use of edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.core.datastructures.textannotation.TokenLabelView in project cogcomp-nlp by CogComp.
the class CommaTest method setUp.
public void setUp() throws Exception {
String[] tokens = "Says Gayle Key , a mathematics teacher , `` Hello world . ''".split("\\s+");
TextAnnotation ta = BasicTextAnnotationBuilder.createTextAnnotationFromTokens(Collections.singletonList(tokens));
TokenLabelView tlv = new TokenLabelView(ViewNames.POS, "Test", ta, 1.0);
tlv.addTokenLabel(0, "VBZ", 1d);
tlv.addTokenLabel(1, "NNP", 1d);
tlv.addTokenLabel(2, "NNP", 1d);
tlv.addTokenLabel(3, ",", 1d);
tlv.addTokenLabel(4, "DT", 1d);
tlv.addTokenLabel(5, "NN", 1d);
tlv.addTokenLabel(6, "NN", 1d);
tlv.addTokenLabel(7, ",", 1d);
tlv.addTokenLabel(8, "``", 1d);
tlv.addTokenLabel(9, "UH", 1d);
tlv.addTokenLabel(10, "NN", 1d);
tlv.addTokenLabel(11, ".", 1d);
tlv.addTokenLabel(12, "''", 1d);
TreeView parse = new TreeView(ViewNames.PARSE_STANFORD, "Test", ta, 1.0);
String treeString = "(ROOT" + " (SINV" + " (VP (VBZ Says))" + " (NP (NNP Gayle) (NNP Key))" + " (, ,)" + " (S" + " (NP (DT a) (NNS mathematics))" + " (VP (VBZ teacher) (, ,) (`` ``)" + " (NP" + " (INTJ (UH Hello))" + " (NP (NN world)))))" + " (. .) ('' '')))";
parse.setParseTree(0, TreeParserFactory.getStringTreeParser().parse(treeString));
SpanLabelView ner = new SpanLabelView(ViewNames.NER_CONLL, "Test", ta, 1.0);
ner.addSpanLabel(1, 3, "PER", 1.0);
SpanLabelView shallowParse = new SpanLabelView(ViewNames.SHALLOW_PARSE, "Test", ta, 1.0);
shallowParse.addSpanLabel(0, 3, "NP", 1.0);
shallowParse.addSpanLabel(4, 7, "NP", 1.0);
shallowParse.addSpanLabel(9, 11, "NP", 1.0);
// TODO dependency parse
// TODO SRL view
ta.addView(tlv.getViewName(), tlv);
ta.addView(parse.getViewName(), parse);
ta.addView(ner.getViewName(), ner);
ta.addView(shallowParse.getViewName(), shallowParse);
List<String> firstCommasRefinedLabels = Collections.singletonList("Substitute");
List<String> secondCommasRefinedLabels = Arrays.asList("Substitute", "Quotation");
CommaSRLSentence sentence = new CommaSRLSentence(ta, null, Arrays.asList(firstCommasRefinedLabels, secondCommasRefinedLabels));
List<Comma> sentenceCommas = sentence.getCommas();
commas = sentenceCommas.toArray(new Comma[sentenceCommas.size()]);
use of edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.core.datastructures.textannotation.TokenLabelView in project cogcomp-nlp by CogComp.
the class VerbSensePropbankReader method addAnnotation.
private void addAnnotation(TextAnnotation ta) {
String goldViewName = SenseManager.getGoldViewName();
Tree<String> tree = ParseHelper.getParseTree(ViewNames.PARSE_GOLD, ta, 0);
Tree<Pair<String, IntPair>> spanLabeledTree = ParseUtils.getSpanLabeledTree(tree);
List<Tree<Pair<String, IntPair>>> yield = spanLabeledTree.getYield();
TokenLabelView view = new TokenLabelView(goldViewName, "AnnotatedTreebank", ta, 1.0);
Set<Integer> predicates = new HashSet<>();
for (PropbankFields fields : goldFields.get(ta.getId())) {
int start = fields.getPredicateStart(yield);
if (predicates.contains(start))
view.addTokenLabel(start, fields.getSense(), 1.0);
try {
view.addTokenAttribute(start, LemmaIdentifier, fields.getLemma());
} catch (Exception e) {
// XXX Maybe log the exception?
if (view.getConstituents().size() > 0)
ta.addView(goldViewName, view);
use of edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.core.datastructures.textannotation.TokenLabelView in project cogcomp-nlp by CogComp.
the class VerbSenseClassifierMain method evaluate.
