use of edu.ucsf.rbvi.clusterMaker2.internal.algorithms.NodeCluster in project clusterMaker2 by RBVI.
the class ResultsPanelTask method getClusters.
public List<NodeCluster> getClusters() {
List<NodeCluster> clusters = new ArrayList<NodeCluster>();
// List<List<CyNode>> clusterList = new ArrayList<List<CyNode>>();
clusterAttribute = network.getRow(network, CyNetwork.LOCAL_ATTRS).get(ClusterManager.CLUSTER_ATTRIBUTE, String.class);
// Create a temporary cluster map
Map<Integer, ArrayList<CyNode>> clusterMap = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<CyNode>>();
for (CyNode node : (List<CyNode>) network.getNodeList()) {
// For each node -- see if it's in a cluster. If so, add it to our map
if (ModelUtils.hasAttribute(network, node, clusterAttribute)) {
Integer cluster = network.getRow(node).get(clusterAttribute, Integer.class);
if (!clusterMap.containsKey(cluster))
clusterMap.put(cluster, new ArrayList<CyNode>());
// See if this algorithm provided it's own scores
List<Double> scores = null;
if (network.getDefaultNetworkTable().getColumn(clusterAttribute + "_Scores") != null) {
scores = network.getRow(network, CyNetwork.LOCAL_ATTRS).getList(clusterAttribute + "_Scores", Double.class);
for (int clustNum : clusterMap.keySet()) {
NodeCluster cluster = new NodeCluster(clusterMap.get(clustNum));
if (scores != null)
cluster.setClusterScore(scores.get(clustNum - 1));
// calculating the scores for each cluster
clusterResults = new AbstractClusterResults(network, clusters);
List<Double> modularityList;
if (scores == null) {
modularityList = clusterResults.getModularityList();
} else {
modularityList = scores;
for (int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++) {
return clusters;
use of edu.ucsf.rbvi.clusterMaker2.internal.algorithms.NodeCluster in project clusterMaker2 by RBVI.
the class ClusterUtils method fetchClusters.
public static List<NodeCluster> fetchClusters(CyNetwork network) {
List<NodeCluster> clusters = new ArrayList<>();
String clusterAttribute = getClusterAttribute(network);
Map<Integer, ArrayList<CyNode>> clusterMap = new HashMap<>();
for (CyNode node : network.getNodeList()) {
if (ModelUtils.hasAttribute(network, node, clusterAttribute)) {
Integer cluster = network.getRow(node).get(clusterAttribute, Integer.class);
if (!clusterMap.containsKey(cluster)) {
clusterMap.put(cluster, new ArrayList<>());
for (int clusterNum : clusterMap.keySet()) {
NodeCluster cluster = new NodeCluster(clusterMap.get(clusterNum));
return clusters;
use of edu.ucsf.rbvi.clusterMaker2.internal.algorithms.NodeCluster in project clusterMaker2 by RBVI.
the class ClusterUtils method setNodeScoresInCluster.
public static List<NodeCluster> setNodeScoresInCluster(CyNetwork network, List<NodeCluster> clusters, List<String> nodeAttributes, String clusterColumnName, boolean multiplicative) {
List<CyNode> nodes = network.getNodeList();
CyTable table = network.getDefaultNodeTable();
for (String nodeAttr : nodeAttributes) {
for (CyNode node : nodes) {
CyRow row = table.getRow(node.getSUID());
int nodeClusterNumber = row.get(clusterColumnName, Integer.class, -1);
for (NodeCluster cluster : clusters) {
if (cluster.getClusterNumber() == nodeClusterNumber) {
if (multiplicative) {
setRankScoreMultiplicative(nodeAttr, row, cluster);
} else {
setRankScore(nodeAttr, row, cluster);
return clusters;
use of edu.ucsf.rbvi.clusterMaker2.internal.algorithms.NodeCluster in project clusterMaker2 by RBVI.
the class RunMCL method run.
