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Example 16 with StatusLogger

use of in project ProPPR by TeamCohen.

the class ProverTestTemplate method testProveState.

public void testProveState() throws LogicProgramException {"testProveState");
    FeatureDictWeighter w = new InnerProductWeighter();
    SymbolTable<Feature> featureTab = new SimpleSymbolTable<Feature>();
    int milk = featureTab.getId(new Feature("milk"));
    w.put(featureTab.getSymbol(milk), 2);
    ProofGraph pg = prover.makeProofGraph(new InferenceExample(Query.parse("isa(elsie,X)"), null, null), apr, featureTab, lpMilk, fMilk);
    Map<State, Double> dist = prover.prove(pg, new StatusLogger());
    double query = 0.0;
    double platypus = 0.0;
    double others = 0.0;
    double all = 0.0;
    for (Map.Entry<State, Double> s : dist.entrySet()) {
        Query q = pg.fill(s.getKey());
        String arg2 = q.getRhs()[0].getArg(1).getName();
        if ("platypus".equals(arg2)) {
            platypus = Math.max(platypus, s.getValue());
        } else if ("X1".equals(arg2)) {
            query = Math.max(query, s.getValue());
        } else {
            others = Math.max(others, s.getValue());
        System.out.println(q + "\t" + s.getValue());
        all += s.getValue();
    System.out.println("query    weight: " + query);
    System.out.println("platypus weight: " + platypus);
    System.out.println("others   weight: " + others);
    //		assertTrue("query should retain most weight",query > Math.max(platypus,others));
    assertTrue("milk-featured paths should score higher than others", platypus > others);
    assertEquals("Total weight of all states should be around 1.0", 1.0, all, 10 * this.apr.epsilon);
    assertEquals("Known features", 1, prover.weighter.numKnownFeatures);
    assertEquals("Unknown features", 5, prover.weighter.numUnknownFeatures);
Also used : StatusLogger( Query( StateProofGraph( ProofGraph( Feature( InferenceExample( FeatureDictWeighter( SimpleSymbolTable( State( Map(java.util.Map) InnerProductWeighter( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 17 with StatusLogger

use of in project ProPPR by TeamCohen.

the class EqualityTest method test.

public void test() throws LogicProgramException, IOException {
    WamProgram program = WamBaseProgram.load(new File(EQUALITY_PROGRAM));
    Prover prover = new DprProver();
    ProofGraph moral = new StateProofGraph(Query.parse("moral(X)"), new APROptions(), program);
    Collection<Query> bobs = prover.solvedQueries(moral, new StatusLogger()).keySet();
    //		Map<State,Double> ans = prover.prove(moral);
    //		ArrayList<Query> bobs = new ArrayList<Query>();
    //		for (Map.Entry<State,Double> e : ans.entrySet()) {
    //			if (e.getKey().isCompleted()) bobs.add(moral.fill(e.getKey()));
    //		}
    assertEquals(1, bobs.size());
    Query bob = bobs.iterator().next();
    assertEquals(1, bob.getRhs().length);
    assertEquals("Answer should be bob", "bob", bob.getRhs()[0].getArg(0).getName());
Also used : StatusLogger( Query( StateProofGraph( ProofGraph( DprProver( Prover( DprProver( WamProgram( StateProofGraph( APROptions( File( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 18 with StatusLogger

use of in project ProPPR by TeamCohen.

the class Trainer method train.

