Search in sources :

Example 66 with IOMessageImpl

use of in project hale by halestudio.

the class StreamGmlWriter method findDefaultContainter.

 * Find the default container element.
 * @param targetIndex the target type index
 * @param reporter the reporter, may be <code>null</code>
 * @return the container XML element or <code>null</code>
protected XmlElement findDefaultContainter(XmlIndex targetIndex, IOReporter reporter) {
    if (useFeatureCollection) {
        // try to find FeatureCollection element
        Iterator<XmlElement> it = targetIndex.getElements().values().iterator();
        Collection<XmlElement> fcElements = new HashSet<XmlElement>();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            XmlElement el =;
            if (isFeatureCollection(el)) {
        if (fcElements.isEmpty() && gmlNs != null && gmlNs.equals(NS_GML)) {
            // include WFS 1.0.0 for the FeatureCollection element
            try {
                URI location = StreamGmlWriter.class.getResource("/schemas/wfs/1.0.0/WFS-basic.xsd").toURI();
                XmlSchemaReader schemaReader = new XmlSchemaReader();
                schemaReader.setSource(new DefaultInputSupplier(location));
                // FIXME to work with the extra schema it must be integrated
                // with the main schema
                // schemaReader.setSharedTypes(sharedTypes);
                IOReport report = schemaReader.execute(null);
                if (report.isSuccess()) {
                    XmlIndex wfsSchema = schemaReader.getSchema();
                    // look for FeatureCollection element
                    for (XmlElement el : wfsSchema.getElements().values()) {
                        if (isFeatureCollection(el)) {
                    // add as additional schema, replace location for
                    // verification
                    additionalSchemas.put(wfsSchema.getNamespace(), new SchemaDecorator(wfsSchema) {

                        public URI getLocation() {
                            return URI.create("");
                    // add namespace
                    // $NON-NLS-1$
                    GmlWriterUtil.addNamespace(writer, wfsSchema.getNamespace(), "wfs");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // $NON-NLS-1$
                log.warn("Using WFS schema for the FeatureCollection definition failed", e);
        if (fcElements.isEmpty() && reporter != null) {
            reporter.warn(// $NON-NLS-1$
            new IOMessageImpl("No element describing a FeatureCollection found", null));
        } else {
            // select fc element TODO priorized selection (root element
            // parameters)
            XmlElement fcElement = fcElements.iterator().next();
   $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
            "Found " + fcElements.size() + " possible FeatureCollection elements" + ", using element " + // $NON-NLS-1$
            return fcElement;
    return null;
Also used : DefaultInputSupplier( IOMessageImpl( IOReport( XmlIndex( URI( IOProviderConfigurationException( URISyntaxException( XMLStreamException( IOException( XmlSchemaReader( XmlElement( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 67 with IOMessageImpl

use of in project hale by halestudio.

the class CSVSchemaReader method loadFromSource.

protected Schema loadFromSource(ProgressIndicator progress, IOReporter reporter) throws IOProviderConfigurationException, IOException {
    // $NON-NLS-1$
    progress.begin("Load CSV schema", ProgressIndicator.UNKNOWN);
    String namespace = CSVFileIO.CSVFILE_NS;
    DefaultSchema schema = new DefaultSchema(namespace, getSource().getLocation());
    CSVReader reader = CSVUtil.readFirst(this);
    try {
        // initializes the first line of the table (names of the columns)
        firstLine = reader.readNext();
        // create type definition
        String typename = getParameter(CommonSchemaConstants.PARAM_TYPENAME).as(String.class);
        if (typename == null || typename.isEmpty()) {
            reporter.error(new IOMessageImpl("No Typename was set", null));
            return null;
        DefaultTypeDefinition type = new DefaultTypeDefinition(new QName(typename));
        // constraints on main type
        // set metadata for main type
        StringBuffer defaultPropertyTypeBuffer = new StringBuffer();
        String[] comboSelections;
        if (getParameter(PARAM_PROPERTYTYPE).isEmpty()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < firstLine.length; i++) {
            String combs = defaultPropertyTypeBuffer.toString();
            comboSelections = combs.split(",");
        } else {
            comboSelections = getParameter(PARAM_PROPERTYTYPE).as(String.class).split(",");
        String[] properties;
        if (getParameter(PARAM_PROPERTY).isEmpty()) {
            properties = firstLine;
        } else {
            properties = getParameter(PARAM_PROPERTY).as(String.class).split(",");
        // than the entries in the first line
        if ((firstLine.length != properties.length && properties.length != 0) || (firstLine.length != comboSelections.length && comboSelections.length != 0)) {
            fail("Not the same number of entries for property names, property types and words in the first line of the file");
        for (int i = 0; i < comboSelections.length; i++) {
            PropertyType propertyType;
            propertyType = PropertyTypeExtension.getInstance().getFactory(comboSelections[i]).createExtensionObject();
            DefaultPropertyDefinition property = new DefaultPropertyDefinition(new QName(properties[i]), type, propertyType.getTypeDefinition());
            // set constraints on property
            // property.setConstraint(NillableFlag.DISABLED); // nillable
            // nillable FIXME
            // should be
            // configurable
            // per field
            // (see also
            // CSVInstanceReader)
            // cardinality
            // set metadata for property
        boolean skip = Arrays.equals(properties, firstLine);
        type.setConstraint(new CSVConfiguration(CSVUtil.getSep(this), CSVUtil.getQuote(this), CSVUtil.getEscape(this), skip));
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        reporter.error(new IOMessageImpl("Cannot load csv schema", ex));
        return null;
    return schema;
Also used : DefaultPropertyDefinition(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.impl.DefaultPropertyDefinition) CSVReader( QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName) IOMessageImpl( PropertyType( IOProviderConfigurationException( IOException( DefaultTypeDefinition(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.impl.DefaultTypeDefinition) DefaultSchema(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.impl.DefaultSchema)

