use of in project Eidolons by IDemiurge.
the class HT_MapBuilder method addNode.
protected int addNode(int parentX, ObjType type, int i, int sublingCount, ObjType parent) {
addLink(parentX, type, i, sublingCount, parent);
Point point;
if (parent == null) {
// getBasePoint();
point = new PointX(getX(parentX, i, sublingCount, type, parent), getY(type, parent));
LogMaster.log(1, "Base Node added: " + "" + "" + type.getName() + " at " + point);
} else {
StaticTreeLink link = getStaticLink(type);
point = getNodePointFromLink(parentX, type, i, sublingCount, parent, link);
LogMaster.log(1, "Node added: " + "" + type.getName() + " at " + point + " with " + link);
HT_Node node = createNode(type, defSize, parent);
map.addNode(point, node, defSize);
addAltBaseLinks(point, node);
return point.x;