use of edu.cmu.tetrad.sem.SemIm in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class StandardizedSemSimulation method simulate.
private DataSet simulate(Graph graph, Parameters parameters) {
if (standardizedIm == null) {
SemPm pm =;
if (pm == null) {
pm = new SemPm(graph);
standardizedIm = new StandardizedSemIm(new SemIm(pm));
return standardizedIm.simulateData(parameters.getInt("sampleSize"), false);
use of edu.cmu.tetrad.sem.SemIm in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class Washdown method pValue.
private double pValue(List<List<Node>> clusters) {
clusters = removeEmpty(clusters);
Graph graph = pureMeasurementModel(clusters);
SemPm pm = new SemPm(graph);
SemEstimator estimator;
if (cov != null) {
estimator = new SemEstimator(cov, pm);
} else {
estimator = new SemEstimator(dataSet, pm);
SemIm est = estimator.estimate();
double pValue = est.getPValue();
return pValue;
use of edu.cmu.tetrad.sem.SemIm in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class HsimEvalFromData method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
long timestart = System.nanoTime();
System.out.println("Beginning Evaluation");
String nl = System.lineSeparator();
String output = "Simulation output comparing Fsim and Hsim on predicting graph discovery accuracy" + nl;
int iterations = 100;
int vars = 20;
int cases = 500;
int edgeratio = 3;
List<Integer> hsimRepeat = Arrays.asList(40);
List<Integer> fsimRepeat = Arrays.asList(40);
List<PRAOerrors>[] fsimErrsByPars = new ArrayList[fsimRepeat.size()];
int whichFrepeat = 0;
for (int frepeat : fsimRepeat) {
fsimErrsByPars[whichFrepeat] = new ArrayList<PRAOerrors>();
List<PRAOerrors>[][] hsimErrsByPars = new ArrayList[1][hsimRepeat.size()];
// System.out.println(resimSize.size()+" "+hsimRepeat.size());
int whichHrepeat;
whichHrepeat = 0;
for (int hrepeat : hsimRepeat) {
// System.out.println(whichrsize+" "+whichHrepeat);
hsimErrsByPars[0][whichHrepeat] = new ArrayList<PRAOerrors>();
// !(*%(@!*^!($%!^ START ITERATING HERE !#$%(*$#@!^(*!$*%(!$#
try {
for (int iterate = 0; iterate < iterations; iterate++) {
System.out.println("iteration " + iterate);
// @#$%@$%^@$^@$^@%$%@$#^ LOADING THE DATA AND GRAPH @$#%%*#^##*^$#@%$
DataSet data1;
Graph graph1 = GraphUtils.loadGraphTxt(new File("graph/graph.1.txt"));
Dag odag = new Dag(graph1);
Set<String> eVars = new HashSet<String>();
Path dataFile = Paths.get("data/data.1.txt");
TabularDataReader dataReader = new ContinuousTabularDataFileReader(dataFile.toFile(), Delimiter.TAB);
data1 = (DataSet) DataConvertUtils.toDataModel(dataReader.readInData(eVars));
vars = data1.getNumColumns();
cases = data1.getNumRows();
edgeratio = 3;
// !#@^$@&%^!#$!&@^ CALCULATING TARGET ERRORS $%$#@^@!%!#^$!%$#%
ICovarianceMatrix newcov = new CovarianceMatrixOnTheFly(data1);
SemBicScore oscore = new SemBicScore(newcov);
Fges ofgs = new Fges(oscore);
// ***********This is the original FGS output on the data
Graph oFGSGraph =;
PRAOerrors oErrors = new PRAOerrors(HsimUtils.errorEval(oFGSGraph, odag), "target errors");
// **then step 1: full resim. iterate through the combinations of estimator parameters (just repeat num)
for (whichFrepeat = 0; whichFrepeat < fsimRepeat.size(); whichFrepeat++) {
