use of edu.cmu.tetrad.util.ChoiceGenerator in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class Vcpc method getPopulationTripleType.
public CpcTripleType getPopulationTripleType(Node x, Node y, Node z, IndependenceTest test, int depth, Graph graph, boolean verbose) {
if (facts == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Need independence facts as a parent");
System.out.println("NameS" + facts.getVariableNames());
int numSepsetsContainingY = 0;
int numSepsetsNotContainingY = 0;
List<Node> _nodes = graph.getAdjacentNodes(x);
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("adjacencies", "Adjacents for " + x + "--" + y + "--" + z + " = " + _nodes);
int _depth = depth;
if (_depth == -1) {
_depth = 1000;
_depth = Math.min(_depth, _nodes.size());
while (true) {
for (int d = 0; d <= _depth; d++) {
ChoiceGenerator cg = new ChoiceGenerator(_nodes.size(), d);
int[] choice;
while ((choice = != null) {
List<Node> cond = GraphUtils.asList(choice, _nodes);
if (facts.isIndependent(x, z, cond)) {
// if (verbose) {
System.out.println("Indep Fact said: " + x + " _||_ " + z + " | " + cond);
if (cond.contains(y)) {
} else {
} else {
System.out.println("This is not Indep by facts: " + x + " _||_ " + z + " | " + cond);
if (numSepsetsContainingY > 0 && numSepsetsNotContainingY > 0) {
return CpcTripleType.AMBIGUOUS;
_nodes = graph.getAdjacentNodes(z);
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("adjacencies", "Adjacents for " + x + "--" + y + "--" + z + " = " + _nodes);
_depth = depth;
if (_depth == -1) {
_depth = 1000;
_depth = Math.min(_depth, _nodes.size());
for (int d = 0; d <= _depth; d++) {
ChoiceGenerator cg = new ChoiceGenerator(_nodes.size(), d);
int[] choice;
while ((choice = != null) {
List<Node> cond = GraphUtils.asList(choice, _nodes);
if (test.isIndependent(x, z, cond)) {
if (cond.contains(y)) {
} else {
if (numSepsetsContainingY > 0 && numSepsetsNotContainingY > 0) {
return CpcTripleType.AMBIGUOUS;
if (numSepsetsContainingY > 0) {
return CpcTripleType.NONCOLLIDER;
} else {
if (verbose) {
System.out.println("Orienting " + x + "-->" + y + "<-" + z);
return CpcTripleType.COLLIDER;
use of edu.cmu.tetrad.util.ChoiceGenerator in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class Vcpc method orientUnshieldedTriples.
// private void logTriples() {
// TetradLogger.getInstance().log("info", "\nCollider triples:");
// for (Triple triple : colliderTriples) {
// TetradLogger.getInstance().log("info", "Collider: " + triple);
// }
// TetradLogger.getInstance().log("info", "\nNoncollider triples:");
// for (Triple triple : noncolliderTriples) {
// TetradLogger.getInstance().log("info", "Noncollider: " + triple);
// }
// TetradLogger.getInstance().log("info", "\nAmbiguous triples (i.e. list of triples for which " +
// "\nthere is ambiguous data about whether they are colliders or not):");
// for (Triple triple : getAmbiguousTriples()) {
// TetradLogger.getInstance().log("info", "Ambiguous: " + triple);
// }
// }
// // Original triple orientation procedure.
