use of in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class MimbuildTrek method search.
// =================================== PUBLIC METHODS =========================================//
public Graph search(List<List<Node>> clustering, List<String> latentNames, ICovarianceMatrix measuresCov) {
List<String> _latentNames = new ArrayList<>(latentNames);
List<String> allVarNames = new ArrayList<>();
for (List<Node> cluster : clustering) {
for (Node node : cluster) allVarNames.add(node.getName());
measuresCov = measuresCov.getSubmatrix(allVarNames);
List<List<Node>> _clustering = new ArrayList<>();
for (List<Node> cluster : clustering) {
List<Node> _cluster = new ArrayList<>();
for (Node node : cluster) {
List<Node> latents = defineLatents(_latentNames);
this.latents = latents;
// This removes the small clusters and their names.
removeSmallClusters(latents, _clustering, getMinClusterSize());
this.clustering = _clustering;
Node[][] indicators = new Node[latents.size()][];
for (int i = 0; i < latents.size(); i++) {
indicators[i] = new Node[_clustering.get(i).size()];
for (int j = 0; j < _clustering.get(i).size(); j++) {
indicators[i][j] = _clustering.get(i).get(j);
TetradMatrix cov = getCov(measuresCov, latents, indicators);
CovarianceMatrix latentscov = new CovarianceMatrix(latents, cov, measuresCov.getSampleSize());
this.latentsCov = latentscov;
Graph graph;
Cpc search = new Cpc(new IndTestTrekSep(measuresCov, alpha, clustering, latents));
graph =;
// try {
// Ges search = new Ges(latentscov);
// search.setCorrErrorsAlpha(penaltyDiscount);
// search.setKnowledge(knowledge);
// graph =;
// } catch (Exception e) {
// // e.printStackTrace();
// CPC search = new CPC(new IndTestFisherZ(latentscov, alpha));
// search.setKnowledge(knowledge);
// graph =;
// }
this.structureGraph = new EdgeListGraph(graph);
return this.structureGraph;
use of in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class MimSearchEditor method getIndTestParamBox.
* Factory to return the correct param editor for independence test params.
* This will go in a little box in the search editor.
private JComponent getIndTestParamBox(Parameters params) {
if (params == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
if (params instanceof Parameters) {
MimRunner runner = getMimRunner();
params.set("varNames", runner.getParams().get("varNames", null));
DataModel dataModel = runner.getData();
if (dataModel instanceof DataSet) {
DataSet data = (DataSet) runner.getData();
boolean discrete = data.isDiscrete();
return new BuildPureClustersIndTestParamsEditor(params, discrete);
} else if (dataModel instanceof ICovarianceMatrix) {
return new BuildPureClustersIndTestParamsEditor(params, false);
if (params instanceof Parameters) {
MimRunner runner = getMimRunner();
params.set("varNames", runner.getParams().get("varNames", null));
boolean discreteData = false;
if (runner.getData() instanceof DataSet) {
discreteData = ((DataSet) runner.getData()).isDiscrete();
return new PurifyIndTestParamsEditor(params, discreteData);
if (params instanceof Parameters) {
MimRunner runner = getMimRunner();
params.set("varNames", runner.getParams().get("varNames", null));
return new MimBuildIndTestParamsEditor(params);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized IndTestParams: " + params.getClass());
use of in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class PerformanceTestsDan method testIdaOutputForDan.
