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Example 51 with GNSClientCommands

use of edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.GNSClientCommands in project GNS by MobilityFirst.

the class BatchCreateOpsFail method setupClientsAndGuids.

private void setupClientsAndGuids() throws Exception {
    clients = new GNSClientCommands[numClients];
    for (int i = 0; i < numClients; i++) {
        clients[i] = new GNSClientCommands();
    String gnsInstance = clients[0].getGNSProvider();
    accountGuidEntries = new GuidEntry[numAccountGuids];
    for (int i = 0; i < numAccountGuids; i++) {
        log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} creating account GUID {1}", new Object[] { this, ACCOUNT_GUID_PREFIX + i });
        try {
            accountGuidEntries[i] = clients[0].accountGuidCreate(ACCOUNT_GUID_PREFIX + i, PASSWORD);
            log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} created account ", new Object[] { this, accountGuidEntries[i] });
            assert (accountGuidEntries[i].getGuid().equals(KeyPairUtils.getGuidEntry(gnsInstance, ACCOUNT_GUID_PREFIX + i).getGuid()));
        } catch (DuplicateNameException e) {
            accountGuidEntries[i] = KeyPairUtils.getGuidEntry(gnsInstance, ACCOUNT_GUID_PREFIX + i);
            log.log(Level.INFO, "{0} found that account {1} already exists", new Object[] { this, accountGuidEntries[i] });
    // any other exception should be throw up
    System.out.println("Created or found pre-existing " + numAccountGuids + " account GUIDs: " + Arrays.asList(accountGuidEntries));
    if (accountGuidsOnly) {
        for (int i = 0; i < accountGuidEntries.length; i++) {
            guidEntries[i] = accountGuidEntries[i];
    guidEntries = new GuidEntry[numGuids];
    Set<String> subGuids = new HashSet<String>();
    for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < numGuids; i++) {
        subGuids.add(Config.getGlobalString(TC.TEST_GUID_PREFIX) + i);
        if (subGuids.size() == numGuidsPerAccount || i == numGuids - 1) {
            // because batch creation seems buggy
            if (subGuids.size() == 1) {
                String subGuid = subGuids.iterator().next();
                try {
                    GuidEntry created = clients[0].guidCreate(accountGuidEntries[i / numGuidsPerAccount], subGuid);
                    assert (created.getGuid().equals(KeyPairUtils.getGuidEntry(gnsInstance, subGuid).getGuid()));
                } catch (DuplicateNameException de) {
                // ignore, will retrieve it locally below
            // any other exception should be throw up
            } else {
                try {
                    // batch create
                    clients[0].guidBatchCreate(accountGuidEntries[i / numGuidsPerAccount], subGuids);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    for (String subGuid : subGuids) {
                        try {
                            clients[0].guidCreate(accountGuidEntries[i / numGuidsPerAccount], subGuid);
                        } catch (DuplicateNameException de) {
                        // ignore, will retrieve it locally below
                    // any other exception should be throw up
            for (String subGuid : subGuids) {
                guidEntries[j++] = KeyPairUtils.getGuidEntry(gnsInstance, subGuid);
            log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} created sub-guid(s) {1}", new Object[] { this, subGuids });
    for (GuidEntry guidEntry : accountGuidEntries) {
        assert (guidEntry != null);
    for (GuidEntry guidEntry : guidEntries) {
        assert (guidEntry != null);
    System.out.println("Created or found " + guidEntries.length + " pre-existing sub-guids " + Arrays.asList(guidEntries));
Also used : GNSClientCommands(edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.GNSClientCommands) DuplicateNameException(edu.umass.cs.gnscommon.exceptions.client.DuplicateNameException) GuidEntry(edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.util.GuidEntry) IOException( DuplicateNameException(edu.umass.cs.gnscommon.exceptions.client.DuplicateNameException) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 52 with GNSClientCommands

use of edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.GNSClientCommands in project GNS by MobilityFirst.

the class BatchCreateOpsFail method cleanup.

