use of in project dataverse by IQSS.
the class S3AccessIO method savePath.
// StorageIO method for copying a local Path (for ex., a temp file), into this DataAccess location:
public void savePath(Path fileSystemPath) throws IOException {
long newFileSize = -1;
if (!this.canWrite()) {
try {
File inputFile = fileSystemPath.toFile();
if (dvObject instanceof DataFile) {
s3.putObject(new PutObjectRequest(bucketName, key, inputFile));
newFileSize = inputFile.length();
} else {
throw new IOException("DvObject type other than datafile is not yet supported");
} catch (SdkClientException ioex) {
String failureMsg = ioex.getMessage();
if (failureMsg == null) {
failureMsg = "S3AccessIO: Unknown exception occured while uploading a local file into S3Object";
throw new IOException(failureMsg);
// if it has uploaded successfully, we can reset the size
// of the object:
use of in project dataverse by IQSS.
the class StoredOriginalFile method retreive.
public static StorageIO<DataFile> retreive(StorageIO<DataFile> storageIO) {
String originalMimeType;
DataFile dataFile = storageIO.getDataFile();
if (dataFile == null) {
return null;
if (dataFile.getDataTable() != null) {
originalMimeType = dataFile.getDataTable().getOriginalFileFormat();
} else {
return null;
long storedOriginalSize;
InputStreamIO inputStreamIO;
try {;
Channel storedOriginalChannel = storageIO.openAuxChannel(SAVED_ORIGINAL_FILENAME_EXTENSION);
storedOriginalSize = storageIO.getAuxObjectSize(SAVED_ORIGINAL_FILENAME_EXTENSION);
inputStreamIO = new InputStreamIO(Channels.newInputStream((ReadableByteChannel) storedOriginalChannel), storedOriginalSize);
logger.fine("Opened stored original file as Aux " + SAVED_ORIGINAL_FILENAME_EXTENSION);
} catch (IOException ioEx) {
// The original file not saved, or could not be opened.
logger.fine("Failed to open stored original file as Aux " + SAVED_ORIGINAL_FILENAME_EXTENSION + "!");
return null;
if (originalMimeType != null && !originalMimeType.isEmpty()) {
if (originalMimeType.matches("application/x-dvn-.*-zip")) {
} else {
} else {
String fileName = storageIO.getFileName();
if (fileName != null) {
if (originalMimeType != null) {
String origFileExtension = generateOriginalExtension(originalMimeType);
inputStreamIO.setFileName(fileName.replaceAll(".tab$", origFileExtension));
} else {
inputStreamIO.setFileName(fileName.replaceAll(".tab$", ""));
return inputStreamIO;
use of in project dataverse by IQSS.
the class RemoteDataFrameService method execute.
* Execute a data frame creation process:
* (TODO: describe the process here; -- L.A. 4.0 alpha 1)
* @param sro a RJobRequest object that contains various parameters
* @return a Map that contains various information about results
* TODO: replace this Map with a dedicated RJobResult object; -- L.A. 4.0 alpha 1
public Map<String, String> execute(RJobRequest sro) {
dbgLog.fine("RemoteDataFrameService: execute() starts here.");
// set the return object
Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>();
try {
// TODO:
// Split the code below into neat individual methods - for
// initializing the connection, loading the remote libraries,
// creating remote R vectors for the parameters that will be used
// to create the data frame - variable names, labels, etc., and
// executing the main request and any necessary post-processing
// -- L.A. 4.0 alpha 1
// Set up an Rserve connection
dbgLog.fine("sro dump:\n" + ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(sro, ToStringStyle.MULTI_LINE_STYLE));
dbgLog.fine("RSERVE_USER=" + RSERVE_USER + "[default=rserve]");
dbgLog.fine("RSERVE_PASSWORD=" + RSERVE_PWD + "[default=rserve]");
dbgLog.fine("RSERVE_PORT=" + RSERVE_PORT + "[default=6311]");
dbgLog.fine("RSERVE_HOST=" + RSERVE_HOST);
RConnection c = new RConnection(RSERVE_HOST, RSERVE_PORT);
c.login(RSERVE_USER, RSERVE_PWD);">" + c.eval("R.version$version.string").asString() + "<");
// check working directories
// This needs to be done *before* we try to create any files
// there!
