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Example 71 with DataSet

use of in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class GdistanceTest method main.

public static void main(String... args) {
    // first generate a couple random graphs
    int numVars = 16;
    int numEdges = 16;
    List<Node> vars = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < numVars; i++) {
        vars.add(new ContinuousVariable("X" + i));
    Graph testdag1 = GraphUtils.randomGraphRandomForwardEdges(vars, 0, numEdges, 30, 15, 15, false, true);
    Graph testdag2 = GraphUtils.randomGraphRandomForwardEdges(vars, 0, numEdges, 30, 15, 15, false, true);
    // System.out.println(testdag1);
    // load the location map
    String workingDirectory = System.getProperty("user.dir");
    Path mapPath = Paths.get("locationMap.txt");
    TabularDataReader dataReaderMap = new ContinuousTabularDataFileReader(mapPath.toFile(), Delimiter.COMMA);
    try {
        DataSet locationMap = (DataSet) DataConvertUtils.toDataModel(dataReaderMap.readInData());
        // System.out.println(locationMap);
        // then compare their distance
        double xdist = 2.4;
        double ydist = 2.4;
        double zdist = 2;
        Gdistance gdist = new Gdistance(locationMap, xdist, ydist, zdist);
        List<Double> output = gdist.distances(testdag1, testdag2);
        PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter("Gdistances.txt", "UTF-8");
    } catch (Exception IOException) {
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) TabularDataReader( DataSet( Node(edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Node) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ContinuousTabularDataFileReader( ContinuousVariable( Graph(edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Graph) PrintWriter(

Example 72 with DataSet

use of in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class HsimContinuous method hybridsimulate.

// **************Public methods***********************//
public DataSet hybridsimulate() {
     *this needs to be made general, rather than only for two specific names nodes*
    if (verbose)
        System.out.println("Finding a Markov blanket for resimulated nodes");
    // initialize an empty set of nodes;
    Set<Node> mbAll = new HashSet<Node>();
    // init set for adding
    Set<Node> mbAdd = new HashSet<Node>();
    for (Node node : simnodes) {
        // find mb for that node
        mbAdd = mb(mydag, node);
        // use .addAll to add this mb to the set
    // make sure all the simnodes are in mbAll! a disconnected node could cause errors later otherwise
    if (verbose)
        System.out.println("The Markov Blanket is " + mbAll);
     *Find the subgraph for the resimulated variables and their markov blanket*
    if (verbose)
        System.out.println("Finding a subgraph over the Markov Blanket and Resimulated Nodes");
    // need a List as input for subgraph method, but mbAll is a Set
    List<Node> mbListAll = new ArrayList<Node>(mbAll);
    Graph subgraph = mydag.subgraph(mbListAll);
     *Learn an instantiated model over the subgraph*
    if (verbose)
        System.out.println("Learning an instantiated model for the subgraph");
    // Do this step continuous instead of discrete:
    // learn a dirichlet IM for the subgraph using dataSet
    SemPm subgraphPM = new SemPm(subgraph);
    SemEstimator subgraphEstimator = new SemEstimator(data, subgraphPM);
    SemIm subgraphIM = subgraphEstimator.estimate();
     *Use the learned instantiated subgraph model to create the resimulated data*
    if (verbose)
        System.out.println("Starting resimulation loop");
    // loop through each row of the data set, conditioning and drawing values each time.
    for (int row = 0; row < data.getNumRows(); row++) {
        // create a new evidence object
        SemEvidence evidence = new SemEvidence(subgraphIM);
        // need to define the set of variables being conditioned upon. Start with the outer set of MB
        Set<Node> mbOuter = mbAll;
        // need to remove the whole set of starters, not just some X and Y... how do? loop a .remove?
        for (Node node : simnodes) {
        // loop through all the nodes being conditioned upon, and set their values in the evidence prop
        for (Node i : mbOuter) {
            // int nodeIndex = evidence.getNodeIndex(i.getName());
            int nodeColumn = data.getColumn(i);
            evidence.getProposition().setValue(i, data.getDouble(row, nodeColumn));
        // use the new Evidence object to create the updater
        SemUpdater conditionUpdate = new SemUpdater(subgraphIM);
        SemIm updatedIM = conditionUpdate.getUpdatedSemIm();
        // draw values for the node we're resimming
        DataSet newValues = updatedIM.simulateData(1, false);
        // take these new simnodes values and replace the old values in the data set with them
        for (Node node : simnodes) {
            // if (verbose) System.out.println(data.getInt(row,data.getColumn(nodeX)) + " old vs new " + newXvalue);
            data.setDouble(row, data.getColumn(node), newValues.getDouble(0, newValues.getColumn(node)));
        // if (verbose) System.out.println(" and again?: " + data.getInt(row,data.getColumn(nodeX)) + " old vs new " + newXvalue);
    return data;
Also used : DataSet( Node(edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Node) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Graph(edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Graph) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 73 with DataSet

