Search in sources :

Example 11 with Parameters

use of edu.cmu.tetrad.util.Parameters in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class TestIndTestFisherZ method test2.

public void test2() {
    for (int p = 0; p < 50; p++) {
        Graph graph = new EdgeListGraph();
        Node x = new ContinuousVariable("X");
        Node y = new ContinuousVariable("Y");
        Node w1 = new ContinuousVariable("W1");
        Node w2 = new ContinuousVariable("W2");
        Node w3 = new ContinuousVariable("W3");
        Node r = new ContinuousVariable("R");
        graph.addDirectedEdge(x, w1);
        graph.addDirectedEdge(w1, w2);
        graph.addDirectedEdge(w2, y);
        graph.addDirectedEdge(w3, y);
        // graph.addDirectedEdge(x, r);
        // graph.addDirectedEdge(r, y);
        graph.addDirectedEdge(y, r);
        SemPm pm = new SemPm(graph);
        Parameters parameters = new Parameters();
        parameters.set("coefLow", .3);
        parameters.set("coefHigh", .8);
        parameters.set("coefSymmetric", false);
        SemIm im = new SemIm(pm, parameters);
        final int N = 1000;
        DataSet data = im.simulateData(N, false);
        ICovarianceMatrix _cov = new CovarianceMatrix(data);
        TetradMatrix cov = _cov.getMatrix();
        List<Node> nodes = _cov.getVariables();
        final int xi = nodes.indexOf(x);
        final int yi = nodes.indexOf(y);
        final int ri = nodes.indexOf(r);
        double xy = StatUtils.partialCorrelation(cov, xi, yi);
        double xyr = StatUtils.partialCorrelation(cov, xi, yi, ri);
        double f1 = 0.5 * sqrt(N - 3) * log(1. + xy) - log(1. - xy);
        double f2 = 0.5 * sqrt(N - 3 - 1) * log(1. + xyr) - log(1. - xyr);
        System.out.println(abs(f1) > abs(f2));
Also used : Parameters(edu.cmu.tetrad.util.Parameters) TetradMatrix(edu.cmu.tetrad.util.TetradMatrix) SemPm(edu.cmu.tetrad.sem.SemPm) SemIm(edu.cmu.tetrad.sem.SemIm) Test(org.junit.Test) IndependenceTest(

Example 12 with Parameters

use of edu.cmu.tetrad.util.Parameters in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class SpecialExampleSimulationClark method main.

public static void main(String... args) {
    Parameters parameters = new Parameters();
    parameters.set("numRuns", 20);
    parameters.set("sampleSize", 1000);
    parameters.set("twoCycleAlpha", 1);
    Statistics statistics = new Statistics();
    statistics.add(new AdjacencyPrecision());
    statistics.add(new AdjacencyRecall());
    statistics.add(new ArrowheadPrecision());
    statistics.add(new ArrowheadRecall());
    // statistics.add(new TwoCycleTruePositive());
    // statistics.add(new TwoCycleFalseNegative());
    // statistics.add(new TwoCycleFalsePositive());
    // For randomm forward graph
    parameters.set("numMeasures", 10);
    parameters.set("numLatents", 0);
    parameters.set("avgDegree", 2);
    parameters.set("maxDegree", 100);
    parameters.set("maxIndegree", 100);
    parameters.set("maxOutdegree", 100);
    parameters.set("connected", false);
    // statistics.setWeight("AP", 1.0);
    // statistics.setWeight("AR", 0.5);
    Algorithms algorithms = new Algorithms();
    algorithms.add(new Fask());
    Simulations simulations = new Simulations();
    // simulations.add(new SpecialDataClark(new SpecialGraphClark()));
    simulations.add(new SpecialDataClark(new RandomForward()));
    Comparison comparison = new Comparison();
    // comparison.saveToFiles("comparison", new SpecialDataClark(new SpecialGraphClark()), parameters);
    comparison.compareFromSimulations("comparison", simulations, algorithms, statistics, parameters);
Also used : Simulations(edu.cmu.tetrad.algcomparison.simulation.Simulations) Fask(edu.cmu.tetrad.algcomparison.algorithm.multi.Fask) Parameters(edu.cmu.tetrad.util.Parameters) Algorithms(edu.cmu.tetrad.algcomparison.algorithm.Algorithms) Comparison(edu.cmu.tetrad.algcomparison.Comparison) RandomForward(edu.cmu.tetrad.algcomparison.graph.RandomForward)