// send the data file to the Rserve side:
String infile = sro.getTabularDataFileName();
InputStream inb = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(infile));
int bufsize;
byte[] bffr = new byte[1024];
RFileOutputStream os = c.createFile(tempFileNameIn);
while ((bufsize = != -1) {
os.write(bffr, 0, bufsize);
// Rserve code starts here
dbgLog.fine("wrkdir=" + RSERVE_TMP_DIR);
String RversionLine = "R.Version()$version.string";
String Rversion = c.eval(RversionLine).asString();
// We need to initialize our R session:
// send custom R code library over to the Rserve and load the code:
String rscript = readLocalResource(DATAVERSE_R_FUNCTIONS);
dbgLog.fine("raw variable type=" + sro.getVariableTypes());
c.assign("vartyp", new REXPInteger(sro.getVariableTypes()));
String[] tmpt = c.eval("vartyp").asStrings();
dbgLog.fine("vartyp length=" + tmpt.length + "\t " + StringUtils.join(tmpt, ","));
// variable *formats* - not to be confused with variable *types*!
// these specify extra, optional format specifications - for example,
// String variables may represent date and time values.
Map<String, String> tmpFmt = sro.getVariableFormats();
dbgLog.fine("tmpFmt=" + tmpFmt);
if (tmpFmt != null) {
Set<String> vfkeys = tmpFmt.keySet();
String[] tmpfk = (String[]) vfkeys.toArray(new String[vfkeys.size()]);
String[] tmpfv = getValueSet(tmpFmt, tmpfk);
c.assign("tmpfk", new REXPString(tmpfk));
c.assign("tmpfv", new REXPString(tmpfv));
String fmtNamesLine = "names(tmpfv)<- tmpfk";
String fmtValuesLine = "varFmt<- as.list(tmpfv)";
} else {
String[] varFmtN = {};
List<String> varFmtV = new ArrayList<String>();
c.assign("varFmt", new REXPList(new RList(varFmtV, varFmtN)));
// Variable names:
String[] jvnamesRaw = sro.getVariableNames();
String[] jvnames = null;
if (sro.hasUnsafeVariableNames) {
// create list
jvnames = sro.safeVarNames;
dbgLog.fine("renamed=" + StringUtils.join(jvnames, ","));
} else {
jvnames = jvnamesRaw;
c.assign("vnames", new REXPString(jvnames));
// confirm:
String[] tmpjvnames = c.eval("vnames").asStrings();
dbgLog.fine("vnames:" + StringUtils.join(tmpjvnames, ","));
// read.dataverseTabData method, from dataverse_r_functions.R,
// uses R's standard scan() function to read the tabular data we've
// just transfered over and turn it into a dataframe. It adds some
// custom post-processing too - restores missing values, converts
// strings representing dates and times into R date and time objects,
// and more.
// Parameters for the read.dataverseTabData method executed on the R side:
// file -> tempFileName
// col.names -> Arrays.deepToString(new REXPString(jvnames)).asStrings())
// colClassesx -> Arrays.deepToString((new REXPInteger(sro.getVariableTypes())).asStrings())
// varFormat -> Arrays.deepToString((new REXPString(getValueSet(tmpFmt, tmpFmt.keySet().toArray(new String[tmpFmt.keySet().size()])))).asStrings())
dbgLog.fine("read.dataverseTabData parameters:");
dbgLog.fine("col.names = " + Arrays.deepToString((new REXPString(jvnames)).asStrings()));
dbgLog.fine("colClassesx = " + Arrays.deepToString((new REXPInteger(sro.getVariableTypes())).asStrings()));
dbgLog.fine("varFormat = " + Arrays.deepToString((new REXPString(getValueSet(tmpFmt, tmpFmt.keySet().toArray(new String[tmpFmt.keySet().size()])))).asStrings()));
String readtableline = "x<-read.dataverseTabData(file='" + tempFileNameIn + "', col.names=vnames, colClassesx=vartyp, varFormat=varFmt )";
dbgLog.fine("readtable=" + readtableline);
if (sro.hasUnsafeVariableNames) {
dbgLog.fine("unsafeVariableNames exist");
jvnames = sro.safeVarNames;
String[] rawNameSet = sro.renamedVariableArray;
String[] safeNameSet = sro.renamedResultArray;
c.assign("tmpRN", new REXPString(rawNameSet));
c.assign("tmpSN", new REXPString(safeNameSet));
String raw2safevarNameTableLine = "names(tmpRN)<- tmpSN";
String attrRsafe2rawLine = "attr(x, 'Rsafe2raw')<- as.list(tmpRN)";
} else {
String attrRsafe2rawLine = "attr(x, 'Rsafe2raw')<-list();";
// Restore NAs (missign values) in the data frame:
// (these are encoded as empty strings in dataverse tab files)
// Why are we doing it here? And not in the dataverse_r_functions.R
// fragment?
