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Example 16 with SemGraph

use of edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.SemGraph in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class GeneralizedSemPmEditor method layoutByKnowledge.

public void layoutByKnowledge() {
    SemGraph _graph = (SemGraph) graphicalEditor().getWorkbench().getGraph();
    // graphicalEditor().getWorkbench().setGraph(_graph);
    errorTerms.setText("Show Error Terms");
Also used : SemGraph(edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.SemGraph)

Example 17 with SemGraph

use of edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.SemGraph in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class GeneralizedSemPmEditor method layoutByGraph.

public void layoutByGraph(Graph graph) {
    SemGraph _graph = (SemGraph) graphicalEditor().getWorkbench().getGraph();
    // Oh no do't you dare do this! You will lose all labels! jdramsey 4/17/10
    // graphicalEditor().getWorkbench().setGraph(_graph);
    errorTerms.setText("Show Error Terms");
Also used : SemGraph(edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.SemGraph)

Example 18 with SemGraph

use of edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.SemGraph in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class PatternFitModel method estimatePag.

private SemIm estimatePag(DataSet dataSet, SemPm pm) {
    SemGraph graph = pm.getGraph();
    for (Object o : graph.getNodes()) {
        Node node = (Node) o;
        if (node.getNodeType() == NodeType.LATENT) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Estimation of Bayes IM's " + "with latents is not supported.");
    if (DataUtils.containsMissingValue(dataSet)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please remove or impute missing values.");
    try {
        SemOptimizer optimizer = new SemOptimizerRicf();
        SemEstimator estimator = new SemEstimator(dataSet, pm, optimizer);
        return estimator.estimate();
    } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Value assignments between Bayes PM " + "and discrete data set do not match.");
Also used : SemGraph(edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.SemGraph) Node(edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Node)

Example 19 with SemGraph

use of edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.SemGraph in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class Tsls method estimateCoeffs.