use of in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class HsimEvalFromData method main.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    long timestart = System.nanoTime();
    System.out.println("Beginning Evaluation");
    String nl = System.lineSeparator();
    String output = "Simulation output comparing Fsim and Hsim on predicting graph discovery accuracy" + nl;
    int iterations = 100;
    int vars = 20;
    int cases = 500;
    int edgeratio = 3;
    List<Integer> hsimRepeat = Arrays.asList(40);
    List<Integer> fsimRepeat = Arrays.asList(40);
    List<PRAOerrors>[] fsimErrsByPars = new ArrayList[fsimRepeat.size()];
    int whichFrepeat = 0;
    for (int frepeat : fsimRepeat) {
        fsimErrsByPars[whichFrepeat] = new ArrayList<PRAOerrors>();
    List<PRAOerrors>[][] hsimErrsByPars = new ArrayList[1][hsimRepeat.size()];
    // System.out.println(resimSize.size()+" "+hsimRepeat.size());
    int whichHrepeat;
    whichHrepeat = 0;
    for (int hrepeat : hsimRepeat) {
        // System.out.println(whichrsize+" "+whichHrepeat);
        hsimErrsByPars[0][whichHrepeat] = new ArrayList<PRAOerrors>();
    // !(*%(@!*^!($%!^ START ITERATING HERE !#$%(*$#@!^(*!$*%(!$#
    try {
        for (int iterate = 0; iterate < iterations; iterate++) {
            System.out.println("iteration " + iterate);
            // @#$%@$%^@$^@$^@%$%@$#^ LOADING THE DATA AND GRAPH @$#%%*#^##*^$#@%$
            DataSet data1;
            Graph graph1 = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(new File("graph/graph.1.txt"));
            Dag odag = new Dag(graph1);
            Set<String> eVars = new HashSet<String>();
            Path dataFile = Paths.get("data/data.1.txt");
            TabularDataReader dataReader = new ContinuousTabularDataFileReader(dataFile.toFile(), Delimiter.TAB);
            data1 = (DataSet) DataConvertUtils.toDataModel(dataReader.readInData(eVars));
            vars = data1.getNumColumns();
            cases = data1.getNumRows();
            edgeratio = 3;
            // !#@^$@&%^!#$!&@^ CALCULATING TARGET ERRORS $%$#@^@!%!#^$!%$#%
            ICovarianceMatrix newcov = new CovarianceMatrixOnTheFly(data1);
            SemBicScore oscore = new SemBicScore(newcov);
            Fges ofgs = new Fges(oscore);
            // ***********This is the original FGS output on the data
            Graph oFGSGraph =;
            PRAOerrors oErrors = new PRAOerrors(HsimUtils.errorEval(oFGSGraph, odag), "target errors");
            // **then step 1: full resim. iterate through the combinations of estimator parameters (just repeat num)
            for (whichFrepeat = 0; whichFrepeat < fsimRepeat.size(); whichFrepeat++) {
                ArrayList<PRAOerrors> errorsList = new ArrayList<PRAOerrors>();
                for (int r = 0; r < fsimRepeat.get(whichFrepeat); r++) {
                    PatternToDag pickdag = new PatternToDag(oFGSGraph);
                    Graph fgsDag = pickdag.patternToDagMeek();
                    Dag fgsdag2 = new Dag(fgsDag);
                    // then fit an IM to this dag and the data. GeneralizedSemEstimator seems to bug out
                    // GeneralizedSemPm simSemPm = new GeneralizedSemPm(fgsdag2);
                    // GeneralizedSemEstimator gsemEstimator = new GeneralizedSemEstimator();
                    // GeneralizedSemIm fittedIM = gsemEstimator.estimate(simSemPm, oData);
                    SemPm simSemPm = new SemPm(fgsdag2);
                    // BayesPm simBayesPm = new BayesPm(fgsdag2, bayesPm);
                    SemEstimator simSemEstimator = new SemEstimator(data1, simSemPm);
                    SemIm fittedIM = simSemEstimator.estimate();
                    DataSet simData = fittedIM.simulateData(data1.getNumRows(), false);
                    // after making the full resim data (simData), run FGS on that
                    ICovarianceMatrix simcov = new CovarianceMatrixOnTheFly(simData);
                    SemBicScore simscore = new SemBicScore(simcov);
                    Fges simfgs = new Fges(simscore);
                    Graph simGraphOut =;
                    PRAOerrors simErrors = new PRAOerrors(HsimUtils.errorEval(simGraphOut, fgsdag2), "Fsim errors " + r);
                PRAOerrors avErrors = new PRAOerrors(errorsList, "Average errors for Fsim at repeat=" + fsimRepeat.get(whichFrepeat));
                // if (verbosity>3) System.out.println(avErrors.allToString());
                // ****calculate the squared errors of prediction, store all these errors in a list