String asIsline = "for (i in 1:dim(x)[2]){ " + "if (attr(x,'var.type')[i] == 0) {" + "x[[i]]<-I(x[[i]]); x[[i]][ x[[i]] == '' ]<-NA }}";
String[] varLabels = sro.getVariableLabels();
c.assign("varlabels", new REXPString(varLabels));
String attrVarLabelsLine = "attr(x, 'var.labels')<-varlabels";
// Confirm:
String[] vlbl = c.eval("attr(x, 'var.labels')").asStrings();
dbgLog.fine("varlabels=" + StringUtils.join(vlbl, ","));
// create the VALTABLE and VALORDER lists:
// In the fragment below, we'll populate the VALTABLE list that we've
// just created with the actual values and labels of our categorical varaibles.
// TODO:
// This code has been imported from the DVN v2-3
// implementation. I keep wondering if there is a simpler way to
// achive this - to pass these maps of values and labels to R
// in fewer steps/with less code - ?
// -- L.A. 4.3
Map<String, Map<String, String>> vltbl = sro.getValueTable();
Map<String, List<String>> orderedCategoryValues = sro.getCategoryValueOrders();
String[] variableIds = sro.getVariableIds();
for (int j = 0; j < variableIds.length; j++) {
// if this variable has a value-label table,
// pass its key and value arrays to Rserve;
// finalize a value-table on the Rserve side:
String varId = variableIds[j];
if (vltbl.containsKey(varId)) {
Map<String, String> tmp = (HashMap<String, String>) vltbl.get(varId);
Set<String> vlkeys = tmp.keySet();
String[] tmpk = (String[]) vlkeys.toArray(new String[vlkeys.size()]);
String[] tmpv = getValueSet(tmp, tmpk);
dbgLog.fine("tmp:k=" + StringUtils.join(tmpk, ","));
dbgLog.fine("tmp:v=" + StringUtils.join(tmpv, ","));
// index number starts from 1(not 0):
int indx = j + 1;
dbgLog.fine("index=" + indx);
if (tmpv.length > 0) {
c.assign("tmpk", new REXPString(tmpk));
c.assign("tmpv", new REXPString(tmpv));
String namesValueLine = "names(tmpv)<- tmpk";
String sbvl = "VALTABLE[['" + Integer.toString(indx) + "']]" + "<- as.list(tmpv)";
dbgLog.fine("frag=" + sbvl);
// confirmation test for j-th variable name
REXP jl = c.parseAndEval(sbvl);
dbgLog.fine("jl(" + j + ") = " + jl);
if (orderedCategoryValues != null && orderedCategoryValues.containsKey(varId)) {
int indx = j + 1;
List<String> orderList = orderedCategoryValues.get(varId);
if (orderList != null) {
String[] ordv = (String[]) orderList.toArray(new String[orderList.size()]);
dbgLog.fine("ordv=" + StringUtils.join(ordv, ","));
c.assign("ordv", new REXPString(ordv));
String sbvl = "VALORDER[['" + Integer.toString(indx) + "']]" + "<- as.list(ordv)";
dbgLog.fine("VALORDER[...]=" + sbvl);
} else {
dbgLog.fine("NULL orderedCategoryValues list.");
// And now we store the VALTABLE and MSVLTBL as attributes of the
// dataframe we are cooking:
dbgLog.fine("length of vl=" + c.eval("length(VALTABLE)").asInteger());
String attrValTableLine = "attr(x, 'val.table')<-VALTABLE";
String msvStartLine = "MSVLTBL<-list();";
String attrMissvalLine = "attr(x, 'missval.table')<-MSVLTBL";
// But we are not done, with these value label maps... We now need
// to call these methods from the dataverse_r_functions.R script
// to further process the lists. Among other things, they will
// create these new lists - value index and missing value index, that
// simply indicate which variables have any of the above; these will
// also be saved as attributes of the data frame, val.index and
// missval.index respectively. But, also, the methods will reprocess
// and overwite the val.table and missval.table attributes already stored in
// the dataframe. I don't fully understand why that is necessary, or what it is
// that we are actually adding to the lists there... Another TODO: ?
