use of edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.TaskApplication in project cogtool by cogtool.
the class ProjectController method regenerateScripts.
protected boolean regenerateScripts(AUndertaking task, Design design, DemoStateManager demoStateMgr, IUndoableEditSequence editSequence) {
if (task.isTaskGroup()) {
Iterator<AUndertaking> allTasks = ((TaskGroup) task).getUndertakings().iterator();
CompoundUndoableEdit groupEditSeq = new CompoundUndoableEdit(REGENERATE_SCRIPTS, ProjectLID.RegenerateScript);
while (allTasks.hasNext()) {
if (!regenerateScripts(, design, demoStateMgr, groupEditSeq)) {
return false;
if (groupEditSeq.isSignificant()) {
return true;
TaskApplication ta = project.getTaskApplication(task, design);
if (ta != null) {
Demonstration demo = ta.getDemonstration();
return DemoScriptCmd.regenerateScripts(project, demo, demoStateMgr, interaction, editSequence);
return true;
use of edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.TaskApplication in project cogtool by cogtool.
the class ProjectController method computeSnifAct.
// assignActions
protected boolean computeSnifAct(Design design, AUndertaking task, IUndoableEditSequence editSequence, SNIFACTGroupParameters defaults) {
// TODO: L10N required for error titles and messages.
if (design == null) {
interaction.reportProblem("SNIF-ACT", "No design is selected.");
return false;
if (design.getFrames().size() == 0) {
interaction.reportProblem("SNIF-ACT", "Selected design is empty.");
return false;
if (task.isTaskGroup()) {
// We can only recompute with this algorithm if the
// group was generated by a previous SNIF-ACT
// computation (and thus has the execution
// context attribute)
Object contextAttr = task.getAttribute(WidgetAttributes.SNIFACT_CONTEXT_ATTR);
if (NullSafe.equals(contextAttr, WidgetAttributes.NO_CONTEXT)) {
interaction.reportProblem("SNIF-ACT", "Can't recompute with this algorithm from this cell.");
return false;
ISimilarityDictionary dict = (ISimilarityDictionary) design.getAttribute(WidgetAttributes.DICTIONARY_ATTR);
if (dict == null) {
interaction.reportProblem("Export Dictionary", "No dictionary exists for the selected design");
return false;
List<Frame> sortedFrames = NamedObjectUtil.getSortedList(design.getFrames());
SNIFACTParameters parms;
int addGroupMode;
boolean hasScript = false;
final SNIFACTExecContext prevContext;
if (task.isTaskGroup()) {
// Since we got this far, we know the group already has
// parameters associated with it, so use those values as
// defaults in the dialog box
prevContext = (SNIFACTExecContext) task.getAttribute(WidgetAttributes.SNIFACT_CONTEXT_ATTR);
parms = prevContext.getParameters();
addGroupMode = SNIFACTDialog.ENABLED;
} else {
// Otherwise, create a new set of default values for this
// execution
String defaultName = sortedFrames.get(0).getName();
List<String> targets = new ArrayList<String>();
parms = new SNIFACTParameters(task.getName(), NUM_SNIF_ACT_TRIALS, SNIF_ACT_K_VALUE, defaultName, targets, ITermSimilarity.ALL);
addGroupMode = SNIFACTDialog.NONE;
prevContext = null;
TaskApplication ta = project.getTaskApplication(task, design);
hasScript = (ta != null) && ta.hasScript();
SNIFACTGroupParameters groupParms = null;
if (defaults == null) {
groupParms = interaction.requestSNIFACTParameters(hasScript, sortedFrames, parms, dict.getAlgorithmsInUse(), addGroupMode);
} else {
groupParms = new SNIFACTGroupParameters(defaults.taskName, defaults.numRuns, defaults.kValue, defaults.startFrame, defaults.targetFrames, defaults.algorithm, ((addGroupMode != SNIFACTDialog.NONE) && defaults.addToGroup));
if (groupParms == null) {
return false;
TaskParent parent = task.getTaskGroup();
if (parent == null) {
parent = project;
final TaskGroup group;
if (groupParms.addToGroup) {
// user wants to add new trial tasks to the same group
group = (TaskGroup) task;
} else {
Collection<AUndertaking> siblings = parent.getUndertakings();
group = new TaskGroup(SNIFACTCmd.getGroupName(groupParms, siblings), GroupNature.MEAN);
final SNIFACTExecContext context = SNIFACTCmd.computeInBackground(project, design, interaction, group, groupParms);
if (context == null) {
return true;
group.setAttribute(WidgetAttributes.SNIFACT_CONTEXT_ATTR, context);
CompoundUndoableEdit snifActEditSeq = new CompoundUndoableEdit(SNIFACT_COMPUTATION, ProjectLID.RecomputeScript);
if (!task.isTaskGroup()) {
snifActEditSeq.addEdit(HCIPACmd.replaceTask(project, parent, task, group, SNIFACT_COMPUTATION));
} else {
if (groupParms.addToGroup) {
snifActEditSeq.addEdit(SNIFACTCmd.addTasksToGroup(project, group, context, SNIFACT_COMPUTATION));
} else {
snifActEditSeq.addEdit(SNIFACTCmd.addGroup(project, parent, group, SNIFACT_COMPUTATION));
snifActEditSeq.addEdit(new AUndoableEdit(ProjectLID.RecomputeScript) {
public String getPresentationName() {
public void redo() {
group.setAttribute(WidgetAttributes.SNIFACT_CONTEXT_ATTR, context);
public void undo() {
group.setAttribute(WidgetAttributes.SNIFACT_CONTEXT_ATTR, prevContext);
if (editSequence != null) {
return true;
use of edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.TaskApplication in project cogtool by cogtool.
