use of es.bsc.compss.types.resources.description.CloudInstanceTypeDescription in project compss by bsc-wdc.
the class ResourceLoader method loadCloudProvider.
private static boolean loadCloudProvider(CloudProviderType cp_project, es.bsc.compss.types.resources.jaxb.CloudProviderType cp_resources) {
String cpName = cp_project.getName();
String runtimeConnector = System.getProperty(COMPSsConstants.CONN);
String connectorJarPath = "";
String connectorMainClass = "";
Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>();
/* Add Endpoint information from resources.xml */
EndpointType endpoint = cp_resources.getEndpoint();
connectorJarPath = resources.getConnectorJarPath(endpoint);
connectorMainClass = resources.getConnectorMainClass(endpoint);
/* Add properties information ****************** */
properties.put(AbstractConnector.PROP_SERVER, resources.getServer(endpoint));
properties.put(AbstractConnector.PROP_PORT, resources.getPort(endpoint));
List<Object> objList = cp_project.getImagesOrInstanceTypesOrLimitOfVMs();
if (objList != null) {
for (Object obj : objList) {
if (obj instanceof CloudPropertiesType) {
CloudPropertiesType cloud_props = (CloudPropertiesType) obj;
for (CloudPropertyType prop : cloud_props.getProperty()) {
// TODO CloudProperties have context, name, value. Consider context (it is ignored now)
properties.put(prop.getName(), prop.getValue());
// Add application name property for some connectors (i.e. docker, vmm)
String appName = System.getProperty(COMPSsConstants.APP_NAME);
appName = appName.toLowerCase();
appName = appName.replace('.', '-');
properties.put(AbstractConnector.PROP_APP_NAME, appName);
/* Add images/instances information ******************** */
int limitOfVMs = -1;
// Seconds
int maxCreationTime = -1;
LinkedList<CloudImageDescription> images = new LinkedList<>();
LinkedList<CloudInstanceTypeDescription> instanceTypes = new LinkedList<>();
objList = cp_project.getImagesOrInstanceTypesOrLimitOfVMs();
if (objList != null) {
for (Object obj : objList) {
if (obj instanceof ImagesType) {
// Load images
ImagesType imageList = (ImagesType) obj;
for (ImageType im_project : imageList.getImage()) {
// Try to create image
es.bsc.compss.types.resources.jaxb.ImageType im_resources = resources.getImage(cp_resources, im_project.getName());
CloudImageDescription cid = createImage(im_project, im_resources, properties);
// Add to images list
if (cid != null) {
// Update max creation time
int localCT = cid.getCreationTime();
if (localCT > maxCreationTime) {
maxCreationTime = localCT;
} else if (obj instanceof InstanceTypesType) {
// Load images
InstanceTypesType instancesList = (InstanceTypesType) obj;
for (InstanceTypeType instance_project : instancesList.getInstanceType()) {
// Try to create instance
String instanceName = instance_project.getName();
es.bsc.compss.types.resources.jaxb.InstanceTypeType instance_resources = resources.getInstance(cp_resources, instanceName);
if (instance_resources != null) {
CloudInstanceTypeDescription cmrd = createInstance(instance_resources);
// Add to instance list
if (cmrd != null) {
} else {
ErrorManager.warn("Instance " + instanceName + " not defined in resources.xml. Skipping");
} else if (obj instanceof Integer) {
// Limit Of VMs
limitOfVMs = (Integer) obj;
if (maxCreationTime > 0) {
properties.put(AbstractConnector.PROP_MAX_VM_CREATION_TIME, Integer.toString(maxCreationTime));
// Add Cloud Provider to CloudManager *****************************************/
CloudProvider provider;
try {
provider = ResourceManager.registerCloudProvider(cpName, limitOfVMs, runtimeConnector, connectorJarPath, connectorMainClass, properties);
} catch (Exception e) {
ErrorManager.warn("Exception loading CloudProvider " + cpName, e);
return false;
for (CloudImageDescription cid : images) {
for (CloudInstanceTypeDescription instance : instanceTypes) {
/* If we reach this point CP is loaded **************************************** */
return true;
use of es.bsc.compss.types.resources.description.CloudInstanceTypeDescription in project compss by bsc-wdc.
the class CloudProviderTest method testRefusedTwoTurnOn.
