use of edu.uci.ics.texera.api.field.StringField in project textdb by TextDB.
the class FuzzyTokenMatcherTest method TestFuzzyTokenMatcherWithThresholdVariation.
public void TestFuzzyTokenMatcherWithThresholdVariation() throws Exception {
String query = "Twelve Angry Men Cafe";
double threshold = 0.25;
ArrayList<String> attributeNames = new ArrayList<>();
Schema schema = new Schema.Builder().add(TestConstants.SCHEMA_PEOPLE).add(RESULTS_ATTR).build();
List<Span> spanList1 = Arrays.asList(new Span(TestConstants.DESCRIPTION, 5, 10, "angry", "Angry", 1));
IField[] fields1 = { new StringField("bruce"), new StringField("john Lee"), new IntegerField(46), new DoubleField(5.50), new DateField(new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").parse("01-14-1970")), new TextField("Tall Angry"), new ListField<Span>(spanList1) };
List<Span> spanList2 = Arrays.asList(new Span(TestConstants.DESCRIPTION, 6, 11, "angry", "Angry", 1));
IField[] fields2 = { new StringField("brad lie angelina"), new StringField("pitt"), new IntegerField(44), new DoubleField(6.10), new DateField(new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").parse("01-12-1972")), new TextField("White Angry"), new ListField<Span>(spanList2) };
List<Span> spanList3 = Arrays.asList(new Span(TestConstants.DESCRIPTION, 40, 45, "angry", "Angry", 8));
IField[] fields3 = { new StringField("george lin lin"), new StringField("lin clooney"), new IntegerField(43), new DoubleField(6.06), new DateField(new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").parse("01-13-1973")), new TextField("Lin Clooney is Short and lin clooney is Angry"), new ListField<Span>(spanList3) };
List<Span> spanList4 = Arrays.asList(new Span(TestConstants.DESCRIPTION, 6, 11, "angry", "angry", 1));
IField[] fields4 = { new StringField("Mary brown"), new StringField("Lake Forest"), new IntegerField(42), new DoubleField(5.99), new DateField(new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").parse("01-13-1974")), new TextField("Short angry"), new ListField<Span>(spanList4) };
Tuple tuple1 = new Tuple(schema, fields1);
Tuple tuple2 = new Tuple(schema, fields2);
Tuple tuple3 = new Tuple(schema, fields3);
Tuple tuple4 = new Tuple(schema, fields4);
List<Tuple> expectedResultList = new ArrayList<>();
List<Tuple> results = FuzzyTokenMatcherTestHelper.getQueryResults(PEOPLE_TABLE, query, threshold, attributeNames);
boolean contains = TestUtils.equals(expectedResultList, results);
use of edu.uci.ics.texera.api.field.StringField in project textdb by TextDB.
the class TestConstantsChinese method getSamplePeopleTuples.
public static List<Tuple> getSamplePeopleTuples() {
try {
IField[] fields1 = { new StringField("无忌"), new StringField("长孙"), new IntegerField(46), new DoubleField(5.50), new DateField(new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").parse("01-14-1970")), new TextField("北京大学电气工程学院") };
IField[] fields2 = { new StringField("孔明"), new StringField("洛克贝尔"), new IntegerField(42), new DoubleField(5.99), new DateField(new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").parse("01-13-1974")), new TextField("北京大学计算机学院") };
IField[] fields3 = { new StringField("宋江"), new StringField("建筑"), new IntegerField(42), new DoubleField(5.99), new DateField(new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").parse("01-13-1974")), new TextField("伟大的建筑是历史的坐标,具有传承的价值。") };
Tuple tuple1 = new Tuple(SCHEMA_PEOPLE, fields1);
Tuple tuple2 = new Tuple(SCHEMA_PEOPLE, fields2);
Tuple tuple3 = new Tuple(SCHEMA_PEOPLE, fields3);
return Arrays.asList(tuple1, tuple2, tuple3);
} catch (ParseException e) {
// exception should not happen because we know the data is correct
return Arrays.asList();
use of edu.uci.ics.texera.api.field.StringField in project textdb by TextDB.
the class TestConstantsRegexSplit method constructSamplePeopleTuples.
public static List<Tuple> constructSamplePeopleTuples() {
IField[] fields1 = { new StringField("bruce"), new StringField("john Lee"), new IntegerField(46), new DoubleField(5.50), new DateTimeField(LocalDateTime.parse("1970-01-01T11:11:11")), new TextField("banana") };
IField[] fields2 = { new StringField("tom hanks"), new StringField("cruise"), new IntegerField(45), new DoubleField(5.95), new DateTimeField(LocalDateTime.parse("1980-01-02T13:14:15")), new TextField("mississippi") };
Tuple tuple1 = new Tuple(SCHEMA_PEOPLE, fields1);
Tuple tuple2 = new Tuple(SCHEMA_PEOPLE, fields2);
return Arrays.asList(tuple1, tuple2);
use of edu.uci.ics.texera.api.field.StringField in project textdb by TextDB.
the class TestConstants method getSamplePeopleTuples.
