use of in project ProPPR by TeamCohen.
the class WeightedRulesTest method test.
public void test() throws IOException, LogicProgramException {
APROptions apr = new APROptions();
Prover p = new DprProver(apr);
WamProgram program = WamBaseProgram.load(RULES);
WamPlugin[] plugins = new WamPlugin[] { FactsPlugin.load(apr, FACTS, false) };
Grounder grounder = new Grounder(apr, p, program, plugins);
Query query = Query.parse("shoppingList(X)");
ProofGraph pg = new StateProofGraph(new InferenceExample(query, new Query[] { Query.parse("shoppingList(kidney_beans)") }, new Query[] { Query.parse("shoppingList(cinnamon)") }), apr, new SimpleSymbolTable<Feature>(), program, plugins);
// Map<String,Double> m =;
// System.out.println(Dictionary.buildString(m, new StringBuilder(), "\n").toString());
GroundedExample ex = grounder.groundExample(p, pg);
String serialized = grounder.serializeGroundedExample(pg, ex).replaceAll("\t", "\n");
assertTrue("Rule weights must appear in ground graph (2.0)", serialized.indexOf("2.0") >= 0);
assertTrue("Rule weights must appear in ground graph (3.0)", serialized.indexOf("3.0") >= 0);
use of in project ProPPR by TeamCohen.
the class WeightedFeaturesTest method testAsFacts.
public void testAsFacts() throws IOException, LogicProgramException {
APROptions apr = new APROptions();
Prover p = new DprProver(apr);
WamProgram program = WamBaseProgram.load(RULES);
WamPlugin[] plugins = new WamPlugin[] { FactsPlugin.load(apr, LABELS, false), FactsPlugin.load(apr, WORDSFACTS, false) };
Grounder grounder = new Grounder(apr, p, program, plugins);
Query query = Query.parse("predict(p1,Y)");
ProofGraph pg = new StateProofGraph(new InferenceExample(query, new Query[] { Query.parse("predict(p1,pos)") }, new Query[] { Query.parse("predict(p1,neg)") }), apr, new SimpleSymbolTable<Feature>(), program, plugins);
GroundedExample ex = grounder.groundExample(p, pg);
String serialized = grounder.serializeGroundedExample(pg, ex).replaceAll("\t", "\n");
// hack
assertTrue("Word weights must appear in ground graph", serialized.indexOf("0.9") > 0);
assertTrue("Word weights must appear in ground graph", serialized.indexOf("0.1") > 0);