use of in project Dyvil by Dyvil.
the class Closure method withType.
public IValue withType(IType type, ITypeContext typeContext, MarkerList markers, IContext context) {
if (this.resolved) {
return super.withType(type, typeContext, markers, context);
final IMethod functionalMethod = type.getFunctionalMethod();
if (functionalMethod == null) {
return null;
final ParameterList parameterList = functionalMethod.getParameters();
final int parameterCount = parameterList.size();
final IParameter[] parameters = new IParameter[parameterCount];
for (int i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++) {
parameters[i] = new CodeParameter(null, this.position, Name.fromRaw("$" + i), Types.UNKNOWN);
final LambdaType functionType = type.extract(LambdaType.class);
if (functionType != null && functionType.isExtension() && parameterCount > 0) {
this.implicitValue = new FieldAccess(parameters[0]);
final LambdaExpr lambdaExpr = new LambdaExpr(this.position, parameters, parameterCount);
this.resolved = true;
context = context.push(this);
final IValue typedLambda = lambdaExpr.withType(type, typeContext, markers, context);
return typedLambda;
use of in project Dyvil by Dyvil.
the class HeaderContext method getMethodMatches.
public void getMethodMatches(MatchList<IMethod> list, IValue receiver, Name name, ArgumentList arguments) {
// For ordinary headers, this is a no-op, since they (currently) cannot host any free-standing functions
// The REPL however can, so we need this call
this.header.getMethodMatches(list, receiver, name, arguments);
if (list.hasCandidate()) {
final ImportDeclaration[] imports = this.header.importDeclarations;
for (int i = 0; i < this.header.importCount; i++) {
final IImportContext importContext = imports[i].getContext();
final MatchList<IMethod> subList = list.emptyCopy();
importContext.getMethodMatches(subList, receiver, name, arguments);
use of in project Dyvil by Dyvil.
the class CompleteCommand method printCompletions.
private void printCompletions(DyvilREPL repl, String memberStart, IValue value) {
final IType type = value.getType();
final boolean statics = value.isClassAccess();
final IContext context = repl.getContext().getContext();
final Set<IField> fields = new TreeSet<>(MemberSorter.MEMBER_COMPARATOR);
final Set<IProperty> properties = new TreeSet<>(MemberSorter.MEMBER_COMPARATOR);
final Set<IMethod> methods = new TreeSet<>(MemberSorter.METHOD_COMPARATOR);
final Set<IMethod> extensionMethods = new TreeSet<>(MemberSorter.METHOD_COMPARATOR);
final Set<IMethod> conversionMethods = new TreeSet<>(MemberSorter.METHOD_COMPARATOR);
final PrintStream output = repl.getOutput();
if (statics) {
output.println(I18n.get("command.complete.type", type));
findMembers(type, fields, properties, methods, memberStart, true);
findExtensions(context, type, value, extensionMethods, memberStart, true);
} else {
output.println(I18n.get("command.complete.expression", value, type));
findInstanceMembers(type, fields, properties, methods, memberStart, new IdentityHashSet<>());
findExtensions(context, type, value, extensionMethods, memberStart, false);
findConversions(context, type, value, conversionMethods);
boolean hasOutput = false;
if (!fields.isEmpty()) {
hasOutput = true;
printMembers(output, fields, type);
if (!properties.isEmpty()) {
hasOutput = true;
printMembers(output, properties, type);
if (!methods.isEmpty()) {
hasOutput = true;
printMethods(output, methods, type);
if (!extensionMethods.isEmpty()) {
hasOutput = true;
printMethods(output, extensionMethods, type);
if (!conversionMethods.isEmpty()) {
hasOutput = true;
printMethods(output, conversionMethods, type);
if (!hasOutput) {
use of in project Dyvil by Dyvil.
the class CompleteCommand method printMethods.
private static void printMethods(PrintStream out, Set<IMethod> methods, ITypeContext typeContext) {
for (IMethod method : methods) {
out.println(Util.methodSignatureToString(method, typeContext));
use of in project Dyvil by Dyvil.
the class CompleteCommand method printREPLMembers.
private void printREPLMembers(DyvilREPL repl, String start) {
final REPLContext replContext = repl.getContext();
final Set<IField> variables = new TreeSet<>(MemberSorter.MEMBER_COMPARATOR);
final Set<IMethod> methods = new TreeSet<>(MemberSorter.METHOD_COMPARATOR);
for (IField variable : replContext.getFields().values()) {
checkMember(variables, variable, start);
for (IMethod method : replContext.getMethods()) {
checkMember(methods, method, start);
final PrintStream output = repl.getOutput();
boolean hasOutput = false;
if (!variables.isEmpty()) {
hasOutput = true;
printMembers(output, variables, null);
if (!methods.isEmpty()) {
hasOutput = true;
printMethods(output, methods, null);
if (!hasOutput) {