public static List<Tuple> getSamplePeopleTuples() {
try {
IField[] fields0 = { new StringField("bruce"), new StringField("john Lee"), new IntegerField(46), new DoubleField(5.50), new DateField(new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").parse("01-14-1970")), new TextField("Tall Angry") };
IField[] fields1 = { new StringField("tom hanks"), new StringField("cruise"), new IntegerField(45), new DoubleField(5.95), new DateField(new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").parse("01-13-1971")), new TextField("Short Brown") };
IField[] fields2 = { new StringField("brad lie angelina"), new StringField("pitt"), new IntegerField(44), new DoubleField(6.10), new DateField(new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").parse("01-12-1972")), new TextField("White Angry") };
IField[] fields3 = { new StringField("george lin lin"), new StringField("lin clooney"), new IntegerField(43), new DoubleField(6.06), new DateField(new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").parse("01-13-1973")), new TextField("Lin Clooney is Short and lin clooney is Angry") };
IField[] fields4 = { new StringField("christian john wayne"), new StringField("rock bale"), new IntegerField(42), new DoubleField(5.99), new DateField(new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").parse("01-13-1974")), new TextField("Tall Fair") };
IField[] fields5 = { new StringField("Mary brown"), new StringField("Lake Forest"), new IntegerField(42), new DoubleField(5.99), new DateField(new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").parse("01-13-1974")), new TextField("Short angry") };
Tuple tuple0 = new Tuple(SCHEMA_PEOPLE, fields0);
Tuple tuple1 = new Tuple(SCHEMA_PEOPLE, fields1);
Tuple tuple2 = new Tuple(SCHEMA_PEOPLE, fields2);
Tuple tuple3 = new Tuple(SCHEMA_PEOPLE, fields3);
Tuple tuple4 = new Tuple(SCHEMA_PEOPLE, fields4);
Tuple tuple5 = new Tuple(SCHEMA_PEOPLE, fields5);
return Arrays.asList(tuple0, tuple1, tuple2, tuple3, tuple4, tuple5);
} catch (ParseException e) {
// exception should not happen because we know the data is correct
return Arrays.asList();
use of edu.uci.ics.texera.api.field.StringField in project textdb by TextDB.
the class TestConstantsChineseWordCount method getSamplePeopleTuples.
public static List<Tuple> getSamplePeopleTuples() {
try {
IField[] fields1 = { new StringField("bruce"), new StringField("john Lee"), new IntegerField(46), new DoubleField(5.50), new DateField(new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").parse("01-14-1970")), new TextField("中新社北京4月26日电 (记者 刘育英)“中国制造2025”政策措施实施以来,“为稳定工业增长、加快制造业转型升级发" + "挥了重要作用”,效果初步显现。") };
IField[] fields2 = { new StringField("tom hanks"), new StringField("cruise"), new IntegerField(45), new DoubleField(5.95), new DateField(new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").parse("01-13-1971")), new TextField(" 中国2015年发布了“中国制造2025”通知。中国工业和信息化部运行监测协调局副" + "局长黄利斌26日在国新办新闻发布会上表示,自“中国制造2025”实施以来,国家制造业创新中心建设、智能制造" + "、工业强基、绿色制造、高端装备创新等“五大工程”扎实推进;2016年度15个重大标志性项目中,7个完全落实" + ",4个基本落实,其余正在推进。") };
IField[] fields3 = { new StringField("brad lie angelina"), new StringField("pitt"), new IntegerField(44), new DoubleField(6.10), new DateField(new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").parse("01-12-1972")), new TextField(" 2017年,工信部将重点推进六方面工作:加大“五大工程”实施力度," + "积极推进创新中心建设;扩大试点示范城市(群)覆盖面;实施新一轮重大技术改造升级工程;" + "推进" + "制造业与互联网融合发展;优化制造业发展环境。") };
IField[] fields4 = { new StringField("george lin lin"), new StringField("lin clooney"), new IntegerField(43), new DoubleField(6.06), new DateField(new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").parse("01-13-1973")), new TextField(" 黄利斌说,今年继续开展“互联" + "网+”制造业试点示范,加快工业互联网基础设施改造升级。现在,47%的大企业" + "搭建了运营协同创新平台,两化融合(信息化和工业化融合)管理体系贯标企业运" + "营成本平均下降了8.8%,经营利润平均增长了6.9%。") };
IField[] fields5 = { new StringField("christian john wayne"), new StringField("rock bale"), new IntegerField(42), new DoubleField(5.99), new DateField(new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").parse("01-13-1974")), new TextField(" 工信部今年还将" + "选取20-30个城市(群)继续开展“中国制造2025”试点示范创建," + "指导试点示范城市(群),在落实新发展理念等方面先行先试。") };
IField[] fields6 = { new StringField("Mary brown"), new StringField("Lake Forest"), new IntegerField(42), new DoubleField(5.99), new DateField(new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").parse("01-13-1974")), new TextField("资料图:由驻日中" + "资太阳能企业开发、承建并运营维护的日本岛根县滨田市第二期12兆瓦光伏电站项目(滨田MS太阳能发电站),4月25日在当" + "地举行竣工典礼。该大型太阳能电站的九成设备来自“中国制造”。在日本并网发电的特高压太阳能电站中,这是中国产设备占" + "比最高的项目。中新社记者 王健 摄") };
Tuple tuple1 = new Tuple(SCHEMA_PEOPLE, fields1);
Tuple tuple2 = new Tuple(SCHEMA_PEOPLE, fields2);
Tuple tuple3 = new Tuple(SCHEMA_PEOPLE, fields3);
Tuple tuple4 = new Tuple(SCHEMA_PEOPLE, fields4);
Tuple tuple5 = new Tuple(SCHEMA_PEOPLE, fields5);
Tuple tuple6 = new Tuple(SCHEMA_PEOPLE, fields6);
return Arrays.asList(tuple1, tuple2, tuple3, tuple4, tuple5, tuple6);
// return Arrays.asList(tuple1);
} catch (ParseException e) {
// exception should not happen because we know the data is correct
return Arrays.asList();