use of eu.bcvsolutions.idm.acc.domain.AttributeMapping in project CzechIdMng by bcvsolutions.
the class DefaultSysSystemAttributeMappingService method getAttributeValue.
* Find value for this mapped attribute by property name. Returned value can be list of objects. Returns transformed value.
* @param uid - Account identifier
* @param entity
* @param attributeHandling
* @param idmValue
* @return
* @throws IntrospectionException
* @throws IllegalAccessException
* @throws InvocationTargetException
public Object getAttributeValue(String uid, AbstractDto entity, AttributeMapping attributeHandling) {
Object idmValue = null;
SysSchemaAttributeDto schemaAttributeDto = getSchemaAttribute(attributeHandling);
if (attributeHandling.isExtendedAttribute() && entity != null && formService.isFormable(entity.getClass())) {
List<IdmFormValueDto> formValues = formService.getValues(entity, attributeHandling.getIdmPropertyName());
if (formValues.isEmpty()) {
idmValue = null;
} else if (schemaAttributeDto.isMultivalued()) {
// Multiple value extended attribute
List<Object> values = new ArrayList<>(); -> {
idmValue = values;
} else {
// Single value extended attribute
IdmFormValueDto formValue = formValues.get(0);
if (formValue.isConfidential()) {
Object confidentialValue = formService.getConfidentialPersistentValue(formValue);
// If is confidential value String and schema attribute is GuardedString type, then convert to GuardedString will be did.
if (confidentialValue instanceof String && schemaAttributeDto.getClassType().equals(GuardedString.class.getName())) {
idmValue = new GuardedString((String) confidentialValue);
} else {
idmValue = confidentialValue;
} else {
idmValue = formValue.getValue();
} else // Find value from entity
if (attributeHandling.isEntityAttribute()) {
if (attributeHandling.isConfidentialAttribute()) {
// If is attribute isConfidential, then we will find value in
// secured storage
idmValue = confidentialStorage.getGuardedString(entity.getId(), entity.getClass(), attributeHandling.getIdmPropertyName());
} else {
try {
// We will search value directly in entity by property name
idmValue = EntityUtils.getEntityValue(entity, attributeHandling.getIdmPropertyName());
} catch (IntrospectionException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException | ProvisioningException o_O) {
throw new ProvisioningException(AccResultCode.PROVISIONING_IDM_FIELD_NOT_FOUND, ImmutableMap.of("property", attributeHandling.getIdmPropertyName(), "entityType", entity.getClass()), o_O);
} else {
// If Attribute value is not in entity nor in extended attribute, then idmValue is null.
// It means attribute is static ... we will call transformation to resource.
return this.transformValueToResource(uid, idmValue, attributeHandling, entity);
use of eu.bcvsolutions.idm.acc.domain.AttributeMapping in project CzechIdMng by bcvsolutions.
the class AbstractProvisioningExecutor method doInternalProvisioning.
public void doInternalProvisioning(AccAccountDto account, DTO dto) {
ProvisioningOperationType operationType;
SysSystemDto system = DtoUtils.getEmbedded(account, AccAccount_.system, SysSystemDto.class);
SysSystemEntityDto systemEntity = getSystemEntity(account);
SystemEntityType entityType = SystemEntityType.getByClass(dto.getClass());
String uid = account.getUid();
if (systemEntity == null) {
// prepare system entity - uid could be changed by provisioning, but
// we need to link her with account
// First we try find system entity with same uid.
systemEntity = systemEntityService.getBySystemAndEntityTypeAndUid(system, entityType, uid);
if (systemEntity == null) {
systemEntity = new SysSystemEntityDto();
systemEntity =;
account =;
// we wont create account, but after target system call can be
// switched to UPDATE
operationType = ProvisioningOperationType.CREATE;
} else {
// we wont update account, but after target system call can be
// switched to CREATE
operationType = ProvisioningOperationType.UPDATE;
List<AttributeMapping> finalAttributes = resolveMappedAttributes(account, dto, system, systemEntity.getEntityType());
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(finalAttributes)) {
// nothing to do - mapping is empty
doProvisioning(systemEntity, dto, dto.getId(), operationType, finalAttributes);
use of eu.bcvsolutions.idm.acc.domain.AttributeMapping in project CzechIdMng by bcvsolutions.
the class AbstractProvisioningExecutor method compileAtributeForStrategy.