ArrayList<PRAOerrors> errorsList = new ArrayList<PRAOerrors>();
for (int r = 0; r < fsimRepeat.get(whichFrepeat); r++) {
PatternToDag pickdag = new PatternToDag(oFGSGraph);
Graph fgsDag = pickdag.patternToDagMeek();
Dag fgsdag2 = new Dag(fgsDag);
// then fit an IM to this dag and the data. GeneralizedSemEstimator seems to bug out
// GeneralizedSemPm simSemPm = new GeneralizedSemPm(fgsdag2);
// GeneralizedSemEstimator gsemEstimator = new GeneralizedSemEstimator();
// GeneralizedSemIm fittedIM = gsemEstimator.estimate(simSemPm, oData);
SemPm simSemPm = new SemPm(fgsdag2);
// BayesPm simBayesPm = new BayesPm(fgsdag2, bayesPm);
SemEstimator simSemEstimator = new SemEstimator(data1, simSemPm);
SemIm fittedIM = simSemEstimator.estimate();
DataSet simData = fittedIM.simulateData(data1.getNumRows(), false);
// after making the full resim data (simData), run FGS on that
ICovarianceMatrix simcov = new CovarianceMatrixOnTheFly(simData);
SemBicScore simscore = new SemBicScore(simcov);
Fges simfgs = new Fges(simscore);
Graph simGraphOut =;
PRAOerrors simErrors = new PRAOerrors(HsimUtils.errorEval(simGraphOut, fgsdag2), "Fsim errors " + r);
PRAOerrors avErrors = new PRAOerrors(errorsList, "Average errors for Fsim at repeat=" + fsimRepeat.get(whichFrepeat));
// if (verbosity>3) System.out.println(avErrors.allToString());
// ****calculate the squared errors of prediction, store all these errors in a list
double FsimAR2 = (avErrors.getAdjRecall() - oErrors.getAdjRecall()) * (avErrors.getAdjRecall() - oErrors.getAdjRecall());
double FsimAP2 = (avErrors.getAdjPrecision() - oErrors.getAdjPrecision()) * (avErrors.getAdjPrecision() - oErrors.getAdjPrecision());
double FsimOR2 = (avErrors.getOrientRecall() - oErrors.getOrientRecall()) * (avErrors.getOrientRecall() - oErrors.getOrientRecall());
double FsimOP2 = (avErrors.getOrientPrecision() - oErrors.getOrientPrecision()) * (avErrors.getOrientPrecision() - oErrors.getOrientPrecision());
PRAOerrors Fsim2 = new PRAOerrors(new double[] { FsimAR2, FsimAP2, FsimOR2, FsimOP2 }, "squared errors for Fsim at repeat=" + fsimRepeat.get(whichFrepeat));
// add the fsim squared errors to the appropriate list
// **then step 2: hybrid sim. iterate through combos of params (repeat num, resimsize)
for (whichHrepeat = 0; whichHrepeat < hsimRepeat.size(); whichHrepeat++) {
HsimRepeatAC study = new HsimRepeatAC(data1);
PRAOerrors HsimErrors = new PRAOerrors(, hsimRepeat.get(whichHrepeat)), "Hsim errors" + "at rsize=" + 1 + " repeat=" + hsimRepeat.get(whichHrepeat));
// ****calculate the squared errors of prediction
double HsimAR2 = (HsimErrors.getAdjRecall() - oErrors.getAdjRecall()) * (HsimErrors.getAdjRecall() - oErrors.getAdjRecall());
double HsimAP2 = (HsimErrors.getAdjPrecision() - oErrors.getAdjPrecision()) * (HsimErrors.getAdjPrecision() - oErrors.getAdjPrecision());
double HsimOR2 = (HsimErrors.getOrientRecall() - oErrors.getOrientRecall()) * (HsimErrors.getOrientRecall() - oErrors.getOrientRecall());
double HsimOP2 = (HsimErrors.getOrientPrecision() - oErrors.getOrientPrecision()) * (HsimErrors.getOrientPrecision() - oErrors.getOrientPrecision());
PRAOerrors Hsim2 = new PRAOerrors(new double[] { HsimAR2, HsimAP2, HsimOR2, HsimOP2 }, "squared errors for Hsim, rsize=" + 1 + " repeat=" + hsimRepeat.get(whichHrepeat));