Example 13 with Parameters

use of edu.cmu.tetrad.util.Parameters in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class FirstInflection method search.

public Graph search(DataModel dataSet, Parameters parameters) {
    Parameters _parameters = new Parameters(parameters);
    Graph _previous = null;
    int _prevDiff = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    double _value = 0.0;
    if (increment > 0) {
        for (double value = low - increment; value <= high + 0.0000001; value += increment) {
            double value0 = getValue(value, parameters);
            _parameters.set(parameter, value0);
            intialGraph =, _parameters);
            if (_previous == null) {
                _previous = intialGraph;
            intialGraph = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(intialGraph, _previous.getNodes());
            Set<Edge> edges1 = intialGraph.getEdges();
            int numEdges = edges1.size();
            Set<Edge> edges2 = _previous.getEdges();
            int diff = edges2.size();
            System.out.println(parameter + " = " + _parameters.getDouble(parameter) + " # edges = " + numEdges + " # additional = " + diff);
            if (diff >= _prevDiff) {
            _previous = intialGraph;
            _value = _parameters.getDouble(parameter);
            _prevDiff = diff;
        if (_value == Math.round((low + increment) * 1000000000.0) / 1000000000.0) {
            for (double value = low; value >= Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; value -= increment) {
                value = getValue(value, parameters);
                _parameters.set(parameter, value);
                intialGraph =, _parameters);
                intialGraph = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(intialGraph, _previous.getNodes());
                Set<Edge> edges1 = intialGraph.getEdges();
                int numEdges = edges1.size();
                Set<Edge> edges2 = intialGraph.getEdges();
                int diff = edges2.size();
                System.out.println(parameter + " = " + _parameters.getDouble(parameter) + " # edges = " + numEdges + " # additional = " + diff);
                if (diff >= _prevDiff) {
                _previous = intialGraph;
                _value = _parameters.getDouble(parameter);
                _prevDiff = diff;
    } else {
        for (double value = high; value >= low - 0.0000001; value += increment) {
            double value0 = getValue(value, parameters);
            _parameters.set(parameter, value0);
            intialGraph =, _parameters);
            if (_previous == null) {
                _previous = intialGraph;
            intialGraph = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(intialGraph, _previous.getNodes());
            Set<Edge> edges1 = intialGraph.getEdges();
            int numEdges = edges1.size();
            Set<Edge> edges2 = _previous.getEdges();
            int diff = edges2.size();
            System.out.println(parameter + " = " + _parameters.getDouble(parameter) + " # edges = " + numEdges + " # additional = " + diff);
            if (diff >= _prevDiff) {
            _previous = intialGraph;
            _value = _parameters.getDouble(parameter);
            _prevDiff = diff;
        if (_value == Math.round((high - increment) * 1000000000.0) / 1000000000.0) {
            for (double value = low; value >= Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; value -= increment) {
                value = getValue(value, parameters);
                _parameters.set(parameter, value);
                intialGraph =, _parameters);
                intialGraph = GraphUtils.replaceNodes(intialGraph, _previous.getNodes());
                Set<Edge> edges1 = intialGraph.getEdges();
                int numEdges = edges1.size();
                Set<Edge> edges2 = intialGraph.getEdges();
                int diff = edges2.size();
                System.out.println(parameter + " = " + _parameters.getDouble(parameter) + " # edges = " + numEdges + " # additional = " + diff);
                if (diff >= _prevDiff) {
                _previous = intialGraph;
                _value = _parameters.getDouble(parameter);
                _prevDiff = diff;
    System.out.println(parameter + " = " + _value);
    return _previous;
// double tolerance = parameters.getDouble("StARS.tolerance");
// MultivariateOptimizer search = new PowellOptimizer(tolerance, tolerance);
// FittingFunction f = new FittingFunction(_parameters, algorithm, low, high, parameter, (DataSet) dataSet);
// PointValuePair p = search.optimize(
// new InitialGuess(new double[]{increment, increment}),
// new ObjectiveFunction(f),
// GoalType.MINIMIZE,
// new MaxEval(100000)
// );
// double[] point = p.getPoint();
// double p1 = point[0];
// double p2 = point[1];
// p1 = Math.round(p1 * 10.0) / 10.0;
// p2 = Math.round(p2 * 10.0) / 10.0;
// double value = Math.max(p1, p2);
// //        double value = (p.getPoint()[0] + p.getPoint()[1]) / 2;
// System.out.println(parameter + " = " + getValue(value, parameters));
// _parameters.set(parameter, getValue(value, parameters));
// return, _parameters);
Also used : Parameters(edu.cmu.tetrad.util.Parameters) TakesInitialGraph(edu.cmu.tetrad.algcomparison.utils.TakesInitialGraph) Graph(edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Graph) Edge(edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Edge)

