use of edu.snu.mist.core.utils.OutputBufferEmitter in project mist by snuspl.
the class ReduceByKeyOperatorTest method testReduceByKeyOperatorSetState.
* Test setting state of the ReduceByKeyOperator.
public void testReduceByKeyOperatorSetState() throws InterruptedException {
// Generate a new state and set it to the state of a new ReduceByKeyWindowOperator.
final Map<String, Integer> expectedOperatorState = new HashMap<>();
expectedOperatorState.put("a", 3);
expectedOperatorState.put("b", 2);
expectedOperatorState.put("c", 1);
expectedOperatorState.put("d", 1);
final Map<String, Object> loadStateMap = new HashMap<>();
loadStateMap.put("reduceByKeyState", expectedOperatorState);
final int keyIndex = 0;
final MISTBiFunction<Integer, Integer, Integer> wordCountFunc = (oldVal, val) -> oldVal + val;
final ReduceByKeyOperator reduceByKeyOperator = new ReduceByKeyOperator(keyIndex, wordCountFunc);
// Compare the original and the set operator.
final Map<String, Object> operatorStateMap = reduceByKeyOperator.getStateSnapshot();
final Map<String, Integer> operatorState = (Map<String, Integer>) operatorStateMap.get("reduceByKeyState");
Assert.assertEquals(expectedOperatorState, operatorState);
// Test if the operator can properly process data.
final List<MistEvent> result = new LinkedList<>();
reduceByKeyOperator.setOutputEmitter(new OutputBufferEmitter(result));
final List<MistDataEvent> inputStream = ImmutableList.of(createTupleEvent("a", 1, 10L));;
final List<MistEvent> expected = new LinkedList<>();
final Map<String, Integer> o1 = new HashMap<>();
o1.put("a", 4);
o1.put("b", 2);
o1.put("c", 1);
o1.put("d", 1);
expected.add(new MistDataEvent(o1, 10L));
Assert.assertEquals(expected, result);
use of edu.snu.mist.core.utils.OutputBufferEmitter in project mist by snuspl.
the class ReduceByKeyOperatorTest method testReduceByKeyOperator.
* Test whether reduceByKeyOperator generates correct outputs.
* Input: a list of tuples: ("a", 1), ("b", 1), ("c", 1), ("a", 1), ("d", 1), ("a", 1), ("b", 1)
* Expected outputs: word counts:
* {"a": 1},
* {"a": 1, "b": 1},
* {"a": 1, "b": 1, "c": 1}
* {"a": 2, "b": 1, "c": 1}
* {"a": 2, "b": 1, "c": 1, "d": 1}
* {"a": 3, "b": 1, "c": 1, "d": 1}
* {"a": 3, "b": 2, "c": 1, "d": 1}
public void testReduceByKeyOperator() throws InjectionException {
// input stream
final List<MistDataEvent> inputStream = ImmutableList.of(createTupleEvent("a", 1, 1L), createTupleEvent("b", 1, 2L), createTupleEvent("c", 1, 3L), createTupleEvent("a", 1, 4L), createTupleEvent("d", 1, 5L), createTupleEvent("a", 1, 6L), createTupleEvent("b", 1, 7L));
// expected output
final Map<String, Integer> o0 = new HashMap<>();
o0.put("a", 1);
final Map<String, Integer> o1 = new HashMap<>(o0);
o1.put("b", 1);
final Map<String, Integer> o2 = new HashMap<>(o1);
o2.put("c", 1);
final Map<String, Integer> o3 = new HashMap<>(o2);
o3.put("a", 2);
final Map<String, Integer> o4 = new HashMap<>(o3);
o4.put("d", 1);
final Map<String, Integer> o5 = new HashMap<>(o4);
o5.put("a", 3);
final Map<String, Integer> o6 = new HashMap<>(o5);
o6.put("b", 2);
final List<MistEvent> expectedStream = ImmutableList.of(new MistDataEvent(o0, 1L), new MistDataEvent(o1, 2L), new MistDataEvent(o2, 3L), new MistDataEvent(o3, 4L), new MistDataEvent(o4, 5L), new MistDataEvent(o5, 6L), new MistDataEvent(o6, 7L));
// Set the key index of tuple
final int keyIndex = 0;
// Reduce function for word count
final MISTBiFunction<Integer, Integer, Integer> wordCountFunc = (oldVal, val) -> oldVal + val;
final ReduceByKeyOperator<String, Integer> wcOperator = new ReduceByKeyOperator<>(keyIndex, wordCountFunc);
// output test
final List<MistEvent> result = new LinkedList<>();
wcOperator.setOutputEmitter(new OutputBufferEmitter(result));;"expected: " + expectedStream);"result: " + result);
Assert.assertEquals(expectedStream, result);
use of edu.snu.mist.core.utils.OutputBufferEmitter in project mist by snuspl.
