use of eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.align.model.ChildContext in project hale by halestudio.
the class EntityDefinitionServiceImpl method replace.
* Creates a new ListMultimap with all occurrences of originalDef replaced
* by newDef. newDef must be a sibling of originalDef.
* @param entities the original list
* @param originalDef the entity definition to be replaced
* @param newDef the entity definition to use
* @return a new list
private ListMultimap<String, ? extends Entity> replace(ListMultimap<String, ? extends Entity> entities, EntityDefinition originalDef, EntityDefinition newDef) {
ListMultimap<String, Entity> newList = ArrayListMultimap.create();
for (Entry<String, ? extends Entity> entry : entities.entries()) {
EntityDefinition entryDef = entry.getValue().getDefinition();
Entity newEntry;
if (AlignmentUtil.isParent(originalDef, entryDef)) {
if (entry.getValue() instanceof Type) {
// entry is a Type, so the changed Definition must be a
// Type, too.
newEntry = new DefaultType((TypeEntityDefinition) newDef);
} else if (entry.getValue() instanceof Property) {
// entry is a Property, check changed Definition.
if (originalDef.getPropertyPath().isEmpty()) {
// Type changed.
newEntry = new DefaultProperty(new PropertyEntityDefinition(newDef.getType(), entryDef.getPropertyPath(), entryDef.getSchemaSpace(), newDef.getFilter()));
} else {
// Some element of the property path changed.
List<ChildContext> newPath = new ArrayList<ChildContext>(entryDef.getPropertyPath());
int lastIndexOfChangedDef = newDef.getPropertyPath().size() - 1;
newPath.set(lastIndexOfChangedDef, newDef.getPropertyPath().get(lastIndexOfChangedDef));
newEntry = new DefaultProperty(new PropertyEntityDefinition(entryDef.getType(), newPath, entryDef.getSchemaSpace(), entryDef.getFilter()));
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Entity is neither a Type nor a Property.");
} else {
newEntry = entry.getValue();
newList.put(entry.getKey(), newEntry);
return newList;
use of eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.align.model.ChildContext in project hale by halestudio.
the class EntityDefinitionServiceImpl method editConditionContext.
* @see eu.esdihumboldt.hale.ui.service.entity.EntityDefinitionService#editConditionContext(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.align.model.EntityDefinition,
* eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.Filter)
public EntityDefinition editConditionContext(final EntityDefinition sibling, Filter filter) {
List<ChildContext> path = sibling.getPropertyPath();
if (sibling.getSchemaSpace() == SchemaSpaceID.TARGET && path.isEmpty()) {
// XXX throw exception instead?
return null;
// Check whether there actually is a change. If not, we are done.
Condition oldCondition = AlignmentUtil.getContextCondition(sibling);
if (Objects.equal(filter, oldCondition == null ? null : oldCondition.getFilter()))
return sibling;
// Create the new entity. Do not add context yet, since the user could
// still abort the process (see below).
EntityDefinition newDef = AlignmentUtil.getDefaultEntity(sibling);
if (filter != null)
newDef = createWithCondition(sibling, new Condition(filter));
AlignmentService as = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getService(AlignmentService.class);
Alignment alignment = as.getAlignment();
// Collect cells to replace.
// All cells of the EntityDefinition's type can be affected.
Collection<? extends Cell> potentiallyAffected = alignment.getCells(sibling.getType(), sibling.getSchemaSpace());
Predicate<Cell> associatedCellPredicate = new Predicate<Cell>() {
public boolean apply(Cell input) {
return input != null && AlignmentUtil.associatedWith(sibling, input, false, true);
Collection<? extends Cell> affected = new HashSet<Cell>(Collections2.filter(potentiallyAffected, associatedCellPredicate));
// Check whether base alignment cells are affected.
boolean baseCellsAffected = false;
Predicate<Cell> baseCellPredicate = new Predicate<Cell>() {
public boolean apply(Cell input) {
return input != null && input.isBaseCell();
if (Iterables.find(affected, baseCellPredicate, null) != null) {
// Check whether the user wants to continue.
final Display display = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getDisplay();
final AtomicBoolean abort = new AtomicBoolean();
display.syncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
MessageBox mb = new MessageBox(display.getActiveShell(), SWT.YES | SWT.NO | SWT.ICON_QUESTION);
mb.setMessage("Some base alignment cells reference the entity definition you wish to change.\n" + "The change will only affect cells which aren't from any base alignment.\n\n" + "Do you still wish to continue?");
abort.set( != SWT.YES);
if (abort.get())
return null;
// Filter base alignment cells out.
baseCellsAffected = true;
affected = Collections2.filter(affected, Predicates.not(baseCellPredicate));
// Add condition context if necessary
if (filter != null)
addConditionContext(sibling, filter);
// Replace affected (filtered) cells.
Map<Cell, MutableCell> replaceMap = new HashMap<Cell, MutableCell>();
for (Cell cell : affected) {
DefaultCell newCell = new DefaultCell(cell);
if (newDef.getSchemaSpace() == SchemaSpaceID.SOURCE)
newCell.setSource(replace(newCell.getSource(), sibling, newDef));
newCell.setTarget(replace(newCell.getTarget(), sibling, newDef));
replaceMap.put(cell, newCell);
// nor do any base alignment cells still use it.
if (oldCondition != null && !baseCellsAffected)
return newDef;
use of eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.align.model.ChildContext in project hale by halestudio.
the class EntityDefinitionServiceImpl method removeContext.
* @see EntityDefinitionService#removeContext(EntityDefinition)
public void removeContext(EntityDefinition entity) {
EntityDefinition def = AlignmentUtil.getDefaultEntity(entity);
// XXX any checks? Alignment must still be valid! see also
// InstanceContextTester
List<ChildContext> path = entity.getPropertyPath();
if (path.isEmpty()) {
// type entity definition
Filter filter = entity.getFilter();
if (filter != null) {
synchronized (conditionContexts) {
conditionContexts.remove(def, new Condition(filter));
// XXX what about the children of this context?
boolean removed = false;
ChildContext lastContext = path.get(path.size() - 1);
if (lastContext.getContextName() != null) {
synchronized (namedContexts) {
namedContexts.remove(def, lastContext.getContextName());
removed = true;
if (lastContext.getIndex() != null) {
synchronized (indexContexts) {
indexContexts.remove(def, lastContext.getIndex());
removed = true;
if (lastContext.getCondition() != null) {
synchronized (conditionContexts) {
conditionContexts.remove(def, lastContext.getCondition());
removed = true;
if (removed) {