use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.
the class TextSubmissionResource method getTextSubmissionWithResults.
* GET /text-submissions/:id : get the "id" textSubmission.
* @param submissionId the id of the textSubmission to retrieve
* @return the ResponseEntity with status 200 (OK) and with body the textSubmission, or with status 404 (Not Found)
public ResponseEntity<TextSubmission> getTextSubmissionWithResults(@PathVariable Long submissionId) {
log.debug("REST request to get TextSubmission : {}", submissionId);
var textSubmission = textSubmissionRepository.findWithEagerResultsById(submissionId).orElseThrow(() -> new EntityNotFoundException("TextSubmission", submissionId));
if (!authCheckService.isAtLeastTeachingAssistantForExercise(textSubmission.getParticipation().getExercise())) {
// anonymize and throw exception if not authorized to view submission
plagiarismService.anonymizeSubmissionForStudent(textSubmission, userRepository.getUser().getLogin());
return ResponseEntity.ok(textSubmission);
// Add the jwt token as a header to the response for tutor-assessment tracking to the request if the athene profile is set
final ResponseEntity.BodyBuilder bodyBuilder = ResponseEntity.ok();
if (textSubmission.getLatestResult() != null) {
this.atheneTrackingTokenProvider.ifPresent(atheneTrackingTokenProvider -> atheneTrackingTokenProvider.addTokenToResponseEntity(bodyBuilder, textSubmission.getLatestResult()));
return bodyBuilder.body(textSubmission);
use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.
the class UserResource method updateUser.
* PUT users : Updates an existing User.
* @param managedUserVM the user to update
* @return the ResponseEntity with status 200 (OK) and with body the updated user
* @throws EmailAlreadyUsedException 400 (Bad Request) if the email is already in use
* @throws LoginAlreadyUsedException 400 (Bad Request) if the login is already in use
public ResponseEntity<UserDTO> updateUser(@Valid @RequestBody ManagedUserVM managedUserVM) {
checkUsernameAndPasswordValidity(managedUserVM.getLogin(), managedUserVM.getPassword());
log.debug("REST request to update User : {}", managedUserVM);
var existingUserByEmail = userRepository.findOneByEmailIgnoreCase(managedUserVM.getEmail());
if (existingUserByEmail.isPresent() && (!existingUserByEmail.get().getId().equals(managedUserVM.getId()))) {
throw new EmailAlreadyUsedException();
var existingUserByLogin = userRepository.findOneWithGroupsAndAuthoritiesByLogin(managedUserVM.getLogin().toLowerCase());
if (existingUserByLogin.isPresent() && (!existingUserByLogin.get().getId().equals(managedUserVM.getId()))) {
throw new LoginAlreadyUsedException();
if (managedUserVM.getGroups().stream().anyMatch(group -> !artemisAuthenticationProvider.isGroupAvailable(group))) {
throw new EntityNotFoundException("Not all groups are available: " + managedUserVM.getGroups());
var existingUser = userRepository.findByIdWithGroupsAndAuthoritiesAndOrganizationsElseThrow(managedUserVM.getId());
final boolean shouldActivateUser = !existingUser.getActivated() && managedUserVM.isActivated();
final var oldUserLogin = existingUser.getLogin();
final var oldGroups = existingUser.getGroups();
var updatedUser = userCreationService.updateUser(existingUser, managedUserVM);
userService.updateUserInConnectorsAndAuthProvider(updatedUser, oldUserLogin, oldGroups, managedUserVM.getPassword());
if (shouldActivateUser) {
return ResponseEntity.ok().headers(HeaderUtil.createAlert(applicationName, "userManagement.updated", managedUserVM.getLogin())).body(new UserDTO(updatedUser));
use of in project Artemis by ls1intum.
the class TutorParticipationService method addExampleSubmission.
* Given an exercise, it adds to the tutor participation of that exercise the example submission passed as argument.