private void testIdaOutputForDan() {
int numRuns = 100;
for (int run = 0; run < numRuns; run++) {
double alphaGFci = 0.01;
double alphaPc = 0.01;
int penaltyDiscount = 1;
int depth = 3;
int maxPathLength = 3;
final int numVars = 15;
final double edgesPerNode = 1.0;
final int numCases = 1000;
// final int numLatents = RandomUtil.getInstance().nextInt(3) + 1;
final int numLatents = 6;
// writeToFile = false;
PrintStream out1;
PrintStream out2;
PrintStream out3;
PrintStream out4;
PrintStream out5;
PrintStream out6;
PrintStream out7;
PrintStream out8;
PrintStream out9;
PrintStream out10;
PrintStream out11;
PrintStream out12;
File dir0 = new File("gfci.output");
File dir = new File(dir0, "" + (run + 1));
try {
out1 = new PrintStream(new File(dir, "hyperparameters.txt"));
out2 = new PrintStream(new File(dir, "variables.txt"));
out3 = new PrintStream(new File(dir, "dag.long.txt"));
out4 = new PrintStream(new File(dir, "dag.matrix.txt"));
out5 = new PrintStream(new File(dir, "coef.matrix.txt"));
out6 = new PrintStream(new File(dir, "pag.long.txt"));
out7 = new PrintStream(new File(dir, "pag.matrix.txt"));
out8 = new PrintStream(new File(dir, "pattern.long.txt"));
out9 = new PrintStream(new File(dir, "pattern.matrix.txt"));
out10 = new PrintStream(new File(dir, "data.txt"));
out11 = new PrintStream(new File(dir, "true.pag.long.txt"));
out12 = new PrintStream(new File(dir, "true.pag.matrix.txt"));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
out1.println("Num _vars = " + numVars);
out1.println("Num edges = " + (int) (numVars * edgesPerNode));
out1.println("Num cases = " + numCases);
out1.println("Alpha for PC = " + alphaPc);
out1.println("Alpha for FFCI = " + alphaGFci);
out1.println("Penalty discount = " + penaltyDiscount);
out1.println("Depth = " + depth);
out1.println("Maximum reachable path length for dsep search and discriminating undirectedPaths = " + maxPathLength);
List<Node> vars = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < numVars; i++) vars.add(new GraphNode("X" + (i + 1)));
// Graph dag = DataGraphUtils.randomDagQuick2(varsWithLatents, 0, (int) (varsWithLatents.size() * edgesPerNode));
Graph dag = GraphUtils.randomGraph(vars, 0, (int) (vars.size() * edgesPerNode), 5, 5, 5, false);
GraphUtils.fixLatents1(numLatents, dag);
// List<Node> varsWithLatents = new ArrayList<Node>();
// Graph dag = getLatentGraph(_vars, varsWithLatents, edgesPerNode, numLatents);
printDanMatrix(vars, dag, out4);
SemPm pm = new SemPm(dag);
SemIm im = new SemIm(pm);
NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("0.0000");
for (int i = 0; i < vars.size(); i++) {
for (Node var : vars) {
if (im.existsEdgeCoef(var, vars.get(i))) {
double coef = im.getEdgeCoef(var, vars.get(i));
out5.print(nf.format(coef) + "\t");
} else {
out5.print(nf.format(0) + "\t");
String vars_temp = vars.toString();
vars_temp = vars_temp.replace("[", "");
vars_temp = vars_temp.replace("]", "");
vars_temp = vars_temp.replace("X", "");
List<Node> _vars = new ArrayList<>();
for (Node node : vars) {
if (node.getNodeType() == NodeType.MEASURED) {
String _vars_temp = _vars.toString();
_vars_temp = _vars_temp.replace("[", "");
_vars_temp = _vars_temp.replace("]", "");
_vars_temp = _vars_temp.replace("X", "");
DataSet fullData = im.simulateData(numCases, false);
DataSet data = DataUtils.restrictToMeasured(fullData);
ICovarianceMatrix cov = new CovarianceMatrix(data);
final IndTestFisherZ independenceTestGFci = new IndTestFisherZ(cov, alphaGFci);
final scoreGfci = new;
GFci gFci = new GFci(independenceTestGFci, scoreGfci);
// gFci.setPossibleDsepSearchDone(true);
Graph pag =;
printDanMatrix(_vars, pag, out7);
out8.println("Pattern_of_the_true_DAG OVER MEASURED VARIABLES");
final IndTestFisherZ independencePc = new IndTestFisherZ(cov, alphaPc);
Pc pc = new Pc(independencePc);
Graph pattern =;
printDanMatrix(_vars, pattern, out9);
out11.println("True PAG_of_the_true_DAG");
final Graph truePag = new DagToPag(dag).convert();
printDanMatrix(_vars, truePag, out12);
use of in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class GeneralAlgorithmRunner method execute.