public ParamVector<String, ?> train(SymbolTable<String> masterFeatures, Iterable<String> examples, LearningGraphBuilder builder, ParamVector<String, ?> initialParamVec, int numEpochs) {
    ParamVector<String, ?> paramVec = this.masterLearner.setupParams(initialParamVec);
    if (masterFeatures.size() > 0)
    NamedThreadFactory workingThreads = new NamedThreadFactory("work-");
    NamedThreadFactory cleaningThreads = new NamedThreadFactory("cleanup-");
    ThreadPoolExecutor workingPool;
    ExecutorService cleanPool;
    TrainingStatistics total = new TrainingStatistics();
    StoppingCriterion stopper = new StoppingCriterion(numEpochs, this.stoppingPercent, this.stoppingEpoch);
    boolean graphSizesStatusLog = true;
    StatusLogger stattime = new StatusLogger();
    // repeat until ready to stop
    while (!stopper.satisified()) {
        // set up current epoch
        for (SRW learner : this.learners.values()) {
        }"epoch " + epoch + " ...");
        // reset counters & file pointers
        this.statistics = new TrainingStatistics();
        workingPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(this.nthreads, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(), workingThreads);
        cleanPool = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(cleaningThreads);
        // run examples
        int id = 1;
        int countdown = -1;
        Trainer notify = null;
        for (String s : examples) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Queue size " + (workingPool.getTaskCount() - workingPool.getCompletedTaskCount()));
				 * Throttling behavior:
				 * Once the number of unfinished tasks exceeds 1.5x the number of threads,
				 * we add a 'notify' object to the next nthreads training tasks. Then, the
				 * master thread gathers 'notify' signals until the number of unfinished tasks 
				 * is no longer greater than the number of threads. Then we start adding tasks again.
				 * This works more or less fine, since the master thread stops pulling examples
				 * from disk when there are then a maximum of 2.5x training examples in the queue (that's
				 * the original 1.5x, which could represent a maximum of 1.5x training examples,
				 * plus the nthreads training tasks with active 'notify' objects. There's an 
				 * additional nthreads parsing tasks in the queue but those don't take up much 
				 * memory so we don't care). This lets us read in a good-sized buffer without
				 * blowing up the heap.
				 * Worst-case: None of the backlog is cleared before the master thread enters
				 * the synchronized block. nthreads-1 threads will be training long jobs, and 
				 * the one free thread works through the 0.5x backlog and all nthreads countdown 
				 * examples. The notify() sent by the final countdown example will occur when 
				 * there are nthreads unfinished tasks in the queue, and the master thread will exit
				 * the synchronized block and proceed.
				 * Best-case: The backlog is already cleared by the time the master thread enters
				 * the synchronized block. The while() loop immediately exits, and the notify()
				 * signals from the countdown examples have no effect.
            if (countdown > 0) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("Countdown " + countdown);
            } else if (countdown == 0) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("Countdown " + countdown + "; throttling:");
                notify = null;
                try {
                    synchronized (this) {
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                            log.debug("Clearing training queue...");
                        while (workingPool.getTaskCount() - workingPool.getCompletedTaskCount() > this.nthreads) this.wait();
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                            log.debug("Queue cleared.");
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            } else if (workingPool.getTaskCount() - workingPool.getCompletedTaskCount() > 1.5 * this.nthreads) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("Starting countdown");
                countdown = this.nthreads;
                notify = this;
            Future<PosNegRWExample> parsed = workingPool.submit(new Parse(s, builder, id));
            Future<ExampleStats> trained = workingPool.submit(new Train(parsed, paramVec, id, notify));
            cleanPool.submit(new TraceLosses(trained, id));
            if (log.isInfoEnabled() && status.due(1))
      "parsed: " + id + " trained: " + statistics.exampleSetSize);
        cleanEpoch(workingPool, cleanPool, paramVec, stopper, id, total);
        if (graphSizesStatusLog) {
  "Dataset size stats: " + statistics.totalGraphSize + " total nodes / max " + statistics.maxGraphSize + " / avg " + (statistics.totalGraphSize / id));
            graphSizesStatusLog = false;
    }"Reading  statistics: min " + total.minReadTime + " / max " + total.maxReadTime + " / total " + total.readTime);"Parsing  statistics: min " + total.minParseTime + " / max " + total.maxParseTime + " / total " + total.parseTime);"Training statistics: min " + total.minTrainTime + " / max " + total.maxTrainTime + " / total " + total.trainTime);
    return paramVec;
Also used : StatusLogger( NamedThreadFactory( StoppingCriterion( PosNegRWExample( LinkedBlockingQueue(java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue) ExecutorService(java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService) SRW( ThreadPoolExecutor(java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor)

Example 19 with StatusLogger

use of in project ProPPR by TeamCohen.

the class SparseMatrixIndex method load.

