use of diskCacheV111.util.PermissionDeniedCacheException in project dcache by dCache.
the class MessageHandler method messageArrived.
public LoginMessage messageArrived(CellMessage envelope, LoginMessage message) throws CacheException {
ScheduledFuture<?> timeoutTask = scheduleTimeoutTask(envelope);
try {
LoginReply login = _loginStrategy.login(message.getSubject());
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
LOGGER.error("Login operation failed", e);
throw new PermissionDeniedCacheException(e.getMessage());
} finally {
return message;
use of diskCacheV111.util.PermissionDeniedCacheException in project dcache by dCache.
the class WassPartition method selectPool2Pool.
/* REVISIT: The current implementation is a mix of the read pool
* selection from ClassicPartition and write pool selection using
* WASS. Code can probably be shared with ClassicPartition, but
* since I hope to refine read pool selection, any code
* duplication should be temporary and it is not worth refactoring
* ClassicPartition.
public P2pPair selectPool2Pool(CostModule cm, List<PoolInfo> src, List<PoolInfo> dst, FileAttributes attributes, boolean force) throws CacheException {
/* The maximum number of replicas can be limited.
if (src.size() >= _maxPnfsFileCopies) {
throw new PermissionDeniedCacheException("P2P denied: already too many copies (" + src.size() + ")");
/* Randomise order of pools with equal cost. In particular
* important when cost factors are 0.
/* Source pools are only selected by performance cost, because
* we will only read from the pool
List<PoolCost> sources =;
if (!force && isAlertCostExceeded(sources.get(0).performanceCost)) {
throw new SourceCostException("P2P denied: All source pools are too busy (performance cost > " + _alertCostCut + ")");
/* The target pool must be below specified cost limits;
* otherwise we wouldn't be able to read the file afterwards
* without triggering another p2p.
double maxTargetCost = (_slope > 0.01) ? _slope * sources.get(0).performanceCost : getCurrentCostCut(cm);
if (!force && maxTargetCost > 0.0) {
dst = -> toPoolCost(pool).performanceCost < maxTargetCost).collect(toList());
if (dst.isEmpty()) {
throw new DestinationCostException("P2P denied: All destination pools are too busy (performance cost > " + maxTargetCost + ")");
long filesize = attributes.getSize();
Assumption sourceAssumption = force ? Assumptions.none() : PerformanceCostAssumption.of(_error, _alertCostCut);
Assumption destinationAssumption = force ? new AvailableSpaceAssumption(filesize) : new AvailableSpaceAssumption(filesize).and(PerformanceCostAssumption.of(_error, maxTargetCost));
if (_allowSameHostCopy != SameHost.NOTCHECKED) {
/* Loop over all sources and find the most appropriate
* destination such that same host constraints are
* satisfied.
for (PoolCost source : sources) {
List<PoolInfo> destinations;
if ( == null) {
destinations = dst;
} else {
destinations = -> !d.getHostName().equals(;
PoolInfo destination = wass.selectByAvailableSpace(destinations, filesize, PoolInfo::getCostInfo);
if (destination != null) {
return new P2pPair(new SelectedPool(source.pool, sourceAssumption), new SelectedPool(destination, destinationAssumption));
/* We could not find a pair on different hosts, what now?
if (_allowSameHostCopy == SameHost.NEVER) {
throw new PermissionDeniedCacheException("P2P denied: sameHostCopy is 'never' and no matching pool found");
PoolInfo destination = wass.selectByAvailableSpace(dst, filesize, PoolInfo::getCostInfo);
if (destination == null) {
throw new DestinationCostException("All pools are full");
return new P2pPair(new SelectedPool(sources.get(0).pool, sourceAssumption), new SelectedPool(destination, destinationAssumption));
use of diskCacheV111.util.PermissionDeniedCacheException in project dcache by dCache.
the class AbstractFtpDoorV1Test method whenRmdPermissionDeniedReply550.
public void whenRmdPermissionDeniedReply550() throws Exception {
doThrow(new PermissionDeniedCacheException("Permission denied")).when(pnfs).deletePnfsEntry("/pathRoot/cwd/" + OLD_DIR, EnumSet.of(FileType.DIR));
use of diskCacheV111.util.PermissionDeniedCacheException in project dcache by dCache.
the class Storage method putDone.
public void putDone(SRMUser user, String localTransferPath, URI surl, boolean overwrite) throws SRMException {
try {
Subject subject = asDcacheUser(user).getSubject();
Restriction restriction = asDcacheUser(user).getRestriction();
FsPath fullPath = getPath(surl);
EnumSet<CreateOption> options = EnumSet.noneOf(CreateOption.class);
if (overwrite) {
PnfsCommitUpload msg = new PnfsCommitUpload(subject, restriction, FsPath.create(localTransferPath), fullPath, options, EnumSet.of(PNFSID, SIZE, STORAGEINFO));
msg = _pnfsStub.sendAndWait(msg);
DoorRequestInfoMessage infoMsg = new DoorRequestInfoMessage(getCellAddress());
infoMsg.setResult(0, "");
Origin origin = Subjects.getOrigin(subject);
if (origin != null) {
} catch (FileNotFoundCacheException e) {
throw new SRMInvalidPathException(e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (FileIsNewCacheException | FileCorruptedCacheException e) {
throw new SRMException(e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (PermissionDeniedCacheException e) {
throw new SRMAuthorizationException("Permission denied.", e);
} catch (FileExistsCacheException e) {
throw new SRMDuplicationException(surl + " exists.", e);
} catch (CacheException e) {
throw new SRMInternalErrorException(e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new SRMInternalErrorException("Operation interrupted", e);
} catch (NoRouteToCellException e) {
throw new SRMInternalErrorException("Internal communication failure", e);
use of diskCacheV111.util.PermissionDeniedCacheException in project dcache by dCache.
the class Storage method moveEntry.
public void moveEntry(SRMUser abstractUser, URI from, URI to) throws SRMException {
DcacheUser user = asDcacheUser(abstractUser);
PnfsHandler handler = new PnfsHandler(_pnfs, user.getSubject(), user.getRestriction());
FsPath fromPath = getPath(from);
FsPath toPath = getPath(to);
try {
try {
FileAttributes attr = handler.getFileAttributes(toPath.toString(), EnumSet.of(TYPE));
/* We now know the destination exists. In case the
* source and destination names are identical, we
* silently ignore the request.
if (fromPath.equals(toPath)) {
if (attr.getFileType() != FileType.DIR) {
throw new SRMDuplicationException("Destination exists");
toPath = toPath.child(;
} catch (FileNotFoundCacheException e) {
/* Destination name does not exist; not a problem.
handler.renameEntry(fromPath.toString(), toPath.toString(), false);
} catch (FileNotFoundCacheException e) {
throw new SRMInvalidPathException("No such file or directory", e);
} catch (FileExistsCacheException e) {
throw new SRMDuplicationException("Destination exists", e);
} catch (NotDirCacheException e) {
/* The parent of the target name did not exist or was not
* a directory.
FsPath parent = toPath.parent();
throw new SRMInvalidPathException("No such directory: " + parent, e);
} catch (PermissionDeniedCacheException e) {
throw new SRMAuthorizationException("Permission denied");
} catch (TimeoutCacheException e) {
_log.error("Failed to rename {} due to timeout", fromPath);
throw new SRMInternalErrorException("Internal name space timeout");
} catch (CacheException e) {
_log.error("Failed to rename {}: {}", fromPath, e.getMessage());
throw new SRMException(String.format("Rename failed [rc=%d,msg=%s]", e.getRc(), e.getMessage()));