   * @throws Exception
public void cleanup() throws Exception {
    assert (clients != null && clients[0] != null);
    System.out.println("About to delete " + guidEntries.length + " sub-guids: " + Arrays.asList(guidEntries));
    for (GuidEntry guidEntry : guidEntries) {
        try {
            log.log(Level.INFO, "{0} about to delete sub-guid {1}", new Object[] { this, guidEntry });
            log.log(Level.INFO, "{0} deleted sub-guid {1}", new Object[] { this, guidEntry });
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.log(Level.WARNING, "{0} failed to delete sub-guid {1}", new Object[] { this, guidEntry });
        // continue with rest
    System.out.println("About to delete " + accountGuidEntries.length + " account guids: " + Arrays.asList(accountGuidEntries));
    for (GuidEntry accGuidEntry : accountGuidEntries) {
        try {
            log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} deleted account guid {1}", new Object[] { this, accGuidEntry });
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.log(Level.WARNING, "{0} failed to delete account guid {1}", new Object[] { this, accGuidEntry });
        // continue with rest
    for (GNSClientCommands client : clients) {
Also used : GNSClientCommands(edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.GNSClientCommands) GuidEntry(edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.util.GuidEntry) IOException( DuplicateNameException(edu.umass.cs.gnscommon.exceptions.client.DuplicateNameException) After(org.junit.After)

Example 53 with GNSClientCommands

use of edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.GNSClientCommands in project GNS by MobilityFirst.

the class SomeReadsEncryptionFails method cleanup.

   * Removes all account and sub-guids created during the test.
   * @throws Exception
public static void cleanup() throws Exception {
    assert (clients != null && clients[0] != null);
    if (!accountGuidsOnly) {
        System.out.println("About to delete " + guidEntries.length + " sub-guids: " + Arrays.asList(guidEntries));
        for (GuidEntry guidEntry : guidEntries) {
            try {
                log.log(Level.FINE, "About to delete sub-guid {0}", new Object[] { guidEntry });
                log.log(Level.FINE, "Deleted sub-guid {0}", new Object[] { guidEntry });
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to delete sub-guid {0}", new Object[] { guidEntry });
            // continue with rest
    System.out.println("About to delete " + accountGuidEntries.length + " account guids: " + Arrays.asList(accountGuidEntries));
    for (GuidEntry accGuidEntry : accountGuidEntries) {
        try {
            log.log(Level.FINE, "About to delete account guid {0}", new Object[] { accGuidEntry });
            log.log(Level.FINE, "Deleted account guid {0}", new Object[] { accGuidEntry });
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to delete account guid {0}", new Object[] { accGuidEntry });
        // continue with rest
    for (GNSClientCommands client : clients) {
Also used : GNSClientCommands(edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.GNSClientCommands) GuidEntry(edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.util.GuidEntry) JSONException(org.json.JSONException) ClientException(edu.umass.cs.gnscommon.exceptions.client.ClientException) IOException( DuplicateNameException(edu.umass.cs.gnscommon.exceptions.client.DuplicateNameException) AfterClass(org.junit.AfterClass)

Example 54 with GNSClientCommands

use of edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.GNSClientCommands in project GNS by MobilityFirst.

the class ContextAwareGroupGuidExample method main.

