use of edu.uci.ics.texera.api.schema.Attribute in project textdb by TextDB.
the class JoinTestHelper method alterField.
* Alter a field of a tuple. ( The schema will also be changed accordingly. )
* @param originalTuple
* @param fieldIndex
* @param newField
* @return
public static Tuple alterField(Tuple originalTuple, int fieldIndex, IField newField) {
List<Attribute> originalAttributes = originalTuple.getSchema().getAttributes();
List<Attribute> newAttributes = new ArrayList<>();
List<IField> newFields = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < originalAttributes.size(); i++) {
if (i == fieldIndex) {
newAttributes.add(new Attribute(originalAttributes.get(i).getName(), AttributeType.getAttributeType(newField.getClass())));
} else {
return new Tuple(new Schema([]::new)),[]::new));
use of edu.uci.ics.texera.api.schema.Attribute in project textdb by TextDB.
the class JoinDistancePredicate method generateIntersectionSchema.
* Create outputSchema, which is the intersection of innerOperator's schema and outerOperator's schema.
* The attributes have to be exactly the same (name and type) to be intersected.
* InnerOperator's attributes and outerOperator's attributes must:
* both contain the attributes to be joined.
* both contain "_ID" attribute.
* both contain "spanList" attribute.
* @return outputSchema
private Schema generateIntersectionSchema(Schema innerOperatorSchema, Schema outerOperatorSchema) throws DataflowException {
List<Attribute> innerAttributes = innerOperatorSchema.getAttributes();
List<Attribute> outerAttributes = outerOperatorSchema.getAttributes();
List<Attribute> intersectionAttributes = -> outerAttributes.contains(attr)).collect(Collectors.toList());
Schema intersectionSchema = new Schema([]::new));
// check if output schema contain necessary attributes
if (intersectionSchema.getAttributes().isEmpty()) {
throw new DataflowException("inner operator and outer operator don't share any common attributes");
} else if (!intersectionSchema.containsAttribute(this.joinAttributeName)) {
throw new DataflowException("inner operator or outer operator doesn't contain join attribute");
} else if (!intersectionSchema.containsAttribute(SchemaConstants._ID)) {
throw new DataflowException("inner operator or outer operator doesn't contain _ID attribute");
} else if (!intersectionSchema.containsAttribute(SchemaConstants.SPAN_LIST)) {
throw new DataflowException("inner operator or outer operator doesn't contain spanList attribute");
// check if join attribute is TEXT or STRING
AttributeType joinAttrType = intersectionSchema.getAttribute(this.joinAttributeName).getType();
if (joinAttrType != AttributeType.TEXT && joinAttrType != AttributeType.STRING) {
throw new DataflowException(String.format("Join attribute %s must be either TEXT or STRING.", this.joinAttributeName));
return intersectionSchema;
use of edu.uci.ics.texera.api.schema.Attribute in project textdb by TextDB.
the class ProjectionOperator method setUp.
protected void setUp() throws TexeraException {
inputSchema = inputOperator.getOutputSchema();
List<Attribute> outputAttributes = inputSchema.getAttributes().stream().filter(attr -> predicate.getProjectionFields().contains(attr.getName().toLowerCase())).collect(Collectors.toList());
if (outputAttributes.size() != predicate.getProjectionFields().size()) {
throw new DataflowException("input schema doesn't contain one of the attributes to be projected");
outputSchema = new Schema([]::new));
use of edu.uci.ics.texera.api.schema.Attribute in project textdb by TextDB.
the class MysqlSink method mysqlCreateTable.
* Get the table schema from inputOperator, create table in mysql database
private int mysqlCreateTable() {
List<Attribute> attributeList = outputSchema.getAttributes();
String createTableStatement = "CREATE TABLE " + predicate.getTable() + " (\n";
createTableStatement += -> convertAttribute(attr)).collect(Collectors.joining(",\n"));
createTableStatement += "\n); ";
try {
if (statement == null)
statement = connection.createStatement();
return statement.executeUpdate(createTableStatement);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DataflowException("MysqlSink failed to create table " + predicate.getTable() + ". " + e.getMessage());
use of edu.uci.ics.texera.api.schema.Attribute in project textdb by TextDB.
the class KeywordConjunctionTest method testMatchingWithLimit.
public void testMatchingWithLimit() throws TexeraException, ParseException, java.text.ParseException {
String query = "angry";
ArrayList<String> attributeNames = new ArrayList<>();
Attribute[] schemaAttributes = new Attribute[TestConstants.ATTRIBUTES_PEOPLE.length + 1];
for (int count = 0; count < schemaAttributes.length - 1; count++) {
schemaAttributes[count] = TestConstants.ATTRIBUTES_PEOPLE[count];
schemaAttributes[schemaAttributes.length - 1] = new Attribute(RESULTS, AttributeType.LIST);
List<Tuple> resultList = KeywordTestHelper.getQueryResults(PEOPLE_TABLE, query, attributeNames, conjunction, 3, 0);
List<Tuple> expectedList = new ArrayList<>();
Span span1 = new Span("description", 5, 10, "angry", "Angry", 1);
Span span2 = new Span("description", 6, 11, "angry", "Angry", 1);
Span span3 = new Span("description", 40, 45, "angry", "Angry", 8);
Span span4 = new Span("description", 6, 11, "angry", "angry", 1);
List<Span> list1 = new ArrayList<>();
IField[] fields1 = { new StringField("bruce"), new StringField("john Lee"), new IntegerField(46), new DoubleField(5.50), new DateField(new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").parse("01-14-1970")), new TextField("Tall Angry"), new ListField<>(list1) };
List<Span> list2 = new ArrayList<>();
IField[] fields2 = { new StringField("brad lie angelina"), new StringField("pitt"), new IntegerField(44), new DoubleField(6.10), new DateField(new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").parse("01-12-1972")), new TextField("White Angry"), new ListField<>(list2) };
List<Span> list3 = new ArrayList<>();
IField[] fields3 = { new StringField("george lin lin"), new StringField("lin clooney"), new IntegerField(43), new DoubleField(6.06), new DateField(new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").parse("01-13-1973")), new TextField("Lin Clooney is Short and lin clooney is Angry"), new ListField<>(list3) };
List<Span> list4 = new ArrayList<>();
IField[] fields4 = { new StringField("Mary brown"), new StringField("Lake Forest"), new IntegerField(42), new DoubleField(5.99), new DateField(new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy").parse("01-13-1974")), new TextField("Short angry"), new ListField<>(list4) };
Tuple tuple1 = new Tuple(new Schema(schemaAttributes), fields1);
Tuple tuple2 = new Tuple(new Schema(schemaAttributes), fields2);
Tuple tuple3 = new Tuple(new Schema(schemaAttributes), fields3);
Tuple tuple4 = new Tuple(new Schema(schemaAttributes), fields4);
Assert.assertEquals(expectedList.size(), 4);
Assert.assertEquals(resultList.size(), 3);
Assert.assertTrue(TestUtils.containsAll(expectedList, resultList));