use of dr.util.Attribute in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class AlignmentGenerator method writeAlignment.
* Generate an alignment block from these beast options
* @param alignment the alignment to write
* @param writer the writer
private void writeAlignment(Alignment alignment, XMLWriter writer) {
writer.writeComment("The sequence alignment (each sequence refers to a taxon above).", "ntax=" + alignment.getTaxonCount() + " nchar=" + alignment.getSiteCount());
if (options.samplePriorOnly) {
writer.writeComment("Null sequences generated in order to sample from the prior only.");
if (getAlignmentDataTypeDescription(alignment) != null) {
writer.writeOpenTag(AlignmentParser.ALIGNMENT, new Attribute[] { new Attribute.Default<String>(XMLParser.ID, alignment.getId()), new Attribute.Default<String>(DataType.DATA_TYPE, getAlignmentDataTypeDescription(alignment)) });
} else {
writer.writeOpenTag(AlignmentParser.ALIGNMENT, new Attribute.Default<String>(XMLParser.ID, alignment.getId()));
writer.writeIDref(DataType.DATA_TYPE, getAlignmentDataTypeIdref(alignment));
for (int i = 0; i < alignment.getTaxonCount(); i++) {
Taxon taxon = alignment.getTaxon(i);
writer.writeIDref(TaxonParser.TAXON, taxon.getId());
if (!options.samplePriorOnly) {
// writer.checkText(alignment.getAlignedSequenceString(i));
// System.out.println(taxon.getId() + ": \n" + alignment.getAlignedSequenceString(i));
// System.out.println("len = " + alignment.getAlignedSequenceString(i).length() + "\n");
} else {
// generate a codon in case there is codon partitioning
use of dr.util.Attribute in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class SimpleNodeParser method parseXMLObject.
public Object parseXMLObject(XMLObject xo) throws XMLParseException {
SimpleNode node = new SimpleNode();
Taxon taxon = null;
if (xo.hasAttribute(HEIGHT)) {
if (xo.hasAttribute(RATE)) {
for (int i = 0; i < xo.getChildCount(); i++) {
Object child = xo.getChild(i);
if (child instanceof dr.evolution.tree.SimpleNode) {
node.addChild((dr.evolution.tree.SimpleNode) child);
} else if (child instanceof Taxon) {
taxon = (Taxon) child;
} else if (child instanceof Date) {
node.setAttribute("date", child);
} else if (child instanceof Attribute) {
Attribute attr = (Attribute) child;
String name = attr.getAttributeName();
Object value = attr.getAttributeValue();
node.setAttribute(name, value);
} else if (child instanceof Attribute[]) {
Attribute[] attrs = (Attribute[]) child;
for (int j = 0; j < attrs.length; j++) {
String name = attrs[j].getAttributeName();
Object value = attrs[j].getAttributeValue();
node.setAttribute(name, value);
} else if (child instanceof XMLObject) {
XMLObject xoc = (XMLObject) child;
if (xoc.getName().equals(Attributable.ATTRIBUTE)) {
node.setAttribute(xoc.getStringAttribute(Attributable.NAME), xoc.getAttribute(Attributable.VALUE));
} else {
throw new XMLParseException("Unrecognized element" + xoc.getName() + " found in node element!");
} else {
throw new XMLParseException("Unrecognized element found in node element!");
if (taxon != null) {
return node;
use of dr.util.Attribute in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class TaxonParser method parseXMLObject.
public Object parseXMLObject(XMLObject xo) throws XMLParseException {
if (dr.xml.XMLParser.ID.contains("\'") && dr.xml.XMLParser.ID.contains("\"")) {
// as it won't be possible to wrap it in either.
throw new XMLParseException("Illegal taxon name, " + dr.xml.XMLParser.ID + ", - contains both single and double quotes");
Taxon taxon = new Taxon(xo.getStringAttribute(dr.xml.XMLParser.ID));
for (int i = 0; i < xo.getChildCount(); i++) {
Object child = xo.getChild(i);
if (child instanceof Date) {
taxon.setDate((Date) child);
} else if (child instanceof Location) {
taxon.setLocation((Location) child);
} else if (child instanceof Attribute) {
final Attribute attr = (Attribute) child;
taxon.setAttribute(attr.getAttributeName(), attr.getAttributeValue());
} else if (child instanceof Attribute[]) {
Attribute[] attrs = (Attribute[]) child;
for (Attribute attr : attrs) {
taxon.setAttribute(attr.getAttributeName(), attr.getAttributeValue());
} else {
throw new XMLParseException("Unrecognized element found in taxon element");
return taxon;
use of dr.util.Attribute in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class CompoundGaussianProcessParser method parseXMLObject.