public void testRefusedTwoTurnOn() {
Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>();
CloudProvider cp = null;
try {
cp = new CloudProvider(PROVIDER_NAME, 0, RUNTIME_CONNECTOR, null, null, properties);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Could not create the Cloud Provider");
if (cp.getCurrentVMCount() != 0) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly intialized the number of requested VMs should be 0");
String imageName = "IMAGE" + (int) (Math.random() * 10000);
CloudImageDescription cid = new CloudImageDescription(imageName, new HashMap<>());
String typeName = "TYPE" + (int) (Math.random() * 10000);
float type1Memory = (float) Math.random() * 5;
MethodResourceDescription mrd1 = new MethodResourceDescription();
CloudInstanceTypeDescription citd = new CloudInstanceTypeDescription(typeName, mrd1);
CloudMethodResourceDescription cmrd = new CloudMethodResourceDescription(citd, cid);
ResourceCreationRequest crc = cp.requestResourceCreation(cmrd);
if (!FakeConnector.getProcessedRequests().contains(crc)) {
fail("Turn on has not reached the connector");
CloudMethodResourceDescription cmrd2 = new CloudMethodResourceDescription(citd, cid);
ResourceCreationRequest crc2 = cp.requestResourceCreation(cmrd2);
if (!FakeConnector.getProcessedRequests().contains(crc)) {
fail("Turn on has not reached the connector");
if (cp.getCurrentVMCount() != 3) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly accounting the number of requested VMs");
if (cp.getCurrentVMCount() != 1) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly accounting the number of requested VMs");
List<ResourceCreationRequest> pendingRequests = cp.getPendingRequests();
if (!pendingRequests.contains(crc)) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly registering the pending creations requests");
if (pendingRequests.size() != 1) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly registering the pending creations requests");
if (cp.getCurrentVMCount() != 0) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly accounting the number of requested VMs");
if (!pendingRequests.isEmpty()) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly registering the pending creations requests");
use of es.bsc.compss.types.resources.description.CloudInstanceTypeDescription in project compss by bsc-wdc.
the class CloudProviderTest method testDestroyTwoVMOneResource.
public void testDestroyTwoVMOneResource() {
Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>();
CloudProvider cp = null;
try {
cp = new CloudProvider(PROVIDER_NAME, 0, RUNTIME_CONNECTOR, null, null, properties);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Could not create the Cloud Provider");
String imageName = "IMAGE" + (int) (Math.random() * 10000);
CloudImageDescription cid = new CloudImageDescription(imageName, new HashMap<>());
String typeName = "TYPE" + (int) (Math.random() * 10000);
float type1Memory = (float) Math.random() * 5;
MethodResourceDescription mrd1 = new MethodResourceDescription();
CloudInstanceTypeDescription citd = new CloudInstanceTypeDescription(typeName, mrd1);
CloudMethodResourceDescription cmrd = new CloudMethodResourceDescription(citd, cid);
ResourceCreationRequest crc = cp.requestResourceCreation(cmrd);
CloudMethodResourceDescription cmrd2 = new CloudMethodResourceDescription(citd, cid);
ResourceCreationRequest crc2 = cp.requestResourceCreation(cmrd2);
String vmName = "VM" + (int) (Math.random() * 1000);
ExtendedCloudMethodWorker cmw = new ExtendedCloudMethodWorker(vmName, cp, cmrd, new FakeNode(vmName), 0, new HashMap<>());
CloudMethodResourceDescription granted = new CloudMethodResourceDescription(citd, cid);
cp.confirmedCreation(crc, cmw, granted);
granted = new CloudMethodResourceDescription(citd, cid);
cp.confirmedCreation(crc2, cmw, granted);
CloudMethodResourceDescription reduction = new CloudMethodResourceDescription(citd, cid);
cp.requestResourceReduction(cmw, reduction);
if (cp.getCurrentVMCount() != 1) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly accounting the number of requested VMs");
Set<CloudMethodWorker> workers = cp.getHostedWorkers();
if (workers.size() != 1) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly registering the hosted workers");
if (!workers.contains(cmw)) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly registering the hosted workers");
reduction = new CloudMethodResourceDescription(citd, cid);
cp.requestResourceReduction(cmw, reduction);
if (cp.getCurrentVMCount() != 0) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly accounting the number of requested VMs");
workers = cp.getHostedWorkers();
if (!workers.isEmpty()) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly registering the hosted workers");
use of es.bsc.compss.types.resources.description.CloudInstanceTypeDescription in project compss by bsc-wdc.
the class CloudProviderTest method testCreateOneVMOneResourceDifferentDescription.
