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Example 26 with ClassicCounter

use of edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter in project CoreNLP by stanfordnlp.

the class ArabicSegmenter method evaluate.

   * Evaluate accuracy when the input is gold segmented text *with* segmentation
   * markers and morphological analyses. In other words, the evaluation file has the
   * same format as the training data.
   * @param pwOut
private void evaluate(PrintWriter pwOut) {"Starting evaluation...");
    boolean hasSegmentationMarkers = true;
    boolean hasTags = true;
    DocumentReaderAndWriter<CoreLabel> docReader = new ArabicDocumentReaderAndWriter(hasSegmentationMarkers, hasTags, hasDomainLabels, domain, tf);
    ObjectBank<List<CoreLabel>> lines = classifier.makeObjectBankFromFile(flags.testFile, docReader);
    PrintWriter tedEvalGoldTree = null, tedEvalParseTree = null;
    PrintWriter tedEvalGoldSeg = null, tedEvalParseSeg = null;
    if (tedEvalPrefix != null) {
        try {
            tedEvalGoldTree = new PrintWriter(tedEvalPrefix + "_gold.ftree");
            tedEvalGoldSeg = new PrintWriter(tedEvalPrefix + "_gold.segmentation");
            tedEvalParseTree = new PrintWriter(tedEvalPrefix + "_parse.ftree");
            tedEvalParseSeg = new PrintWriter(tedEvalPrefix + "_parse.segmentation");
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            System.err.printf("%s: %s%n", ArabicSegmenter.class.getName(), e.getMessage());
    Counter<String> labelTotal = new ClassicCounter<>();
    Counter<String> labelCorrect = new ClassicCounter<>();
    int total = 0;
    int correct = 0;
    for (List<CoreLabel> line : lines) {
        final String[] inputTokens = tedEvalSanitize(IOBUtils.IOBToString(line).replaceAll(":", "#pm#")).split(" ");
        final String[] goldTokens = tedEvalSanitize(IOBUtils.IOBToString(line, ":")).split(" ");
        line = classifier.classify(line);
        final String[] parseTokens = tedEvalSanitize(IOBUtils.IOBToString(line, ":")).split(" ");
        for (CoreLabel label : line) {
            // Do not evaluate labeling of whitespace
            String observation = label.get(CoreAnnotations.CharAnnotation.class);
            if (!observation.equals(IOBUtils.getBoundaryCharacter())) {
                String hypothesis = label.get(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class);
                String reference = label.get(CoreAnnotations.GoldAnswerAnnotation.class);
                if (hypothesis.equals(reference)) {
        if (tedEvalParseSeg != null) {
            int safeLength = inputTokens.length;
            if (inputTokens.length != goldTokens.length) {
      "In generating TEDEval files: Input and gold do not have the same number of tokens");
      "    (ignoring any extras)");
      "  input: " + Arrays.toString(inputTokens));
      "  gold: " + Arrays.toString(goldTokens));
                safeLength = Math.min(inputTokens.length, goldTokens.length);
            if (inputTokens.length != parseTokens.length) {
      "In generating TEDEval files: Input and parse do not have the same number of tokens");
      "    (ignoring any extras)");
      "  input: " + Arrays.toString(inputTokens));
      "  parse: " + Arrays.toString(parseTokens));
                safeLength = Math.min(inputTokens.length, parseTokens.length);
            for (int i = 0; i < safeLength; i++) {
                for (String segment : goldTokens[i].split(":")) tedEvalGoldTree.printf(" (seg %s)", segment);
                tedEvalGoldSeg.printf("%s\t%s%n", inputTokens[i], goldTokens[i]);
                for (String segment : parseTokens[i].split(":")) tedEvalParseTree.printf(" (seg %s)", segment);
                tedEvalParseSeg.printf("%s\t%s%n", inputTokens[i], parseTokens[i]);
    double accuracy = ((double) correct) / ((double) total);
    accuracy *= 100.0;
    pwOut.println("EVALUATION RESULTS");
    pwOut.printf("#datums:\t%d%n", total);
    pwOut.printf("#correct:\t%d%n", correct);
    pwOut.printf("accuracy:\t%.2f%n", accuracy);
    // Output the per label accuracies
    pwOut.println("PER LABEL ACCURACIES");
    for (String refLabel : labelTotal.keySet()) {
        double nTotal = labelTotal.getCount(refLabel);
        double nCorrect = labelCorrect.getCount(refLabel);
        double acc = (nCorrect / nTotal) * 100.0;
        pwOut.printf(" %s\t%.2f%n", refLabel, acc);
    if (tedEvalParseSeg != null) {
Also used : FileNotFoundException( CoreLabel(edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel) ClassicCounter(edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter) CoreAnnotations(edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations) List(java.util.List) PrintWriter(