                double FsimAR2 = (avErrors.getAdjRecall() - oErrors.getAdjRecall()) * (avErrors.getAdjRecall() - oErrors.getAdjRecall());
                double FsimAP2 = (avErrors.getAdjPrecision() - oErrors.getAdjPrecision()) * (avErrors.getAdjPrecision() - oErrors.getAdjPrecision());
                double FsimOR2 = (avErrors.getOrientRecall() - oErrors.getOrientRecall()) * (avErrors.getOrientRecall() - oErrors.getOrientRecall());
                double FsimOP2 = (avErrors.getOrientPrecision() - oErrors.getOrientPrecision()) * (avErrors.getOrientPrecision() - oErrors.getOrientPrecision());
                PRAOerrors Fsim2 = new PRAOerrors(new double[] { FsimAR2, FsimAP2, FsimOR2, FsimOP2 }, "squared errors for Fsim at repeat=" + fsimRepeat.get(whichFrepeat));
                // add the fsim squared errors to the appropriate list
            // **then step 2: hybrid sim. iterate through combos of params (repeat num, resimsize)
            for (whichHrepeat = 0; whichHrepeat < hsimRepeat.size(); whichHrepeat++) {
                HsimRepeatAC study = new HsimRepeatAC(data1);
                PRAOerrors HsimErrors = new PRAOerrors(, hsimRepeat.get(whichHrepeat)), "Hsim errors" + "at rsize=" + 1 + " repeat=" + hsimRepeat.get(whichHrepeat));
                // ****calculate the squared errors of prediction
                double HsimAR2 = (HsimErrors.getAdjRecall() - oErrors.getAdjRecall()) * (HsimErrors.getAdjRecall() - oErrors.getAdjRecall());
                double HsimAP2 = (HsimErrors.getAdjPrecision() - oErrors.getAdjPrecision()) * (HsimErrors.getAdjPrecision() - oErrors.getAdjPrecision());
                double HsimOR2 = (HsimErrors.getOrientRecall() - oErrors.getOrientRecall()) * (HsimErrors.getOrientRecall() - oErrors.getOrientRecall());
                double HsimOP2 = (HsimErrors.getOrientPrecision() - oErrors.getOrientPrecision()) * (HsimErrors.getOrientPrecision() - oErrors.getOrientPrecision());
                PRAOerrors Hsim2 = new PRAOerrors(new double[] { HsimAR2, HsimAP2, HsimOR2, HsimOP2 }, "squared errors for Hsim, rsize=" + 1 + " repeat=" + hsimRepeat.get(whichHrepeat));
        // Average the squared errors for each set of fsim/hsim params across all iterations
        PRAOerrors[] fMSE = new PRAOerrors[fsimRepeat.size()];
        PRAOerrors[][] hMSE = new PRAOerrors[1][hsimRepeat.size()];
        String[][] latexTableArray = new String[1 * hsimRepeat.size() + fsimRepeat.size()][5];
        for (int j = 0; j < fMSE.length; j++) {
            fMSE[j] = new PRAOerrors(fsimErrsByPars[j], "MSE for Fsim at vars=" + vars + " edgeratio=" + edgeratio + " cases=" + cases + " frepeat=" + fsimRepeat.get(j) + " iterations=" + iterations);
            // if(verbosity>0){System.out.println(fMSE[j].allToString());}
            output = output + fMSE[j].allToString() + nl;
            latexTableArray[j] = prelimToPRAOtable(fMSE[j]);
        for (int j = 0; j < hMSE.length; j++) {
            for (int k = 0; k < hMSE[j].length; k++) {
                hMSE[j][k] = new PRAOerrors(hsimErrsByPars[j][k], "MSE for Hsim at vars=" + vars + " edgeratio=" + edgeratio + " cases=" + cases + " rsize=" + 1 + " repeat=" + hsimRepeat.get(k) + " iterations=" + iterations);
                // if(verbosity>0){System.out.println(hMSE[j][k].allToString());}
                output = output + hMSE[j][k].allToString() + nl;
                latexTableArray[fsimRepeat.size() + j * hMSE[j].length + k] = prelimToPRAOtable(hMSE[j][k]);
        // record all the params, the base error values, and the fsim/hsim mean squared errors
        String latexTable = HsimUtils.makeLatexTable(latexTableArray);
        PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter("latexTable.txt", "UTF-8");
        PrintWriter writer2 = new PrintWriter("HvsF-SimulationEvaluation.txt", "UTF-8");
        long timestop = System.nanoTime();
        System.out.println("Evaluation Concluded. Duration: " + (timestop - timestart) / 1000000000 + "s");
    } catch (Exception IOException) {
Also used : TabularDataReader( DataSet( ICovarianceMatrix( SemPm(edu.cmu.tetrad.sem.SemPm) SemEstimator(edu.cmu.tetrad.sem.SemEstimator) PrintWriter( Path(java.nio.file.Path) PatternToDag( ContinuousTabularDataFileReader( PatternToDag( Dag(edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Dag) Fges( Graph(edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Graph) CovarianceMatrixOnTheFly( File( SemIm(edu.cmu.tetrad.sem.SemIm) SemBicScore(

