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Example 36 with DiscreteVariable

use of in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class AdLeafTree method getCellLeaves.

 * Finds the set of indices into the leaves of the tree for the given variables.
 * Counts are the sizes of the index sets.
 * @param A A list of discrete variables.
 * @return The list of index sets of the first variable varied by the second variable,
 * and so on, to the last variable.
public List<List<List<Integer>>> getCellLeaves(List<DiscreteVariable> A, DiscreteVariable B) {
    Collections.sort(A, new Comparator<DiscreteVariable>() {

        public int compare(DiscreteVariable o1, DiscreteVariable o2) {
            return, nodesHash.get(o2));
    if (baseCase == null) {
        Vary vary = new Vary();
        this.baseCase = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Vary> varies = baseCase;
    for (DiscreteVariable v : A) {
        varies = getVaries(varies, nodesHash.get(v));
    List<List<List<Integer>>> rows = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Vary vary : varies) {
        for (int i = 0; i < vary.getNumCategories(); i++) {
            Vary subvary = vary.getSubvary(nodesHash.get(B), i);
    return rows;
Also used : DiscreteVariable(

Example 37 with DiscreteVariable

use of in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class BayesUpdaterClassifier method setTarget.

// ==========================PUBLIC METHODS========================//
public void setTarget(String target, int targetCategory) {
    // Find the target variable using its name.
    DiscreteVariable targetVariable = null;
    for (int j = 0; j < getBayesImVars().size(); j++) {
        DiscreteVariable dv = (DiscreteVariable) getBayesImVars().get(j);
        if (dv.getName().equals(target)) {
            targetVariable = dv;
    if (targetVariable == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not an available target: " + target);
    this.targetVariable = targetVariable;
Also used : DiscreteVariable(

Example 38 with DiscreteVariable

use of in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class IndTestMultinomialLogisticRegressionWald method expandVariable.

private List<Node> expandVariable(DataSet dataSet, Node node) {
    if (node instanceof ContinuousVariable) {
        return Collections.singletonList(node);
    if (node instanceof DiscreteVariable && ((DiscreteVariable) node).getNumCategories() < 3) {
        return Collections.singletonList(node);
    if (!(node instanceof DiscreteVariable)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    List<String> varCats = new ArrayList<>(((DiscreteVariable) node).getCategories());
    List<Node> variables = new ArrayList<>();
    for (String cat : varCats) {
        Node newVar;
        do {
            String newVarName = node.getName() + "MULTINOM" + "." + cat;
            newVar = new DiscreteVariable(newVarName, 2);
        } while (dataSet.getVariable(newVar.getName()) != null);
        int newVarIndex = dataSet.getColumn(newVar);
        int numCases = dataSet.getNumRows();
        for (int l = 0; l < numCases; l++) {
            Object dataCell = dataSet.getObject(l, dataSet.getColumn(node));
            int dataCellIndex = ((DiscreteVariable) node).getIndex(dataCell.toString());
            if (dataCellIndex == ((DiscreteVariable) node).getIndex(cat))
                dataSet.setInt(l, newVarIndex, 1);
                dataSet.setInt(l, newVarIndex, 0);
    return variables;
Also used : ContinuousVariable( DiscreteVariable( Node(edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Node)

Example 39 with DiscreteVariable

use of in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class MNLRLikelihood method getLik.

public double getLik(int child_index, int[] parents) {
    double lik = 0;
    Node c = variables.get(child_index);
    List<ContinuousVariable> continuous_parents = new ArrayList<>();
    List<DiscreteVariable> discrete_parents = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int p : parents) {
        Node parent = variables.get(p);
        if (parent instanceof ContinuousVariable) {
            continuous_parents.add((ContinuousVariable) parent);
        } else {
            discrete_parents.add((DiscreteVariable) parent);
    int p = continuous_parents.size();
    List<List<Integer>> cells = adTree.getCellLeaves(discrete_parents);
    // List<List<Integer>> cells = partition(discrete_parents);
    int[] continuousCols = new int[p];
    for (int j = 0; j < p; j++) continuousCols[j] = nodesHash.get(continuous_parents.get(j));
    for (List<Integer> cell : cells) {
        int r = cell.size();
        if (r > 1) {
            double[] mean = new double[p];
            double[] var = new double[p];
            for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < r; j++) {
                    mean[i] += continuousData[continuousCols[i]][cell.get(j)];
                    var[i] += Math.pow(continuousData[continuousCols[i]][cell.get(j)], 2);
                mean[i] /= r;
                var[i] /= r;
                var[i] -= Math.pow(mean[i], 2);
                var[i] = Math.sqrt(var[i]);
                if (Double.isNaN(var[i])) {
            int degree = fDegree;
            if (fDegree < 1) {
                degree = (int) Math.floor(Math.log(r));
            TetradMatrix subset = new TetradMatrix(r, p * degree + 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) {
                subset.set(i, p * degree, 1);
                for (int j = 0; j < p; j++) {
                    for (int d = 0; d < degree; d++) {
                        subset.set(i, p * d + j, Math.pow((continuousData[continuousCols[j]][cell.get(i)] - mean[j]) / var[j], d + 1));
            if (c instanceof ContinuousVariable) {
                TetradVector target = new TetradVector(r);
                for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) {
                    target.set(i, continuousData[child_index][cell.get(i)]);
                lik += multipleRegression(target, subset);
            } else {
                ArrayList<Integer> temp = new ArrayList<>();
                TetradMatrix target = new TetradMatrix(r, ((DiscreteVariable) c).getNumCategories());
                for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < ((DiscreteVariable) c).getNumCategories(); j++) {
                        target.set(i, j, -1);
                    target.set(i, discreteData[child_index][cell.get(i)], 1);
                lik += MultinomialLogisticRegression(target, subset);
    return lik;
Also used : Node(edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Node) TetradMatrix(edu.cmu.tetrad.util.TetradMatrix) ContinuousVariable( TetradVector(edu.cmu.tetrad.util.TetradVector) DiscreteVariable(