Example 27 with ClassicCounter

use of edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter in project CoreNLP by stanfordnlp.

the class PhraseTable method readPhrasesWithTagScores.

public void readPhrasesWithTagScores(String filename, Pattern fieldDelimiterPattern, Pattern countDelimiterPattern) throws IOException {
    Timing timer = new Timing();
    timer.doing("Reading phrases: " + filename);
    BufferedReader br = IOUtils.getBufferedFileReader(filename);
    String line;
    int lineno = 0;
    while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
        String[] columns = fieldDelimiterPattern.split(line);
        String phrase = columns[0];
        // Pick map factory to use depending on number of tags we have
        MapFactory<String, MutableDouble> mapFactory = (columns.length < 20) ? MapFactory.<String, MutableDouble>arrayMapFactory() : MapFactory.<String, MutableDouble>linkedHashMapFactory();
        Counter<String> counts = new ClassicCounter<>(mapFactory);
        for (int i = 1; i < columns.length; i++) {
            String[] tagCount = countDelimiterPattern.split(columns[i], 2);
            if (tagCount.length == 2) {
                try {
                    counts.setCount(tagCount[0], Double.parseDouble(tagCount[1]));
                } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Error processing field " + i + ": '" + columns[i] + "' from (" + filename + ":" + lineno + "): " + line, ex);
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("Error processing field " + i + ": '" + columns[i] + "' from + (" + filename + ":" + lineno + "): " + line);
        addPhrase(phrase, null, counts);
Also used : BufferedReader( ClassicCounter(edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter)

Example 28 with ClassicCounter

use of edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter in project CoreNLP by stanfordnlp.

the class SparseAdaGradMinimizer method minimize.

// Does L1 or L2 using FOBOS and lazy update, so L1 should not be handled in the
// objective
// Alternatively, you can handle other regularization in the objective,
// but then, if the derivative is not sparse, this routine would not be very
// efficient. However, might still be okay for CRFs
public Counter<K> minimize(F function, Counter<K> x, int maxIterations) {
    sayln("       Batch size of: " + batchSize);
    sayln("       Data dimension of: " + function.dataSize());
    int numBatches = (function.dataSize() - 1) / this.batchSize + 1;
    sayln("       Batches per pass through data:  " + numBatches);
    sayln("       Number of passes is = " + numPasses);
    sayln("       Max iterations is = " + maxIterations);
    Counter<K> lastUpdated = new ClassicCounter<>();
    int timeStep = 0;
    Timing total = new Timing();
    for (int iter = 0; iter < numPasses; iter++) {
        double totalObjValue = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < numBatches; j++) {
            int[] selectedData = getSample(function, this.batchSize);
            // the core adagrad
            Counter<K> gradient = function.derivativeAt(x, selectedData);
            totalObjValue = totalObjValue + function.valueAt(x, selectedData);
            for (K feature : gradient.keySet()) {
                double gradf = gradient.getCount(feature);
                double prevrate = eta / (Math.sqrt(sumGradSquare.getCount(feature)) + soften);
                double sgsValue = sumGradSquare.incrementCount(feature, gradf * gradf);
                double currentrate = eta / (Math.sqrt(sgsValue) + soften);
                double testupdate = x.getCount(feature) - (currentrate * gradient.getCount(feature));
                double lastUpdateTimeStep = lastUpdated.getCount(feature);
                double idleinterval = timeStep - lastUpdateTimeStep - 1;
                lastUpdated.setCount(feature, (double) timeStep);
                // does lazy update using idleinterval
                double trunc = Math.max(0.0, (Math.abs(testupdate) - (currentrate + prevrate * idleinterval) * this.lambdaL1));
                double trunc2 = trunc * Math.pow(1 - this.lambdaL2, currentrate + prevrate * idleinterval);
                double realupdate = Math.signum(testupdate) * trunc2;
                if (realupdate < EPS) {
                } else {
                    x.setCount(feature, realupdate);
                // reporting
                if (timeStep > maxIterations) {
                    sayln("Stochastic Optimization complete.  Stopped after max iterations");
                sayln(System.out.format("Iter %d \t batch: %d \t time=%.2f \t obj=%.4f", iter, timeStep, / 1000.0, totalObjValue).toString());
    return x;
Also used : ClassicCounter(edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter) Timing(edu.stanford.nlp.util.Timing)

Example 29 with ClassicCounter

use of edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter in project CoreNLP by stanfordnlp.

the class TreebankFactoredLexiconStats method main.