// Average the squared errors for each set of fsim/hsim params across all iterations
PRAOerrors[] fMSE = new PRAOerrors[fsimRepeat.size()];
PRAOerrors[][] hMSE = new PRAOerrors[1][hsimRepeat.size()];
String[][] latexTableArray = new String[1 * hsimRepeat.size() + fsimRepeat.size()][5];
for (int j = 0; j < fMSE.length; j++) {
fMSE[j] = new PRAOerrors(fsimErrsByPars[j], "MSE for Fsim at vars=" + vars + " edgeratio=" + edgeratio + " cases=" + cases + " frepeat=" + fsimRepeat.get(j) + " iterations=" + iterations);
// if(verbosity>0){System.out.println(fMSE[j].allToString());}
output = output + fMSE[j].allToString() + nl;
latexTableArray[j] = prelimToPRAOtable(fMSE[j]);
for (int j = 0; j < hMSE.length; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < hMSE[j].length; k++) {
hMSE[j][k] = new PRAOerrors(hsimErrsByPars[j][k], "MSE for Hsim at vars=" + vars + " edgeratio=" + edgeratio + " cases=" + cases + " rsize=" + 1 + " repeat=" + hsimRepeat.get(k) + " iterations=" + iterations);
// if(verbosity>0){System.out.println(hMSE[j][k].allToString());}
output = output + hMSE[j][k].allToString() + nl;
latexTableArray[fsimRepeat.size() + j * hMSE[j].length + k] = prelimToPRAOtable(hMSE[j][k]);
// record all the params, the base error values, and the fsim/hsim mean squared errors
String latexTable = HsimUtils.makeLatexTable(latexTableArray);
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter("latexTable.txt", "UTF-8");
PrintWriter writer2 = new PrintWriter("HvsF-SimulationEvaluation.txt", "UTF-8");
long timestop = System.nanoTime();
System.out.println("Evaluation Concluded. Duration: " + (timestop - timestart) / 1000000000 + "s");
} catch (Exception IOException) {
use of edu.cmu.tetrad.sem.SemIm in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class TestLogisticRegression method test1.
public void test1() {
List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
nodes.add(new ContinuousVariable("X" + (i + 1)));
Graph graph = new Dag(GraphUtils.randomGraph(nodes, 0, 5, 3, 3, 3, false));
SemPm pm = new SemPm(graph);
SemIm im = new SemIm(pm);
DataSet data = im.simulateDataRecursive(1000, false);
Node x1 = data.getVariable("X1");
Node x2 = data.getVariable("X2");
Node x3 = data.getVariable("X3");
Node x4 = data.getVariable("X4");
Node x5 = data.getVariable("X5");
Discretizer discretizer = new Discretizer(data);
discretizer.equalCounts(x1, 2);
DataSet d2 = discretizer.discretize();
LogisticRegression regression = new LogisticRegression(d2);
List<Node> regressors = new ArrayList<>();
DiscreteVariable x1b = (DiscreteVariable) d2.getVariable("X1");
regression.regress(x1b, regressors);
use of edu.cmu.tetrad.sem.SemIm in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class TestDeltaTetradTest method getFigure4aSem.
private SemIm getFigure4aSem() {
Graph graph = new EdgeListGraph();
Node xi1 = new GraphNode("xi1");
Node x1 = new GraphNode("x1");
Node x2 = new GraphNode("x2");
Node x3 = new GraphNode("x3");
Node x4 = new GraphNode("x4");
graph.addDirectedEdge(xi1, x1);
graph.addDirectedEdge(xi1, x2);
graph.addDirectedEdge(xi1, x3);
graph.addDirectedEdge(xi1, x4);
SemPm pm = new SemPm(graph);
Parameters params = new Parameters();
return new SemIm(pm, params);