawMidiEvent(0x90 + channel, element, vel);