Example 40 with DiscreteVariable

use of in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class MbClassify method classify.

// ============================PUBLIC METHODS=========================//
 * Classifies the test data by Bayesian updating. The procedure is as follows. First, MBFS is run on the training
 * data to estimate an MB pattern. Bidirected edges are removed; an MB DAG G is selected from the pattern that
 * remains. Second, a Bayes model B is estimated using this G and the training data. Third, for each case in the
 * test data, the marginal for the target variable in B is calculated conditioning on values of the other varialbes
 * in B in the test data; these are reported as classifications. Estimation of B is done using a Dirichlet
 * estimator, with a symmetric prior, with the given alpha value. Updating is done using a row-summing exact
 * updater.
 * <p>
 * One consequence of using the row-summing exact updater is that classification will be fast except for cases in
 * which there are lots of missing values. The reason for this is that for such cases the number of rows that need
 * to be summed over will be exponential in the number of missing values for that case. Hence the parameter for max
 * num missing values. A good default for this is like 5. Any test case with more than that number of missing values
 * will be skipped.
 * @return The classifications.
public int[] classify() {
    IndependenceTest indTest = new IndTestChiSquare(train, alpha);
    Mbfs search = new Mbfs(indTest, depth);
    // Hiton search = new Hiton(indTest, depth);
    // Mmmb search = new Mmmb(indTest, depth);
    List<Node> mbPlusTarget = search.findMb(target);
    DataSet subset = train.subsetColumns(mbPlusTarget);
    System.out.println("subset vars = " + subset.getVariables());
    Pc patternSearch = new Pc(new IndTestChiSquare(subset, 0.05));
    // patternSearch.setMaxIndegree(depth);
    Graph mbPattern =;
    // MbFanSearch search = new MbFanSearch(indTest, depth);
    // Graph mbPattern =;
    TetradLogger.getInstance().log("details", "Pattern = " + mbPattern);
    MbUtils.trimToMbNodes(mbPattern, train.getVariable(target), true);
    TetradLogger.getInstance().log("details", "Trimmed pattern = " + mbPattern);
    // Removing bidirected edges from the pattern before selecting a DAG.                                   4
    for (Edge edge : mbPattern.getEdges()) {
        if (Edges.isBidirectedEdge(edge)) {
    Graph selectedDag = MbUtils.getOneMbDag(mbPattern);
    TetradLogger.getInstance().log("details", "Selected DAG = " + selectedDag);
    TetradLogger.getInstance().log("details", "Vars = " + selectedDag.getNodes());
    TetradLogger.getInstance().log("details", "\nClassification using selected MB DAG:");
    NumberFormat nf = NumberFormatUtil.getInstance().getNumberFormat();
    List<Node> mbNodes = selectedDag.getNodes();
    // The Markov blanket nodes will correspond to a subset of the variables
    // in the training dataset.  Find the subset dataset.
    DataSet trainDataSubset = train.subsetColumns(mbNodes);
    // To create a Bayes net for the Markov blanket we need the DAG.
    BayesPm bayesPm = new BayesPm(selectedDag);
    // To parameterize the Bayes net we need the number of values
    // of each variable.
    List varsTrain = trainDataSubset.getVariables();
    for (int i1 = 0; i1 < varsTrain.size(); i1++) {
        DiscreteVariable trainingVar = (DiscreteVariable) varsTrain.get(i1);
        bayesPm.setCategories(mbNodes.get(i1), trainingVar.getCategories());
    // Create an updater for the instantiated Bayes net.
    TetradLogger.getInstance().log("info", "Estimating Bayes net; please wait...");
    DirichletBayesIm prior = DirichletBayesIm.symmetricDirichletIm(bayesPm, this.prior);
    BayesIm bayesIm = DirichletEstimator.estimate(prior, trainDataSubset);
    RowSummingExactUpdater updater = new RowSummingExactUpdater(bayesIm);
    // The subset dataset of the dataset to be classified containing
    // the variables in the Markov blanket.
    DataSet testSubset = this.test.subsetColumns(mbNodes);
    // Get the raw data from the dataset to be classified, the number
    // of variables, and the number of cases.
    int numCases = testSubset.getNumRows();
    int[] estimatedCategories = new int[numCases];
    Arrays.fill(estimatedCategories, -1);
    // The variables in the dataset.
    List<Node> varsClassify = testSubset.getVariables();
    // of the crosstabulation array.
    for (int k = 0; k < numCases; k++) {
        // Create an Evidence instance for the instantiated Bayes net
        // which will allow that updating.
        Proposition proposition = Proposition.tautology(bayesIm);
        // Restrict all other variables to their observed values in
        // this case.
        int numMissing = 0;
