use of edu.iu.dsc.tws.api.resource.WorkerEnvironment in project twister2 by DSC-SPIDAL.
the class SKeyedPartitionExample method compute.
protected void compute(WorkerEnvironment workerEnv) {
LogicalPlanBuilder logicalPlanBuilder = LogicalPlanBuilder.plan(jobParameters.getSources(), jobParameters.getTargets(), workerEnv).withFairDistribution();
// create the communication
partition = new SKeyedPartition(workerEnv.getCommunicator(), logicalPlanBuilder, MessageTypes.INTEGER, MessageTypes.INTEGER_ARRAY, new PartitionReceiver(), new HashingSelector());
this.resultsVerifier = new ResultsVerifier<>(inputDataArray, (ints, args) -> new Tuple<>(-1, ints), new TupleComparator<>(// any int
(d1, d2) -> true, IntArrayComparator.getInstance()));
Set<Integer> tasksOfExecutor = logicalPlanBuilder.getSourcesOnThisWorker();
// now initialize the workers
for (int t : tasksOfExecutor) {
// the map thread where data is produced
Thread mapThread = new Thread(new MapWorker(t));
use of edu.iu.dsc.tws.api.resource.WorkerEnvironment in project twister2 by DSC-SPIDAL.
the class SPartitionExample method compute.
protected void compute(WorkerEnvironment workerEnv) {
LogicalPlanBuilder logicalPlanBuilder = LogicalPlanBuilder.plan(jobParameters.getSources(), jobParameters.getTargets(), workerEnv).withFairDistribution();
// create the communication
partition = new SPartition(workerEnv.getCommunicator(), logicalPlanBuilder, MessageTypes.INTEGER_ARRAY, new PartitionReceiver(), new LoadBalanceSelector());
this.resultsVerifier = new ResultsVerifier<>(inputDataArray, (ints, args) -> ints, IntArrayComparator.getInstance());
logicalPlanBuilder.getTargetsOnThisWorker().forEach(t -> {
if (workerId == 0) {
recvrInWorker0 = t;
Set<Integer> tasksOfExecutor = logicalPlanBuilder.getSourcesOnThisWorker();
// now initialize the workers
for (int t : tasksOfExecutor) {
// the map thread where data is produced
Thread mapThread = new Thread(new MapWorker(t));
use of edu.iu.dsc.tws.api.resource.WorkerEnvironment in project twister2 by DSC-SPIDAL.
the class BAllGatherExample method compute.
protected void compute(WorkerEnvironment workerEnv) {
LogicalPlanBuilder logicalPlanBuilder = LogicalPlanBuilder.plan(jobParameters.getSources(), jobParameters.getTargets(), workerEnv).withFairDistribution();
// create the communication
gather = new BAllGather(workerEnv.getCommunicator(), logicalPlanBuilder, new FinalSingularReceiver(), MessageTypes.INTEGER_ARRAY);
Set<Integer> tasksOfExecutor = logicalPlanBuilder.getSourcesOnThisWorker();
for (int t : tasksOfExecutor) {
finishedSources.put(t, false);
if (tasksOfExecutor.size() == 0) {
sourcesDone = true;
this.resultsVerifier = new ResultsVerifier<>(inputDataArray, (ints, args) -> {
List<Tuple<Integer, int[]>> expectedOut = new ArrayList<>();
for (Integer source : logicalPlanBuilder.getSources()) {
for (int i = 0; i < jobParameters.getTotalIterations(); i++) {
expectedOut.add(new Tuple<>(source, ints));
return expectedOut.iterator();
}, new IteratorComparator<>(new TupleComparator<>(IntComparator.getInstance(), IntArrayComparator.getInstance())));
LOG.log(Level.INFO, String.format("%d Sources %s target %s this %s", workerId, logicalPlanBuilder.getSources(), logicalPlanBuilder.getTargets(), tasksOfExecutor));
// now initialize the workers
for (int t : tasksOfExecutor) {
// the map thread where data is produced
Thread mapThread = new Thread(new BenchWorker.MapWorker(t));
use of edu.iu.dsc.tws.api.resource.WorkerEnvironment in project twister2 by DSC-SPIDAL.
the class BDKeyedGatherExample method compute.