String createVIndexLine = "x<-createvalindex(dtfrm=x, attrname='val.index');";
String createMVIndexLine = "x<-createvalindex(dtfrm=x, attrname='missval.index');";
// And now we'll call the last method from the R script - createDataverseDataFrame();
// It should probably be renamed. The dataframe has already been created.
// what this method does, it goes through the frame, and changes the
// vectors representing categorical variables to R factors.
// For example, if this tabular file was produced from a Stata file
// that had a categorical in which "Male" and "Female" were represented
// with 0 and 1. In the Dataverse datbase, the string values "Male" and
// "Female" are now stored as "categorical value labels". And the column
// in the tab file has numeric 1 and 0s. That's what the R
// dataframe was created from, so it now has a numeric vector of 1s and 0s
// representing this variable. So in this step we are going
// to change this vector into a factor, using the labels and values
// that we already passed over via Rserve and stored in the val.table, above.
// TODO:
// I'm going to propose that we go back to what we used to do back in
// DVN 2-3.* - instead of giving the user a single dataframe (.RData)
// file, provide a zip file, with the data frame, and also a README
// file with some documentation explaining how the data frame was
// created, and pointing out some potential issues stemming from the
// conversion between formats. Converting Stata categoricals into
// R factors is one of such issues (if nothing else, do note that
// the UNF of the datafile with the column described in the example
// above will change, if the resulting R dataframe is reingested! See
// the UNF documentation for more info...). We may also make this
// download interactive - giving the user some options for how
// to handle the conversion (so, another choice would be to convert
// the above to a factor of "0" and "1"s), etc.
// -- L.A. 4.3
String dataFileName = "Data." + PID + "." + sro.getFormatRequested();
// data file to be copied back to the dvn
String dsnprfx = RSERVE_TMP_DIR + "/" + dataFileName;
String dataverseDataFrameCommand = "createDataverseDataFrame(dtfrm=x," + "dwnldoptn='" + sro.getFormatRequested() + "'" + ", dsnprfx='" + dsnprfx + "')";
int wbFileSize = getFileSize(c, dsnprfx);
dbgLog.fine("wbFileSize=" + wbFileSize);
// If the above succeeded, the dataframe has been saved on the
// Rserve side as an .Rdata file. Now we can transfer it back to the
// dataverse side:
File localDataFrameFile = transferRemoteFile(c, dsnprfx, RWRKSP_FILE_PREFIX, "RData", wbFileSize);
result.put("dataFrameFileName", localDataFrameFile.getAbsolutePath());
if (localDataFrameFile != null) {
dbgLog.fine("data frame file name: " + localDataFrameFile.getAbsolutePath());
} else {
dbgLog.fine("data frame file is null!");
// throw an exception??
result.put("Rversion", Rversion);
dbgLog.fine("result object (before closing the Rserve):\n" + result);
String deleteLine = "file.remove('" + tempFileNameIn + "')";
} catch (RserveException rse) {
// RserveException (Rserve is not running maybe?)
// TODO: *ABSOLUTELY* need more diagnostics here!
result.put("RexecError", "true");
return result;
} catch (REXPMismatchException mme) {
result.put("RexecError", "true");
return result;
} catch (IOException ie) {
result.put("RexecError", "true");
return result;
} catch (Exception ex) {
result.put("RexecError", "true");
return result;
return result;
use of in project dataverse by IQSS.
the class DownloadInstanceWriter method writeTo.
public void writeTo(DownloadInstance di, Class<?> clazz, Type type, Annotation[] annotation, MediaType mediaType, MultivaluedMap<String, Object> httpHeaders, OutputStream outstream) throws IOException, WebApplicationException {
if (di.getDownloadInfo() != null && di.getDownloadInfo().getDataFile() != null) {
DataAccessRequest daReq = new DataAccessRequest();
DataFile dataFile = di.getDownloadInfo().getDataFile();
StorageIO<DataFile> storageIO = DataAccess.getStorageIO(dataFile, daReq);
if (storageIO != null) {;
if (di.getConversionParam() != null) {
if (di.getConversionParam().equals("imageThumb") && !dataFile.isHarvested()) {
if ("".equals(di.getConversionParamValue())) {
storageIO = ImageThumbConverter.getImageThumbnailAsInputStream(storageIO, ImageThumbConverter.DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_SIZE);
} else {
try {
int size = new Integer(di.getConversionParamValue());
if (size > 0) {
storageIO = ImageThumbConverter.getImageThumbnailAsInputStream(storageIO, size);
} catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException ex) {
storageIO = ImageThumbConverter.getImageThumbnailAsInputStream(storageIO, ImageThumbConverter.DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_SIZE);
// and, since we now have tabular data files that can
// have thumbnail previews... obviously, we don't want to
// add the variable header to the image stream!