// ============================PUBLIC METHODS==========================//
public void execute() {
List<Graph> graphList = new ArrayList<>();
int i = 0;
if (getDataModelList().isEmpty()) {
if (getSourceGraph() != null) {
Algorithm algo = getAlgorithm();
if (algo instanceof HasKnowledge) {
((HasKnowledge) algo).setKnowledge(getKnowledge());
graphList.add(, parameters));
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parent boxes did not include any datasets or graphs. Try opening\n" + "the editors for those boxes and loading or simulating them.");
} else {
if (getAlgorithm() instanceof MultiDataSetAlgorithm) {
for (int k = 0; k < parameters.getInt("numRuns"); k++) {
List<DataSet> dataSets = getDataModelList().stream().map(e -> (DataSet) e).collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new));
if (dataSets.size() < parameters.getInt("randomSelectionSize")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sorry, the 'random selection size' is greater than " + "the number of data sets.");
List<DataModel> sub = new ArrayList<>();
for (int j = 0; j < parameters.getInt("randomSelectionSize"); j++) {
Algorithm algo = getAlgorithm();
if (algo instanceof HasKnowledge) {
((HasKnowledge) algo).setKnowledge(getKnowledge());
graphList.add(((MultiDataSetAlgorithm) algo).search(sub, parameters));
} else if (getAlgorithm() instanceof ClusterAlgorithm) {
for (int k = 0; k < parameters.getInt("numRuns"); k++) {
getDataModelList().forEach(dataModel -> {
if (dataModel instanceof ICovarianceMatrix) {
ICovarianceMatrix dataSet = (ICovarianceMatrix) dataModel;
graphList.add(, parameters));
} else if (dataModel instanceof DataSet) {
DataSet dataSet = (DataSet) dataModel;
if (!dataSet.isContinuous()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sorry, you need a continuous dataset for a cluster algorithm.");
graphList.add(, parameters));
} else {
getDataModelList().forEach(data -> {
IKnowledge knowledgeFromData = data.getKnowledge();
if (!(knowledgeFromData == null || knowledgeFromData.getVariables().isEmpty())) {
this.knowledge = knowledgeFromData;
Algorithm algo = getAlgorithm();
if (algo instanceof HasKnowledge) {
((HasKnowledge) algo).setKnowledge(getKnowledge());
DataType algDataType = algo.getDataType();
if (data.isContinuous() && (algDataType == DataType.Continuous || algDataType == DataType.Mixed)) {
graphList.add(, parameters));
} else if (data.isDiscrete() && (algDataType == DataType.Discrete || algDataType == DataType.Mixed)) {
graphList.add(, parameters));
} else if (data.isMixed() && algDataType == DataType.Mixed) {
graphList.add(, parameters));
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The type of data changed; try opening up the search editor and " + "running the algorithm there.");
if (getKnowledge().getVariablesNotInTiers().size() < getKnowledge().getVariables().size()) {
for (Graph graph : graphList) {
SearchGraphUtils.arrangeByKnowledgeTiers(graph, getKnowledge());
} else {
for (Graph graph : graphList) {
GraphUtils.circleLayout(graph, 225, 200, 150);
this.graphList = graphList;
use of in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class Ricf method ricf2.
* same as above but takes a Graph instead of a SemGraph *
public RicfResult ricf2(Graph mag, ICovarianceMatrix covMatrix, double tolerance) {
// mag.setShowErrorTerms(false);
DoubleFactory2D factory = DoubleFactory2D.dense;
Algebra algebra = new Algebra();
DoubleMatrix2D S = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(covMatrix.getMatrix().toArray());
int p = covMatrix.getDimension();
if (p == 1) {
return new RicfResult(S, S, null, null, 1, Double.NaN, covMatrix);
List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>();
for (String name : covMatrix.getVariableNames()) {
DoubleMatrix2D omega = factory.diagonal(factory.diagonal(S));
DoubleMatrix2D B = factory.identity(p);
int[] ug = ugNodes(mag, nodes);
int[] ugComp = complement(p, ug);
if (ug.length > 0) {
List<Node> _ugNodes = new LinkedList<>();
for (int i : ug) {
Graph ugGraph = mag.subgraph(_ugNodes);
ICovarianceMatrix ugCov = covMatrix.getSubmatrix(ug);
DoubleMatrix2D lambdaInv = fitConGraph(ugGraph, ugCov, p + 1, tolerance).shat;
omega.viewSelection(ug, ug).assign(lambdaInv);
// Prepare lists of parents and spouses.