the class ProjectController method displayTraces.
protected void displayTraces(AUndertaking task, Design design) {
if (task.isTaskGroup()) {
Iterator<AUndertaking> allSubtasks = ((TaskGroup) task).getUndertakings().iterator();
while (allSubtasks.hasNext()) {
displayTraces(, design);
} else {
TaskApplication taskApp = project.getTaskApplication(task, design);
if (taskApp != null) {
StringBuilder labelText = new StringBuilder();
Iterator<CognitiveModelGenerator> modelGens = taskApp.getModelGenerators();
while (modelGens.hasNext()) {
CognitiveModelGenerator modelGen =;
Iterator<IPredictionAlgo> computeAlgs = taskApp.getPredictionAlgs(modelGen);
while (computeAlgs.hasNext()) {
IPredictionAlgo computeAlg =;
APredictionResult result = taskApp.getResult(modelGen, computeAlg);
int resultState = result.getResultState();
if ((result != null) && ((resultState == APredictionResult.IS_COMPUTED) || (resultState == APredictionResult.COMPUTE_FAILED))) {
labelText.delete(0, labelText.length());
labelText.append(": ");
labelText.append(" > ");
labelText.append(" > ");
String labelStr = labelText.toString();
ITraceWindow traceWin = interaction.createTraceWindow(labelStr + (OSUtils.MACOSX ? "" : UI.WINDOW_TITLE), null, labelStr);
use of edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.TaskApplication in project cogtool by cogtool.
the class ProjectController method duplicateTaskApplications.
protected void duplicateTaskApplications(Design designCopy, Map<ITaskDesign, TaskApplication> associatedTAs) {
// The undo edit for adding the Design will remove and restore
// the task-applications; all we need to do here is duplicate
// the task applications.
Iterator<TaskApplication> taskApps = associatedTAs.values().iterator();
while (taskApps.hasNext()) {
TaskApplication ta =;
AUndertaking task = ta.getTask();
project.setTaskApplication(ta.duplicate(task, designCopy));
use of edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.TaskApplication in project cogtool by cogtool.
the class ProjectController method createExportForSanlab.
protected IListenerAction createExportForSanlab() {
return new IListenerAction() {
public Class<?> getParameterClass() {
return ProjectSelectionState.class;
public boolean performAction(Object actionParms) {
ProjectSelectionState sel = (ProjectSelectionState) actionParms;
// Must have selected tasks and design
Design design = sel.getSelectedDesign();
AUndertaking[] tasks = sel.getSelectedTasks(TaskSelectionState.ORDER_SELECTION);
if ((design == null) || (tasks == null) || (tasks.length == 0)) {
return false;
// Fetch traces for the default algorithm (TODO:)
List<String> traces = getTraces(sel, MODELGEN_ALG, project.getDefaultAlgo());
// Ask user for location of saved file.
File exportFile = interaction.selectExportLocation("cogtool-sanlab", CogToolFileTypes.TEXT_FILE_EXT);
// User canceled
if (exportFile == null) {
return false;
boolean okToProceed = false;
for (AUndertaking task : tasks) {
// If no script set exists for this cell, create
TaskApplication ta = project.getTaskApplication(task, design);
if (ta != null) {
if (ta.getDesign() != design) {
throw new RcvrIllegalStateException("Unexpected Design mis-match for SANLab (" + ta.getDesign() + ", " + design + ")");
// If no script exists for this cell, create one
Script script = DemoStateManager.ensureScript(ta, MODELGEN_ALG);
try {
IPredictionAlgo taAlg = ta.determineActiveAlgorithm(project);
if (!(taAlg instanceof ACTRPredictionAlgo)) {
throw new RcvrIllegalStateException("Can't export model for SANLab from a non ACT-R task.");
if (script.getAssociatedPath() != null) {
File f = new File(script.getAssociatedPath());
// The following will throw an IOException if
// the input file doesn't exist; this is exactly
// the same behaviour as if we're trying to do
// a recompute, and is better than silently
// substituting a generated model file
FileUtil.copyTextFileToFile(f, exportFile);
return true;
ACTRPredictionAlgo algo = (ACTRPredictionAlgo) taAlg;
algo.outputModel(design, task, ta.getDemonstration().getStartFrame(), script, exportFile, null);
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) {
throw new RcvrUnimplementedFnException(ex);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new RcvrIOException(("IOException exporting SANLab model file for task " + task.getName() + " in design " + design.getName()), ex);
// TODO: should we move this file write somewhere else?
PrintWriter writer = null;
try {
// Attempt to open the output file
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(exportFile, true);
writer = new PrintWriter(out);
writer.println("\n\n;;; TRACE STARTS HERE");
Matcher mt = TRACE_PAT.matcher("");
// Put each trace line on its own output line
Iterator<String> iter = traces.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String s =;
if (mt.reset(s).matches()) {
okToProceed = true;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RcvrIOSaveException("Writing the trace logs for " + "SANLab failed. \n\n" + "Please try again.", e);
} finally {
if (writer != null) {
return okToProceed;