use of entity.RequestParam in project CodeUtils by boredream.
the class WikiApiDocMain method genCode.
private static void genCode(ArrayList<RequestInfo> infos) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (RequestInfo info : infos) {
String urlName = info.getName();
String url = info.getUrl();
// 方式注释里参数
StringBuilder sbAnotation = new StringBuilder();
// 方法参数里参数
StringBuilder sbParam = new StringBuilder();
// 方法内容里参数
StringBuilder sbBody = new StringBuilder();
ArrayList<RequestParam> params = info.getParams();
if (params != null && params.size() > 0) {
sbAnotation.append(StringUtils.formatSingleLine(1, " *"));
for (RequestParam param : params) {
// 方式注释里参数
// * @param name 姓名
sbAnotation.append(StringUtils.formatSingleLine(1, " * @param " + param.getName() + " " + param.getDes()));
// 方法参数里参数 String phone, HttpListener<Object> listener
sbParam.append(param.getType() + " " + param.getName() + ", ");
// 方法内容里参数 params.put("phone", phone);
sbBody.append(StringUtils.formatSingleLine(2, "params.put(\"" + param.getName() + "\", " + param.getName() + ");"));
sb.append(StringUtils.formatSingleLine(1, "/**"));
sb.append(StringUtils.formatSingleLine(1, " * " + info.getDes()));
sb.append(StringUtils.formatSingleLine(1, " */"));
// 方法名
String methodName = "request";
String[] nameItems = url.split("/");
for (int i = nameItems.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if (nameItems[i].contains("{")) {
methodName = nameItems[i];
sb.append(StringUtils.formatSingleLine(1, "public static void " + methodName + "(" + sbParam.toString() + ") {"));
// url
sb.append(StringUtils.formatSingleLine(2, "String url = \"" + info.getUrl() + "\";"));
String method = "Request.Method." + info.getMethod();
// 参数,如果是post放到map里,如果是get则拼接到url里
if (info.getMethod().equals("post")) {
sb.append(StringUtils.formatSingleLine(2, "HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();"));
sb.append(StringUtils.formatSingleLine(2, "executeRequest(" + method + ", url, params, Object.class, listener, errorListener);"));
} else {
for (RequestParam param : info.getParams()) {
sb.append(StringUtils.formatSingleLine(2, "url = url.replace(\"{" + param.getName() + "}\", String.valueOf(" + param.getName() + "));"));
sb.append(StringUtils.formatSingleLine(2, "executeRequest(" + method + ", url, null, Object.class, listener, errorListener);"));
sb.append(StringUtils.formatSingleLine(1, "}"));
use of entity.RequestParam in project CodeUtils by boredream.
the class SwaggerDocGenerator method parseDocFromHtml.
public static ArrayList<RequestInfo> parseDocFromHtml(String path) {
ArrayList<RequestInfo> requestInfos = new ArrayList<RequestInfo>();
File file = new File(path);
String response = FileUtils.readToString(file, "UTF-8");
Document parse = Jsoup.parse(response);
// 总接口类型
// <li id="resource_用户相关api" class="resource">
Elements typeElements = parse.getElementsByClass("resource");
for (Element typeElement : typeElements) {
// id为 "resource_用户相关api"
String apiTitle ="_")[1];
// 获取该类型下具体接口
// <ul class="operations">
Elements apiElements = typeElement.getElementsByClass("operations");
for (Element apiElement : apiElements) {
RequestInfo requestInfo = new RequestInfo();
// header
Element headingElement = apiElement.getElementsByClass("heading").get(0);
// 接口名称
// <ul class="options">
String name = headingElement.getElementsByClass("options").get(0).text();
// 接口方式
// <ul class="http_method">
String method = headingElement.getElementsByClass("http_method").get(0).text();
// 接口地址
// <ul class="path">
String url = headingElement.getElementsByClass("path").get(0).text();
// content
Element contentElement = apiElement.getElementsByClass("content").get(0);
// 提交参数
// <tbody class="operation-params">
Elements paramsElements = contentElement.getElementsByClass("operation-params");
if (paramsElements != null && paramsElements.size() > 0) {
// 有参数才做处理
Element paramsElement = paramsElements.get(0);
// 一行对应一个参数
// <tr>
Elements paramElements = paramsElement.children();
ArrayList<RequestParam> params = new ArrayList<RequestParam>();
for (Element paramElement : paramElements) {
// 一列对应参数的一个属性,共5列,分别为 名称,值,描述,参数类型,数据类型
// <td>
Elements columeElement = paramElement.children();
String paramName = columeElement.get(0).text();
String paramDes = columeElement.get(2).text();
String pType = columeElement.get(3).text();
if (pType.equals("query")) {
// 如果参数类型为query,则为数据类型为基础类型
String paramType = columeElement.get(4).text();
// 数据值可能为可选项
Elements valueOptionsElements = columeElement.get(1).getElementsByTag("option");
ArrayList<String> valueOptions = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Element valueOptionsElement : valueOptionsElements) {
String option = valueOptionsElement.text();
if (option != null && !option.trim().equals("")) {
params.add(new RequestParam(paramName, paramType, paramDes, valueOptions));
} else if (pType.equals("body")) {
// 如果参数类型为body,则为数据类型为json字符串,且一般只有一行
Element jsonElement = columeElement.get(4);
// 解析json中的多个参数
// System.out.println(requestInfo.toString());
return requestInfos;
use of entity.RequestParam in project CodeUtils by boredream.
the class SwaggerDocGenerator method parseJsonParams.