Example 68 with IOMessageImpl

use of in project hale by halestudio.

the class CSVInstanceWriter method execute.

 * @see,
protected IOReport execute(ProgressIndicator progress, IOReporter reporter) throws IOProviderConfigurationException, IOException {
    boolean solveNestedProperties = getParameter(InstanceTableIOConstants.SOLVE_NESTED_PROPERTIES).as(Boolean.class, false);
    // XXX what does "solve nested properties" mean?
    // get separation, quote and escape sign
    sep = CSVUtil.getSep(this);
    quote = CSVUtil.getQuote(this);
    esc = CSVUtil.getEscape(this);
    List<String> headerRow = new ArrayList<String>();
    // get the parameter to get the type definition
    String exportType = getParameter(InstanceTableIOConstants.EXPORT_TYPE).as(String.class);
    QName selectedTypeName = null;
    if (exportType != null && !exportType.equals("") && !exportType.equals(" ")) {
        selectedTypeName = QName.valueOf(exportType);
    // get all instances of the selected Type
    InstanceCollection instances = getInstanceCollection(selectedTypeName);
    Iterator<Instance> instanceIterator = instances.iterator();
    Instance instance = null;
    try {
        instance =;
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
        reporter.error(new IOMessageImpl("There are no instances for the selected type.", e));
        return reporter;
    // get definition of current instance (only this properties with this
    // definition type will be written to csv file)
    TypeDefinition definition = instance.getDefinition();
    // first csv file doesn't have a header row, so it' necessary to write
    // it to a temp directory
    File tempDir = Files.createTempDir();
    File tempFile = new File(tempDir, "tempInstances.csv");
    // write instances to csv file (without header)
    CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(tempFile)), sep, quote, esc);
    writeLine(solveNestedProperties, headerRow, instance, writer);
    while (instanceIterator.hasNext()) {
        Instance nextInst =;
        if (nextInst.getDefinition().equals(definition)) {
            writeLine(solveNestedProperties, headerRow, nextInst, writer);
    // header is only finished if all properties have been processed
    // insert header to temp file and write it to output
    insertHeader(tempFile, getTarget().getOutput(), headerRow);
    return reporter;
Also used : Instance(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.Instance) QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName) InstanceCollection(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.InstanceCollection) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IOMessageImpl( CSVWriter( TypeDefinition(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.TypeDefinition) FileOutputStream( OutputStreamWriter( File( NoSuchElementException(java.util.NoSuchElementException)

Example 69 with IOMessageImpl

use of in project hale by halestudio.

the class XsltExport method execute.

protected IOReport execute(ProgressIndicator progress, IOReporter reporter) throws IOProviderConfigurationException, IOException {
    File templateDir = Files.createTempDir();
    progress.begin("Generate XSLT", ProgressIndicator.UNKNOWN);
    try {"Template directory: " + templateDir.getAbsolutePath());
        XmlIndex targetIndex = StreamGmlWriter.getXMLIndex(getTargetSchema());
        if (targetIndex == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Target schema contains no XML schema");
        XmlIndex sourceIndex = StreamGmlWriter.getXMLIndex(getSourceSchema());
        if (sourceIndex == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Source schema contains no XML schema");
        init(sourceIndex, targetIndex);
        XmlElement containerElement = StreamGmlWriter.getConfiguredContainerElement(this, targetIndex);
        if (containerElement == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("No target container element specified");
        XsltGenerator generator = new XsltGenerator(templateDir, getAlignment(), sourceIndex, targetIndex, reporter, progress, containerElement, getSourceContext(), projectInfo) {

            protected void writeContainerIntro(XMLStreamWriter writer, XsltGenerationContext context) throws XMLStreamException, IOException {
                XsltExport.this.writeContainerIntro(writer, context);
        return generator.write(getTarget());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        reporter.error(new IOMessageImpl("XSLT generation failed", e));
        return reporter;
    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // failure to delete the directory is not fatal
            log.warn("Failed to delete temporary directory", e);
Also used : XsltGenerator( XMLStreamWriter( IOMessageImpl( XmlIndex( XmlElement( File( IOProviderConfigurationException( IOException( XMLStreamException(

Example 70 with IOMessageImpl

use of in project hale by halestudio.

the class XsltGenerator method write.

