use of edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.TregexPattern in project CoreNLP by stanfordnlp.
the class Tsurgeon method getOperationFromReader.
* Parses a tsurgeon script text input and compiles a tregex pattern and a list
* of tsurgeon operations into a pair.
* @param reader Reader to read patterns from
* @return A pair of a tregex and tsurgeon pattern read from a file, or {@code null}
* when the operations present in the Reader have been exhausted
* @throws IOException If any IO problem
public static Pair<TregexPattern, TsurgeonPattern> getOperationFromReader(BufferedReader reader, TregexPatternCompiler compiler) throws IOException {
String patternString = getTregexPatternFromReader(reader);
//"Read tregex pattern: " + patternString);
if (patternString.isEmpty()) {
return null;
TregexPattern matchPattern = compiler.compile(patternString);
TsurgeonPattern collectedPattern = getTsurgeonOperationsFromReader(reader);
return new Pair<>(matchPattern, collectedPattern);
use of edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.TregexPattern in project CoreNLP by stanfordnlp.
the class SemanticHeadFinder method determineNonTrivialHead.
* Determine which daughter of the current parse tree is the
* head. It assumes that the daughters already have had their
* heads determined. Uses special rule for VP heads
* @param t The parse tree to examine the daughters of.
* This is assumed to never be a leaf
* @return The parse tree that is the head
protected Tree determineNonTrivialHead(Tree t, Tree parent) {
String motherCat = tlp.basicCategory(t.label().value());
if (DEBUG) {"At " + motherCat + ", my parent is " + parent);
// downstream code was written assuming "not" would be the head...
if (motherCat.equals("CONJP")) {
for (TregexPattern pattern : headOfConjpTregex) {
TregexMatcher matcher = pattern.matcher(t);
if (matcher.matchesAt(t)) {
return matcher.getNode("head");
// if none of the above patterns match, use the standard method
if (motherCat.equals("SBARQ") || motherCat.equals("SINV")) {
if (!makeCopulaHead) {
for (TregexPattern pattern : headOfCopulaTregex) {
TregexMatcher matcher = pattern.matcher(t);
if (matcher.matchesAt(t)) {
return matcher.getNode("head");
// if none of the above patterns match, use the standard method
// do VPs with auxiliary as special case
if ((motherCat.equals("VP") || motherCat.equals("SQ") || motherCat.equals("SINV"))) {
Tree[] kids = t.children();
if (DEBUG) {"Semantic head finder: at VP");"Class is " + t.getClass().getName());
//"hasVerbalAuxiliary = " + hasVerbalAuxiliary(kids, verbalAuxiliaries));
// looks for auxiliaries
Tree[] tmpFilteredChildren = null;
if (hasVerbalAuxiliary(kids, verbalAuxiliaries, true) || hasPassiveProgressiveAuxiliary(kids)) {
// String[] how = new String[] {"left", "VP", "ADJP", "NP"};
// Including NP etc seems okay for copular sentences but is
// problematic for other auxiliaries, like 'he has an answer'
String[] how;
if (hasVerbalAuxiliary(kids, copulars, true)) {
// Only allow ADJP in copular constructions
// In constructions like "It gets cold", "get" should be the head
how = new String[] { "left", "VP", "ADJP" };
} else {
how = new String[] { "left", "VP" };
if (tmpFilteredChildren == null) {
tmpFilteredChildren = ArrayUtils.filter(kids, REMOVE_TMP_AND_ADV);
Tree pti = traverseLocate(tmpFilteredChildren, how, false);
if (DEBUG) {"Determined head (case 1) for " + t.value() + " is: " + pti);
if (pti != null) {
return pti;
// } else {
//"SemanticHeadFinder failed to reassign head for");
// t.pennPrint(System.err);
// looks for copular verbs
if (hasVerbalAuxiliary(kids, copulars, false) && !isExistential(t, parent) && !isWHQ(t, parent)) {
String[] how;
if (motherCat.equals("SQ")) {
how = new String[] { "right", "VP", "ADJP", "NP", "WHADJP", "WHNP" };
} else {
how = new String[] { "left", "VP", "ADJP", "NP", "WHADJP", "WHNP" };
// Avoid undesirable heads by filtering them from the list of potential children
if (tmpFilteredChildren == null) {
tmpFilteredChildren = ArrayUtils.filter(kids, REMOVE_TMP_AND_ADV);
Tree pti = traverseLocate(tmpFilteredChildren, how, false);
// In SQ, only allow an NP to become head if there is another one to the left (then it's probably predicative)
if (motherCat.equals("SQ") && pti != null && pti.label() != null && pti.label().value().startsWith("NP")) {
boolean foundAnotherNp = false;
for (Tree kid : kids) {
if (kid == pti) {
} else if (kid.label() != null && kid.label().value().startsWith("NP")) {
foundAnotherNp = true;
if (!foundAnotherNp) {
pti = null;
if (DEBUG) {"Determined head (case 2) for " + t.value() + " is: " + pti);
if (pti != null) {
return pti;
} else {
if (DEBUG) {"------");"SemanticHeadFinder failed to reassign head for");
Tree hd = super.determineNonTrivialHead(t, parent);
if (DEBUG) {"Determined head (case 3) for " + t.value() + " is: " + hd);
return hd;
use of edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.TregexPattern in project CoreNLP by stanfordnlp.