// private void orientUnshieldedTriples(IKnowledge knowledge,
// IndependenceTest test, int depth) {
// TetradLogger.getInstance().log("info", "Starting Collider Orientation:");
// colliderTriples = new HashSet<Triple>();
// noncolliderTriples = new HashSet<Triple>();
// ambiguousTriples = new HashSet<Triple>();
// List<Node> nodes = graph.getNodes();
// for (Node y : nodes) {
// List<Node> adjacentNodes = graph.getAdjacentNodes(y);
// if (adjacentNodes.size() < 2) {
// continue;
// }
// ChoiceGenerator cg = new ChoiceGenerator(adjacentNodes.size(), 2);
// int[] combination;
// while ((combination = != null) {
// Node x = adjacentNodes.get(combination[0]);
// Node z = adjacentNodes.get(combination[1]);
// if (this.graph.isAdjacentTo(x, z)) {
// continue;
// }
// getAllTriples().add(new Triple(x, y, z));
// SearchGraphUtils.CpcTripleType type = SearchGraphUtils.getCpcTripleType(x, y, z, test, depth, graph, verbose);
// // SearchGraphUtils.CpcTripleType type = SearchGraphUtils.getCpcTripleType2(x, y, z, test, depth, graph);
// if (type == SearchGraphUtils.CpcTripleType.COLLIDER) {
// if (colliderAllowed(x, y, z, knowledge)) {
// graph.setEndpoint(x, y, Endpoint.ARROW);
// graph.setEndpoint(z, y, Endpoint.ARROW);
// TetradLogger.getInstance().log("colliderOrientations", SearchLogUtils.colliderOrientedMsg(x, y, z));
// }
// colliderTriples.add(new Triple(x, y, z));
// } else if (type == SearchGraphUtils.CpcTripleType.AMBIGUOUS) {
// Triple triple = new Triple(x, y, z);
// ambiguousTriples.add(triple);
// graph.addAmbiguousTriple(triple.getX(), triple.getY(), triple.getZ());
// Edge edge = Edges.undirectedEdge(x, z);
// definitelyNonadjacencies.add(edge);
// } else {
// noncolliderTriples.add(new Triple(x, y, z));
// }
// }
// }
// TetradLogger.getInstance().log("info", "Finishing Collider Orientation.");
// }
// // Population version.
private void orientUnshieldedTriples(IKnowledge knowledge, IndependenceTest test, int depth) {
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("info", "Starting Collider Orientation:");
// System.out.println("orientUnshieldedTriples 1");
colliderTriples = new HashSet<>();
noncolliderTriples = new HashSet<>();
ambiguousTriples = new HashSet<>();
List<Node> nodes = graph.getNodes();
for (Node y : nodes) {
List<Node> adjacentNodes = graph.getAdjacentNodes(y);
if (adjacentNodes.size() < 2) {
ChoiceGenerator cg = new ChoiceGenerator(adjacentNodes.size(), 2);
int[] combination;
while ((combination = != null) {
Node x = adjacentNodes.get(combination[0]);
Node z = adjacentNodes.get(combination[1]);
if (this.graph.isAdjacentTo(x, z)) {
getAllTriples().add(new Triple(x, y, z));
CpcTripleType type = getPopulationTripleType(x, y, z, test, depth, graph, verbose);
if (type == CpcTripleType.COLLIDER) {
if (colliderAllowed(x, y, z, knowledge)) {
graph.setEndpoint(x, y, Endpoint.ARROW);
graph.setEndpoint(z, y, Endpoint.ARROW);
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("colliderOrientations", SearchLogUtils.colliderOrientedMsg(x, y, z));
colliderTriples.add(new Triple(x, y, z));
} else if (type == CpcTripleType.AMBIGUOUS) {
Triple triple = new Triple(x, y, z);
graph.addAmbiguousTriple(triple.getX(), triple.getY(), triple.getZ());
Edge edge = Edges.undirectedEdge(x, z);
} else {
noncolliderTriples.add(new Triple(x, y, z));
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("info", "Finishing Collider Orientation.");
use of edu.cmu.tetrad.util.ChoiceGenerator in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class VcpcFast method getPopulationTripleType.