        for (int testIndex = 0; testIndex < varsClassify.size(); testIndex++) {
            DiscreteVariable var = (DiscreteVariable) varsClassify.get(testIndex);
            // If it's the target, ignore it.
            if (var.equals(targetVariable)) {
            int trainIndex = proposition.getNodeIndex(var.getName());
            // If it's not in the train subset, ignore it.
            if (trainIndex == -99) {
            int testValue = testSubset.getInt(k, testIndex);
            if (testValue == -99) {
            } else {
                proposition.setCategory(trainIndex, testValue);
        if (numMissing > this.maxMissing) {
            TetradLogger.getInstance().log("details", "classification(" + k + ") = " + "not done since number of missing values too high " + "(" + numMissing + ").");
        Evidence evidence = Evidence.tautology(bayesIm);
        // for each possible value of target compute its probability in
        // the updated Bayes net.  Select the value with the highest
        // probability as the estimated getValue.
        int targetIndex = proposition.getNodeIndex(targetVariable.getName());
        // Straw man values--to be replaced.
        double highestProb = -0.1;
        int _category = -1;
        for (int category = 0; category < targetVariable.getNumCategories(); category++) {
            double marginal = updater.getMarginal(targetIndex, category);
            if (marginal > highestProb) {
                highestProb = marginal;
                _category = category;
        // training dataset.  If that happens skip the case.
        if (_category < 0) {
            System.out.println("classification(" + k + ") is undefined " + "(undefined marginals).");
        String estimatedCategory = targetVariable.getCategories().get(_category);
        TetradLogger.getInstance().log("details", "classification(" + k + ") = " + estimatedCategory);
        estimatedCategories[k] = _category;
    // Create a crosstabulation table to store the coefs of observed
    // versus estimated occurrences of each value of the target variable.
    int targetIndex = varsClassify.indexOf(targetVariable);
    int numCategories = targetVariable.getNumCategories();
    int[][] crossTabs = new int[numCategories][numCategories];
    // Will count the number of cases where the target variable
    // is correctly classified.
    int numberCorrect = 0;
    int numberCounted = 0;
    for (int k = 0; k < numCases; k++) {
        int estimatedCategory = estimatedCategories[k];
        int observedValue = testSubset.getInt(k, targetIndex);
        if (estimatedCategory < 0) {
        if (observedValue == estimatedCategory) {
    double percentCorrect1 = 100.0 * ((double) numberCorrect) / ((double) numberCounted);
    // Print the cross classification.
    TetradLogger.getInstance().log("details", "");
    TetradLogger.getInstance().log("details", "\t\t\tEstimated\t");
    TetradLogger.getInstance().log("details", "Observed\t");
    StringBuilder buf0 = new StringBuilder();
    for (int m = 0; m < numCategories; m++) {
    TetradLogger.getInstance().log("details", buf0.toString());
    for (int k = 0; k < numCategories; k++) {
        StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
        for (int m = 0; m < numCategories; m++) buf.append(crossTabs[k][m]).append("\t");
        TetradLogger.getInstance().log("details", buf.toString());
    TetradLogger.getInstance().log("details", "");
    TetradLogger.getInstance().log("details", "Number correct = " + numberCorrect);
    TetradLogger.getInstance().log("details", "Number counted = " + numberCounted);
    TetradLogger.getInstance().log("details", "Percent correct = " + nf.format(percentCorrect1) + "%");
    crossTabulation = crossTabs;
    percentCorrect = percentCorrect1;
    return estimatedCategories;
Also used : DataSet( DiscreteVariable( List(java.util.List) NumberFormat(java.text.NumberFormat)


DiscreteVariable ( Node (edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Node)37 DataSet ( ContinuousVariable ( ColtDataSet ( LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)9 Test (org.junit.Test)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 Dag (edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Dag)3 NumberFormat (java.text.NumberFormat)3 Element (nu.xom.Element)3 EdgeListGraph (edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.EdgeListGraph)2 Graph (edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Graph)2 LogisticRegression (edu.cmu.tetrad.regression.LogisticRegression)2 List (java.util.List)2 Elements (nu.xom.Elements)2 DoubleMatrix2D (cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D)1 TakesInitialGraph (edu.cmu.tetrad.algcomparison.utils.TakesInitialGraph)1 StoredCellProbs (edu.cmu.tetrad.bayes.StoredCellProbs)1 BoxDataSet (