use of edu.cmu.tetrad.util.ChoiceGenerator in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class Dci method awayFromAncestorCycle.
// Does only the ancestor and cycle rules of these repeatedly until no changes
private void awayFromAncestorCycle(Graph graph) {
while (changeFlag) {
changeFlag = false;
List<Node> nodes = graph.getNodes();
for (Node B : nodes) {
List<Node> adj = graph.getAdjacentNodes(B);
if (adj.size() < 2) {
ChoiceGenerator cg = new ChoiceGenerator(adj.size(), 2);
int[] combination;
while ((combination = != null) {
Node A = adj.get(combination[0]);
Node C = adj.get(combination[1]);
// choice gen doesnt do diff orders, so must switch A & C around.
awayFromAncestor(graph, A, B, C);
awayFromAncestor(graph, C, B, A);
awayFromCycle(graph, A, B, C);
awayFromCycle(graph, C, B, A);
changeFlag = true;
use of edu.cmu.tetrad.util.ChoiceGenerator in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class CpcOrienter method orientUnshieldedTriples.
// public final Graph orientationForGraph(Dag trueGraph) {
// Graph graph = new EdgeListGraph(independenceTest.getVariable());
// for (Edge edge : trueGraph.getEdges()) {
// Node nodeA = edge.getNode1();
// Node nodeB = edge.getNode2();
// Node _nodeA = independenceTest.getVariable(nodeA.getNode());
// Node _nodeB = independenceTest.getVariable(nodeB.getNode());
// graph.addUndirectedEdge(_nodeA, _nodeB);
// }
// SearchGraphUtils.pcOrientbk(knowledge, graph, graph.getNodes());
// orientUnshieldedTriples(knowledge, getIndependenceTest(), depth);
// MeekRules meekRules = new MeekRules();
// meekRules.setKnowledge(knowledge);
// meekRules.orientImplied(graph);
// return graph;
// }
// ==========================PRIVATE METHODS===========================//
@SuppressWarnings({ "SameParameterValue" })
private void orientUnshieldedTriples(IKnowledge knowledge, IndependenceTest test, int depth) {
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("info", "Starting Collider Orientation:");
colliderTriples = new HashSet<>();
noncolliderTriples = new HashSet<>();
ambiguousTriples = new HashSet<>();
for (Node y : graph.getNodes()) {
List<Node> adjacentNodes = graph.getAdjacentNodes(y);
if (adjacentNodes.size() < 2) {
ChoiceGenerator cg = new ChoiceGenerator(adjacentNodes.size(), 2);
int[] combination;
while ((combination = != null) {
Node x = adjacentNodes.get(combination[0]);
Node z = adjacentNodes.get(combination[1]);
if (this.graph.isAdjacentTo(x, z)) {
allTriples.add(new Triple(x, y, z));
CpcOrienter.TripleType type = getTripleType(x, y, z, test, depth);
System.out.println(new Triple(x, y, z) + " " + type);
if (type == CpcOrienter.TripleType.COLLIDER) {
if (colliderAllowed(x, y, z, knowledge)) {
graph.setEndpoint(x, y, Endpoint.ARROW);
graph.setEndpoint(z, y, Endpoint.ARROW);
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("colliderOrientations", SearchLogUtils.colliderOrientedMsg(x, y, z));
colliderTriples.add(new Triple(x, y, z));
} else if (type == CpcOrienter.TripleType.AMBIGUOUS) {
Triple triple = new Triple(x, y, z);
graph.addAmbiguousTriple(triple.getX(), triple.getY(), triple.getZ());
} else {
noncolliderTriples.add(new Triple(x, y, z));
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("info", "Finishing Collider Orientation.");
use of edu.cmu.tetrad.util.ChoiceGenerator in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class Ccd method doNodeCollider.
private void doNodeCollider(Graph graph, Map<Triple, Double> colliders, Map<Triple, Double> noncolliders, Node b) {
List<Node> adjacentNodes = graph.getAdjacentNodes(b);
if (adjacentNodes.size() < 2) {
ChoiceGenerator cg = new ChoiceGenerator(adjacentNodes.size(), 2);
int[] combination;
while ((combination = != null) {
Node a = adjacentNodes.get(combination[0]);
Node c = adjacentNodes.get(combination[1]);
// Skip triples that are shielded.