public CpcTripleType getPopulationTripleType(Node x, Node y, Node z, IndependenceTest test, int depth, Graph graph, boolean verbose) {
// if ((x.getNode().equals("X5") && z.getNode().equals("X7"))
// || (x.getNode().equals("X7") && z.getNode().equals("X5"))) {
// System.out.println();
// }
System.out.println("NameS" + facts.getVariableNames());
IndependenceTest test1 = new IndTestDSep(graph);
int numSepsetsContainingY = 0;
int numSepsetsNotContainingY = 0;
List<Node> _nodes = graph.getAdjacentNodes(x);
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("adjacencies", "Adjacents for " + x + "--" + y + "--" + z + " = " + _nodes);
int _depth = depth;
if (_depth == -1) {
_depth = 1000;
_depth = Math.min(_depth, _nodes.size());
while (true) {
for (int d = 0; d <= _depth; d++) {
ChoiceGenerator cg = new ChoiceGenerator(_nodes.size(), d);
int[] choice;
while ((choice = != null) {
List<Node> cond = GraphUtils.asList(choice, _nodes);
if (facts.isIndependent(x, z, cond)) {
// if (verbose) {
System.out.println("Indep Fact said: " + x + " _||_ " + z + " | " + cond);
if (cond.contains(y)) {
} else {
} else {
System.out.println("This is not Indep by facts: " + x + " _||_ " + z + " | " + cond);
if (numSepsetsContainingY > 0 && numSepsetsNotContainingY > 0) {
return CpcTripleType.AMBIGUOUS;
_nodes = graph.getAdjacentNodes(z);
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("adjacencies", "Adjacents for " + x + "--" + y + "--" + z + " = " + _nodes);
_depth = depth;
if (_depth == -1) {
_depth = 1000;
_depth = Math.min(_depth, _nodes.size());
for (int d = 0; d <= _depth; d++) {
ChoiceGenerator cg = new ChoiceGenerator(_nodes.size(), d);
int[] choice;
while ((choice = != null) {
List<Node> cond = GraphUtils.asList(choice, _nodes);
if (test.isIndependent(x, z, cond)) {
if (cond.contains(y)) {
} else {
if (numSepsetsContainingY > 0 && numSepsetsNotContainingY > 0) {
return CpcTripleType.AMBIGUOUS;
if (numSepsetsContainingY > 0) {
return CpcTripleType.NONCOLLIDER;
} else {
if (verbose) {
System.out.println("Orienting " + x + "-->" + y + "<-" + z);
return CpcTripleType.COLLIDER;
use of edu.cmu.tetrad.util.ChoiceGenerator in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class SepsetsMaxScore method getMaxScoreSet.
private List<Node> getMaxScoreSet(Node i, Node k) {
double _p = 0.0;
List<Node> _v = null;
if (extraSepsets != null) {
final List<Node> v = extraSepsets.get(i, k);
if (v != null) {
independenceTest.isIndependent(i, k, v);
double p = independenceTest.getScore();
if (p > _p) {
_p = p;
_v = v;
List<Node> adji = graph.getAdjacentNodes(i);
List<Node> adjk = graph.getAdjacentNodes(k);
for (int d = 0; d <= Math.min((depth == -1 ? 1000 : depth), adji.size()); d++) {
ChoiceGenerator gen = new ChoiceGenerator(adji.size(), d);
int[] choice;
while ((choice = != null) {
List<Node> v = GraphUtils.asList(choice, adji);
getIndependenceTest().isIndependent(i, k, v);
double p = getIndependenceTest().getScore();
if (p > _p) {
_p = p;
_v = v;
for (int d = 0; d <= Math.min((depth == -1 ? 1000 : depth), adjk.size()); d++) {
ChoiceGenerator gen = new ChoiceGenerator(adjk.size(), d);
int[] choice;
while ((choice = != null) {
List<Node> v = GraphUtils.asList(choice, adjk);
getIndependenceTest().isIndependent(i, k, v);
double p = getIndependenceTest().getScore();
if (p > _p) {
_p = p;
_v = v;
this.p = _p;
return _v;
use of edu.cmu.tetrad.util.ChoiceGenerator in project tetrad by cmu-phil.
the class SepsetsMinScore method getMinSepset.
private List<Node> getMinSepset(Node i, Node k) {
double _p = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
List<Node> _v = null;
List<Node> adji = graph.getAdjacentNodes(i);
List<Node> adjk = graph.getAdjacentNodes(k);
for (int d = 0; d <= Math.min((depth == -1 ? 1000 : depth), Math.max(adji.size(), adjk.size())); d++) {
if (d <= adji.size()) {
ChoiceGenerator gen = new ChoiceGenerator(adji.size(), d);
int[] choice;
while ((choice = != null) {
List<Node> v2 = GraphUtils.asList(choice, adji);
getIndependenceTest().isIndependent(i, k, v2);
double p2 = getIndependenceTest().getScore();
if (returnNullWhenIndep) {
if (p2 < _p && p2 < 0) {
_p = p2;
_v = v2;
} else {
if (p2 < _p) {
_p = p2;
_v = v2;
if (d <= adjk.size()) {
ChoiceGenerator gen = new ChoiceGenerator(adjk.size(), d);
int[] choice;
while ((choice = != null) {
List<Node> v2 = GraphUtils.asList(choice, adjk);
getIndependenceTest().isIndependent(i, k, v2);
double p2 = getIndependenceTest().getScore();
if (returnNullWhenIndep) {
if (p2 < _p && p2 < 0) {
_p = p2;
_v = v2;
} else {
if (p2 < _p) {
_p = p2;
_v = v2;
this.p = _p;
return _v;