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Example 6 with GraphCollection

use of de.uni_koblenz.aggrimm.icp.crypto.sign.graph.GraphCollection in project webofneeds by researchstudio-sat.

the class ModelConverter method modelToGraphCollection.

private static GraphCollection modelToGraphCollection(String name, Model model) {
    // Convert each subj pred obj in Jena Statement into String and add to
    // SigningFramework's NamedGraph.
    // The simpler approach with just using Jena's writer and Signingframework's
    // reader to transform data between data structures won't work since
    // Signingframework has problems with recognizing the [] structure
    GraphCollection graphc = new GraphCollection();
    NamedGraph namedGraph = fromModel(name, model);
    // graphc.applyPrefixes();
    return graphc;
Also used : GraphCollection(de.uni_koblenz.aggrimm.icp.crypto.sign.graph.GraphCollection) NamedGraph(de.uni_koblenz.aggrimm.icp.crypto.sign.graph.NamedGraph)

Example 7 with GraphCollection

use of de.uni_koblenz.aggrimm.icp.crypto.sign.graph.GraphCollection in project webofneeds by researchstudio-sat.

the class ModelConverter method modelToGraphCollection.

private static GraphCollection modelToGraphCollection(String name, Model model, Map<String, String> pm) {
    // Convert each subj pred obj in Jena Statement into String and add to
    // SigningFramework's NamedGraph.
    // The simpler approach with just using Jena's writer and Signingframework's
    // reader to transform data between data structures won't work since
    // Signingframework has problems with recognizing the [] structure
    GraphCollection graphc = new GraphCollection();
    NamedGraph namedGraph = new NamedGraph(enclose(name, "<", ">"), 0, null);
    StmtIterator iterator = model.listStatements();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        Statement stmt = iterator.nextStatement();
        String subjString = rdfNodeAsString(stmt.getSubject());
        String objString = rdfNodeAsString(stmt.getObject());
        String predString = enclose(stmt.getPredicate().asResource().getURI(), "<", ">");
        Triple gcTriple = new Triple(subjString, predString, objString);
    for (String prefix : pm.keySet()) {
        graphc.addPrefix(new Prefix(prefix + ":", "<" + pm.get(prefix) + ">"));
    return graphc;
Also used : GraphCollection(de.uni_koblenz.aggrimm.icp.crypto.sign.graph.GraphCollection) Triple(de.uni_koblenz.aggrimm.icp.crypto.sign.graph.Triple) StmtIterator(org.apache.jena.rdf.model.StmtIterator) NamedGraph(de.uni_koblenz.aggrimm.icp.crypto.sign.graph.NamedGraph) Statement(org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Statement) Prefix(de.uni_koblenz.aggrimm.icp.crypto.sign.graph.Prefix)

Example 8 with GraphCollection

use of de.uni_koblenz.aggrimm.icp.crypto.sign.graph.GraphCollection in project webofneeds by researchstudio-sat.

the class WonSigner method sign.

