use of in project Digital by hneemann.
the class BruteForceGetAllTest method performTestCalculation.
public void testFull() throws ExpressionException, FormatterException {
new FullVariantDontCareCreator(4) {
public void handleTable(int n, int[] tab) throws ExpressionException {
performTestCalculation(n, tab);
} /**/
private static void performTestCalculation(int n, byte[] tab) throws ExpressionException {
BruteForceGetAll ps = new BruteForceGetAll();
ArrayList<Variable> v = vars(n);
new QuineMcCluskey(v).fillTableWith(new BoolTableByteArray(tab)).simplify(ps);
ArrayList<ArrayList<TableRow>> solutions = ps.getAllSolutions();
if (solutions != null) {
for (ArrayList<TableRow> sol : solutions) {
Expression e = QuineMcCluskey.addAnd(null, sol, v);
ContextFiller context = new ContextFiller(v);
for (int i = 0; i < tab.length; i++) {
if (tab[i] <= 1) {
assertEquals(tab[i] == 1, e.calculate(context.setContextTo(i)));
use of in project Digital by hneemann.
the class Gal16V8CuplExporterTest method testCUPLExporter.
public void testCUPLExporter() throws Exception {
Variable y0 = new Variable("Y_0");
Variable y1 = new Variable("Y_1");
// counter
Expression y0s = not(y0);
Expression y1s = or(and(not(y0), y1), and(y0, not(y1)));
CuplExporter ce = new CuplExporter("user", null).setProjectName("test");
ce.getBuilder().addSequential("Y_0", y0s).addSequential("Y_1", y1s).addCombinatorial("A", and(y0, y1));
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
assertEquals("Name test ;\r\n" + "PartNo 00 ;\r\n" + "Date unknownDate ;\r\n" + "Revision 01 ;\r\n" + "Designer user ;\r\n" + "Company unknown ;\r\n" + "Assembly None ;\r\n" + "Location unknown ;\r\n" + "Device g16v8a ;\r\n" + "\r\n" + "/* inputs */\r\n" + "PIN 1 = CLK;\r\n" + "\r\n" + "/* outputs */\r\n" + "PIN 12 = Y_0;\r\n" + "PIN 13 = Y_1;\r\n" + "PIN 14 = A;\r\n" + "\r\n" + "/* sequential logic */\r\n" + "Y_0.D = !Y_0;\r\n" + "Y_1.D = (!Y_0 & Y_1) # (Y_0 & !Y_1);\r\n" + "\r\n" + "/* combinatorial logic */\r\n" + "A = Y_0 & Y_1;\r\n", baos.toString());
use of in project Digital by hneemann.
the class Gal16V8JEDECExporterTest method testSequential.
// stepper control; sequential and combinatorial
public void testSequential() throws Exception {
Variable D = new Variable("D");
Variable Q0 = new Variable("Q0");
Variable Q1 = new Variable("Q1");
Variable Q2 = new Variable("Q2");
// Q0.d = !Q0;
Expression Q0d = not(Q0);
// Q1.d = !D & !Q1 & Q0 # !D & Q1 & !Q0 # D & !Q1 & !Q0 # D & Q1 & Q0;
Expression Q1d = or(and(not(D), not(Q1), Q0), and(not(D), Q1, not(Q0)), and(D, not(Q1), not(Q0)), and(D, Q1, Q0));
// Q2.d = !D & !Q2 & Q1 & Q0 #
// !D & Q2 & !Q1 #
// Q2 & Q1 & !Q0 #
// D & !Q2 & !Q1 & !Q0 #
// D & Q2 & Q0;
Expression Q2d = or(and(not(D), not(Q2), Q1, Q0), and(not(D), Q2, not(Q1)), and(Q2, Q1, not(Q0)), and(D, not(Q2), not(Q1), not(Q0)), and(D, Q2, Q0));
// P0 = !Q2 & !Q1 # Q2 & Q1 & Q0;
Expression P0 = or(and(not(Q2), not(Q1)), and(Q2, Q1, Q0));
// P1 = !Q2 & Q0 # !Q2 & Q1;
Expression P1 = or(and(not(Q2), Q0), and(not(Q2), Q1));
// P2 = !Q2 & Q1 & Q0 # Q2 & !Q1;
Expression P2 = or(and(not(Q2), Q1, Q0), and(Q2, not(Q1)));
// P3 = Q2 & Q0 # Q2 & Q1;
Expression P3 = or(and(Q2, Q0), and(Q2, Q1));
Gal16v8JEDECExporter gal = new Gal16v8JEDECExporter();
gal.getPinMapping().assignPin("D", 2).assignPin("Q0", 12).assignPin("Q1", 13).assignPin("Q2", 14).assignPin("P0", 15).assignPin("P1", 16).assignPin("P2", 17).assignPin("P3", 18);
gal.getBuilder().addSequential("Q0", Q0d).addSequential("Q1", Q1d).addSequential("Q2", Q2d).addCombinatorial("P0", P0).addCombinatorial("P1", P1).addCombinatorial("P2", P2).addCombinatorial("P3", P3);
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
assertEquals("\u0002Digital GAL16v8 assembler*\r\n" + "QF2194*\r\n" + "G0*\r\n" + "F0*\r\n" + "L256 11111111111111111111111111111111*\r\n" + "L288 11111111111111111111110111111101*\r\n" + "L320 11111111111111111111110111011111*\r\n" + "L512 11111111111111111111111111111111*\r\n" + "L544 11111111111111111111111011011101*\r\n" + "L576 11111111111111111111110111101111*\r\n" + "L768 11111111111111111111111111111111*\r\n" + "L800 11111111111111111111111011111101*\r\n" + "L832 11111111111111111111111011011111*\r\n" + "L1024 11111111111111111111111111111111*\r\n" + "L1056 11111111111111111111110111011101*\r\n" + "L1088 11111111111111111111111011101111*\r\n" + "L1280 10111111111111111111111011011101*\r\n" + "L1312 10111111111111111111110111101111*\r\n" + "L1344 01111111111111111111111011101110*\r\n" + "L1376 01111111111111111111110111111101*\r\n" + "L1408 11111111111111111111110111011110*\r\n" + "L1536 10111111111111111111111111101101*\r\n" + "L1568 10111111111111111111111111011110*\r\n" + "L1600 01111111111111111111111111101110*\r\n" + "L1632 01111111111111111111111111011101*\r\n" + "L1792 11111111111111111111111111111110*\r\n" + // "L2048 01111111001100000011000000100000*\r\n" + // WinCupl fills some bits to the signature! Don't know why!