private SemIm estimateCoeffs(SemIm semIm) {
    // System.out.print("\n****************\nCalling 2SLS... ");
    SemGraph semGraph = semIm.getSemPm().getGraph();
    // Get list of fixed measurements that will be kept fixed, and the
    // respective latent variables that are their parents.
    // "X" variables are exogenous, while "Y" variables are endogenous.
    List<Node> ly = new LinkedList<>();
    List<Node> lx = new LinkedList<>();
    List<Node> my1 = new LinkedList<>();
    List<Node> mx1 = new LinkedList<>();
    List<Node> observed = new LinkedList<>();
    for (Node nodeA : semGraph.getNodes()) {
        if (nodeA.getNodeType() == NodeType.ERROR) {
        if (nodeA.getNodeType() == NodeType.LATENT) {
            if (semGraph.getParents(nodeA).size() == 0) {
            } else {
        } else {
    setFixedNodes(semGraph, mx1, my1);
    // Estimate freeParameters for the latent/latent edges
    for (Node current : ly) {
        if (nodeName != null && !nodeName.equals(current.getName())) {
        // Build Z, the matrix containing the data for the fixed measurements
        // associated with the parents of the getModel (endogenous) latent node
        List<Node> endo_parents_m = new LinkedList<>();
        List<Node> exo_parents_m = new LinkedList<>();
        List<Node> endo_parents = new LinkedList<>();
        List<Node> exo_parents = new LinkedList<>();
        Iterator<Node> it_p = semGraph.getParents(current).iterator();
        lNames = new String[lx.size() + ly.size()];
        while (it_p.hasNext()) {
            Node node =;
            if (node.getNodeType() == NodeType.ERROR) {
            if (lx.contains(node)) {
                int position = lx.indexOf(node);
            } else {
                int position = ly.indexOf(node);
        Object[] endp_a_m = endo_parents_m.toArray();
        Object[] exop_a_m = exo_parents_m.toArray();
        Object[] endp_a = endo_parents.toArray();
        Object[] exop_a = exo_parents.toArray();
        int n = dataSet.getNumRows(), c = endp_a_m.length + exop_a_m.length;
        if (c == 0) {
        double[][] Z = new double[n][c];
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < endp_a_m.length; i++) {
            Node node = (Node) endp_a_m[i];
            String name = node.getName();
            Node variable = dataSet.getVariable(name);
            int colIndex = dataSet.getVariables().indexOf(variable);
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                // Z[j][i] = column_data[j];
                Z[j][i] = dataSet.getDouble(j, colIndex);
            lNames[count++] = (endo_parents.get(i)).getName();
        for (int i = 0; i < exop_a_m.length; i++) {
            Node node = (Node) exop_a_m[i];
            String name = node.getName();
            Node variable = dataSet.getVariable(name);
            int colIndex = dataSet.getVariables().indexOf(variable);
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                // Z[j][endp_a_m.length + i] = column_data[j];
                Z[j][endp_a_m.length + i] = dataSet.getDouble(j, colIndex);
            lNames[count++] = exo_parents.get(i).getName();
        // Build V, the matrix containing the data for the nonfixed measurements
        // associated with the parents of the getModel (endogenous) latent node
        endo_parents_m = new LinkedList<>();
        exo_parents_m = new LinkedList<>();
        it_p = semGraph.getParents(current).iterator();
        while (it_p.hasNext()) {
            Node node =;
            if (node.getNodeType() == NodeType.ERROR) {
            List<Node> other_measures = new LinkedList<>();
            for (Node next : semGraph.getChildren(node)) {
                if (next.getNodeType() == NodeType.MEASURED) {
            if (lx.contains(node)) {
                int position = lx.indexOf(node);
            } else {
                int position = ly.indexOf(node);
        endp_a_m = endo_parents_m.toArray();
        exop_a_m = exo_parents_m.toArray();
        n = dataSet.getNumRows();
        c = endp_a_m.length + exop_a_m.length;
        double[][] V = new double[n][c];
        if (c == 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < endp_a_m.length; i++) {
            Node node = ((Node) endp_a_m[i]);
            String name = node.getName();
            Node variable = dataSet.getVariable(name);
            int colIndex = dataSet.getVariables().indexOf(variable);
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                // V[j][i] = column_data[j];
                V[j][i] = dataSet.getDouble(j, colIndex);
        for (int i = 0; i < exop_a_m.length; i++) {
            Node node = (Node) exop_a_m[i];
            String name = node.getName();
            Node variable = dataSet.getVariable(name);
            int colIndex = dataSet.getVariables().indexOf(variable);
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                // V[j][endp_a_m.length + i] = column_data[j];
                V[j][endp_a_m.length + i] = dataSet.getDouble(j, colIndex);
        double[] yi = new double[n];
        if (lx.contains(current)) {
            int position = lx.indexOf(current);
            Node node = mx1.get(position);
            String name = node.getName();
            Node variable = dataSet.getVariable(name);
            int colIndex = dataSet.getVariables().indexOf(variable);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                yi[i] = dataSet.getDouble(i, colIndex);
        } else {
            int position = ly.indexOf(current);
            Node node = my1.get(position);
            String name = node.getName();
            Node variable = dataSet.getVariable(name);
            int colIndex = dataSet.getVariables().indexOf(variable);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                yi[i] = dataSet.getDouble(i, colIndex);
        // Build Z_hat
        double[][] Z_hat = MatrixUtils.product(V, MatrixUtils.product(MatrixUtils.inverse(MatrixUtils.product(MatrixUtils.transpose(V), V)), MatrixUtils.product(MatrixUtils.transpose(V), Z)));
        A_hat = MatrixUtils.product(MatrixUtils.inverse(MatrixUtils.product(MatrixUtils.transpose(Z_hat), Z_hat)), MatrixUtils.product(MatrixUtils.transpose(Z_hat), yi));
