use of de.nikos410.discordbot.framework.PermissionLevel in project de-DiscordBot by DACH-Discord.
the class Rules method command_setWelcome.
@CommandSubscriber(command = "setWelcome", help = "Begrüßungsnachricht ändern", permissionLevel = PermissionLevel.ADMIN, pmAllowed = false)
public void command_setWelcome(final IMessage message, final String welcomeMessage) {
final IGuild guild = message.getGuild();
final JSONObject guildJSON = getJSONForGuild(guild);
guildJSON.put("welcome", welcomeMessage);
DiscordIO.sendMessage(message.getChannel(), ":white_check_mark: Begrüßungs-Nachricht geändert:");
DiscordIO.sendMessage(message.getChannel(), welcomeMessage);
use of de.nikos410.discordbot.framework.PermissionLevel in project de-DiscordBot by DACH-Discord.
the class Rules method command_welcomeTest.
@CommandSubscriber(command = "welcomeTest", help = "Begrüßungsnachricht testen", permissionLevel = PermissionLevel.ADMIN, pmAllowed = false)
public void command_welcomeTest(final IMessage message) {
final IGuild guild = message.getGuild();
final JSONObject guildJSON = getJSONForGuild(guild);
if (guildJSON.has("welcome") && guildJSON.has("rulesDE") && guildJSON.has("footer")) {
DiscordIO.sendMessage(message.getChannel(), guildJSON.getString("welcome") + "\n\n" + guildJSON.getString("rulesDE") + "\n\n\n" + guildJSON.getString("footer"));
use of de.nikos410.discordbot.framework.PermissionLevel in project de-DiscordBot by DACH-Discord.
the class ModStuff method command_Mute.
@CommandSubscriber(command = "mute", help = "Einen Nutzer für eine bestimmte Zeit muten", pmAllowed = false, permissionLevel = CommandPermissions.MODERATOR)
public void command_Mute(final IMessage message, final String muteUserString, final String muteDurationInput) {
final List<IUser> mentions = message.getMentions();
if (mentions.size() < 1) {
Util.sendMessage(message.getChannel(), ":x: Fehler: Kein Nutzer angegeben!");
} else if (mentions.size() > 1) {
Util.sendMessage(message.getChannel(), ":x: Fehler: mehrere Nutzer erwähnt");
final IUser muteUser = mentions.get(0);
if (muteUser == null) {
Util.sendMessage(message.getChannel(), ":x: Fehler: Nutzer nicht gefunden!");
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(\\d+)\\s?([smhd])\\s?(.*)");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(muteDurationInput);
if (!matcher.matches()) {
Util.sendMessage(message.getChannel(), "Ungültige Eingabe! Mögliche Zeitformate sind s, m, h und d.");
IRole muteRole = message.getGuild().getRoleByID(muteRoleID);
// Wird ausgeführt, um Nutzer wieder zu entmuten
Runnable unmuteTask = () -> {
System.out.println("Unmuted user " + Util.makeUserString(muteUser, message.getGuild()) + ".");
final int muteDuration = Integer.parseInt(;
final String muteDurationUnitString =;
ChronoUnit muteDurationUnit = parseChronoUnit(muteDurationUnitString);
if (mutedUsers.containsKey(muteUser.getStringID())) {
// Überprüfen, ob angegebener Zeitpunkt nach dem bisherigen Zeitpunkt liegt
ScheduledFuture oldFuture = mutedUsers.get(muteUser.getStringID());
LocalDateTime oldDateTime =;
LocalDateTime newDateTime =, muteDurationUnit);
if (newDateTime.isBefore(oldDateTime)) {
// neuer Zeitpunkt ist vor altem -> nichts tun (längerer Mute bleibt bestehen)
Util.sendMessage(message.getChannel(), "Nutzer ist bereits für einen längeren Zeitraum gemuted!");
} else {
// neuer Zeitpunkt ist nach altem -> neu schedulen
mutedUsers.remove(muteUser.getStringID(), oldFuture);
} else {
System.out.println("Muted user " + Util.makeUserString(muteUser, message.getGuild()) + ".");
ScheduledFuture newFuture = scheduler.schedule(unmuteTask, muteDuration, chronoUnitToTimeUnit(muteDurationUnit));
mutedUsers.put(muteUser.getStringID(), newFuture);
// :mute:
String customMessage =;
if (customMessage.isEmpty()) {
customMessage = "kein";
final String muteMessage = "**Du wurdest für " + muteDuration + ' ' + muteDurationUnitString + " gemuted!** \nHinweis: _" + customMessage + " _";
if (!muteUser.isBot()) {
Util.sendPM(muteUser, muteMessage);
// Modlog
IChannel modLogChannel = message.getGuild().getChannelByID(this.modlogChannelID);
final String modLogMessage = String.format("**%s** hat Nutzer **%s** für %s %s **gemuted**. \nHinweis: _%s _", Util.makeUserString(message.getAuthor(), message.getGuild()), Util.makeUserString(muteUser, message.getGuild()), muteDuration, muteDurationUnitString, customMessage);
Util.sendMessage(modLogChannel, modLogMessage);
use of de.nikos410.discordbot.framework.PermissionLevel in project de-DiscordBot by DACH-Discord.