public void load(File dir, String functor_arg1type_arg2type) throws IOException {"Loading matrix " + functor_arg1type_arg2type + " from " + dir.getName() + "..."); = dir + ":" + functor_arg1type_arg2type;
    StatusLogger status = new StatusLogger(LOGUPDATE_MS);
    /* Read the number of rows, columns, and entries - entry is a triple (i,j,m[i,j]) */
    ParsedFile file = new ParsedFile(new File(dir, functor_arg1type_arg2type + ".rce"));
        Iterator<String> it = file.iterator();
        String line =;
        if (line == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad format for " + functor_arg1type_arg2type + ".rce: line 1 must list #rows");
        this.rows = Integer.parseInt(line.trim());
        line =;
        if (line == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad format for " + functor_arg1type_arg2type + ".rce: line 2 must list #cols");
        this.cols = Integer.parseInt(line.trim());
        line =;
        if (line == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad format for " + functor_arg1type_arg2type + ".rce: line 3 must list #entries");
        this.entries = Integer.parseInt(line.trim());
    /* Data is stored like this: colIndices[] is one long
		 * array, and values is a parallel array.  rowsOffsets is another array so that 
		 * rowOffsets[i] is where the column indices for row i start. Thus
		 * for (k=rowOffsets[i]; k<rowOffsets[i+1]; k++) {
		 *   j = colIndices[k];
		 *   m_ij = values[k];
		 *   // this would retrieve i,j and the corresponding value in the sparse matrix m[i,j]
		 *   doSomethingWith(i,j,m_ij);
		 * }
    ArrayList<Integer> rowsOffsets = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    this.colIndices = new int[entries];
    this.values = new float[entries];
    long start = status.tick();
    file = new ParsedFile(new File(dir, functor_arg1type_arg2type + ".rowOffset"));
    for (String line : file) {
        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
            if (status.due()) {
      "rowOffset: " + file.getLineNumber() + " lines (" + (file.getLineNumber() / status.since(start)) + " klps)");
    start = status.tick();
    file = new ParsedFile(new File(dir, functor_arg1type_arg2type + ".colIndex"));
    for (String line : file) {
        int ln = file.getLineNumber();
        String[] parts = line.split(WEIGHT_DELIMITER);
        colIndices[ln] = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]);
        values[ln] = (float) (parts.length > 1 ? Float.parseFloat(parts[1]) : 1.0);
        if (colIndices[ln] >= arg2.length) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed sparsegraph! For index " + + ", colIndices[" + ln + "]=" + colIndices[ln] + "; arg2.length is only " + arg2.length);
        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
            if (status.due()) {
      "colIndex: " + file.getLineNumber() + " lines (" + (file.getLineNumber() / status.since(start)) + " klps)");
    this.rowOffsets = new int[rowsOffsets.size() + 1];
    for (int i = 0; i < rowsOffsets.size(); i++) {
        rowOffsets[i] = rowsOffsets.get(i);
    rowOffsets[rowsOffsets.size()] = entries;
    long del = status.sinceStart();
    if (del > LOGUPDATE_MS)"Finished loading sparse graph matrix " + functor_arg1type_arg2type + " (" + (del / 1000.) + " sec)");
Also used : StatusLogger( Iterator(java.util.Iterator) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ParsedFile( ParsedFile( File(

Example 20 with StatusLogger

use of in project ProPPR by TeamCohen.

the class PathDprProver method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws LogicProgramException {
    CustomConfiguration c = new CustomConfiguration(args, //input
    Configuration.USE_PARAMS, //output
    0, //constants
    Configuration.USE_WAM | Configuration.USE_SQUASHFUNCTION, //modules
    0) {

        String query;

        protected void addCustomOptions(Options options, int[] flags) {
            options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("query").withArgName("functor(arg1,Var1)").hasArg().isRequired().withDescription("specify query to print top paths for").create());
        //TODO: add prompt option (for large datasets)

        protected void retrieveCustomSettings(CommandLine line, int[] flags, Options options) {
            query = line.getOptionValue("query");

        public Object getCustomSetting(String name) {
            return query;
    PathDprProver p = new PathDprProver(c.apr);
    Query query = Query.parse((String) c.getCustomSetting(null));
    StateProofGraph pg = new StateProofGraph(query, c.apr, c.program, c.plugins);
    p.prove(pg, new StatusLogger());
Also used : StatusLogger( Options(org.apache.commons.cli.Options) APROptions( CommandLine(org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine) Query( CustomConfiguration( StateProofGraph(


StatusLogger ( Test (org.junit.Test)13 Query ( StateProofGraph ( File ( WamProgram ( Prover ( APROptions ( ProofGraph ( PosNegRWExample ( DprProver ( State ( Map (java.util.Map)4 DfsProver ( ConstantArgument ( Goal ( WamPlugin ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 GrounderTest ( InferenceExample (