the class GrammaticalRelation method getRelatedNodes.
/** Given a {@code Tree} node {@code t}, attempts to
* return a list of nodes to which node {@code t} has this
* grammatical relation, with {@code t} as the governor.
* @param t Target for finding dependents of t related by this GR
* @param root The root of the Tree
* @return A Collection of dependent nodes to which t bears this GR
public Collection<TreeGraphNode> getRelatedNodes(TreeGraphNode t, TreeGraphNode root, HeadFinder headFinder) {
Set<TreeGraphNode> nodeList = new ArraySet<>();
for (TregexPattern p : targetPatterns) {
// cdm: I deleted: && nodeList.isEmpty()
// Initialize the TregexMatcher with the HeadFinder so that we
// can use the same HeadFinder through the entire process of
// building the dependencies
TregexMatcher m = p.matcher(root, headFinder);
while (m.findAt(t)) {
TreeGraphNode target = (TreeGraphNode) m.getNode("target");
if (target == null) {
throw new AssertionError("Expression has no target: " + p);
if (DEBUG) {"found " + this + "(" + t + "-" + t.headWordNode() + ", " + m.getNode("target") + "-" + ((TreeGraphNode) m.getNode("target")).headWordNode() + ") using pattern " + p);
for (String nodeName : m.getNodeNames()) {
if (nodeName.equals("target"))
continue;" node " + nodeName + ": " + m.getNode(nodeName));
return nodeList;
use of edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.TregexPattern in project CoreNLP by stanfordnlp.
the class UniversalSemanticHeadFinder method determineNonTrivialHead.
* Determine which daughter of the current parse tree is the
* head. It assumes that the daughters already have had their
* heads determined. Uses special rule for VP heads
* @param t The parse tree to examine the daughters of.
* This is assumed to never be a leaf
* @return The parse tree that is the head
protected Tree determineNonTrivialHead(Tree t, Tree parent) {
String motherCat = tlp.basicCategory(t.label().value());
if (DEBUG) {"At " + motherCat + ", my parent is " + parent);
// downstream code was written assuming "not" would be the head...