public List<NodeCluster> run(CyNetwork network, TaskMonitor monitor) {
// String networkID = network.getIdentifier();
Long networkID = network.getSUID();
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Matrix matrix;
double numClusters;
debugln("Initial matrix:", matrix);
// Normalize
normalize(matrix, clusteringThresh, false);
debugln("Normalized matrix:", matrix);
double residual = 1.0;
double progress = 1.0;
// IntIntDoubleFunction myPow = new MatrixPow(inflationParameter);
debugln("residual = " + residual + " maxResidual = " + maxResidual);
for (int i = 0; (i < number_iterations) && (residual > maxResidual); i++) {
progress = (double) (i * 3) / (double) (number_iterations * 3);
// Expand
long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
// monitor.setStatus();
monitor.setStatusMessage("Iteration: " + (i + 1) + " expanding ");
debugln("Iteration: " + (i + 1) + " expanding ");
debugln("matrix: ", matrix);
Matrix multiMatrix = matrix.ops().multiplyMatrix(matrix);
matrix = matrix.copy(multiMatrix);
// Normalize
normalize(matrix, clusteringThresh, false);
monitor.showMessage(TaskMonitor.Level.INFO, "Expansion " + (i + 1) + " took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t) + "ms");
debugln("^ " + (i + 1) + " after expansion");
progress = (double) (i * 3 + 1) / (double) (number_iterations * 3);
// Inflate
// DoubleMatrix2D m = matrix.getColtMatrix();
long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
// monitor.setStatusMessage
monitor.setStatusMessage("Iteration: " + (i + 1) + " inflating");
debugln("Iteration: " + (i + 1) + " inflating");
// Normalize
normalize(matrix, clusteringThresh, true);
debugln("^ " + (i + 1) + " after inflation");
progress = (double) (i * 3 + 2) / (double) (number_iterations * 3);
double newResidual = calculateResiduals(matrix);
if (newResidual >= residual) break;
residual = newResidual;
double newResidual = calculateResiduals(matrix);
if (forceDecliningResidual && newResidual >= residual)
residual = newResidual;
debugln("Iteration: " + (i + 1) + " residual: " + residual);
monitor.showMessage(TaskMonitor.Level.INFO, "Iteration " + (i + 1) + " complete. Residual=" + residual);
if (canceled) {
// monitor.setStatusMessage
return null;
// If we're in debug mode, output the matrix
debugln("Matrix: ", matrix);
// monitor.setStatusMessage
monitor.setStatusMessage("Assigning nodes to clusters");
clusterCount = 0;
HashMap<Integer, NodeCluster> clusterMap = new HashMap<Integer, NodeCluster>();
ClusterMatrix clusterMat = new ClusterMatrix(clusterMap);
for (int row = 0; row < matrix.nRows(); row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < matrix.nColumns(); col++) {
clusterMat.apply(row, col, matrix.doubleValue(row, col));
// Update node attributes in network to include clusters. Create cygroups from clustered nodes
monitor.setStatusMessage("Created " + clusterCount + " clusters");
monitor.setStatusMessage("Cluster map has " + clusterMap.keySet().size() + " clusters");
if (clusterCount == 0) {
monitor.setStatusMessage("Created 0 clusters!!!!");
monitor.setStatusMessage("Cluster map has " + clusterMap.keySet().size() + " clusters");
return null;
int clusterNumber = 1;
HashMap<NodeCluster, NodeCluster> cMap = new HashMap<NodeCluster, NodeCluster>();
for (NodeCluster cluster : NodeCluster.sortMap(clusterMap)) {
if (cMap.containsKey(cluster))
cMap.put(cluster, cluster);
monitor.setStatusMessage("Total runtime = " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms");
Set<NodeCluster> clusters = cMap.keySet();
return new ArrayList<NodeCluster>(clusters);
use of edu.ucsf.rbvi.clusterMaker2.internal.algorithms.NodeCluster in project clusterMaker2 by RBVI.
the class MCODEAlgorithm method findClusters.
* Step 2: Find all clusters given a scored graph. If the input network has not been scored,
* this method will return null. This method is called when the user selects network scope or
* single node scope.
* @param inputNetwork The scored network to find clusters in.