public void testCreateOneVMOneResourceDifferentDescription() {
Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>();
CloudProvider cp = null;
try {
cp = new CloudProvider(PROVIDER_NAME, 0, RUNTIME_CONNECTOR, null, null, properties);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Could not create the Cloud Provider");
String imageName = "IMAGE" + (int) (Math.random() * 10000);
CloudImageDescription cid = new CloudImageDescription(imageName, new HashMap<>());
String typeName = "TYPE" + (int) (Math.random() * 10000);
float type1Memory = (float) Math.random() * 5;
MethodResourceDescription mrd1 = new MethodResourceDescription();
CloudInstanceTypeDescription citd = new CloudInstanceTypeDescription(typeName, mrd1);
CloudMethodResourceDescription cmrd = new CloudMethodResourceDescription(citd, cid);
ResourceCreationRequest crc = cp.requestResourceCreation(cmrd);
String vmName = "VM" + (int) (Math.random() * 1000);
CloudMethodWorker cmw = new CloudMethodWorker(vmName, cp, cmrd, new FakeNode(vmName), 0, 0, 0, 0, new HashMap<>());
CloudMethodResourceDescription granted = new CloudMethodResourceDescription(citd, cid);
cp.confirmedCreation(crc, cmw, granted);
if (cp.getCurrentVMCount() != 2) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly accounting the number of requested VMs");
List<ResourceCreationRequest> pendingRequests = cp.getPendingRequests();
Set<CloudMethodWorker> workers = cp.getHostedWorkers();
if (!pendingRequests.isEmpty()) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly registering the pending creations requests");
if (workers.size() != 1) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly registering the hosted workers");
if (!workers.contains(cmw)) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly registering the hosted workers");
use of es.bsc.compss.types.resources.description.CloudInstanceTypeDescription in project compss by bsc-wdc.
the class CloudProviderTest method testDestroyTwoVMTwoResources.
public void testDestroyTwoVMTwoResources() {
Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>();
CloudProvider cp = null;
try {
cp = new CloudProvider(PROVIDER_NAME, 0, RUNTIME_CONNECTOR, null, null, properties);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Could not create the Cloud Provider");
String imageName = "IMAGE" + (int) (Math.random() * 10000);
CloudImageDescription cid = new CloudImageDescription(imageName, new HashMap<>());
String typeName = "TYPE" + (int) (Math.random() * 10000);
float type1Memory = (float) Math.random() * 5;
MethodResourceDescription mrd1 = new MethodResourceDescription();
CloudInstanceTypeDescription citd = new CloudInstanceTypeDescription(typeName, mrd1);
CloudMethodResourceDescription cmrd = new CloudMethodResourceDescription(citd, cid);
ResourceCreationRequest crc = cp.requestResourceCreation(cmrd);
CloudMethodResourceDescription cmrd2 = new CloudMethodResourceDescription(citd, cid);
ResourceCreationRequest crc2 = cp.requestResourceCreation(cmrd2);
String vmName = "VM" + (int) (Math.random() * 1000);
ExtendedCloudMethodWorker cmw = new ExtendedCloudMethodWorker(vmName, cp, cmrd, new FakeNode(vmName), 0, new HashMap<>());
String vmName2 = "VM" + (int) (Math.random() * 1000);
ExtendedCloudMethodWorker cmw2 = new ExtendedCloudMethodWorker(vmName, cp, cmrd2, new FakeNode(vmName2), 0, new HashMap<>());
CloudMethodResourceDescription granted = new CloudMethodResourceDescription(citd, cid);
cp.confirmedCreation(crc, cmw, granted);
granted = new CloudMethodResourceDescription(citd, cid);
cp.confirmedCreation(crc2, cmw2, granted);
CloudMethodResourceDescription reduction = new CloudMethodResourceDescription(citd, cid);
cp.requestResourceReduction(cmw, reduction);
if (cp.getCurrentVMCount() != 1) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly accounting the number of requested VMs");
Set<CloudMethodWorker> workers = cp.getHostedWorkers();
if (workers.size() != 1) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly registering the hosted workers");
if (!workers.contains(cmw2)) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly registering the hosted workers");
reduction = new CloudMethodResourceDescription(citd, cid);
cp.requestResourceReduction(cmw2, reduction);
if (cp.getCurrentVMCount() != 0) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly accounting the number of requested VMs");
workers = cp.getHostedWorkers();
if (!workers.isEmpty()) {
fail("Cloud Provider is not properly registering the hosted workers");