* If it is valid (e.g: if it is an example submission used for tutorial, we check the result is close enough to the one of the instructor)
* @param exercise - the exercise we are referring to
* @param tutorExampleSubmission - the example submission to add
* @param user - the user who invokes this request
* @return the updated tutor participation
* @throws EntityNotFoundException if example submission or tutor participation is not found
* @throws BadRequestAlertException if tutor didn't review the instructions before assessing example submissions
public TutorParticipation addExampleSubmission(Exercise exercise, ExampleSubmission tutorExampleSubmission, User user) throws EntityNotFoundException, BadRequestAlertException {
TutorParticipation existingTutorParticipation = this.findByExerciseAndTutor(exercise, user);
// Do not trust the user input
Optional<ExampleSubmission> exampleSubmissionFromDatabase = exampleSubmissionRepository.findByIdWithResultsAndTutorParticipations(tutorExampleSubmission.getId());
if (existingTutorParticipation == null || exampleSubmissionFromDatabase.isEmpty()) {
throw new EntityNotFoundException("There isn't such example submission, or there isn't any tutor participation for this exercise");
ExampleSubmission originalExampleSubmission = exampleSubmissionFromDatabase.get();
// Cannot start an example submission if the tutor hasn't participated in the exercise yet
if (existingTutorParticipation.getStatus() == NOT_PARTICIPATED) {
throw new BadRequestAlertException("The tutor needs review the instructions before assessing example submissions", ENTITY_NAME, "wrongStatus");
// Check if it is a tutorial or not
boolean isTutorial = Boolean.TRUE.equals(originalExampleSubmission.isUsedForTutorial());
// If it is a tutorial we check the assessment
if (isTutorial) {
List<ExampleSubmission> alreadyAssessedSubmissions = new ArrayList<>(existingTutorParticipation.getTrainedExampleSubmissions());
// If the example submission was already assessed, we do not assess it again, we just return the current participation
if (alreadyAssessedSubmissions.contains(tutorExampleSubmission)) {
return existingTutorParticipation;
long numberOfExampleSubmissionsForTutor = exampleSubmissionRepository.findAllWithResultByExerciseId(exercise.getId()).stream().filter(exSub -> exSub.getSubmission() != null && exSub.getSubmission().getLatestResult() != null && Boolean.TRUE.equals(exSub.getSubmission().getLatestResult().isExampleResult())).count();
// +1 because we haven't added yet the one we just did
int numberOfAlreadyAssessedSubmissions = alreadyAssessedSubmissions.size() + 1;
* When the tutor has read and assessed all the exercises, the tutor status goes to the next step.
if (numberOfAlreadyAssessedSubmissions >= numberOfExampleSubmissionsForTutor) {
// keep example submission set reference with loaded submission.results to reconnect after save response from DB
var exampleSubmissionSet = existingTutorParticipation.getTrainedExampleSubmissions();
existingTutorParticipation = existingTutorParticipation.addTrainedExampleSubmissions(originalExampleSubmission);;
existingTutorParticipation = tutorParticipationRepository.saveAndFlush(existingTutorParticipation);
return existingTutorParticipation;
use of in project Artemis by ls1intum.
the class QuizSubmissionService method saveSubmissionForExamMode.
* Updates a submission for the exam mode
* @param quizExercise the quiz exercise for which the submission for the exam mode should be done
* @param quizSubmission the quiz submission includes the submitted answers by the student
* @param user the student who wants to submit the quiz during the exam
* @return the updated quiz submission after it has been saved to the database
public QuizSubmission saveSubmissionForExamMode(QuizExercise quizExercise, QuizSubmission quizSubmission, String user) {
// update submission properties
Optional<StudentParticipation> optionalParticipation = participationService.findOneByExerciseAndStudentLoginAnyState(quizExercise, user);
if (optionalParticipation.isEmpty()) {
log.warn("The participation for quiz exercise {}, quiz submission {} and user {} was not found", quizExercise.getId(), quizSubmission.getId(), user);
// TODO: think of better way to handle failure
throw new EntityNotFoundException("Participation for quiz exercise " + quizExercise.getId() + " and quiz submission " + quizSubmission.getId() + " for user " + user + " was not found!");
StudentParticipation studentParticipation = optionalParticipation.get();
// remove result from submission (in the unlikely case it is passed here), so that students cannot inject a result
quizSubmission.setResults(new ArrayList<>());;
// versioning of submission
try {
submissionVersionService.saveVersionForIndividual(quizSubmission, user);
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Quiz submission version could not be saved", ex);
log.debug("submit exam quiz finished: {}", quizSubmission);
return quizSubmission;
use of in project Artemis by ls1intum.
the class ResultService method createNewExampleResultForSubmissionWithExampleSubmission.
* Create a new example result for the provided submission ID.
* @param submissionId The ID of the submission (that is connected to an example submission) for which a result should get created
* @param isProgrammingExerciseWithFeedback defines if the programming exercise contains feedback
* @return The newly created (and empty) example result
public Result createNewExampleResultForSubmissionWithExampleSubmission(long submissionId, boolean isProgrammingExerciseWithFeedback) {
final var submission = submissionRepository.findById(submissionId).orElseThrow(() -> new EntityNotFoundException("No example submission with ID " + submissionId + " found!"));
if (!submission.isExampleSubmission()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Submission is no example submission! Example results are not allowed!");
final var newResult = new Result();
return createNewRatedManualResult(newResult, isProgrammingExerciseWithFeedback);