Example 14 with Parameters

use of edu.cmu.tetrad.util.Parameters in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class StARS method search.

public Graph search(DataModel dataSet, Parameters parameters) {
    this._dataSet = (DataSet) dataSet;
    // int numVars = Math.min(50, ((DataSet) dataSet).getNumColumns());
    // int[] cols = new int[numVars];
    // for (int i = 0; i < numVars; i++) cols[i] = i;
    // .subsetColumns(cols);
    _dataSet = (DataSet) dataSet;
    double percentageB = parameters.getDouble("percentSubsampleSize");
    double tolerance = parameters.getDouble("StARS.tolerance");
    double beta = parameters.getDouble("StARS.cutoff");
    int numSubsamples = parameters.getInt("numSubsamples");
    Parameters _parameters = new Parameters(parameters);
    List<DataSet> samples = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < numSubsamples; i++) {
        BootstrapSampler sampler = new BootstrapSampler();
        samples.add(sampler.sample(_dataSet, (int) (percentageB * _dataSet.getNumRows())));
    // double pFrom = low;
    // double pTo = high;
    double maxD = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    double _lambda = Double.NaN;
    for (double lambda = low; lambda <= high; lambda += 0.5) {
        double D = getD(parameters, parameter, lambda, samples, algorithm);
        System.out.println("lambda = " + lambda + " D = " + D);
        if (D > maxD && D < beta) {
            maxD = D;
            _lambda = lambda;
    // double D1 = getD(parameters, parameter, low, samples, algorithm);
    // System.out.println("D1 (low) = " + D1);
    // double D2 = getD(parameters, parameter, high, samples, algorithm);
    // System.out.println("D2 (high) = " + D2);
    // double lastD;
    // double pMid;
    // double pBest;
    // double bestD;
    // if (D1 > D2 && D1 < beta) {
    // lastD = D1;
    // pBest = low;
    // bestD = D1;
    // } else if (D2 > D1 && D2 < beta) {
    // lastD = D2;
    // pBest = high;
    // bestD = D2;
    // } else {
    // lastD = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    // pBest = (low + high) / 2.0;
    // bestD = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    // }
    // System.out.println("lastD = " + lastD);
    // while (abs(pFrom - pTo) > tolerance) {
    // pMid = (pFrom + pTo) / 2.0;
    // double D = getD(parameters, parameter, pMid, samples, algorithm);
    // System.out.println("pFrom = " + pFrom + " pTo = " + pTo + " pMid = " + pMid + " D = " + D);
    // if (D1 > D2) {
    // if (D > bestD && D < beta) {
    // pTo = pMid;
    // pBest = pMid;
    // bestD = D;
    // } else {
    // pFrom = pMid;
    // }
    // } else {
    // if (D > bestD && D < beta) {
    // pFrom = pMid;
    // pBest = pMid;
    // bestD = D;
    // } else {
    // pTo = pMid;
    // }
    // }
    // lastD = D;
    // System.out.println("lastD = " + lastD + " pBest = " + pBest);
    // }
    // if (D1 > bestD) {
    // pBest = low;
    // }
    // if (D2 > bestD) {
    // pBest = high;
    // }
    System.out.println("FINAL: lambda = " + _lambda + " D = " + maxD);
    System.out.println(parameter + " = " + getValue(_lambda, parameters));
    _parameters.set(parameter, getValue(_lambda, parameters));
    return, _parameters);
Also used : Parameters(edu.cmu.tetrad.util.Parameters) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 15 with Parameters