the class DiscordBot method makeCommandMap.
private void makeCommandMap() {
for (final String key : this.loadedModules.keySet()) {
Object module = this.loadedModules.get(key);
for (Method method : module.getClass().getMethods()) {
if (method.isAnnotationPresent(CommandSubscriber.class)) {
final CommandSubscriber[] annotations = method.getDeclaredAnnotationsByType(CommandSubscriber.class);
final String command = annotations[0].command();
final String help = annotations[0].help();
final boolean pmAllowed = annotations[0].pmAllowed();
final int permissionLevel = annotations[0].permissionLevel();
final int parameterCount = method.getParameterCount();
final boolean passContext = annotations[0].passContext();
// Mindestens 1 (message), max 6 (message + 5 parameter)
if (parameterCount > 0 && parameterCount <= 6) {
final Command cmd = new Command(module, method, help, pmAllowed, permissionLevel, parameterCount - 1, passContext);
this.commands.put(command.toLowerCase(), cmd);
} else {
System.err.println("Ungültige Anzahl Parameter bei Befehl " + command);
final CommandModule moduleAnnotation = module.getClass().getDeclaredAnnotationsByType(CommandModule.class)[0];
if (!moduleAnnotation.commandOnly()) {
try {
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
System.err.println("[Error] Could not get EventDispatcher: ");
use of de.nikos410.discordbot.framework.PermissionLevel in project de-DiscordBot by DACH-Discord.
the class DiscordBot method handleMessage.
* Process a received or edited message. Check if it contains a command and execute the corresponding method.
* @param message The received/edited message
private void handleMessage(final IMessage message) {
final String messageContent = message.getContent();
// Check if the message starts with the configured prefix
if (!messageContent.startsWith(this.prefix)) {
// Get only the command in lower case without prefix/parameters
final String commandName = (messageContent.contains(" ") ? // Message contains parameters
messageContent.substring(this.prefix.length(), messageContent.indexOf(' ')) : // Message doesn't contain parameters
// Check if a command with that name is known
if (!commands.containsKey(commandName)) {
final CommandWrapper command = commands.get(commandName);"User {} used command {}", UserUtils.makeUserString(message.getAuthor(), message.getGuild()), commandName);
// The command was received in a PM but is only available on guilds
if (message.getChannel().isPrivate() && !command.isPmAllowed()) {
DiscordIO.sendMessage(message.getChannel(), "Dieser Befehl ist nicht in Privatnachrichten verfügbar!");"CommandWrapper {} is not available in PMs.", commandName);
// Check if the user is allowed to use that command
final PermissionLevel userPermissionLevel = this.getUserPermissionLevel(message.getAuthor(), message.getGuild());
LOG.debug("Checking permissions. User: {} | Required: {}", userPermissionLevel, command.getPermissionLevel());
if (userPermissionLevel.getLevel() < command.getPermissionLevel().getLevel()) {
DiscordIO.sendMessage(message.getChannel(), String.format("Dieser Befehl ist für deine Gruppe (%s) nicht verfügbar.", userPermissionLevel.getName()));"User {} doesn't have the required permissions for using the command {}.", UserUtils.makeUserString(message.getAuthor(), message.getGuild()), commandName);
final int expectedParameterCount = command.getExpectedParameterCount();
final List<String> parameters = parseParameters(messageContent, commandName, expectedParameterCount, command.isPassContext());
// Check if the user used the correct number of parameters
if (parameters.size() < expectedParameterCount) {
if (command.isIgnoreParameterCount()) {
while (parameters.size() < expectedParameterCount) {
} else {
DiscordIO.sendMessage(message.getChannel(), String.format("Dieser Befehl benötigt mindestens %s Parameter! (Gegeben: %s)", expectedParameterCount, parameters.size()));"Wrong number of arguments. Expected number: {} Actual number: {}", expectedParameterCount, parameters.size());
executeCommand(command, parameters, message);