   * @param args
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws InvalidKeySpecException
   * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
   * @throws ClientException
   * @throws InvalidKeyException
   * @throws SignatureException
   * @throws Exception
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InvalidKeySpecException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, ClientException, InvalidKeyException, SignatureException, Exception {
    // Start the client
    client = new GNSClientCommands(null);
    try {
        // Create the account guid using your email address and password = "password"
        masterGuid = lookupOrCreateAccountGuid(client, ACCOUNT_ALIAS, "password");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Exception during accountGuid creation: " + e);
    System.out.println("Client connected to GNS.");
    // Create 5 guids each of which have the field using our fieldname with a value of 25
    for (int cnt = 0; cnt < 5; cnt++) {
        GuidEntry guidEntry = client.guidCreate(masterGuid, "valueField-" + cnt);
        client.fieldUpdate(guidEntry, fieldName, 25);
    // Create a guid for the first group
    groupOneGuidEntry = client.guidCreate(masterGuid, "contextAware > 20 Group");
    // Set up the group context with a query
    String query = "~" + fieldName + " : {$gt: 20}";
    // Note that the zero for the interval means that we will never get stale results (not a 
    // good idea to do in production code! The default is 60 (seconds))
    JSONArray result = client.selectSetupGroupQuery(masterGuid, groupOneGuidEntry.getGuid(), query, 0);
    // Show the values from the guids that we got back
    System.out.println("Members of " + groupOneGuidEntry.getEntityName() + ":");
    showFieldValuesInGuids(result, fieldName);
    // Create a second group guid
    groupTwoGuidEntry = client.guidCreate(masterGuid, "contextAware = 0 Group");
    // Set up a second group with a different query
    query = "~" + fieldName + " : 0";
    // Note that the zero for the interval means that we will never get stale results (not a 
    // good idea to do in production code!  The default is 60 (seconds))
    JSONArray resultTwo = client.selectSetupGroupQuery(masterGuid, groupTwoGuidEntry.getGuid(), query, 0);
    // Show the values from the guids that we got back
    System.out.println("Members of " + groupTwoGuidEntry.getEntityName() + ": (should be empty)");
    showFieldValuesInGuids(resultTwo, fieldName);
    // Now we lookup the values of the first group again
    JSONArray resultThree = client.selectLookupGroupQuery(groupOneGuidEntry.getGuid());
    System.out.println("Members of " + groupOneGuidEntry.getEntityName() + ": (should still be 5 of them)");
    showFieldValuesInGuids(resultThree, fieldName);
    // And change the values of all but one of them
    System.out.println("Changing 4 of the 5 guids to have a their " + fieldName + " field's value be 0");
    for (int i = 0; i < result.length() - 1; i++) {
        BasicGuidEntry guidInfo = new BasicGuidEntry(client.lookupGuidRecord(result.getString(i)));
        GuidEntry entry = GuidUtils.lookupGuidEntryFromDatabase(client, guidInfo.getEntityName());
        System.out.println("Changing value of " + fieldName + " field in " + entry.getEntityName() + " to 0");
        client.fieldUpdate(entry, fieldName, 0);
    // Now we lookup the values of the first group again - showing that there is only one guid in the group
    JSONArray resultFour = client.selectLookupGroupQuery(groupOneGuidEntry.getGuid());
    System.out.println("Members of " + groupOneGuidEntry.getEntityName() + ": (should only be one of them)");
    showFieldValuesInGuids(resultFour, fieldName);
    // Now we lookup the values of the second group again - this one now has 4 guids
    JSONArray resultFive = client.selectLookupGroupQuery(groupTwoGuidEntry.getGuid());
    System.out.println("Members of " + groupTwoGuidEntry.getEntityName() + ": (should be 4 of them)");
    showFieldValuesInGuids(resultFive, fieldName);
    // So we can run this again without duplicate name/guid errors.
Also used : GNSClientCommands(edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.GNSClientCommands) BasicGuidEntry(edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.util.BasicGuidEntry) JSONArray(org.json.JSONArray) ClientException(edu.umass.cs.gnscommon.exceptions.client.ClientException) InvalidKeySpecException( SignatureException( IOException( NoSuchAlgorithmException( InvalidKeyException( BasicGuidEntry(edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.util.BasicGuidEntry) GuidEntry(edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.util.GuidEntry)

Example 55 with GNSClientCommands

use of edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.GNSClientCommands in project GNS by MobilityFirst.

the class ServerFailureTests method setUpBeforeClass.