protected void compute(WorkerEnvironment workerEnv) {
Set<Integer> sources = new HashSet<>();
Integer noOfSourceTasks = jobParameters.getTaskStages().get(0);
for (int i = 0; i < noOfSourceTasks; i++) {
Set<Integer> targets = new HashSet<>();
Integer noOfTargetTasks = jobParameters.getTaskStages().get(1);
for (int i = 0; i < noOfTargetTasks; i++) {
targets.add(noOfSourceTasks + i);
LogicalPlanBuilder logicalPlanBuilder = LogicalPlanBuilder.plan(jobParameters.getSources(), jobParameters.getTargets(), workerEnv).withFairDistribution();
// create the communication
keyedGather = new BKeyedGather(workerEnv.getCommunicator(), logicalPlanBuilder, MessageTypes.INTEGER, MessageTypes.INTEGER_ARRAY, new FinalReduceReceiver(), new SimpleKeyBasedSelector(), true, Comparator.comparingInt(o -> (Integer) o), true);
Set<Integer> tasksOfExecutor = logicalPlanBuilder.getSourcesOnThisWorker();
for (int t : tasksOfExecutor) {
finishedSources.put(t, false);
if (tasksOfExecutor.size() == 0) {
sourcesDone = true;
this.resultsVerifier = new ResultsVerifier<>(inputDataArray, (ints, args) -> {
int lowestTarget = -> (Integer) o)).get();
int target = Integer.valueOf(args.get("target").toString());
Set<Integer> keysRoutedToThis = new HashSet<>();
for (int i = 0; i < jobParameters.getTotalIterations(); i++) {
if (i % targets.size() == target - lowestTarget) {
List<int[]> dataForEachKey = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < sources.size(); i++) {
List<Tuple<Integer, Iterator<int[]>>> expectedData = new ArrayList<>();
for (Integer key : keysRoutedToThis) {
expectedData.add(new Tuple<>(key, dataForEachKey.iterator()));
return expectedData.iterator();
}, new IteratorComparator<>(new TupleComparator<>(// any int
(d1, d2) -> true, new IteratorComparator<>(IntArrayComparator.getInstance()))));
LOG.log(Level.INFO, String.format("%d Sources %s target %d this %s", workerId, sources, 1, tasksOfExecutor));
// now initialize the workers
for (int t : tasksOfExecutor) {
// the map thread where data is produced
MapWorker mapWorker = new MapWorker(t);
Thread mapThread = new Thread(mapWorker);
use of edu.iu.dsc.tws.api.resource.WorkerEnvironment in project twister2 by DSC-SPIDAL.
the class BGatherExample method compute.
protected void compute(WorkerEnvironment workerEnv) {
if (jobParameters.getTargets() != 1) {
LOG.warning("Setting no of targets to 1. Found " + jobParameters.getTargets());
jobParameters.getTaskStages().set(1, 1);
LogicalPlanBuilder logicalPlanBuilder = LogicalPlanBuilder.plan(jobParameters.getSources(), jobParameters.getTargets(), workerEnv);
// create the communication
gather = new BGather(workerEnv.getCommunicator(), logicalPlanBuilder, MessageTypes.INTEGER_ARRAY, new FinalReduceReceiver(), false);
Set<Integer> tasksOfExecutor = logicalPlanBuilder.getSourcesOnThisWorker();
for (int t : tasksOfExecutor) {
finishedSources.put(t, false);
if (tasksOfExecutor.size() == 0) {
sourcesDone = true;
this.resultsVerifier = new ResultsVerifier<>(inputDataArray, (ints, args) -> {
List<Tuple<Integer, int[]>> expectedData = new ArrayList<>();
for (Integer source : logicalPlanBuilder.getSources()) {
for (int i = 0; i < jobParameters.getTotalIterations(); i++) {
expectedData.add(new Tuple<>(source, ints));
return expectedData.iterator();
}, new IteratorComparator<>(new TupleComparator<>(IntComparator.getInstance(), IntArrayComparator.getInstance())));
LOG.log(Level.INFO, String.format("%d Sources %s target %d this %s", workerId, logicalPlanBuilder.getSources(), logicalPlanBuilder.getTargets().iterator().next(), tasksOfExecutor));
// now initialize the workers
for (int t : tasksOfExecutor) {
// the map thread where data is produced
Thread mapThread = new Thread(new MapWorker(t));