        // Set the edge for the fixed measurement
        int position = ly.indexOf(current);
        semIm.setParamValue(current, my1.get(position), 1.);
        // Set the edge for the latents
        for (int i = 0; i < endp_a.length; i++) {
            semIm.setParamValue((Node) endp_a[i], current, A_hat[i]);
        for (int i = 0; i < exop_a.length; i++) {
            semIm.setParamValue((Node) exop_a[i], current, A_hat[endp_a.length + i]);
        if (nodeName != null && nodeName.equals(current.getName())) {
            computeAsymptLatentCovar(yi, A_hat, Z, Z_hat, dataSet.getNumRows());
    // Set the edges of the fixed measurements of exogenous
    for (Node current : lx) {
        int position = lx.indexOf(current);
        semIm.setParamValue(current, mx1.get(position), 1.);
    for (Node current : observed) {
        if (nodeName != null && !nodeName.equals(current.getName())) {
        if (mx1.contains(current) || my1.contains(current)) {
        // First, get the parent of this observed
        Node current_latent = null;
        for (Node node : semGraph.getParents(current)) {
            if (node.getNodeType() == NodeType.ERROR) {
            current_latent = node;
        Iterator<Node> children = semGraph.getChildren(current_latent).iterator();
        List<Node> other_measures = new LinkedList<>();
        Node fixed_measurement;
        while (children.hasNext()) {
            Node next =;
            if ((next.getNodeType() == NodeType.MEASURED) && next != current) {
        if (lx.contains(current_latent)) {
            int position = lx.indexOf(current_latent);
            fixed_measurement = mx1.get(position);
        } else {
            int position = ly.indexOf(current_latent);
            fixed_measurement = my1.get(position);
        // Regress other_measures over the fixed measurement x1 (y1) correspondent
        // to the measurement variable that is being evaluated
        int n = dataSet.getNumRows(), c = other_measures.size();
        if (c == 0) {
        double[][] Z = new double[n][c];
        for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) {
            Node variable = dataSet.getVariable((other_measures.get(i)).getName());
            int varIndex = dataSet.getVariables().indexOf(variable);
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                // Z[j][i] = column_data[j];
                Z[j][i] = dataSet.getDouble(varIndex, j);
        // Build C, the column matrix containing the data for the fixed
        // measurement associated with the only latent parent of the getModel
        // observed node (as assumed by the structure of our measurement model).
        Node variable = dataSet.getVariable(fixed_measurement.getName());
        int colIndex = dataSet.getVariables().indexOf(variable);
        // Column column = dataSet.getColumnObject(variable);
        // double C[] = (double[]) column.getRawData();
        double[] C = new double[dataSet.getNumRows()];
        for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.getNumRows(); i++) {
            C[i] = dataSet.getDouble(colIndex, i);
        // Build V, the matrix containing the data for the other measurements
        // associated with the parents of the (latent) parent of getModel
        // observed node. The only difference with respect to the estimation
        // of the within-latent coefficients is that here we only include
        // the other measurements attached to the parent of the getModel node,
        // assuming that the error term of the getModel node is independent
        // of the error term of the others and that each measurement is
        // taken with respect to only one latent.
        n = dataSet.getNumRows();
        c = other_measures.size();
        double[][] V = new double[n][c];
        for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) {
            Node variable2 = dataSet.getVariable((other_measures.get(i)).getName());
            int var2index = dataSet.getVariables().indexOf(variable2);
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                // V[j][i] = column_data[j];
                V[j][i] = dataSet.getDouble(j, var2index);
        double[] yi = new double[n];
        Node variable3 = dataSet.getVariable((current).getName());
        int var3Index = dataSet.getVariables().indexOf(variable3);
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            yi[i] = dataSet.getDouble(i, var3Index);
        // Object rawData = dataSet.getColumnObject(variable3).getRawData();
        // System.arraycopy(rawData, 0, yi, 0, n);
        double[] C_hat = MatrixUtils.product(V, MatrixUtils.product(MatrixUtils.inverse(MatrixUtils.product(MatrixUtils.transpose(V), V)), MatrixUtils.product(MatrixUtils.transpose(V), C)));
        double A_hat = MatrixUtils.innerProduct(MatrixUtils.scalarProduct(1. / MatrixUtils.innerProduct(C_hat, C_hat), C_hat), yi);
        // Set the edge for the getModel measurement
        semIm.setParamValue(current_latent, current, A_hat);
    return semIm;
Also used : SemGraph(edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.SemGraph) Node(edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Node) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList)


SemGraph (edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.SemGraph)19 Node (edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Node)8 DoubleFactory2D (cern.colt.matrix.DoubleFactory2D)2 DoubleMatrix1D (cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix1D)2 DoubleMatrix2D (cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D)2 DenseDoubleMatrix1D (cern.colt.matrix.impl.DenseDoubleMatrix1D)2 DenseDoubleMatrix2D (cern.colt.matrix.impl.DenseDoubleMatrix2D)2 Algebra (cern.colt.matrix.linalg.Algebra)2 ICovarianceMatrix ( Endpoint (edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Endpoint)2 Graph (edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Graph)2 TetradMatrix (edu.cmu.tetrad.util.TetradMatrix)2 CovarianceMatrix ( GraphNode (edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.GraphNode)1 TetradVector (edu.cmu.tetrad.util.TetradVector)1 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)1 Attribute (nu.xom.Attribute)1 Element (nu.xom.Element)1