//  private static String stripTag(String tag) {
//    if (tag.startsWith("DT")) {
//      String newTag = tag.substring(2, tag.length());
//      return newTag.length() > 0 ? newTag : tag;
//    }
//    return tag;
//  }
   * @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
    if (args.length != 3) {
        System.err.printf("Usage: java %s language filename features%n", TreebankFactoredLexiconStats.class.getName());
    Language language = Language.valueOf(args[0]);
    TreebankLangParserParams tlpp = language.params;
    if (language.equals(Language.Arabic)) {
        String[] options = { "-arabicFactored" };
        tlpp.setOptionFlag(options, 0);
    } else {
        String[] options = { "-frenchFactored" };
        tlpp.setOptionFlag(options, 0);
    Treebank tb = tlpp.diskTreebank();
    MorphoFeatureSpecification morphoSpec = language.equals(Language.Arabic) ? new ArabicMorphoFeatureSpecification() : new FrenchMorphoFeatureSpecification();
    String[] features = args[2].trim().split(",");
    for (String feature : features) {
    // Counters
    Counter<String> wordTagCounter = new ClassicCounter<>(30000);
    Counter<String> morphTagCounter = new ClassicCounter<>(500);
    //    Counter<String> signatureTagCounter = new ClassicCounter<String>();
    Counter<String> morphCounter = new ClassicCounter<>(500);
    Counter<String> wordCounter = new ClassicCounter<>(30000);
    Counter<String> tagCounter = new ClassicCounter<>(300);
    Counter<String> lemmaCounter = new ClassicCounter<>(25000);
    Counter<String> lemmaTagCounter = new ClassicCounter<>(25000);
    Counter<String> richTagCounter = new ClassicCounter<>(1000);
    Counter<String> reducedTagCounter = new ClassicCounter<>(500);
    Counter<String> reducedTagLemmaCounter = new ClassicCounter<>(500);
    Map<String, Set<String>> wordLemmaMap = Generics.newHashMap();
    TwoDimensionalIntCounter<String, String> lemmaReducedTagCounter = new TwoDimensionalIntCounter<>(30000);
    TwoDimensionalIntCounter<String, String> reducedTagTagCounter = new TwoDimensionalIntCounter<>(500);
    TwoDimensionalIntCounter<String, String> tagReducedTagCounter = new TwoDimensionalIntCounter<>(300);
    int numTrees = 0;
    for (Tree tree : tb) {
        for (Tree subTree : tree) {
            if (!subTree.isLeaf()) {
                tlpp.transformTree(subTree, tree);
        List<Label> pretermList = tree.preTerminalYield();
        List<Label> yield = tree.yield();
        assert yield.size() == pretermList.size();
        int yieldLen = yield.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < yieldLen; ++i) {
            String tag = pretermList.get(i).value();
            String word = yield.get(i).value();
            String morph = ((CoreLabel) yield.get(i)).originalText();
            // Note: if there is no lemma, then we use the surface form.
            Pair<String, String> lemmaTag = MorphoFeatureSpecification.splitMorphString(word, morph);
            String lemma = lemmaTag.first();
            String richTag = lemmaTag.second();
            // WSGDEBUG
            if (tag.contains("MW"))
                lemma += "-MWE";
            lemmaTagCounter.incrementCount(lemma + tag);
            String reducedTag = morphoSpec.strToFeatures(richTag).toString();
            reducedTagLemmaCounter.incrementCount(reducedTag + lemma);
            wordTagCounter.incrementCount(word + tag);
            morphTagCounter.incrementCount(morph + tag);
            reducedTag = reducedTag.equals("") ? "NONE" : reducedTag;
            if (wordLemmaMap.containsKey(word)) {
            } else {
                Set<String> lemmas = Generics.newHashSet(1);
                wordLemmaMap.put(word, lemmas);
            lemmaReducedTagCounter.incrementCount(lemma, reducedTag);
            reducedTagTagCounter.incrementCount(lemma + reducedTag, tag);
            tagReducedTagCounter.incrementCount(tag, reducedTag);
    // Barf...
    System.out.println("Language: " + language.toString());
    System.out.printf("#trees:\t%d%n", numTrees);
    System.out.printf("#tokens:\t%d%n", (int) wordCounter.totalCount());
    System.out.printf("#words:\t%d%n", wordCounter.keySet().size());
    System.out.printf("#tags:\t%d%n", tagCounter.keySet().size());
    System.out.printf("#wordTagPairs:\t%d%n", wordTagCounter.keySet().size());
    System.out.printf("#lemmas:\t%d%n", lemmaCounter.keySet().size());
    System.out.printf("#lemmaTagPairs:\t%d%n", lemmaTagCounter.keySet().size());
    System.out.printf("#feattags:\t%d%n", reducedTagCounter.keySet().size());
    System.out.printf("#feattag+lemmas:\t%d%n", reducedTagLemmaCounter.keySet().size());
    System.out.printf("#richtags:\t%d%n", richTagCounter.keySet().size());
    System.out.printf("#richtag+lemma:\t%d%n", morphCounter.keySet().size());
    System.out.printf("#richtag+lemmaTagPairs:\t%d%n", morphTagCounter.keySet().size());
    // Extra
    StringBuilder sbNoLemma = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder sbMultLemmas = new StringBuilder();
    for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> wordLemmas : wordLemmaMap.entrySet()) {
        String word = wordLemmas.getKey();
        Set<String> lemmas = wordLemmas.getValue();
        if (lemmas.size() == 0) {
            sbNoLemma.append("NO LEMMAS FOR WORD: " + word + "\n");
        if (lemmas.size() > 1) {
            sbMultLemmas.append("MULTIPLE LEMMAS: " + word + " " + setToString(lemmas) + "\n");
        String lemma = lemmas.iterator().next();
        Set<String> reducedTags = lemmaReducedTagCounter.getCounter(lemma).keySet();
        if (reducedTags.size() > 1) {
            System.out.printf("%s --> %s%n", word, lemma);
            for (String reducedTag : reducedTags) {
                int count = lemmaReducedTagCounter.getCount(lemma, reducedTag);
                String posTags = setToString(reducedTagTagCounter.getCounter(lemma + reducedTag).keySet());
                System.out.printf("\t%s\t%d\t%s%n", reducedTag, count, posTags);
    List<String> tags = new ArrayList<>(tagReducedTagCounter.firstKeySet());
    for (String tag : tags) {
        Set<String> reducedTags = tagReducedTagCounter.getCounter(tag).keySet();
        for (String reducedTag : reducedTags) {
            int count = tagReducedTagCounter.getCount(tag, reducedTag);
            //        reducedTag = reducedTag.equals("") ? "NONE" : reducedTag;
            System.out.printf("\t%s\t%d%n", reducedTag, count);
Also used : FrenchMorphoFeatureSpecification( Set(java.util.Set) Treebank(edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Treebank) CoreLabel(edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel) Label(edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Label) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TreebankLangParserParams(edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.TreebankLangParserParams) Language( Tree(edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree) ArabicMorphoFeatureSpecification( MorphoFeatureSpecification( ArabicMorphoFeatureSpecification( FrenchMorphoFeatureSpecification( TwoDimensionalIntCounter(edu.stanford.nlp.stats.TwoDimensionalIntCounter) CoreLabel(edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel) ClassicCounter(edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 30 with ClassicCounter