@CommandDescription(description = "Performs evaluation.", usage = "evaluate")
public static void evaluate() throws Exception {
SenseManager manager = getManager(false);
Dataset testSet = Dataset.PTBTest;
ILPSolverFactory solver = new ILPSolverFactory(ILPSolverFactory.SolverType.JLISCuttingPlaneGurobi);
ClassificationTester senseTester = new ClassificationTester();
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
int count = 0;
IResetableIterator<TextAnnotation> dataset = SentenceDBHandler.instance.getDataset(testSet);
while (dataset.hasNext()) {
TextAnnotation ta =;
if (!ta.hasView(SenseManager.getGoldViewName()))
TokenLabelView gold = (TokenLabelView) ta.getView(SenseManager.getGoldViewName());
ILPInference inference = manager.getInference(solver, gold.getConstituents());
assert inference != null;
TokenLabelView prediction = inference.getOutputView();
evaluateSense(gold, prediction, senseTester);
if (count % 1000 == 0) {
long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); + " sentences done. Took " + (end - start) + "ms, Micro-F1 so far = " + senseTester.getMicroF1());
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println(count + " sentences done. Took " + (end - start) + "ms");
System.out.println("\n\n* Sense");
use of edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.core.datastructures.textannotation.TokenLabelView in project cogcomp-nlp by CogComp.
the class VerbSenseLabeler method getPrediction.
public TokenLabelView getPrediction(TextAnnotation ta) throws Exception {
log.debug("Input: {}", ta.getText());
List<Constituent> predicates = manager.getPredicateDetector().getPredicates(ta);
// If there are no verb identified, return an empty TokenLabelView
if (predicates.isEmpty())
return new TokenLabelView(SenseManager.getPredictedViewName(), VerbSenseConstants.systemIdentifier, ta, 1.0);
ILPSolverFactory solver = new ILPSolverFactory(ILPSolverFactory.SolverType.JLISCuttingPlaneGurobi);
ILPInference inference = manager.getInference(solver, predicates);
return inference.getOutputView();
use of edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.core.datastructures.textannotation.TokenLabelView in project cogcomp-nlp by CogComp.
the class VerbSenseLabeler method initializeDummySentenceVerb.
protected TextAnnotation initializeDummySentenceVerb() {
List<String[]> listOfTokens = new ArrayList<>();
listOfTokens.add(new String[] { "I", "do", "." });
TextAnnotation ta = BasicTextAnnotationBuilder.createTextAnnotationFromTokens("", "", listOfTokens);
TokenLabelView tlv = new TokenLabelView(ViewNames.POS, "Test", ta, 1.0);
tlv.addTokenLabel(0, "PRP", 1d);
tlv.addTokenLabel(1, "VBP", 1d);
tlv.addTokenLabel(2, ".", 1d);
ta.addView(ViewNames.POS, tlv);
ta.addView(ViewNames.NER, new SpanLabelView(ViewNames.NER, "test", ta, 1d));
SpanLabelView chunks = new SpanLabelView(ViewNames.SHALLOW_PARSE, "test", ta, 1d);
chunks.addSpanLabel(0, 1, "NP", 1d);
chunks.addSpanLabel(1, 2, "VP", 1d);
ta.addView(ViewNames.SHALLOW_PARSE, chunks);
TokenLabelView view = new TokenLabelView(ViewNames.LEMMA, "test", ta, 1d);
view.addTokenLabel(0, "i", 1d);
view.addTokenLabel(1, "do", 1d);
view.addTokenLabel(2, ".", 1d);
ta.addView(ViewNames.LEMMA, view);
return ta;