private static ArrayList<RequestParam> parseJsonParams(Element jsonElement) {
ArrayList<RequestParam> requestParams = new ArrayList<RequestParam>();
String jsonStr = jsonElement.getElementsByClass("json").text();
if (!jsonStr.isEmpty()) {
List<Json2JavaElement> jsonBeanTree = JsonUtils.getJsonBeanTree(jsonStr);
for (Json2JavaElement j2je : jsonBeanTree) {
String paramName = j2je.getName();
// 此类格式post参数没有描述
String paramDes = "";
Class<?> type = j2je.getType();
String pType = type == null ? "String" : j2je.getType().getSimpleName();
requestParams.add(new RequestParam(paramName, pType, paramDes, new ArrayList<String>()));
return requestParams;
use of entity.RequestParam in project CodeUtils by boredream.
the class SwaggerDocGenerator method genCode.
public static void genCode(ArrayList<RequestInfo> infos) {
StringBuilder sbUrl = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (RequestInfo info : infos) {
// /**
// * 查询指定服务申请详细信息
// */
// public static final String SERVICEAPPLIES = "/rest/serviceApplies/{applyId}";
String name = info.getName();
String url = info.getUrl();
String urlName = /*info.getMethod() + "_" + */
url.replace("/rest/", "").replace("/", "_").replace("{", "").replace("}", "");
String responseBeanName = "Object";
if (info.getResponseJson() != null) {
// user/test -> UserTestResponse
String[] split = url.split("/");
responseBeanName = StringUtils.firstToUpperCase(split[0]) + StringUtils.firstToUpperCase(split[1]) + "Response";
String jsonJava = info.getResponseJson();
// TODO 特殊处理,继承基类 extends BaseEntity
jsonJava = jsonJava.replace("JsonBeans", responseBeanName + " extends BaseEntity");
File file = new File("temp" + File.separator + "entity" + File.separator + responseBeanName + ".java");
FileUtils.writeString2File(jsonJava, file, "utf-8");
// 作为url末尾直接拼装的参数,一般只有一个
String endParam = null;
String endParamName = null;
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\{[\\s\\S]+\\}");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(url);
if (matcher.find()) {
endParam =;
endParamName = endParam.replace("{", "").replace("}", "");
url = url.replace(endParam, "");
sbUrl.append(StringUtils.formatSingleLine(1, "/**"));
sbUrl.append(StringUtils.formatSingleLine(1, " * " + name));
sbUrl.append(StringUtils.formatSingleLine(1, " */"));
sbUrl.append(StringUtils.formatSingleLine(1, "public static final String " + urlName.toUpperCase() + " = \"" + url + "\";" + (endParam == null ? "" : "// " + endParam)));
// /**
// * 注册用户
// *
// * @param phone 手机号 (可选项: 1; 2)
// * @param listener
// */
// public static void userSignUp(String phone, HttpListener<User> listener) {
// String time = String.valueOf(getCurrentTime());
// Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// params.put("phone", phone);
// params.put("time", time);
// doHttp(Urls.getUrl(Urls.USER_SIGN_UP), "get", params, User.class, listener);
// }
// endParam模式的为
// String time = String.valueOf(getCurrentTime());
// doHttp(Urls.getUrl(Urls.USER_SIGN_UP) + phone, params, User.class, listener);
// 方式注释里参数
StringBuilder sbAnotation = new StringBuilder();
// 方法参数里参数
StringBuilder sbParam = new StringBuilder();
// 方法内容里参数
StringBuilder sbBody = new StringBuilder();
ArrayList<RequestParam> params = info.getParams();
if (params != null && params.size() > 0) {
sbAnotation.append(StringUtils.formatSingleLine(1, " *"));
for (RequestParam param : params) {
// 方式注释里参数
sbAnotation.append("\t * @param").append(" ").append(param.getName()).append(" ").append(param.getDes());
ArrayList<String> options = param.getSelectOptions();
if (options != null && options.size() > 0) {
sbAnotation.append(" (可选项: ");
for (int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++) {
if (i > 0) {
sbAnotation.append("; ");
// 方法参数里参数 String phone, HttpListener<User> listener
sbParam.append(param.getType() + " " + param.getName() + ", ");
// 方法内容里参数 params.put("phone", phone);
sbBody.append(StringUtils.formatSingleLine(2, "params.put(\"" + param.getName() + "\", " + param.getName() + ");"));
sbParam.append("HttpListener<" + responseBeanName + "> listener");
sb.append(StringUtils.formatSingleLine(1, "/**"));
sb.append(StringUtils.formatSingleLine(1, " * " + name));
if (endParamName != null) {
sb.append(StringUtils.formatSingleLine(1, " *")).append("\t * @param").append(" ").append(endParamName);
} else {
sb.append(StringUtils.formatSingleLine(1, " */"));
StringBuilder methodNameSb = new StringBuilder();
String[] nameItems = urlName.split("_");
for (int i = 0; i < nameItems.length; i++) {
String nameItem = nameItems[i];
if (i > 0) {
nameItem = nameItem.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + nameItem.substring(1);
sb.append(StringUtils.formatSingleLine(1, "public static void " + methodNameSb.toString() + "(" + (endParamName == null ? "" : "String " + endParamName + ", ") + sbParam.toString() + ") {"));
sb.append(StringUtils.formatSingleLine(2, "HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();"));
sb.append(StringUtils.formatSingleLine(2, "doHttp(URLs.getUrl(URLs." + urlName.toUpperCase() + ")" + (endParamName == null ? "" : " + " + endParamName) + ", \"" + info.getMethod() + "\", params, " + responseBeanName + ".class, listener);"));
sb.append(StringUtils.formatSingleLine(1, "}"));