use of edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter in project CoreNLP by stanfordnlp.

the class BaseUnknownWordModelTrainer method finishTraining.

public UnknownWordModel finishTraining() {
    if (useGT) {
    for (Map.Entry<Label, ClassicCounter<String>> entry : c.entrySet()) {
        /* outer iteration is over tags */
        Label key = entry.getKey();
        // counts for words given a tag
        ClassicCounter<String> wc = entry.getValue();
        if (!tagHash.containsKey(key)) {
            tagHash.put(key, new ClassicCounter<>());
        /* the UNKNOWN sequence is assumed to be seen once in each tag */
        // This is sort of broken, but you can regard it as a Dirichlet prior.
        wc.setCount(unknown, 1.0);
        /* inner iteration is over words */
        for (String end : wc.keySet()) {
            // p(sig|tag)
            double prob = Math.log((wc.getCount(end)) / (tc.getCount(key)));
            tagHash.get(key).setCount(end, prob);
        //if (Test.verbose)
        //EncodingPrintWriter.out.println(tag + " rewrites as " + end + " endchar with probability " + prob,encoding);
    return model;
Also used : Label(edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Label) ClassicCounter(edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter) Map(java.util.Map)


ClassicCounter (edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter)69 CoreLabel (edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel)27 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)21 CoreAnnotations (edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations)18 Tree (edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree)13 Pair (edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair)11 Counter (edu.stanford.nlp.stats.Counter)10 List (java.util.List)10 Mention ( Language ( RuntimeIOException ( CoreMap (edu.stanford.nlp.util.CoreMap)7 IOUtils ( Label (edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Label)6 TreebankLangParserParams (edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.TreebankLangParserParams)6 PrintWriter ( java.util (java.util)6 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)6 RVFDatum (edu.stanford.nlp.ling.RVFDatum)5 DiskTreebank (edu.stanford.nlp.trees.DiskTreebank)5