use of edu.cmu.tetrad.util.Parameters in project tetrad by cmu-phil.

the class ExampleCompareSimulation method main.

public static void main(String... args) {
    Parameters parameters = new Parameters();
    https: parameters.set("numRuns", 10);
    parameters.set("numMeasures", 100);
    parameters.set("avgDegree", 4, 6);
    parameters.set("sampleSize", 500);
    parameters.set("alpha", 1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2);
    Statistics statistics = new Statistics();
    statistics.add(new AdjacencyPrecision());
    statistics.add(new AdjacencyRecall());
    statistics.add(new ArrowheadPrecision());
    statistics.add(new ArrowheadRecall());
    statistics.add(new MathewsCorrAdj());
    statistics.add(new MathewsCorrArrow());
    statistics.add(new F1Adj());
    statistics.add(new F1Arrow());
    statistics.add(new SHD());
    statistics.add(new ElapsedTime());
    statistics.setWeight("AP", 1.0);
    statistics.setWeight("AR", 0.5);
    Algorithms algorithms = new Algorithms();
    algorithms.add(new Pc(new FisherZ()));
    algorithms.add(new Cpc(new FisherZ(), new Fges(new SemBicScore(), false)));
    algorithms.add(new PcStable(new FisherZ()));
    algorithms.add(new CpcStable(new FisherZ()));
    Simulations simulations = new Simulations();
    simulations.add(new SemSimulation(new RandomForward()));
    Comparison comparison = new Comparison();
    comparison.compareFromSimulations("comparison", simulations, algorithms, statistics, parameters);
Also used : Simulations(edu.cmu.tetrad.algcomparison.simulation.Simulations) Parameters(edu.cmu.tetrad.util.Parameters) SemSimulation(edu.cmu.tetrad.algcomparison.simulation.SemSimulation) RandomForward(edu.cmu.tetrad.algcomparison.graph.RandomForward) Algorithms(edu.cmu.tetrad.algcomparison.algorithm.Algorithms) FisherZ(edu.cmu.tetrad.algcomparison.independence.FisherZ) Comparison(edu.cmu.tetrad.algcomparison.Comparison) SemBicScore(edu.cmu.tetrad.algcomparison.score.SemBicScore)


Parameters (edu.cmu.tetrad.util.Parameters)134 Comparison (edu.cmu.tetrad.algcomparison.Comparison)30 Graph (edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Graph)26 Algorithms (edu.cmu.tetrad.algcomparison.algorithm.Algorithms)25 DataSet ( Knowledge2 ( IKnowledge ( Simulations (edu.cmu.tetrad.algcomparison.simulation.Simulations)17 RandomForward (edu.cmu.tetrad.algcomparison.graph.RandomForward)14 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)14 SemBicScore (edu.cmu.tetrad.algcomparison.score.SemBicScore)13 Test (org.junit.Test)13 Node (edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.Node)11 ActionEvent (java.awt.event.ActionEvent)10 ActionListener (java.awt.event.ActionListener)10 Algorithm (edu.cmu.tetrad.algcomparison.algorithm.Algorithm)8 Fges ( DataModel ( TitledBorder (javax.swing.border.TitledBorder)8 FisherZ (edu.cmu.tetrad.algcomparison.independence.FisherZ)7