"L2048 01111111000000000000000000000000*\r\n" + "L2112 00000000111110001111111111111111*\r\n" + "L2144 11111111111111111111111111111111*\r\n" + "L2176 111111111111111101*\r\n" + "C5723*\r\n" + "\u0003CE43", baos.toString());
use of in project Digital by hneemann.
the class Gal16V8JEDECExporterTest method testCombinatorial.
// BitCount
public void testCombinatorial() throws Exception {
Variable A = new Variable("A");
Variable B = new Variable("B");
Variable C = new Variable("C");
// Y_0 = (!A & !B & C) #
// (!A & B & !C) #
// (A & !B & !C) #
// (A & B & C);
Expression Y_0 = or(and(not(A), not(B), C), and(not(A), B, not(C)), and(A, not(B), not(C)), and(A, B, C));
// Y_1 = (A & C) # (A & B) # (B & C);
Expression Y_1 = or(and(A, C), and(A, B), and(B, C));
Gal16v8JEDECExporter gal = new Gal16v8JEDECExporter();
gal.getPinMapping().assignPin("A", 2).assignPin("B", 3).assignPin("C", 4).assignPin("Y_1", 12).assignPin("Y_0", 13);
gal.getBuilder().addCombinatorial("Y_0", Y_0).addCombinatorial("Y_1", Y_1);
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
assertEquals("\u0002Digital GAL16v8 assembler*\r\n" + "QF2194*\r\n" + "G0*\r\n" + "F0*\r\n" + "L1536 10111011011111111111111111111111*\r\n" + "L1568 10110111101111111111111111111111*\r\n" + "L1600 01111011101111111111111111111111*\r\n" + "L1632 01110111011111111111111111111111*\r\n" + "L1792 01111111011111111111111111111111*\r\n" + "L1824 01110111111111111111111111111111*\r\n" + "L1856 11110111011111111111111111111111*\r\n" + // "L2048 00000011001100000011000000100000*\r\n" + // this is cupls line; WinCupl fills some bits to the signature! Don't know why!
"L2048 00000011000000000000000000000000*\r\n" + "L2112 00000000111111001111111111111111*\r\n" + "L2144 11111111111111111111111111111111*\r\n" + "L2176 111111111111111110*\r\n" + "C244C*\r\n" + "\u00035E24", baos.toString());
use of in project Digital by hneemann.
the class Gal22V10CuplExporterTest method testCUPLExporter.
public void testCUPLExporter() throws Exception {
Variable y0 = new Variable("Y_0");
Variable y1 = new Variable("Y_1");
// counter
Expression y0s = not(y0);
Expression y1s = or(and(not(y0), y1), and(y0, not(y1)));
Gal22v10CuplExporter ce = new Gal22v10CuplExporter("user", null);
ce.getBuilder().addSequential("Y_0", y0s).addSequential("Y_1", y1s).addCombinatorial("A", and(y0, y1));
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
assertEquals("Name test ;\r\n" + "PartNo 00 ;\r\n" + "Date unknownDate ;\r\n" + "Revision 01 ;\r\n" + "Designer user ;\r\n" + "Company unknown ;\r\n" + "Assembly None ;\r\n" + "Location unknown ;\r\n" + "Device g22v10 ;\r\n" + "\r\n" + "ar = 'b'0 ;\r\n" + "sp = 'b'0 ;\r\n" + "\r\n" + "/* inputs */\r\n" + "PIN 1 = CLK;\r\n" + "\r\n" + "/* outputs */\r\n" + "PIN 14 = Y_0;\r\n" + "PIN 15 = Y_1;\r\n" + "PIN 16 = A;\r\n" + "\r\n" + "/* sequential logic */\r\n" + "Y_0.D = !Y_0;\r\n" + " = ar ;\r\n" + "Y_0.sp = sp ;\r\n" + "Y_1.D = (!Y_0 & Y_1) # (Y_0 & !Y_1);\r\n" + " = ar ;\r\n" + "Y_1.sp = sp ;\r\n" + "\r\n" + "/* combinatorial logic */\r\n" + "A = Y_0 & Y_1;\r\n", baos.toString());