 * Signs the graphs of the dataset with the provided private key and referencing
 * the provided certificate/public key uri in signature, this uri will be used
 * to extract key by the verification party.
 * @param privateKey the private key
 * @param cert the certificate reference (where the public key can be found for verification)
 * @param graphsToSign the names of the graphs that have to be signed. If not provided -
 * all the graphs that don't have signatures will be signed.
 * @throws Exception
// TODO chng exceptions to won exceptions?
public List<WonSignatureData> sign(PrivateKey privateKey, String cert, PublicKey publicKey, String... graphsToSign) throws Exception {
    List<WonSignatureData> sigRefs = new ArrayList<>(graphsToSign.length);
    MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance(ENV_HASH_ALGORITHM, SIGNING_ALGORITHM_PROVIDER);
    String fingerprint = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(md.digest(publicKey.getEncoded()));
    for (String signedGraphUri : graphsToSign) {
        // TODO should be generated in a more proper way and not here - check of the name already exists etc.
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
            RDFDataMgr.write(sw, dataset.getNamedModel(signedGraphUri), Lang.TRIG);
            logger.debug("signing graph {} with content: {}", graphsToSign, sw.toString());
        String signatureUri = signedGraphUri + "-sig";
        // create GraphCollection with one NamedGraph that corresponds to this Model
        GraphCollection inputGraph = ModelConverter.modelToGraphCollection(signedGraphUri, dataset);
        // sign the NamedGraph inside that GraphCollection
        SignatureData sigValue = signNamedGraph(inputGraph, privateKey, cert);
        String hash = new String(Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(sigValue.getHash().toByteArray()));
        WonSignatureData sigRef = new WonSignatureData(signedGraphUri, signatureUri, sigValue.getSignature(), hash, fingerprint, cert);
    return sigRefs;
Also used : GraphCollection(de.uni_koblenz.aggrimm.icp.crypto.sign.graph.GraphCollection) WonSignatureData(won.protocol.message.WonSignatureData) SignatureData(de.uni_koblenz.aggrimm.icp.crypto.sign.graph.SignatureData) StringWriter( WonSignatureData(won.protocol.message.WonSignatureData) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 9 with GraphCollection

use of de.uni_koblenz.aggrimm.icp.crypto.sign.graph.GraphCollection in project webofneeds by researchstudio-sat.

the class ModelConverterTest method modelToGraphCollectionTest.

public /**
 * Reads from TRIG with Jena API into Dataset 1, transforms one named graph from
 * that Dataset into Signingframework's API GraphCollection and writes it with
 * Signingframework's API, reads the result with Jena API into Dataset 2, and
 * checks if the specified named graph model from Dataset 1 is isomorphic with
 * the same named graph model from Dataset 2.
void modelToGraphCollectionTest() throws Exception {
    for (String resourceFile : RESOURCE_FILES) {
        // prepare the input Dataset containg the Model to be converted
        InputStream is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(resourceFile);
        File outFile = testFolder.newFile();
        // use this when debugging:
        // File outFile = File.createTempFile("won", ".trig");
        // System.out.println(outFile);
        Dataset dataset = DatasetFactory.createGeneral();, is, RDFFormat.TRIG.getLang());
        // test the convertion from the Model to the NamedGraph
        String modelName = dataset.listNames().next();
        Model model = dataset.getNamedModel(modelName);
        // the method to be tested
        GraphCollection gc = ModelConverter.modelToGraphCollection(modelName, dataset);
        TriGPlusWriter.writeFile(gc, outFile.getAbsolutePath(), false);
        // check that the resulting graph collection is a representation
        // of the converted model. For this, read the resulting graph collection
        // as a Model with Jena API
        InputStream is2 = new FileInputStream(outFile);
        Dataset dataset2 = DatasetFactory.createGeneral();, is2, RDFFormat.TRIG.getLang());
        Model model2 = dataset2.getNamedModel(modelName);
        File outFile2 = testFolder.newFile();
        // use this when debugging:
        // File outFile2 = File.createTempFile("won", ".trig");
        // System.out.println(outFile2);
        OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(outFile2);
        RDFDataMgr.write(os, dataset2, RDFFormat.TRIG.getLang());
        // check that the model obtained from resulting graph collection is
        // a representation of the original converted model.
        Assert.assertTrue(model.listStatements().hasNext() && model2.listStatements().hasNext());
Also used : GraphCollection(de.uni_koblenz.aggrimm.icp.crypto.sign.graph.GraphCollection) Dataset(org.apache.jena.query.Dataset) Model(org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model) Ignore(org.junit.Ignore) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 10 with GraphCollection

use of de.uni_koblenz.aggrimm.icp.crypto.sign.graph.GraphCollection in project webofneeds by researchstudio-sat.

the class ModelConverterTest method namedGraphToModelTest.