Example 74 with DataSet

use of in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class HsimRobustCompare method run.

// *************Public Methods*****************8//
public static List<double[]> run(int numVars, double edgesPerNode, int numCases, double penaltyDiscount, int resimSize, int repeat, boolean verbose) {
    // public static void main(String[] args) {
    // first generate the data
    // '\t';
    char delimiter = ',';
    final int numEdges = (int) (numVars * edgesPerNode);
    List<Node> vars = new ArrayList<>();
    double[] oErrors = new double[5];
    double[] hsimErrors = new double[5];
    double[] simErrors = new double[5];
    List<double[]> output = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < numVars; i++) {
        vars.add(new ContinuousVariable("X" + i));
    Graph odag = GraphUtils.randomGraphRandomForwardEdges(vars, 0, numEdges, 30, 15, 15, false, true);
    BayesPm bayesPm = new BayesPm(odag, 2, 2);
    BayesIm bayesIm = new MlBayesIm(bayesPm, MlBayesIm.RANDOM);
    // oData is the original data set, and odag is the original dag.
    DataSet oData = bayesIm.simulateData(numCases, false);
    // System.out.println(oData);
    // System.out.println(odag);
    // then run FGES
    BDeuScore oscore = new BDeuScore(oData);
    Fges fges = new Fges(oscore);
    Graph oGraphOut =;
    if (verbose)
    // calculate FGES errors
    oErrors = new double[5];
    oErrors = HsimUtils.errorEval(oGraphOut, odag);
    if (verbose)
        System.out.println(oErrors[0] + " " + oErrors[1] + " " + oErrors[2] + " " + oErrors[3] + " " + oErrors[4]);
    // create various simulated data sets
    // //let's do the full simulated data set first: a dag in the FGES pattern fit to the data set.
    PatternToDag pickdag = new PatternToDag(oGraphOut);
    Graph fgesDag = pickdag.patternToDagMeek();
    Dag fgesdag2 = new Dag(fgesDag);
    BayesPm simBayesPm = new BayesPm(fgesdag2, bayesPm);
    DirichletBayesIm simIM = DirichletBayesIm.symmetricDirichletIm(simBayesPm, 1.0);
    DirichletEstimator simEstimator = new DirichletEstimator();
    DirichletBayesIm fittedIM = simEstimator.estimate(simIM, oData);
    DataSet simData = fittedIM.simulateData(numCases, false);
    // //next let's do a schedule of small hsims
    HsimRepeatAutoRun study = new HsimRepeatAutoRun(oData);
    hsimErrors =, repeat);
    // calculate errors for all simulated output graphs
    // //full simulation errors first
    BDeuScore simscore = new BDeuScore(simData);
    Fges simfges = new Fges(simscore);
    Graph simGraphOut =;
    // simErrors = new double[5];
    simErrors = HsimUtils.errorEval(simGraphOut, fgesdag2);
    // first, let's just see what the errors are.
    if (verbose)
