use of edu.ucsf.rbvi.clusterMaker2.internal.api.Matrix in project clusterMaker2 by RBVI.
the class RunBiMine method getASR.
private double getASR(BETNode<Integer> node) {
List<Integer> genes = node.getGenes();
List<Integer> conditions = node.getConditions();
// Matrix data = new Matrix(network,genes.size(),conditions.size());
CyMatrix data = CyMatrixFactory.makeSmallMatrix(network, genes.size(), conditions.size());
for (int i = 0; i < genes.size(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < conditions.size(); j++) {
data.setValue(i, j, matrix.getValue(genes.get(i), conditions.get(j)));
// data_t.setValue(j, i, matrix.getValue(genes.get(i), conditions.get(j)));
double asr = 0.0;
double asr_g = 0.0;
double asr_c = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < genes.size(); i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < genes.size(); j++) {
// asr_g += geneRho[genes.get(i)][genes.get(j)];
asr_g += getSpearmansRho(data, i, j);
asr_g /= genes.size() * (genes.size() - 1);
for(int i = 0; i < conditions.size(); i++){
for(int j = i+1; j < conditions.size(); j++){
//asr_c += conditionRho[conditions.get(i)][conditions.get(j)];
asr_c += getSpearmansRho(data_t,i,j);
asr_c /= conditions.size()*(conditions.size()-1);
// asr = 2*Math.max(asr_g, asr_c);
asr = 2 * asr_g;
return asr;
use of edu.ucsf.rbvi.clusterMaker2.internal.api.Matrix in project clusterMaker2 by RBVI.
the class RunDBSCAN method cluster.
public int[] cluster(boolean transpose) {
// Create the matrix
matrix = CyMatrixFactory.makeSmallMatrix(network, weightAttributes, selectedOnly, ignoreMissing, transpose, false);
monitor.showMessage(TaskMonitor.Level.INFO, "cluster matrix has " + matrix.nRows() + " rows");
DistanceMetric metric = context.metric.getSelectedValue();
if (monitor != null)
int nelements = matrix.nRows();
int ifound = 1;
int currentC = -1;
int[] clusters = new int[nelements];
// calculate the distances and store in distance matrix
// Do we want to normalize the matrix?
// Matrix normMatrix = matrix.getDistanceMatrix(metric);
// normMatrix.ops().normalize();
// distanceMatrix = normMatrix.toArray();
distanceMatrix = matrix.getDistanceMatrix(metric).toArray();
unvisited = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// Initializing all nodes as unvisited and clusters to -1
for (int i = 0; i < nelements; i++) {
clusters[i] = -1;
while (unvisited.size() > 0) {
int p = unvisited.get(0);
ArrayList<Integer> neighborPts = regionQuery(p);
if (neighborPts.size() < minPts) {
clusters[p] = -1;
} else {
currentC += 1;
expandCluster(p, neighborPts, currentC, clusters);
// System.out.println("Node "+p+" has "+neighborPts.size()+" neighbors after expansion");
nClusters = currentC + 1;
// System.out.println("nClusters = "+nClusters);
return clusters;
use of edu.ucsf.rbvi.clusterMaker2.internal.api.Matrix in project clusterMaker2 by RBVI.
the class MatrixTest method covTest.
public void covTest() {
Matrix simpleCov = simpleMatrix.ops().covariance();
timeEnd("simple matrix covariance");
Matrix coltCov = coltMatrix.ops().covariance();
timeEnd("colt matrix covariance");
assertArrayEquals(simpleCov.toArray(), coltCov.toArray(), DELTA);
Matrix ojAlgoCov = ojAlgoMatrix.ops().covariance();
timeEnd("ojAlgo matrix covariance");
assertArrayEquals(simpleCov.toArray(), ojAlgoCov.toArray(), DELTA);
use of edu.ucsf.rbvi.clusterMaker2.internal.api.Matrix in project clusterMaker2 by RBVI.
the class MatrixTest method corrTest.
public void corrTest() {
Matrix simpleCorr = simpleMatrix.ops().correlation();
timeEnd("simple matrix correlation");
Matrix coltCorr = coltMatrix.ops().correlation();
timeEnd("colt matrix correlation");
assertArrayEquals(simpleCorr.toArray(), coltCorr.toArray(), DELTA);
Matrix ojAlgoCorr = ojAlgoMatrix.ops().correlation();
timeEnd("ojAlgo matrix correlation");
assertArrayEquals(simpleCorr.toArray(), ojAlgoCorr.toArray(), DELTA);
use of edu.ucsf.rbvi.clusterMaker2.internal.api.Matrix in project clusterMaker2 by RBVI.
the class HierarchicalCluster method run.
public void run(TaskMonitor monitor) {
this.monitor = monitor;
monitor.setTitle("Performing " + getName());
List<String> nodeAttributeList = context.attributeList.getNodeAttributeList();
String edgeAttribute = context.attributeList.getEdgeAttribute();
if (nodeAttributeList == null && edgeAttribute == null) {
monitor.showMessage(TaskMonitor.Level.ERROR, "Must select either one edge column or two or more node columns");
if (nodeAttributeList != null && nodeAttributeList.size() > 0 && edgeAttribute != null) {
monitor.showMessage(TaskMonitor.Level.ERROR, "Can't have both node and edge columns selected");
if (context.selectedOnly && nodeAttributeList != null && nodeAttributeList.size() > 1 && CyTableUtil.getNodesInState(network, CyNetwork.SELECTED, true).size() < 3) {
monitor.showMessage(TaskMonitor.Level.ERROR, "Must have at least three nodes to cluster");
// Get our attributes we're going to use for the cluster
String[] attributeArray;
if (nodeAttributeList != null && nodeAttributeList.size() > 0) {
attributeArray = new String[nodeAttributeList.size()];
int i = 0;
for (String attr : nodeAttributeList) {
attributeArray[i++] = "node." + attr;
} else {
attributeArray = new String[1];
attributeArray[0] = "edge." + edgeAttribute;
monitor.showMessage(TaskMonitor.Level.INFO, "Initializing");
// System.out.println("Initializing");
resetAttributes(network, SHORTNAME);
// Create a new clusterer
DistanceMetric metric = context.metric.getSelectedValue();
RunHierarchical algorithm = new RunHierarchical(network, attributeArray, metric, clusterMethod, monitor, context);
// Cluster the attributes, if requested
if (context.clusterAttributes && (attributeArray.length > 1 || context.isAssymetric())) {
monitor.setStatusMessage("Clustering attributes");
// System.out.println("Clustering attributes");
Integer[] rowOrder = algorithm.cluster(true);
attributeTree = algorithm.getAttributeList();
CyMatrix matrix = algorithm.getMatrix();
updateAttributes(network, SHORTNAME, rowOrder, attributeArray, attributeTree, matrix);
attributeOrder = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < rowOrder.length; i++) {
monitor.setStatusMessage("Clustering nodes");
// Cluster the nodes
// System.out.println("Clustering nodes");
Integer[] rowOrder = algorithm.cluster(false);
nodeTree = algorithm.getAttributeList();
CyMatrix matrix = algorithm.getMatrix();
updateAttributes(network, SHORTNAME, rowOrder, attributeArray, nodeTree, matrix);
nodeOrder = new ArrayList<CyNode>();
for (int i = 0; i < rowOrder.length; i++) {
// TODO: Deal with params!
List<String> params = context.getParams(algorithm.getMatrix());
updateParams(network, params);
if (context.showUI) {
insertTasksAfterCurrentTask(new TreeView(clusterManager));