use of in project Dyvil by Dyvil.
the class ProcessedText method resolve.
public IValue resolve(MarkerList markers, IContext context) {
final int startLine = this.position.startLine();
final int startColumn = this.position.startColumn();
final StringInterpolationExpr parts = new StringInterpolationExpr();
final String text = this.text;
final int length = text.length();
int prev = 0;
for (int startIndex = 0; startIndex < length; ) {
final int c = text.codePointAt(startIndex);
// advance to an identifier character
if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c)) {
startIndex += Character.charCount(c);
final int endIndex = identifierEnd(text, startIndex + 1, length);
final String key = text.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
final IDataMember field = context.resolveField(Name.fromRaw(key));
if (field != null && (field.isLocal() || field.hasModifier(Modifiers.PUBLIC))) {
// append contents before this identifier
parts.append(new StringValue(text.substring(prev, startIndex)));
final SourcePosition position = SourcePosition.apply(startLine, startColumn + startIndex, startColumn + endIndex);
parts.append(new FieldAccess(position, null, field));
// advance to the end of the identifier
prev = endIndex;
startIndex = endIndex;
startIndex += Character.charCount(c);
if (prev != length) {
parts.append(new StringValue(text.substring(prev, length)));
return new WriteCall(parts.resolve(markers, context));
use of in project Dyvil by Dyvil.
the class CaseClassMetadata method createUnapplyMethod.
private CodeMethod createUnapplyMethod() {
// static final func unapply<TypeParams...>(value: This) -> (T...)
final SourcePosition position = this.theClass.position();
final AttributeList attributes = AttributeList.of(Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.STATIC_FINAL | Modifiers.GENERATED);
final IType type = this.getUnapplyReturnType();
final CodeMethod unapply = new CodeMethod(this.theClass, Names.unapply, type, attributes);
final CodeParameter parameter = new CodeParameter(unapply, position, Names.value, this.theClass.getThisType());
// = (value.classParams...)
final TupleExpr tupleExpr = new TupleExpr(position);
final ArgumentList arguments = tupleExpr.getValues();
for (IParameter param : this.theClass.getParameters()) {
// value
final FieldAccess thisAccess = new FieldAccess(position, null, parameter);
// value.classParam
final IValue fieldAccess;
if (param.isOverride()) {
// if the class parameter is marked as 'override', we have to resolve it from a super-class
// the easiest way to do this is by name
fieldAccess = new FieldAccess(position, thisAccess, param.getName());
} else {
fieldAccess = new FieldAccess(position, thisAccess, param);
return unapply;
use of in project Dyvil by Dyvil.
the class ClassMetadata method createDefaultConstructor.
private CodeConstructor createDefaultConstructor() {
// init(classParams...)
final SourcePosition position = this.theClass.position();
final AttributeList attributes = this.theClass.getConstructorAttributes();
final CodeConstructor constructor = new CodeConstructor(this.theClass, attributes);
// : super(superParams...)
final IType superType = this.theClass.getSuperType();
if (superType != null) {
// Generate the constructor body
ArgumentList arguments = this.theClass.getSuperConstructorArguments();
if (arguments == null) {
arguments = ArgumentList.empty();
final InitializerCall init = new InitializerCall(this.theClass.getPosition(), true, arguments, superType);
// { this.classParams... = classParams... }
final ParameterList classParams = this.theClass.getParameters();
final StatementList ctorBody = new StatementList();
final ParameterList ctorParams = constructor.getParameters();
// j is the counter for class parameters, as there may be leading synthetic constructor parameters
for (int i = 0, j = 0, count = ctorParams.size(); i < count; i++) {
final IParameter ctorParam = ctorParams.get(i);
if (ctorParam.hasModifier(Modifiers.SYNTHETIC)) {
final IParameter classParam = classParams.get(j++);
if (classParam.hasModifier(Modifiers.OVERRIDE)) {
final IValue receiver = new ThisExpr(this.theClass);
final FieldAccess access = new FieldAccess(ctorParam);
final FieldAssignment assignment = new FieldAssignment(position, receiver, classParam, access);
return constructor;
use of in project Dyvil by Dyvil.
the class ClassBody method resolveImplicit.
public IValue resolveImplicit(IType type) {
if (type == null) {
return null;
IValue candidate = null;
for (int i = 0; i < this.classCount; i++) {
final IClass iclass = this.classes[i];
if (!iclass.isImplicit() || !iclass.isObject() || !Types.isSuperType(type, iclass.getClassType())) {
if (candidate != null) {
// ambiguous
return null;
candidate = new FieldAccess(iclass.getMetadata().getInstanceField());
for (int i = 0; i < this.fieldCount; i++) {
final IField field = this.fields[i];
if (!field.isImplicit() || !Types.isSuperType(type, field.getType())) {
if (candidate != null) {
// ambiguous
return null;
// this<Class> is added automatically later
candidate = new FieldAccess(field);
return candidate;
use of in project Dyvil by Dyvil.
the class CaseClassMetadata method createApplyMethod.
private CodeMethod createApplyMethod() {
// static final func apply<TypeParams...>(classParams...: ClassParamTypes...) -> This
final SourcePosition position = this.theClass.position();
final AttributeList attributes = AttributeList.of(Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.STATIC_FINAL | Modifiers.GENERATED);
final IType type = this.theClass.getThisType();
final CodeMethod applyMethod = new CodeMethod(this.theClass, Names.apply, type, attributes);
// = new This<TypeParams...>(classParams...)
final ArgumentList arguments = new ArgumentList();
for (IParameter param : applyMethod.getParameters()) {
// no need to check for override class parameters here, since we are dealing with parameters of the
// apply method
final IValue access;
if (param.isVarargs()) {
access = new VarargsOperator(position, new FieldAccess(param));
} else {
access = new FieldAccess(param);
// = new This(params...)
applyMethod.setValue(new ConstructorCall(this.theClass.position(), this.theClass.getThisType(), arguments));
return applyMethod;