public /*
     * Reads from TRIG with Jena API into Dataset 1, transforms one named Model from
     * that Dataset into Signingframework's API GraphCollection with one NamedGraph,
     * transforms (converts) that NamedGraph into Jena's Model, and checks if the
     * resulting Model is the same as original Model.
void namedGraphToModelTest() throws Exception {
    for (String resourceFile : RESOURCE_FILES) {
        // prepare GraphCollection with NamedGraph to be converted:
        InputStream is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(resourceFile);
        Dataset dataset = DatasetFactory.createGeneral();, is, RDFFormat.TRIG.getLang());
        String modelName = dataset.listNames().next();
        Model model1 = dataset.getNamedModel(modelName);
        // this method is not tested here and used just for input
        // generation and to make it easier Namedgraph<->Model comparison
        // (but it's tested in other method, see modelToGraphCollectionTest())
        GraphCollection gc = ModelConverter.modelToGraphCollection(modelName, dataset);
        LinkedList<NamedGraph> graphs = gc.getGraphs();
        String graphName = null;
        for (NamedGraph g : graphs) {
            if (!g.getName().isEmpty() && g.getName().contains(modelName)) {
                graphName = g.getName();
        // use this when debugging:
        // File outFile0 = File.createTempFile("won", ".trig");
        // System.out.println(outFile0);
        // OutputStream os0 = new FileOutputStream(outFile0);
        // TriGPlusWriter.writeFile(gc, outFile0.getAbsolutePath(), false);
        // os0.close();
        // test convert from NamedGraph of GraphCollection into Model
        Model model2 = ModelConverter.namedGraphToModel(graphName, gc);
        Dataset dataset2 = DatasetFactory.createGeneral();
        dataset2.addNamedModel(modelName, model2);
        // TODO maybe chng the API so that the prefix map is taken care of in the
        // converter:
        // if it makes sense from the the usage of this in Assembler point of view
        File outFile = testFolder.newFile();
        // use this when debugging:
        // File outFile = File.createTempFile("won", ".trig");
        // System.out.println(outFile);
        OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(outFile);
        RDFDataMgr.write(os, dataset2, RDFFormat.TRIG.getLang());
        // make sure that the original Model that was used to generate test input
        // GraphCollection with NamedGraph is isomorphic with the Model after
        // conversion is applied:
        Assert.assertTrue(model1.listStatements().hasNext() && model2.listStatements().hasNext());
Also used : GraphCollection(de.uni_koblenz.aggrimm.icp.crypto.sign.graph.GraphCollection) NamedGraph(de.uni_koblenz.aggrimm.icp.crypto.sign.graph.NamedGraph) Dataset(org.apache.jena.query.Dataset) Model(org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model) Ignore(org.junit.Ignore) Test(org.junit.Test)


GraphCollection (de.uni_koblenz.aggrimm.icp.crypto.sign.graph.GraphCollection)13 SignatureData (de.uni_koblenz.aggrimm.icp.crypto.sign.graph.SignatureData)5 StringWriter ( Test (org.junit.Test)4 WonSignatureData (won.protocol.message.WonSignatureData)4 NamedGraph (de.uni_koblenz.aggrimm.icp.crypto.sign.graph.NamedGraph)3 Dataset (org.apache.jena.query.Dataset)3 Model (org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model)3 Ignore (org.junit.Ignore)2 SignatureAlgorithmInterface (de.uni_koblenz.aggrimm.icp.crypto.sign.algorithm.SignatureAlgorithmInterface)1 SignatureAlgorithmFisteus2010 (de.uni_koblenz.aggrimm.icp.crypto.sign.algorithm.algorithm.SignatureAlgorithmFisteus2010)1 Prefix (de.uni_koblenz.aggrimm.icp.crypto.sign.graph.Prefix)1 Triple (de.uni_koblenz.aggrimm.icp.crypto.sign.graph.Triple)1 BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)1 PublicKey ( Signature ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Statement (org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Statement)1 StmtIterator (org.apache.jena.rdf.model.StmtIterator)1