use of es.bsc.compss.types.fake.FakeNode in project compss by bsc-wdc.
the class CloudProviderTest method testCreateTwoVMTwoResources.
public void testCreateTwoVMTwoResources() {
Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>();
CloudProvider cp = null;
try {
cp = new CloudProvider(PROVIDER_NAME, 0, RUNTIME_CONNECTOR, null, null, properties);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Could not create the Cloud Provider");
String imageName = "IMAGE" + (int) (Math.random() * 10000);
CloudImageDescription cid = new CloudImageDescription(imageName, new HashMap<>());
String typeName = "TYPE" + (int) (Math.random() * 10000);
float type1Memory = (float) Math.random() * 5;
MethodResourceDescription mrd1 = new MethodResourceDescription();
CloudInstanceTypeDescription citd = new CloudInstanceTypeDescription(typeName, mrd1);
CloudMethodResourceDescription cmrd = new CloudMethodResourceDescription(citd, cid);
ResourceCreationRequest crc = cp.requestResourceCreation(cmrd);
CloudMethodResourceDescription cmrd2 = new CloudMethodResourceDescription(citd, cid);
ResourceCreationRequest crc2 = cp.requestResourceCreation(cmrd2);
if (cp.getCurrentVMCount() != 2) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly accounting the number of requested VMs");
String vmName = "VM" + (int) (Math.random() * 1000);
CloudMethodWorker cmw = new CloudMethodWorker(vmName, cp, cmrd, new FakeNode(vmName), 0, 0, 0, 0, new HashMap<>());
String vmName2 = "VM" + (int) (Math.random() * 1000);
CloudMethodWorker cmw2 = new CloudMethodWorker(vmName2, cp, cmrd, new FakeNode(vmName2), 0, 0, 0, 0, new HashMap<>());
CloudMethodResourceDescription granted = new CloudMethodResourceDescription(citd, cid);
cp.confirmedCreation(crc, cmw, granted);
if (cp.getCurrentVMCount() != 2) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly accounting the number of requested VMs");
List<ResourceCreationRequest> pendingRequests = cp.getPendingRequests();
Set<CloudMethodWorker> workers = cp.getHostedWorkers();
if (pendingRequests.size() != 1) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly registering the pending creations requests");
if (workers.size() != 1) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly registering the hosted workers");
if (!workers.contains(cmw)) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly registering the hosted workers");
granted = new CloudMethodResourceDescription(citd, cid);
cp.confirmedCreation(crc2, cmw2, granted);
if (cp.getCurrentVMCount() != 2) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly accounting the number of requested VMs");
pendingRequests = cp.getPendingRequests();
workers = cp.getHostedWorkers();
if (!pendingRequests.isEmpty()) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly registering the pending creations requests");
if (workers.size() != 2) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly registering the hosted workers");
if (!workers.contains(cmw)) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly registering the hosted workers");
if (!workers.contains(cmw2)) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly registering the hosted workers");