* @param resultId Title of the result
* @return An array containing an MCODEClusterObj object for each cluster.
public List<NodeCluster> findClusters(CyNetwork inputNetwork, int resultId) {
SortedMap<Double, List<CyNode>> nodeScoreSortedMap;
Map<CyNode, NodeInfo> nodeInfoHashMap;
// under the title of this result set for later use
if (!nodeScoreResultsMap.containsKey(resultId)) {
nodeScoreSortedMap = currentNodeScoreSortedMap;
nodeInfoHashMap = currentNodeInfoHashMap;
nodeScoreResultsMap.put(resultId, nodeScoreSortedMap);
nodeInfoResultsMap.put(resultId, nodeInfoHashMap);
} else {
nodeScoreSortedMap = (TreeMap) nodeScoreResultsMap.get(resultId);
nodeInfoHashMap = (HashMap) nodeInfoResultsMap.get(resultId);
params = getParams();
String callerID = "MCODEAlgorithm.findClusters";
if (inputNetwork == null) {
taskMonitor.showMessage(TaskMonitor.Level.ERROR, "In " + callerID + ": inputNetwork was null.");
return (null);
if ((nodeInfoHashMap == null) || (nodeScoreSortedMap == null)) {
taskMonitor.showMessage(TaskMonitor.Level.ERROR, "In " + callerID + ": nodeInfoHashMap or nodeScoreSortedMap was null.");
return (null);
// initialization
long msTimeBefore = System.currentTimeMillis();
Map<CyNode, Boolean> nodeSeenHashMap = // key is nodeIndex, value is true/false
new HashMap<CyNode, Boolean>();
int findingProgress = 0;
int findingTotal = 0;
// returns a Collection sorted by key order (descending)
Collection<List<CyNode>> values = nodeScoreSortedMap.values();
// and no progress is reported) we count all the scored nodes and track those instead
for (List<CyNode> nodeList : values) {
findingTotal += nodeList.size();
// stores the list of clusters as ArrayLists of node indices in the input Network
List<MCODEClusterObj> alClusters = new ArrayList<MCODEClusterObj>();
// iterate over node indices sorted descending by their score
for (List<CyNode> alNodesWithSameScore : values) {
for (CyNode currentNode : alNodesWithSameScore) {
if (!nodeSeenHashMap.containsKey(currentNode)) {
// Store the list of all the nodes that have already been seen and incorporated in other clusters
Map<CyNode, Boolean> nodeSeenHashMapSnapShot = new HashMap<CyNode, Boolean>(nodeSeenHashMap);
List<CyNode> alCluster = getClusterCore(currentNode, nodeSeenHashMap, params.getNodeScoreCutoff(), params.getMaxDepthFromStart(), // here we use the original node score cutoff
if (alCluster.size() > 0) {
// make sure seed node is part of cluster, if not already in there
if (!alCluster.contains(currentNode)) {
// create an input graph for the filter and haircut methods
CyNetwork clusterGraph = createCyNetwork(alCluster, inputNetwork);
if (!filterCluster(clusterGraph)) {
if (params.isHaircut()) {
haircutCluster(clusterGraph, alCluster, inputNetwork);
if (params.isFluff()) {
fluffClusterBoundary(alCluster, nodeSeenHashMap, nodeInfoHashMap);
clusterGraph = createCyNetwork(alCluster, inputNetwork);
final double score = scoreCluster(clusterGraph);
MCODEClusterObj currentCluster = new MCODEClusterObj(resultId, currentNode, clusterGraph, score, alCluster, nodeSeenHashMapSnapShot);
if (taskMonitor != null) {
// We want to be sure that only progress changes are reported and not
// miniscule decimal increments so that the taskMonitor isn't overwhelmed
double newProgress = (double) findingProgress / (double) findingTotal;
double oldProgress = (double) (findingProgress - 1) / (double) findingTotal;
if (newProgress != oldProgress) {
if (cancelled) {
// Once the clusters have been found we either return them or in the case of selection scope, we select only
// the ones that contain the selected node(s) and return those
ArrayList selectedALClusters = new ArrayList();
if (!params.getScope().equals(MCODEParameterSet.NETWORK)) {
for (MCODEClusterObj cluster : alClusters) {
List<CyNode> alCluster = cluster.getALCluster();
List<CyNode> alSelectedNodes = new ArrayList<CyNode>(params.getSelectedNodes());
// method for returning only clusters that contain all of the selected noes
if (alCluster.containsAll(alSelectedNodes)) {
// method for returning all clusters that contain any of the selected nodes
boolean hit = false;
for (CyNode node : alSelectedNodes) {
if (alCluster.contains(node))
hit = true;
if (hit)
alClusters = selectedALClusters;
// Finally convert the arraylist into a fixed array
List<NodeCluster> clusters = new ArrayList<NodeCluster>();
for (MCODEClusterObj c : alClusters) {
long msTimeAfter = System.currentTimeMillis();
lastFindTime = msTimeAfter - msTimeBefore;
return clusters;