public Object parseXMLObject(XMLObject xo) throws XMLParseException {
List<GaussianProcessRandomGenerator> gpList = new ArrayList<GaussianProcessRandomGenerator>();
List<Likelihood> likelihoodList = new ArrayList<Likelihood>();
List<Integer> copyList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < xo.getChildCount(); ++i) {
Object obj = xo.getChild(i);
GaussianProcessRandomGenerator gp = null;
Likelihood likelihood = null;
int copies = -1;
if (obj instanceof DistributionLikelihood) {
DistributionLikelihood dl = (DistributionLikelihood) obj;
if (!(dl.getDistribution() instanceof GaussianProcessRandomGenerator)) {
throw new XMLParseException("Not a Gaussian process");
likelihood = dl;
gp = (GaussianProcessRandomGenerator) dl.getDistribution();
copies = 0;
for (Attribute<double[]> datum : dl.getDataList()) {
// Double draw = (Double) gp.nextRandom();
// System.err.println("DL: " + datum.getAttributeName() + " " + datum.getAttributeValue().length + " " + "1");
copies += datum.getAttributeValue().length;
} else if (obj instanceof MultivariateDistributionLikelihood) {
MultivariateDistributionLikelihood mdl = (MultivariateDistributionLikelihood) obj;
if (!(mdl.getDistribution() instanceof GaussianProcessRandomGenerator)) {
throw new XMLParseException("Not a Gaussian process");
likelihood = mdl;
gp = (GaussianProcessRandomGenerator) mdl.getDistribution();
copies = 0;
double[] draw = (double[]) gp.nextRandom();
for (Attribute<double[]> datum : mdl.getDataList()) {
// System.err.println("ML: " + datum.getAttributeName() + " " + datum.getAttributeValue().length + " " + draw.length);
copies += datum.getAttributeValue().length / draw.length;
} else if (obj instanceof GaussianProcessRandomGenerator) {
gp = (GaussianProcessRandomGenerator) obj;
likelihood = gp.getLikelihood();
copies = 1;
} else {
throw new XMLParseException("Not a Gaussian process");
// System.exit(-1);
return new CompoundGaussianProcess(gpList, likelihoodList, copyList);
use of dr.util.Attribute in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class TestStatisticParser method parseXMLObject.
public Object parseXMLObject(XMLObject xo) throws XMLParseException {
String name = xo.getAttribute(Statistic.NAME, xo.hasId() ? xo.getId() : "");
Attribute attr = (Attribute) xo.getChild(Attribute.class);
double testValue1;
TestStatistic statistic;
if (xo.hasChildNamed(SEQUALS)) {
Attribute attr2 = (Attribute) xo.getElementFirstChild(SEQUALS);
statistic = new TestStatistic(name, attr, attr2, TestStatistic.EQUALS);
} else if (xo.hasChildNamed(SGREATER_THAN)) {
Attribute attr2 = (Attribute) xo.getElementFirstChild(SGREATER_THAN);
statistic = new TestStatistic(name, attr, attr2, TestStatistic.GREATER_THAN);
} else if (xo.hasChildNamed(SLESS_THAN)) {
Attribute attr2 = (Attribute) xo.getElementFirstChild(SLESS_THAN);
statistic = new TestStatistic(name, attr, attr2, TestStatistic.LESS_THAN);
} else if (xo.hasAttribute(SEQUALS)) {
testValue1 = xo.getDoubleAttribute(SEQUALS);
statistic = new TestStatistic(name, attr, testValue1, TestStatistic.EQUALS);
} else if (xo.hasAttribute(SGREATER_THAN)) {
testValue1 = xo.getDoubleAttribute(SGREATER_THAN);
statistic = new TestStatistic(name, attr, testValue1, TestStatistic.GREATER_THAN);
} else if (xo.hasAttribute(SLESS_THAN)) {
testValue1 = xo.getDoubleAttribute(SLESS_THAN);
statistic = new TestStatistic(name, attr, testValue1, TestStatistic.LESS_THAN);
} else if (xo.hasAttribute(SINSIDE)) {
double[] values = xo.getDoubleArrayAttribute(SINSIDE);
if (values.length != 2)
throw new XMLParseException("inside attribute of test element requires two values");
statistic = new TestStatistic(name, attr, values[0], values[1], TestStatistic.INSIDE);
} else if (xo.hasAttribute(SOUTSIDE)) {
double[] values = xo.getDoubleArrayAttribute(SOUTSIDE);
if (values.length != 2)
throw new XMLParseException("outside attribute of test element requires two values");
statistic = new TestStatistic(name, attr, values[0], values[1], TestStatistic.OUTSIDE);
} else
throw new XMLParseException();
return statistic;