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Example 16 with ExpressionParser

use of edu.cmu.tetrad.calculator.parser.ExpressionParser in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class TemplateExpander method expandTemplate.

 * Returns the expanded template, which needs to be checked to make sure it can be used. Try setting it as the
 * expression for the node or freeParameters you wish to use it for.
 * @param template A template formula, which includes the functions TSUM and TPROD, which are not nestable,
 *                 and NEW. TSUM(f($)) = f(X1) + f(X2) + .... TPROD(f($)) = f(X1) * f(X2) * .... NEW(a) = a new parameter with
 *                 name beginning with a, such as a3, if a1 and a2 have already been used.
 * @param semPm    The generalized SEM PM for which this is intended. This is needed in order to figure out what
 *                 the parents of <code>node</code> are, and in order to determine new freeParameters. May be null. If it is null,
 *                 then the template may not contain any TSUM, TPROD, or NEW expressions.
 * @param node     The node this is intended for, if there is one. Like I said, the parents of a node need to
 *                 be calculated. This may be null. If it is null, the template may not contain any TSUM or TPROD expressions
 *                 --i.e. any TSUM or TPROD expressions--but it may contain NEW expressions. If semPm is null, then node must
 *                 be null as well, since the node is relative to a generalized SEM PM.
 * @return The expanded template.
 * @throws ParseException for any of a variety of reasons. It may be that the original template cannot be parsed.
 *                        It may be that the expanded formula without the error term added cannot be parsed. It may be that the
 *                        expanded formula contains a "$", which means there was a "$" that was not properly embedded in a TSUM or
 *                        TPROD. It may be that a TSUM or TPROD was embedded inside another TSUM or TPROD.
public String expandTemplate(String template, GeneralizedSemPm semPm, Node node) throws ParseException {
    ExpressionParser parser = new ExpressionParser();
    List<String> usedNames;
    if (semPm == null && template.contains("$")) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("If semPm is null, the template may not contain any parameters or " + "$ expressions.");
    if (semPm == null && node != null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("If semPm is not specified, then node may not be specified either. The" + " node must be for a specific generalized SEM PM.");
    // Must make sure the original template is parseable.
    usedNames = parser.getParameters();
    template = replaceTemplateSums(semPm, template, node);
    template = replaceTemplateProducts(semPm, template, node);
    template = replaceNewParameters(semPm, template, usedNames);
    template = replaceError(semPm, template, node);
    Node error = null;
    if (node != null) {
        error = semPm.getErrorNode(node);
    template = template.trim();
    if (template.equals("")) {
        template = "";
    if (!"".equals(template)) {
        // This will throw an exception if the expansion without the error term added is not parseable.
        try {
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            template = "";
        if (node == null && !parser.getParameters().isEmpty()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("If node is null, the template may not contain any $ expressions.");
    if (node != null && node != error && !template.contains(error.getName())) {
        if (template.trim().equals("")) {
            template = error.getName();
        } else {
            template += " + " + error.getName();
    if (template.contains("$")) {
        throw new ParseException("Template contains a $ not inside TSUM or TPROD.", template.indexOf("$"));
    return template;
Also used : Node(edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Node) ExpressionParser(edu.cmu.tetrad.calculator.parser.ExpressionParser) ParseException(java.text.ParseException)

Example 17 with ExpressionParser

use of edu.cmu.tetrad.calculator.parser.ExpressionParser in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class TestExpressionParser method test2.

public void test2() {
    final Map<String, Double> values = new HashMap<>();
    values.put("b11", 1.0);
    values.put("X1", 2.0);
    values.put("X2", 3.0);
    values.put("B22", 4.0);
    values.put("B12", 5.0);
    values.put("X4", 6.0);
    values.put("b13", 7.0);
    values.put("X5", 8.0);
    values.put("b10", 9.0);
    values.put("X", 10.0);
    values.put("Y", 11.0);
    values.put("Z", 12.0);
    values.put("W", 13.0);
    values.put("T", 14.0);
    values.put("R", 15.0);
    values.put("s2", 0.0);
    values.put("s3", 1.0);
    Context context = new Context() {

        public Double getValue(String var) {
            return values.get(var);
    List<String> formulas = new ArrayList<>();
    formulas.add("Gamma(1, 1)");
    formulas.add("Beta(3, 5)");
    // Log normal
    formulas.add("exp(Normal(s2, s3))");
    formulas.add("Normal(0, s3)");
    // Gaussian Power
    formulas.add("abs(Normal(s2, s3) ^ 3)");
    formulas.add("Discrete(3, 1, 5)");
    // Mixture of Gaussians
    formulas.add("0.3 * Normal(-2.0e2, 0.5) + 0.7 * Normal(2.0, 0.5)");
    // Single value.
    formulas.add("Hyperbolic(5, 3)");
    formulas.add("Uniform(s2, s3)");
    formulas.add("Split(0, 1, 5, 6)");
    formulas.add("Mixture(0.5, N(-2, 0.5), 0.5, N(2, 0.5))");
    ExpressionParser parser = new ExpressionParser();
    try {
        for (String formula : formulas) {
            Expression expression = parser.parseExpression(formula);
            double value = expression.evaluate(context);
    } catch (ParseException e) {
Also used : Context(edu.cmu.tetrad.calculator.expression.Context) Expression(edu.cmu.tetrad.calculator.expression.Expression) ExpressionParser(edu.cmu.tetrad.calculator.parser.ExpressionParser) ParseException(java.text.ParseException)