 * Generate the XSLT transformation and write it to the given target.
 * @param target the target output supplier
 * @return the report
 * @throws Exception if a unrecoverable error occurs during the process
public IOReport write(LocatableOutputSupplier<? extends OutputStream> target) throws Exception {
    Template root = ve.getTemplate(Templates.ROOT, "UTF-8");
    VelocityContext context = XslTransformationUtil.createStrictVelocityContext();
    // project info
    context.put("info", ProjectXslInfo.getInfo(projectInfo));
    // collects IDs of type cells
    Set<String> typeIds = new HashSet<String>();
    // type cells
    for (Cell typeCell : alignment.getTypeCells()) {
        if (typeCell.getTransformationMode() != TransformationMode.disabled) {
            // ignore disabled cells
            Entity targetEntity = CellUtil.getFirstEntity(typeCell.getTarget());
            if (targetEntity != null) {
                // assign identifiers for type transformations
                String targetName = targetEntity.getDefinition().getDefinition().getName().getLocalPart();
                String id = cellIdentifiers.getId(typeCell, targetName);
            } else {
                reporter.warn(new IOMessageImpl("Ignoring type relation without target type", null));
    // collects IDs of type cells mapped to target element names
    Map<String, QName> targetElements = new HashMap<String, QName>();
    // container
    File container = new File(workDir, "container.xsl");
    progress.setCurrentTask("Generating container");
    generateContainer(typeIds, container, targetElements);
    Set<String> passiveCellIds = new HashSet<String>(typeIds);
    progress.setCurrentTask("Generate type transformations");
    // all active cells templates
    for (Entry<String, QName> entry : targetElements.entrySet()) {
        // generate XSL fragments for type transformations
        String id = entry.getKey();
        QName elementName = entry.getValue();
        Cell typeCell = cellIdentifiers.getObject(id);
        // this is not a passive cell
        XmlElement targetElement = targetSchema.getElements().get(elementName);
        String filename = "_" + id + ".xsl";
        File file = new File(workDir, filename);
        generateTypeTransformation(id, targetElement, typeCell, file);
    // all passive cell templates
    for (String passiveId : passiveCellIds) {
        Cell typeCell = cellIdentifiers.getObject(passiveId);
        String filename = "_" + passiveId + ".xsl";
        File file = new File(workDir, filename);
        // XXX dummy target element
        XmlElement targetElement = new XmlElement(new QName(NS_XSL_DEFINITIONS, "dummy"), null, null);
        generateTypeTransformation(passiveId, targetElement, typeCell, file);
        // for passive cells no variables should be created
    // namespaces that occur additionally to the fixed namespaces
    Map<String, String> additionalNamespaces = new HashMap<String, String>(prefixes.asMap());
    for (String fixedPrefix : FIXED_PREFIXES.keySet()) {
    context.put("additionalNamespaces", additionalNamespaces);
    // types cells
		 * The type identifiers are used as variable name to store the result of
		 * the equally named template.
    context.put("targets", typeIds);
    // includes
    // TODO check if files to include are actually there?
    context.put("includes", includes);
    OutputStream out = target.getOutput();
    XMLPrettyPrinter printer = new XMLPrettyPrinter(out);
    Future<?> ready = printer.start();
    Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(printer, "UTF-8");
    try {
        root.merge(context, writer);
    } finally {
    return reporter;
Also used : Entity(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.align.model.Entity) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) VelocityContext(org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext) QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName) BufferedOutputStream( OutputStream( FileOutputStream( IOMessageImpl( Template(org.apache.velocity.Template) XmlElement( OutputStreamWriter( Cell(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.align.model.Cell) File( XMLStreamWriter( Writer( OutputStreamWriter( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet)


IOMessageImpl ( IOException ( IOProviderConfigurationException ( QName (javax.xml.namespace.QName)20 URI ( TypeDefinition (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.TypeDefinition)14 InputStream ( File ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)11 DefaultInputSupplier ( FileOutputStream ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 IOReport ( OutputStream ( InstanceCollection (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.InstanceCollection)7 XmlElement ( DefaultTypeDefinition (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.impl.DefaultTypeDefinition)6 MutableCell (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.align.model.MutableCell)5 PathUpdate ( Value (