the class StateTransitionOperatorTest method testStateTransitionOperatorGetState.
* Test getting state of StateTransitionOperator.
public void testStateTransitionOperatorGetState() throws InterruptedException {
// generate input data event
final Map<String, Integer> value1 = new HashMap<>();
value1.put("number", 1);
final MistDataEvent data1 = new MistDataEvent(value1, 0L);
final Map<String, Integer> value2 = new HashMap<>();
value2.put("number", 2);
final MistDataEvent data2 = new MistDataEvent(value2, 1L);
// generate a set of final states
final Set<String> finalSet = new HashSet<>();
// generate a state table
final Map<String, Collection<Tuple2<MISTPredicate, String>>> stateTable = new HashMap<>();
final Collection<Tuple2<MISTPredicate, String>> list0 = new ArrayList<>();
list0.add(new Tuple2<>(new RuleBasedEQPredicate("number", 1), "1"));
final Collection<Tuple2<MISTPredicate, String>> list1 = new ArrayList<>();
list1.add(new Tuple2<>(new RuleBasedEQPredicate("number", 2), "2"));
stateTable.put("0", list0);
stateTable.put("1", list1);
final StateTransitionOperator stateTransitionOperator = new StateTransitionOperator("0", finalSet, stateTable);
final List<MistEvent> result = new ArrayList<>();
stateTransitionOperator.setOutputEmitter(new OutputBufferEmitter(result));
// Generate the expected state
final String expectedOperatorState = "2";
// Get the
final Map<String, Object> operatorState = stateTransitionOperator.getStateSnapshot();
final String stateTransitionOperatorState = (String) operatorState.get("stateTransitionOperatorState");
Assert.assertEquals(expectedOperatorState, stateTransitionOperatorState);
use of edu.snu.mist.core.utils.OutputBufferEmitter in project mist by snuspl.
the class ApplyStatefulWindowOperatorTest method testApplyStatefulWindowOperator.
* Test ApplyStatefulWindowOperator.
* It calculates the maximum value from the collection.
public void testApplyStatefulWindowOperator() {
// input stream events
final WindowImpl<Integer> window1 = new WindowImpl<>(0L, 100L);
final WindowImpl<Integer> window2 = new WindowImpl<>(100L, 100L);
window1.putData(new MistDataEvent(10, 10));
window1.putData(new MistDataEvent(20, 20));
window1.putData(new MistDataEvent(30, 30));
window1.putData(new MistDataEvent(15, 90));
window2.putData(new MistDataEvent(10, 110));
window2.putData(new MistDataEvent(20, 120));
final MistDataEvent dataEvent1 = new MistDataEvent(window1, 90L);
final MistDataEvent dataEvent2 = new MistDataEvent(window2, 190L);
final MistWatermarkEvent watermarkEvent = new MistWatermarkEvent(201L);
// the state finding maximum integer value among received inputs
final ApplyStatefulFunction<Integer, Integer> applyStatefulFunction = new FindMaxIntFunction();
final ApplyStatefulWindowOperator<Integer, Integer> applyStatefulWindowOperator = new ApplyStatefulWindowOperator<>(applyStatefulFunction);
final List<MistEvent> result = new LinkedList<>();
applyStatefulWindowOperator.setOutputEmitter(new OutputBufferEmitter(result));
// check that the operator processes a window input properly
Assert.assertEquals(1, result.size());
Assert.assertEquals(30, ((MistDataEvent) result.get(0)).getValue());
Assert.assertEquals(90L, result.get(0).getTimestamp());
// check that the operator processes another window separately
Assert.assertEquals(2, result.size());
Assert.assertEquals(20, ((MistDataEvent) result.get(1)).getValue());
Assert.assertEquals(190L, result.get(1).getTimestamp());
// check that the operator processes watermark event well
Assert.assertEquals(3, result.size());
Assert.assertEquals(watermarkEvent, result.get(2));
use of edu.snu.mist.core.utils.OutputBufferEmitter in project mist by snuspl.
