use of de.pixart.messenger.xml.Element in project Pix-Art-Messenger by kriztan.
the class IqGenerator method publishVerification.
public IqPacket publishVerification(byte[] signature, X509Certificate[] certificates, final int deviceId) {
final Element item = new Element("item");
final Element verification = item.addChild("verification", AxolotlService.PEP_PREFIX);
final Element chain = verification.addChild("chain");
for (int i = 0; i < certificates.length; ++i) {
try {
Element certificate = chain.addChild("certificate");
certificate.setContent(Base64.encodeToString(certificates[i].getEncoded(), Base64.DEFAULT));
certificate.setAttribute("index", i);
} catch (CertificateEncodingException e) {
Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, "could not encode certificate");
verification.addChild("signature").setContent(Base64.encodeToString(signature, Base64.DEFAULT));
return publish(AxolotlService.PEP_VERIFICATION + ":" + deviceId, item);
use of de.pixart.messenger.xml.Element in project Pix-Art-Messenger by kriztan.
the class IqGenerator method publishDeviceIds.
public IqPacket publishDeviceIds(final Set<Integer> ids, final Bundle publishOptions) {
final Element item = new Element("item");
final Element list = item.addChild("list", AxolotlService.PEP_PREFIX);
for (Integer id : ids) {
final Element device = new Element("device");
device.setAttribute("id", id);
return publish(AxolotlService.PEP_DEVICE_LIST, item, publishOptions);
use of de.pixart.messenger.xml.Element in project Pix-Art-Messenger by kriztan.
the class IqGenerator method retrieve.
protected IqPacket retrieve(String node, Element item) {
final IqPacket packet = new IqPacket(IqPacket.TYPE.GET);
final Element pubsub = packet.addChild("pubsub", "");
final Element items = pubsub.addChild("items");
items.setAttribute("node", node);
if (item != null) {
return packet;
use of de.pixart.messenger.xml.Element in project Pix-Art-Messenger by kriztan.
the class IqGenerator method changeRole.
public IqPacket changeRole(Conversation conference, String nick, String role) {
IqPacket packet = new IqPacket(IqPacket.TYPE.SET);
Element item = packet.query("").addChild("item");
item.setAttribute("nick", nick);
item.setAttribute("role", role);
return packet;
use of de.pixart.messenger.xml.Element in project Pix-Art-Messenger by kriztan.
the class IqGenerator method pushTokenToAppServer.
public IqPacket pushTokenToAppServer(Jid appServer, String token, String deviceId) {
IqPacket packet = new IqPacket(IqPacket.TYPE.SET);
Element command = packet.addChild("command", "");
command.setAttribute("node", "register-push-gcm");
command.setAttribute("action", "execute");
Data data = new Data();
data.put("token", token);
data.put("device-id", deviceId);
return packet;