int[][] pars = parentIndices(p, mag, nodes);
int[][] spo = spouseIndices(p, mag, nodes);
int i = 0;
double _diff;
while (true) {
DoubleMatrix2D omegaOld = omega.copy();
DoubleMatrix2D bOld = B.copy();
for (int _v = 0; _v < p; _v++) {
// Exclude the UG part.
if (Arrays.binarySearch(ug, _v) >= 0) {
int[] v = new int[] { _v };
int[] vcomp = complement(p, v);
int[] all = range(0, p - 1);
int[] parv = pars[_v];
int[] spov = spo[_v];
DoubleMatrix2D a6 = B.viewSelection(v, parv);
if (spov.length == 0) {
if (parv.length != 0) {
if (i == 1) {
DoubleMatrix2D a1 = S.viewSelection(parv, parv);
DoubleMatrix2D a2 = S.viewSelection(v, parv);
DoubleMatrix2D a3 = algebra.inverse(a1);
DoubleMatrix2D a4 = algebra.mult(a2, a3);
DoubleMatrix2D a7 = S.viewSelection(parv, v);
DoubleMatrix2D a9 = algebra.mult(a6, a7);
DoubleMatrix2D a8 = S.viewSelection(v, v);
DoubleMatrix2D a8b = omega.viewSelection(v, v);
omega.viewSelection(v, v).assign(a9, PlusMult.plusMult(1));
} else {
if (parv.length != 0) {
DoubleMatrix2D oInv = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(p, p);
DoubleMatrix2D a2 = omega.viewSelection(vcomp, vcomp);
DoubleMatrix2D a3 = algebra.inverse(a2);
oInv.viewSelection(vcomp, vcomp).assign(a3);
DoubleMatrix2D Z = algebra.mult(oInv.viewSelection(spov, vcomp), B.viewSelection(vcomp, all));
int lpa = parv.length;
int lspo = spov.length;
// Build XX
DoubleMatrix2D XX = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(lpa + lspo, lpa + lspo);
int[] range1 = range(0, lpa - 1);
int[] range2 = range(lpa, lpa + lspo - 1);
// Upper left quadrant
XX.viewSelection(range1, range1).assign(S.viewSelection(parv, parv));
// Upper right quadrant
DoubleMatrix2D a11 = algebra.mult(S.viewSelection(parv, all), algebra.transpose(Z));
XX.viewSelection(range1, range2).assign(a11);
// Lower left quadrant
DoubleMatrix2D a12 = XX.viewSelection(range2, range1);
DoubleMatrix2D a13 = algebra.transpose(XX.viewSelection(range1, range2));
// Lower right quadrant
DoubleMatrix2D a14 = XX.viewSelection(range2, range2);
DoubleMatrix2D a15 = algebra.mult(Z, S);
DoubleMatrix2D a16 = algebra.mult(a15, algebra.transpose(Z));
// Build XY
DoubleMatrix1D YX = new DenseDoubleMatrix1D(lpa + lspo);
DoubleMatrix1D a17 = YX.viewSelection(range1);
DoubleMatrix1D a18 = S.viewSelection(v, parv).viewRow(0);
DoubleMatrix1D a19 = YX.viewSelection(range2);
DoubleMatrix2D a20 = S.viewSelection(v, all);
DoubleMatrix1D a21 = algebra.mult(a20, algebra.transpose(Z)).viewRow(0);
// Temp
DoubleMatrix2D a22 = algebra.inverse(XX);
DoubleMatrix1D temp = algebra.mult(algebra.transpose(a22), YX);
// Assign to b.