the class JoinOperatorTest method testAggregateWindowOperator.
* Tests JoinOperator.
* It joins a pair of inputs in two streams that has same key.
public void testAggregateWindowOperator() {
// input stream events
final WindowImpl<Integer> window = new WindowImpl<>(0L, 100L);
window.putData(new MistDataEvent(new Tuple2<>(new Tuple2<>("Hello", 1), null), 10));
window.putData(new MistDataEvent(new Tuple2<>(new Tuple2<>("MIST", 2), null), 20));
window.putData(new MistDataEvent(new Tuple2<>(null, new Tuple2<>(1, 3000L)), 30));
window.putData(new MistDataEvent(new Tuple2<>(new Tuple2<>("SNUCMS", 3), null), 40));
window.putData(new MistDataEvent(new Tuple2<>(null, new Tuple2<>(1, 4000L)), 50));
window.putData(new MistDataEvent(new Tuple2<>(null, new Tuple2<>(2, 5000L)), 60));
final MistDataEvent dataEvent = new MistDataEvent(window, 60L);
final MistWatermarkEvent watermarkEvent = new MistWatermarkEvent(101L);
// predicate that tests whether two input data have same key or not
final MISTBiPredicate<Tuple2<String, Integer>, Tuple2<Integer, Long>> joinPredicate = (tuple1, tuple2) -> tuple1.get(1).equals(tuple2.get(0));
final JoinOperator<Tuple2<String, Integer>, Tuple2<Integer, Long>> joinOperator = new JoinOperator<>(joinPredicate);
// expected pairs
// {Hello, 1} and {1, 3000L}
// {Hello, 1} and {1, 4000L}
// {MIST, 2} and {2, 5000L}
final List<MistEvent> result = new LinkedList<>();
joinOperator.setOutputEmitter(new OutputBufferEmitter(result));
Assert.assertEquals(1, result.size());
Assert.assertTrue(((MistDataEvent) result.get(0)).getValue() instanceof WindowData);
final WindowData windowData = (WindowData) ((MistDataEvent) result.get(0)).getValue();
Assert.assertEquals(0L, windowData.getStart());
Assert.assertEquals(99L, windowData.getEnd());
final Collection<Tuple2<Tuple2<String, Integer>, Tuple2<Integer, Long>>> dataCollection = windowData.getDataCollection();
final Iterator iterator = dataCollection.iterator();
Assert.assertEquals(3, dataCollection.size());
Assert.assertEquals(new Tuple2<>(new Tuple2<>("Hello", 1), new Tuple2<>(1, 3000L)),;
Assert.assertEquals(new Tuple2<>(new Tuple2<>("Hello", 1), new Tuple2<>(1, 4000L)),;
Assert.assertEquals(new Tuple2<>(new Tuple2<>("MIST", 2), new Tuple2<>(2, 5000L)),;
Assert.assertEquals(60L, result.get(0).getTimestamp());
Assert.assertEquals(2, result.size());
Assert.assertEquals(watermarkEvent, result.get(1));