   * @throws Exception
public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
    String topDir = Paths.get(".").toAbsolutePath().normalize().toString();
    //Set the running time (in seconds) for each round of throughput testing.
    String inputRoundTime = System.getProperty("failureTest.roundTime");
    if (inputRoundTime != null) {
        TEST_TIME = Integer.parseInt(inputRoundTime) * 1000;
    } else {
        //Default to 10,000 ms
        TEST_TIME = 10000;
    //Parse file for the active replica names
    String gpPropPath = System.getProperty("gigapaxosConfig");
    System.out.println("Using gigapaxos config: " + gpPropPath);
    gpPropDir = topDir + "/" + gpPropPath;
    File file = new File(gpPropDir);
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
    String line = reader.readLine();
    while (line != null) {
        if (line.startsWith("active.")) {
            int idx = line.indexOf(".");
            int idx2 = line.indexOf("=", idx);
            String serverName = line.substring(idx + 1, idx2);
        line = reader.readLine();
    numServers = suite.serverNameArray.size();
    System.out.println("Active Replicas to be used: " + suite.serverNameArray.toString());
    //Kill any running servers
    Process startProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("kill -s TERM `ps -ef | grep GNS.jar | grep -v grep | grep -v ServerIntegrationTest  | grep -v \"context\" | awk '{print $2}'`");
    InputStream serverLauncherOutput = startProcess.getInputStream();
    BufferedReader output = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(serverLauncherOutput));
    line = output.readLine();
    while (startProcess.isAlive() && (line != null)) {
        line = output.readLine();
    //Kill any saved state
    execString = topDir + "/bin/ -DgigapaxosConfig=" + gpPropDir + " ";
    System.out.println("Running " + execString + "forceclear all");
    startProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(execString + "forceclear all");
    serverLauncherOutput = startProcess.getInputStream();
    output = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(serverLauncherOutput));
    line = output.readLine();
    while (startProcess.isAlive() && (line != null)) {
        line = output.readLine();
    //Start the servers
    System.out.println("Running " + execString + "restart all");
    startProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(execString + "restart all");
    serverLauncherOutput = startProcess.getInputStream();
    output = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(serverLauncherOutput));
    line = output.readLine();
    while (startProcess.isAlive() && (line != null)) {
        line = output.readLine();
    System.out.println("Servers started.");
    System.out.println("Starting client");
    client = new GNSClientCommands();
    // Make all the reads be coordinated
    // arun: connectivity check embedded in GNSClient constructor
    boolean connected = client instanceof GNSClient;
    if (connected) {
        System.out.println("Client created and connected to server.");
    int tries = 5;
    boolean accountCreated = false;
    do {
        try {
            System.out.println("Creating account guid: " + (tries - 1) + " attempt remaining.");
            masterGuid = GuidUtils.lookupOrCreateAccountGuid(client, accountAlias, PASSWORD, true);
            accountCreated = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            ThreadUtils.sleep((5 - tries) * 5000);
    } while (!accountCreated && --tries > 0);
    if (accountCreated == false) {
        fail("Failure setting up account guid; aborting all tests.");
    //Begin emulating transport delays -- This was causing timeouts on everything so it's unused out for now.
Also used : GNSClientCommands(edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.GNSClientCommands) InputStreamReader( GNSClient(edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.GNSClient) InputStream( BufferedReader( FileReader( RandomString(edu.umass.cs.gnscommon.utils.RandomString) File( ClientException(edu.umass.cs.gnscommon.exceptions.client.ClientException) IOException( BeforeClass(org.junit.BeforeClass)


GNSClientCommands (edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.GNSClientCommands)70 IOException ( ClientException (edu.umass.cs.gnscommon.exceptions.client.ClientException)50 StringTokenizer (java.util.StringTokenizer)35 GuidEntry (edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.util.GuidEntry)28 JSONArray (org.json.JSONArray)13 JSONException (org.json.JSONException)11 DuplicateNameException (edu.umass.cs.gnscommon.exceptions.client.DuplicateNameException)10 NoSuchAlgorithmException ( InvalidKeySpecException ( JSONObject (org.json.JSONObject)9 InvalidKeyException ( SignatureException ( GNSClient (edu.umass.cs.gnsclient.client.GNSClient)6 PublicKey ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)6 BeforeClass (org.junit.BeforeClass)6 RandomString (edu.umass.cs.gnscommon.utils.RandomString)5 File ( FileInputStream (