if (graph.isAdjacentTo(a, c)) {
List<Node> adja = graph.getAdjacentNodes(a);
double score = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
List<Node> S = null;
DepthChoiceGenerator cg2 = new DepthChoiceGenerator(adja.size(), -1);
int[] comb2;
while ((comb2 = != null) {
List<Node> s = GraphUtils.asList(comb2, adja);
independenceTest.isIndependent(a, c, s);
double _score = independenceTest.getScore();
if (_score < score) {
score = _score;
S = s;
List<Node> adjc = graph.getAdjacentNodes(c);
DepthChoiceGenerator cg3 = new DepthChoiceGenerator(adjc.size(), -1);
int[] comb3;
while ((comb3 = != null) {
List<Node> s = GraphUtils.asList(comb3, adjc);
independenceTest.isIndependent(c, a, s);
double _score = independenceTest.getScore();
if (_score < score) {
score = _score;
S = s;
// This could happen if there are undefined values and such.
if (S == null) {
if (S.contains(b)) {
noncolliders.put(new Triple(a, b, c), score);
} else {
colliders.put(new Triple(a, b, c), score);
use of edu.cmu.tetrad.util.ChoiceGenerator in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class Cefs method prune.
* Tries node remove the edge node---from using adjacent nodes of node 'from', then tries node remove each other
* edge adjacent node 'from' using remaining edges adjacent node 'from.' If the edge 'node' is removed, the method
* immediately returns.
private void prune(Node node, Graph graph, int depth) {
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("pruning", "Trying to remove edges adjacent to node " + node + ", depth = " + depth + ".");
// Otherwise, try removing all other edges adjacent node node. Return
// true if more edges could be removed at the next depth.
List<Node> a = new LinkedList<>(graph.getAdjacentNodes(node));
NEXT_EDGE: for (Node y : a) {
List<Node> adjNode = new LinkedList<>(graph.getAdjacentNodes(node));
adjNode = possibleParents(node, adjNode);
if (adjNode.size() < depth) {
ChoiceGenerator cg = new ChoiceGenerator(adjNode.size(), depth);
int[] choice;
while ((choice = != null) {
List<Node> condSet = GraphUtils.asList(choice, adjNode);
if (independent(node, y, condSet) && !edgeRequired(node, y)) {
graph.removeEdge(node, y);
// The target itself must not be removed.
if (graph.getEdges(y).isEmpty() && y != getTarget()) {
continue NEXT_EDGE;
int numAdjacents = graph.getAdjacentNodes(node).size();
noteMaxAtDepth(depth, numAdjacents, node);
use of edu.cmu.tetrad.util.ChoiceGenerator in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class BffBeam method getRemoveTriangleMoves.
private List<Move> getRemoveTriangleMoves(Graph graph) {
List<Move> moves = new ArrayList<>();
for (Node b : graph.getNodes()) {
List<Node> adj = graph.getAdjacentNodes(b);
if (adj.size() < 2)
ChoiceGenerator gen = new ChoiceGenerator(adj.size(), 2);
int[] choice;
while ((choice = != null) {
List<Node> set = GraphUtils.asList(choice, adj);
Node a = set.get(0);
Node c = set.get(1);
Edge edge1 = graph.getEdge(a, b);
Edge edge2 = graph.getEdge(b, c);
Edge edge3 = graph.getEdge(a, c);
if (edge1 != null && edge2 != null && edge3 != null && edge1.pointsTowards(a) && edge3.pointsTowards(c) && edge2.pointsTowards(c)) {
moves.add(new Move(Edges.directedEdge(b, c), Edges.directedEdge(c, a), Move.Type.SWAP));
} else if (edge1 != null && edge2 != null && edge3 != null && edge3.pointsTowards(a) && edge1.pointsTowards(b) && edge2.pointsTowards(b)) {
moves.add(new Move(Edges.directedEdge(b, c), Edges.directedEdge(b, a), Move.Type.SWAP));
return moves;