} else if (dataFile.isTabularData()) {
logger.fine("request for tabular data download;");
if (di.getConversionParam().equals("noVarHeader")) {
logger.fine("tabular data with no var header requested");
} else if (di.getConversionParam().equals("format")) {
if ("original".equals(di.getConversionParamValue())) {
logger.fine("stored original of an ingested file requested");
storageIO = StoredOriginalFile.retreive(storageIO);
} else {
// Other format conversions:
logger.fine("format conversion on a tabular file requested (" + di.getConversionParamValue() + ")");
String requestedMimeType = di.getServiceFormatType(di.getConversionParam(), di.getConversionParamValue());
if (requestedMimeType == null) {
// default mime type, in case real type is unknown;
// (this shouldn't happen in real life - but just in case):
requestedMimeType = "application/octet-stream";
storageIO = DataConverter.performFormatConversion(dataFile, storageIO, di.getConversionParamValue(), requestedMimeType);
} else if (di.getConversionParam().equals("subset")) {
logger.fine("processing subset request.");
if (di.getExtraArguments() != null && di.getExtraArguments().size() > 0) {
logger.fine("processing extra arguments list of length " + di.getExtraArguments().size());
List<Integer> variablePositionIndex = new ArrayList<>();
String subsetVariableHeader = null;
for (int i = 0; i < di.getExtraArguments().size(); i++) {
DataVariable variable = (DataVariable) di.getExtraArguments().get(i);
if (variable != null) {
if (variable.getDataTable().getDataFile().getId().equals(dataFile.getId())) {
logger.fine("adding variable id " + variable.getId() + " to the list.");
if (subsetVariableHeader == null) {
subsetVariableHeader = variable.getName();
} else {
subsetVariableHeader = subsetVariableHeader.concat("\t");
subsetVariableHeader = subsetVariableHeader.concat(variable.getName());
} else {
logger.warning("variable does not belong to this data file.");
if (variablePositionIndex.size() > 0) {
try {
File tempSubsetFile = File.createTempFile("tempSubsetFile", ".tmp");
TabularSubsetGenerator tabularSubsetGenerator = new TabularSubsetGenerator();
tabularSubsetGenerator.subsetFile(storageIO.getInputStream(), tempSubsetFile.getAbsolutePath(), variablePositionIndex, dataFile.getDataTable().getCaseQuantity(), "\t");
if (tempSubsetFile.exists()) {
FileInputStream subsetStream = new FileInputStream(tempSubsetFile);
long subsetSize = tempSubsetFile.length();
InputStreamIO subsetStreamIO = new InputStreamIO(subsetStream, subsetSize);
logger.fine("successfully created subset output stream.");
subsetVariableHeader = subsetVariableHeader.concat("\n");
String tabularFileName = storageIO.getFileName();
if (tabularFileName != null && tabularFileName.endsWith(".tab")) {
tabularFileName = tabularFileName.replaceAll("\\.tab$", "");
} else if (tabularFileName != null && !"".equals(tabularFileName)) {
tabularFileName = tabularFileName.concat("");
} else {
tabularFileName = "";
storageIO = subsetStreamIO;
} else {
storageIO = null;
} catch (IOException ioex) {
storageIO = null;
} else {
logger.fine("empty list of extra arguments.");
if (storageIO == null) {
throw new WebApplicationException(Response.Status.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE);
} else {
if (storageIO instanceof S3AccessIO && !(dataFile.isTabularData()) && isRedirectToS3()) {
// [attempt to] redirect:
String redirect_url_str = ((S3AccessIO) storageIO).generateTemporaryS3Url();
// better exception handling here?"Data Access API: direct S3 url: " + redirect_url_str);
URI redirect_uri;
try {
redirect_uri = new URI(redirect_url_str);
} catch (URISyntaxException ex) {"Data Access API: failed to create S3 redirect url (" + redirect_url_str + ")");
redirect_uri = null;
if (redirect_uri != null) {
// definitely close the (still open) S3 input stream,
// since we are not going to use it. The S3 documentation
// emphasizes that it is very important not to leave these
// lying around un-closed, since they are going to fill
// up the S3 connection pool!