* Compile given attribute for strategy
* @param strategy
* @param defaultAttribute
* @param overloadingAttributes
* @return
protected List<AttributeMapping> compileAtributeForStrategy(AttributeMappingStrategyType strategy, AttributeMapping defaultAttribute, List<SysRoleSystemAttributeDto> overloadingAttributes) {
List<AttributeMapping> finalAttributes = new ArrayList<>();
List<SysRoleSystemAttributeDto> attributesOrdered = -> {
// Search attribute override same schema attribute
SysSystemAttributeMappingDto attributeMapping = systemAttributeMappingService.get(roleSystemAttribute.getSystemAttributeMapping());
return attributeMapping.equals(defaultAttribute);
}).sorted((att1, att2) -> {
// Sort attributes by role priority
SysRoleSystemDto roleSystem2 = roleSystemService.get(att2.getRoleSystem());
SysRoleSystemDto roleSystem1 = roleSystemService.get(att1.getRoleSystem());
IdmRoleDto role1 = roleService.get(roleSystem1.getRole());
IdmRoleDto role2 = roleService.get(roleSystem2.getRole());
return Integer.valueOf(role2.getPriority()).compareTo(Integer.valueOf(role1.getPriority()));
// We have some overloaded attributes
if (!attributesOrdered.isEmpty()) {
List<SysRoleSystemAttributeDto> attributesOrderedGivenStrategy = -> {
return strategy == attribute.getStrategyType();
// We do not have overloaded attributes for given strategy
if (attributesOrderedGivenStrategy.isEmpty()) {
return finalAttributes;
// First element have role with max priority
SysRoleSystemDto roleSystemForSetMaxPriority = roleSystemService.get(attributesOrderedGivenStrategy.get(0).getRoleSystem());
IdmRoleDto roleForSetMaxPriority = roleService.get(roleSystemForSetMaxPriority.getRole());
int maxPriority = roleForSetMaxPriority.getPriority();
// We will search for attribute with highest priority (and role
// name)
Optional<SysRoleSystemAttributeDto> highestPriorityAttributeOptional = -> {
SysRoleSystemDto roleSystem = roleSystemService.get(attribute.getRoleSystem());
IdmRoleDto roleDto = roleService.get(roleSystem.getRole());
// Filter attributes by max priority
return maxPriority == roleDto.getPriority();
}).sorted((att1, att2) -> {
// Second filtering, if we have same priority, then
// we will sort by role name
SysRoleSystemDto roleSystem1 = roleSystemService.get(att1.getRoleSystem());
SysRoleSystemDto roleSystem2 = roleSystemService.get(att2.getRoleSystem());
IdmRoleDto roleDto1 = roleService.get(roleSystem1.getRole());
IdmRoleDto roleDto2 = roleService.get(roleSystem2.getRole());
return roleDto2.getName().compareTo(roleDto1.getName());
if (highestPriorityAttributeOptional.isPresent()) {
SysRoleSystemAttributeDto highestPriorityAttribute = highestPriorityAttributeOptional.get();
// overloaded attributes
if (strategy == AttributeMappingStrategyType.AUTHORITATIVE_MERGE || strategy == AttributeMappingStrategyType.MERGE) {
attributesOrderedGivenStrategy.forEach(attribute -> {
// Disabled attribute will be skipped
if (!attribute.isDisabledDefaultAttribute()) {
// Default values (values from schema attribute
// handling)
// Common properties (for MERGE strategy) will be
// set from MERGE attribute with highest priority
// Add modified attribute to final list
return finalAttributes;
// We will search for disabled overloaded attribute
Optional<SysRoleSystemAttributeDto> disabledOverloadedAttOptional = -> {
// Filter attributes by max priority
SysRoleSystemDto roleSystem = roleSystemService.get(attribute.getRoleSystem());
IdmRoleDto roleDto = roleService.get(roleSystem.getRole());
return maxPriority == roleDto.getPriority();
}).filter(attribute -> {
// overloaded attribute
return attribute.isDisabledDefaultAttribute();
if (disabledOverloadedAttOptional.isPresent()) {
// priority
return finalAttributes;
// Disabled attribute will be skipped
if (!highestPriorityAttribute.isDisabledDefaultAttribute()) {
// Default values (values from schema attribute handling)
// Add modified attribute to final list
return finalAttributes;
if (!defaultAttribute.isDisabledAttribute() && strategy == defaultAttribute.getStrategyType()) {
return finalAttributes;
use of eu.bcvsolutions.idm.acc.domain.AttributeMapping in project CzechIdMng by bcvsolutions.
the class AbstractProvisioningExecutor method resolveAdditionalPasswordChangeAttributes.
private List<AttributeMapping> resolveAdditionalPasswordChangeAttributes(AccAccountDto account, DTO dto, SysSystemDto system, SystemEntityType entityType) {
EntityAccountFilter filter = this.createEntityAccountFilter();
List<? extends EntityAccountDto> entityAccoutnList = this.getEntityAccountService().find(filter, null).getContent();
if (entityAccoutnList == null) {
return Collections.<AttributeMapping>emptyList();
SysSystemMappingDto mapping = getMapping(system, entityType);
if (mapping == null) {
return Collections.<AttributeMapping>emptyList();
// All additional mapped attributes from system, witch has to be send on
// password change
SysSystemAttributeMappingFilter attributeFilter = new SysSystemAttributeMappingFilter();
List<? extends AttributeMapping> additionalPasswordChangeAttributes = attributeMappingService.find(attributeFilter, null).getContent();
// All role system attributes (overloading) for this uid and same system
List<SysRoleSystemAttributeDto> roleSystemAttributesAll = findOverloadingAttributes(dto, system, entityAccoutnList, entityType);
// Final list of attributes use for provisioning
List<AttributeMapping> results = compileAttributes(additionalPasswordChangeAttributes, roleSystemAttributesAll, entityType);
return results == null ? Collections.<AttributeMapping>emptyList() : results;
use of eu.bcvsolutions.idm.acc.domain.AttributeMapping in project CzechIdMng by bcvsolutions.
the class AbstractProvisioningExecutor method compileAttributes.
* Create final list of attributes for provisioning.
* @param identityAccount
* @param defaultAttributes
* @param overloadingAttributes
* @return
public List<AttributeMapping> compileAttributes(List<? extends AttributeMapping> defaultAttributes, List<SysRoleSystemAttributeDto> overloadingAttributes, SystemEntityType entityType) {
Assert.notNull(overloadingAttributes, "List of overloading attributes cannot be null!");
List<AttributeMapping> finalAttributes = new ArrayList<>();
if (defaultAttributes == null) {
return null;
} -> {
for (AttributeMappingStrategyType strategy : AttributeMappingStrategyType.values()) {
finalAttributes.addAll(compileAtributeForStrategy(strategy, defaultAttribute, overloadingAttributes));
// Validate attributes on incompatible strategies
return finalAttributes;