Example 18 with ExpressionParser

use of edu.cmu.tetrad.calculator.parser.ExpressionParser in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class TestExpressionParser method test1.

public void test1() {
    final Map<String, Double> values = new HashMap<>();
    values.put("b11", 1.0);
    values.put("X1", 2.0);
    values.put("X2", 3.0);
    values.put("B22", 4.0);
    values.put("B12", 5.0);
    values.put("X4", 6.0);
    values.put("b13", 7.0);
    values.put("X5", 8.0);
    values.put("b10", 9.0);
    values.put("X", 10.0);
    values.put("Y", 11.0);
    values.put("Z", 12.0);
    values.put("W", 13.0);
    values.put("T", 14.0);
    values.put("R", 15.0);
    Context context = new Context() {

        public Double getValue(String var) {
            return values.get(var);
    Map<String, Double> formulasToEvaluations = new HashMap<>();
    formulasToEvaluations.put("0", 0.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("b11*X1 + sin(X2) + B22*X2 + B12*X4+b13*X5", 100.14);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("X5*X4*X4", 288.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("sin(b10*X1)", -0.75097);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("((X + ((Y * (Z ^ W)) * T)) + R)", 16476953628377113.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("X + Y * Z ^ W * T + R", 16476953628377113.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("pow(2, 5)", 32.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("2^5", 32.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("exp(1)", 2.718);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("sqrt(2)", 1.414);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("cos(0)", 1.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("cos(3.14/2)", 0.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("sin(0)", 0.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("sin(3.14/2)", 1.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("tan(1)", 1.56);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("cosh(1)", 1.54);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("sinh(1)", 1.18);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("tanh(1)", 0.76);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("acos(1)", 0.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("asin(1)", 1.57);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("atan(1)", 0.78);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("ln(1)", 0.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("log10(10)", 1.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("ceil(2.5)", 3.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("floor(2.5)", 2.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("abs(-5)", 5.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("max(2, 5, 3, 1, 10, -3)", 10.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("min(2, 5, 3, 1, 10, -3)", -3.0);
    // Logical.
    formulasToEvaluations.put("AND(1, 1)", 1.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("AND(1, 0)", 0.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("AND(0, 1)", 0.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("AND(0, 0)", 0.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("AND(0, 0.5)", 0.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("1 AND 1", 1.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("OR(1, 1)", 1.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("OR(1, 0)", 1.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("OR(0, 1)", 1.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("OR(0, 0)", 0.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("OR(0, 0.5)", 0.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("1 OR 1", 1.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("XOR(1, 1)", 0.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("XOR(1, 0)", 1.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("XOR(0, 1)", 1.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("XOR(0, 0)", 0.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("XOR(0, 0.5)", 0.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("1 XOR 1", 0.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("1 AND 0 OR 1 XOR 1 + 1", 1.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("1 < 2", 1.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("1 < 0", 0.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("1 < 1", 0.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("1 <= 2", 1.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("1 <= 1", 1.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("1 <= -1", 0.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("1 = 2", 0.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("1 = 1", 1.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("1 = -1", 0.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("1 > 2", 0.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("1 > 1", 0.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("1 > -1", 1.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("1 >= 2", 0.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("1 >= 1", 1.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("1 >= -1", 1.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("IF(1 > 2, 1, 2)", 2.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("IF(1 < 2, 1, 2)", 1.0);
    formulasToEvaluations.put("IF(1 < 2 AND 3 < 4, 1, 2)", 1.0);
    ExpressionParser parser = new ExpressionParser();
    try {
        for (String formula : formulasToEvaluations.keySet()) {
            Expression expression = parser.parseExpression(formula);
            double value = expression.evaluate(context);
            assertEquals(formulasToEvaluations.get(formula), value, 0.01);
    } catch (ParseException e) {
Also used : Context(edu.cmu.tetrad.calculator.expression.Context) Expression(edu.cmu.tetrad.calculator.expression.Expression) ExpressionParser(edu.cmu.tetrad.calculator.parser.ExpressionParser) ParseException(java.text.ParseException) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 19 with ExpressionParser

use of edu.cmu.tetrad.calculator.parser.ExpressionParser in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class TestParser method testVariableRestriction.

 * Tests that undefined variables aren't allowed.
public void testVariableRestriction() {
    ExpressionParser parser = new ExpressionParser(Arrays.asList("x", "y", "z"), ExpressionParser.RestrictionType.MAY_ONLY_CONTAIN);
    parseInvalid(parser, "x + x1");
Also used : ExpressionParser(edu.cmu.tetrad.calculator.parser.ExpressionParser) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 20 with ExpressionParser

use of edu.cmu.tetrad.calculator.parser.ExpressionParser in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class TestParser method testInvalidExpressions.

 * Tests misc invalid expressions.
public void testInvalidExpressions() {
    ExpressionParser parser = new ExpressionParser();
    parseInvalid(parser, "(1 + 3))");
    parseInvalid(parser, "(1 + (4 * 5) + sqrt(5)");
    parseInvalid(parser, "1+");
    parseInvalid(parser, "113#");
Also used : ExpressionParser(edu.cmu.tetrad.calculator.parser.ExpressionParser) Test(org.junit.Test)


ExpressionParser (edu.cmu.tetrad.calculator.parser.ExpressionParser)22 Expression (edu.cmu.tetrad.calculator.expression.Expression)10 Test (org.junit.Test)8 ParseException (java.text.ParseException)7 ConstantExpression (edu.cmu.tetrad.calculator.expression.ConstantExpression)3 Context (edu.cmu.tetrad.calculator.expression.Context)3 Node (edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Node)2