DoubleMatrix1D a23 = a6.viewRow(0);
DoubleMatrix1D a24 = temp.viewSelection(range1);
// Assign to omega.
omega.viewSelection(v, spov).viewRow(0).assign(temp.viewSelection(range2));
omega.viewSelection(spov, v).viewColumn(0).assign(temp.viewSelection(range2));
// Variance.
double tempVar = S.get(_v, _v) - algebra.mult(temp, YX);
DoubleMatrix2D a27 = omega.viewSelection(v, spov);
DoubleMatrix2D a28 = oInv.viewSelection(spov, spov);
DoubleMatrix2D a29 = omega.viewSelection(spov, v).copy();
DoubleMatrix2D a30 = algebra.mult(a27, a28);
DoubleMatrix2D a31 = algebra.mult(a30, a29);
omega.viewSelection(v, v).assign(tempVar);
omega.viewSelection(v, v).assign(a31, PlusMult.plusMult(1));
} else {
DoubleMatrix2D oInv = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(p, p);
DoubleMatrix2D a2 = omega.viewSelection(vcomp, vcomp);
DoubleMatrix2D a3 = algebra.inverse(a2);
oInv.viewSelection(vcomp, vcomp).assign(a3);
// System.out.println("O.inv = " + oInv);
DoubleMatrix2D a4 = oInv.viewSelection(spov, vcomp);
DoubleMatrix2D a5 = B.viewSelection(vcomp, all);
DoubleMatrix2D Z = algebra.mult(a4, a5);
// System.out.println("Z = " + Z);
// Build XX
DoubleMatrix2D XX = algebra.mult(algebra.mult(Z, S), Z.viewDice());
// System.out.println("XX = " + XX);
// Build XY
DoubleMatrix2D a20 = S.viewSelection(v, all);
DoubleMatrix1D YX = algebra.mult(a20, Z.viewDice()).viewRow(0);
// System.out.println("YX = " + YX);
// Temp
DoubleMatrix2D a22 = algebra.inverse(XX);
DoubleMatrix1D a23 = algebra.mult(algebra.transpose(a22), YX);
// Assign to omega.
DoubleMatrix1D a24 = omega.viewSelection(v, spov).viewRow(0);
DoubleMatrix1D a25 = omega.viewSelection(spov, v).viewColumn(0);
// System.out.println("Omega 2 " + omega);
// Variance.
double tempVar = S.get(_v, _v) - algebra.mult(a24, YX);
// System.out.println("tempVar = " + tempVar);
DoubleMatrix2D a27 = omega.viewSelection(v, spov);
DoubleMatrix2D a28 = oInv.viewSelection(spov, spov);
DoubleMatrix2D a29 = omega.viewSelection(spov, v).copy();
DoubleMatrix2D a30 = algebra.mult(a27, a28);
DoubleMatrix2D a31 = algebra.mult(a30, a29);
omega.set(_v, _v, tempVar + a31.get(0, 0));
// System.out.println("Omega final " + omega);
DoubleMatrix2D a32 = omega.copy();
a32.assign(omegaOld, PlusMult.plusMult(-1));
double diff1 = algebra.norm1(a32);
DoubleMatrix2D a33 = B.copy();
a33.assign(bOld, PlusMult.plusMult(-1));
double diff2 = algebra.norm1(a32);
double diff = diff1 + diff2;
_diff = diff;
if (diff < tolerance)
DoubleMatrix2D a34 = algebra.inverse(B);
DoubleMatrix2D a35 = algebra.inverse(B.viewDice());
DoubleMatrix2D sigmahat = algebra.mult(algebra.mult(a34, omega), a35);
DoubleMatrix2D lambdahat = omega.copy();
DoubleMatrix2D a36 = lambdahat.viewSelection(ugComp, ugComp);
a36.assign(factory.make(ugComp.length, ugComp.length, 0.0));
DoubleMatrix2D omegahat = omega.copy();
DoubleMatrix2D a37 = omegahat.viewSelection(ug, ug);
a37.assign(factory.make(ug.length, ug.length, 0.0));
DoubleMatrix2D bhat = B.copy();
return new RicfResult(sigmahat, lambdahat, bhat, omegahat, i, _diff, covMatrix);