// increment the download count, if necessary:
if (di.getGbr() != null) {
try {
logger.fine("writing guestbook response, for an S3 download redirect.");
Command<?> cmd = new CreateGuestbookResponseCommand(di.getDataverseRequestService().getDataverseRequest(), di.getGbr(), di.getGbr().getDataFile().getOwner());
} catch (CommandException e) {
// finally, issue the redirect:
Response response = Response.seeOther(redirect_uri).build();"Issuing redirect to the file location on S3.");
throw new RedirectionException(response);
InputStream instream = storageIO.getInputStream();
if (instream != null) {
// headers:
String fileName = storageIO.getFileName();
String mimeType = storageIO.getMimeType();
// Provide both the "Content-disposition" and "Content-Type" headers,
// to satisfy the widest selection of browsers out there.
httpHeaders.add("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + fileName + "\"");
httpHeaders.add("Content-Type", mimeType + "; name=\"" + fileName + "\"");
long contentSize;
boolean useChunkedTransfer = false;
// if ((contentSize = getFileSize(di, storageIO.getVarHeader())) > 0) {
if ((contentSize = getContentSize(storageIO)) > 0) {
logger.fine("Content size (retrieved from the AccessObject): " + contentSize);
httpHeaders.add("Content-Length", contentSize);
} else {
// httpHeaders.add("Transfer-encoding", "chunked");
// useChunkedTransfer = true;
// (the httpHeaders map must be modified *before* writing any
// data in the output stream!)
int bufsize;
byte[] bffr = new byte[4 * 8192];
byte[] chunkClose = "\r\n".getBytes();
if (storageIO.getVarHeader() != null) {
if (storageIO.getVarHeader().getBytes().length > 0) {
if (useChunkedTransfer) {
String chunkSizeLine = String.format("%x\r\n", storageIO.getVarHeader().getBytes().length);
if (useChunkedTransfer) {
while ((bufsize = != -1) {
if (useChunkedTransfer) {
String chunkSizeLine = String.format("%x\r\n", bufsize);
outstream.write(bffr, 0, bufsize);
if (useChunkedTransfer) {
if (useChunkedTransfer) {
String chunkClosing = "0\r\n\r\n";
logger.fine("di conversion param: " + di.getConversionParam() + ", value: " + di.getConversionParamValue());
if (di.getGbr() != null && !(isThumbnailDownload(di) || isPreprocessedMetadataDownload(di))) {
try {
logger.fine("writing guestbook response.");
Command<?> cmd = new CreateGuestbookResponseCommand(di.getDataverseRequestService().getDataverseRequest(), di.getGbr(), di.getGbr().getDataFile().getOwner());
} catch (CommandException e) {
} else {
logger.fine("not writing guestbook response");
throw new WebApplicationException(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND);
use of in project dataverse by IQSS.
the class Meta method datafile.
@Produces({ "text/xml" })
public String datafile(@PathParam("fileId") Long fileId, @QueryParam("exclude") String exclude, @QueryParam("include") String include, @Context HttpHeaders header, @Context HttpServletResponse response) throws NotFoundException, ServiceUnavailableException /*, PermissionDeniedException, AuthorizationRequiredException*/
String retValue = "";
DataFile dataFile = null;
// httpHeaders.add("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=\"\"");
// httpHeaders.add("Content-Type", "application/zip; name=\"\"");
response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=\"\"");
dataFile = datafileService.find(fileId);
if (dataFile == null) {
throw new NotFoundException();
String fileName = dataFile.getFileMetadata().getLabel().replaceAll("\\.tab$", "-ddi.xml");
response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + fileName + "\"");
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml; name=\"" + fileName + "\"");
ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = null;
outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
ddiExportService.exportDataFile(fileId, outStream, exclude, include);
retValue = outStream.toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
// We return Service Unavailable.
throw new ServiceUnavailableException();
response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
return retValue;