        System.out.println("Original erors are: " + oErrors[0] + " " + oErrors[1] + " " + oErrors[2] + " " + oErrors[3] + " " + oErrors[4]);
    if (verbose)
        System.out.println("Full resim errors are: " + simErrors[0] + " " + simErrors[1] + " " + simErrors[2] + " " + simErrors[3] + " " + simErrors[4]);
    if (verbose)
        System.out.println("HSim errors are: " + hsimErrors[0] + " " + hsimErrors[1] + " " + hsimErrors[2] + " " + hsimErrors[3] + " " + hsimErrors[4]);
    // then, let's try to squeeze these numbers down into something more tractable.
    // double[] ErrorDifferenceDifferences;
    // ErrorDifferenceDifferences = new double[5];
    // ErrorDifferenceDifferences[0] = Math.abs(oErrors[0]-simErrors[0])-Math.abs(oErrors[0]-hsimErrors[0]);
    // ErrorDifferenceDifferences[1] = Math.abs(oErrors[1]-simErrors[1])-Math.abs(oErrors[1]-hsimErrors[1]);
    // ErrorDifferenceDifferences[2] = Math.abs(oErrors[2]-simErrors[2])-Math.abs(oErrors[2]-hsimErrors[2]);
    // ErrorDifferenceDifferences[3] = Math.abs(oErrors[3]-simErrors[3])-Math.abs(oErrors[3]-hsimErrors[3]);
    // ErrorDifferenceDifferences[4] = Math.abs(oErrors[4]-simErrors[4])-Math.abs(oErrors[4]-hsimErrors[4]);
    // System.out.println("resim error errors - hsim error errors: " + ErrorDifferenceDifferences[0] + " " + ErrorDifferenceDifferences[1] + " " + ErrorDifferenceDifferences[2] + " " + ErrorDifferenceDifferences[3] + " " + ErrorDifferenceDifferences[4]);
    return output;
Also used : DataSet( PatternToDag( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PatternToDag( Fges( ContinuousVariable( BDeuScore(

Example 75 with DataSet

use of in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class StandardizedSemIm method simulateData.

public DataSet simulateData(int sampleSize, long seed, boolean latentDataSaved) {
    RandomUtil random = RandomUtil.getInstance();
    long _seed = random.getSeed();
    DataSet dataSet = simulateData(sampleSize, latentDataSaved);
    return dataSet;
Also used : DataSet( ColtDataSet(


DataSet ( Test (org.junit.Test)65 Graph (edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Graph)64 Node (edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Node)60 ContinuousVariable ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)45 ColtDataSet ( GeneralBootstrapTest (edu.pitt.dbmi.algo.bootstrap.GeneralBootstrapTest)32 EdgeListGraph (edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.EdgeListGraph)29 SemIm (edu.cmu.tetrad.sem.SemIm)28 SemPm (edu.cmu.tetrad.sem.SemPm)28 BootstrapEdgeEnsemble (edu.pitt.dbmi.algo.bootstrap.BootstrapEdgeEnsemble)26 DataModel ( Parameters (edu.cmu.tetrad.util.Parameters)22 DiscreteVariable ( File ( ParseException (java.text.ParseException)16 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)14 ICovarianceMatrix ( DMSearch (