if (motherCat.equals("CONJP")) {
for (TregexPattern pattern : headOfConjpTregex) {
TregexMatcher matcher = pattern.matcher(t);
if (matcher.matchesAt(t)) {
return matcher.getNode("head");
// if none of the above patterns match, use the standard method
if (motherCat.equals("SBARQ") || motherCat.equals("SINV")) {
if (!makeCopulaHead) {
for (TregexPattern pattern : headOfCopulaTregex) {
TregexMatcher matcher = pattern.matcher(t);
if (matcher.matchesAt(t)) {
return matcher.getNode("head");
// if none of the above patterns match, use the standard method
// do VPs with auxiliary as special case
if ((motherCat.equals("VP") || motherCat.equals("SQ") || motherCat.equals("SINV"))) {
Tree[] kids = t.children();
if (DEBUG) {"Semantic head finder: at VP");"Class is " + t.getClass().getName());
//"hasVerbalAuxiliary = " + hasVerbalAuxiliary(kids, verbalAuxiliaries));
// looks for auxiliaries
Tree[] tmpFilteredChildren = null;
if (hasVerbalAuxiliary(kids, verbalAuxiliaries, true) || hasPassiveProgressiveAuxiliary(kids)) {
// String[] how = new String[] {"left", "VP", "ADJP", "NP"};
// Including NP etc seems okay for copular sentences but is
// problematic for other auxiliaries, like 'he has an answer'
String[] how;
if (hasVerbalAuxiliary(kids, copulars, true)) {
// Only allow ADJP in copular constructions
// In constructions like "It gets cold", "get" should be the head
how = new String[] { "left", "VP", "ADJP" };
} else {
how = new String[] { "left", "VP" };
if (tmpFilteredChildren == null) {
tmpFilteredChildren = ArrayUtils.filter(kids, REMOVE_TMP_AND_ADV);
Tree pti = traverseLocate(tmpFilteredChildren, how, false);
if (DEBUG) {"Determined head (case 1) for " + t.value() + " is: " + pti);
if (pti != null) {
return pti;
// } else {
//"SemanticHeadFinder failed to reassign head for");
// t.pennPrint(System.err);
// looks for copular verbs
if (hasVerbalAuxiliary(kids, copulars, false) && !isExistential(t, parent) && !isWHQ(t, parent)) {
String[][] how;
//TODO: also allow ADVP to be heads
if (motherCat.equals("SQ")) {
how = new String[][] { { "right", "VP", "ADJP", "NP", "UCP", "PP", "WHADJP", "WHNP" } };
} else {
how = new String[][] { { "left", "VP", "ADJP", "NP", "UCP", "PP", "WHADJP", "WHNP" } };
// Avoid undesirable heads by filtering them from the list of potential children
if (tmpFilteredChildren == null) {
tmpFilteredChildren = ArrayUtils.filter(kids, REMOVE_TMP_AND_ADV);
Tree pti = null;
for (int i = 0; i < how.length && pti == null; i++) {
pti = traverseLocate(tmpFilteredChildren, how[i], false);
// In SQ, only allow an NP to become head if there is another one to the left (then it's probably predicative)
if (motherCat.equals("SQ") && pti != null && pti.label() != null && pti.label().value().startsWith("NP")) {
boolean foundAnotherNp = false;
for (Tree kid : kids) {
if (kid == pti) {
} else if (kid.label() != null && kid.label().value().startsWith("NP")) {
foundAnotherNp = true;
if (!foundAnotherNp) {
pti = null;
if (DEBUG) {"Determined head (case 2) for " + t.value() + " is: " + pti);
if (pti != null) {
return pti;
} else {
if (DEBUG) {"------");"SemanticHeadFinder failed to reassign head for");
Tree hd = super.determineNonTrivialHead(t, parent);
if (DEBUG) {"Determined head (case 3) for " + t.value() + " is: " + hd);
return hd;
use of edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.TregexPattern in project CoreNLP by stanfordnlp.
the class InputPanel method getMatchTreeVisitor.
* Check all active treebanks to find the trees that match the given pattern when interpreted
* as a tregex pattern.
* @param patternString string version of the tregex pattern you wish to match
* @param t The thread we are running on
* @return tree visitor that contains the trees that were matched as well as the parts of those trees that matched
private TRegexGUITreeVisitor getMatchTreeVisitor(String patternString, Thread t) {
TRegexGUITreeVisitor vis = null;
try {
TregexPattern pattern = compiler.compile(patternString);
vis = new TRegexGUITreeVisitor(pattern);
List<FileTreeNode> treebanks = FilePanel.getInstance().getActiveTreebanks();
double multiplier = 100.0 / treebanks.size();
int treebankNum = 1;
for (FileTreeNode treebank : treebanks) {
if (t.isInterrupted()) {
//get out as quickly as possible if interrupted
// cdm 2008: I added here resetting the buttons or else it didn't seem to happen; not quite sure this is the right place to do it but.
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> {
InputPanel.this.searchThread = null;
return vis;
updateProgressBar(multiplier * treebankNum++);
} catch (OutOfMemoryError oome) {
vis = null;
doError("Sorry, search aborted as out of memory.\nTry either running Tregex with more memory or sticking to searches that don't produce thousands of matches.", oome);
} catch (Exception e) {
doError("Sorry, there was an error compiling or running the Tregex pattern. Please press Help if you need assistance.", e);
return vis;