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Example 36 with TypeDefinition

use of eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.TypeDefinition in project hale by halestudio.

the class InspireInstanceWriter method writeAdditionalElements.

 * @see StreamGmlWriter#writeAdditionalElements(XMLStreamWriter,
 *      TypeDefinition, IOReporter)
protected void writeAdditionalElements(XMLStreamWriter writer, TypeDefinition containerDefinition, IOReporter reporter) throws XMLStreamException {
    super.writeAdditionalElements(writer, containerDefinition, reporter);
    // determine INSPIRE identifier and metadata names
    Path<Definition<?>> localIdPath = new DefinitionAccessor(containerDefinition).findChildren("identifier").findChildren("Identifier").findChildren("localId").eval(false);
    QName identifierName = localIdPath.getElements().get(1).getName();
    Definition<?> internalIdentifierDef = localIdPath.getElements().get(2);
    QName internalIdentifierName = internalIdentifierDef.getName();
    QName localIdName = localIdPath.getElements().get(3).getName();
    Path<Definition<?>> namespacePath = new DefinitionAccessor(internalIdentifierDef).findChildren("namespace").eval(false);
    QName namespaceName = namespacePath.getElements().get(1).getName();
    Path<Definition<?>> metadataPath = new DefinitionAccessor(containerDefinition).findChildren("metadata").eval(false);
    QName metadataName = metadataPath.getElements().get(1).getName();
    // write INSPIRE identifier
    writer.writeStartElement(identifierName.getNamespaceURI(), identifierName.getLocalPart());
    writer.writeStartElement(internalIdentifierName.getNamespaceURI(), internalIdentifierName.getLocalPart());
    writer.writeStartElement(localIdName.getNamespaceURI(), localIdName.getLocalPart());
    writer.writeCharacters(getParameter(PARAM_SPATIAL_DATA_SET_LOCALID).as(String.class, ""));
    writer.writeStartElement(namespaceName.getNamespaceURI(), namespaceName.getLocalPart());
    writer.writeCharacters(getParameter(PARAM_SPATIAL_DATA_SET_NAMESPACE).as(String.class, ""));
    // write metadata
    writer.writeStartElement(metadataName.getNamespaceURI(), metadataName.getLocalPart());
    // retrieve metadata element (if any)
    Element metadataElement = getParameter(PARAM_SPATIAL_DATA_SET_METADATA_DOM).as(Element.class);
    // metadata from file (if any)
    if (metadataElement == null) {
        String metadataFile = getParameter(PARAM_SPATIAL_DATA_SET_METADATA_FILE).as(String.class);
        if (metadataFile != null && !metadataFile.isEmpty()) {
            try (InputStream input = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(new File(metadataFile)))) {
                metadataElement = findMetadata(input, reporter);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                reporter.warn(new IOMessageImpl("Could not load specified metadata file.", e));
    if (metadataElement != null) {
        try {
            writeElement(metadataElement, writer);
        } catch (TransformerException e) {
            reporter.warn(new IOMessageImpl("Couldn't include specified metadata file.", e));
    } else {
        writer.writeAttribute(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_NS_URI, "nil", "true");
Also used : QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName) BufferedInputStream( FileInputStream( InputStream( XmlElement( Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) CRSDefinition(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.geometry.CRSDefinition) Definition(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.Definition) TypeDefinition(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.TypeDefinition) IOMessageImpl( IOException( FileInputStream( BufferedInputStream( DefinitionAccessor(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.groovy.DefinitionAccessor) File( TransformerException(javax.xml.transform.TransformerException)

Example 37 with TypeDefinition

use of eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.TypeDefinition in project hale by halestudio.

the class StreamGmlWriter method write.

 * Write the given instances to an {@link XMLStreamWriter}.<br>
 * <br>
 * Use {@link #createWriter(OutputStream, IOReporter)} to create a properly
 * configured writer for this method.
 * @param instances the instance collection
 * @param writer the writer to write the instances to
 * @param reporter the reporter
 * @param progress the progress
 * @see #createWriter(OutputStream, IOReporter)
protected void write(InstanceCollection instances, PrefixAwareStreamWriter writer, ProgressIndicator progress, IOReporter reporter) {
    this.writer = writer;
    try {
        final SubtaskProgressIndicator sub = new SubtaskProgressIndicator(progress) {

            protected String getCombinedTaskName(String taskName, String subtaskName) {
                return taskName + " (" + subtaskName + ")";
        progress = sub;
        progress.begin(getTaskName(), instances.size());
        XmlElement container = findDefaultContainter(targetIndex, reporter);
        TypeDefinition containerDefinition = (container == null) ? (null) : (container.getType());
        QName containerName = (container == null) ? (null) : (container.getName());
        if (containerDefinition == null) {
            XmlElement containerElement = getConfiguredContainerElement(this, getXMLIndex());
            containerDefinition = containerElement.getType();
            containerName = containerElement.getName();
        if (containerDefinition == null || containerName == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("No root element/container found");
			 * Add schema for container to validation schemas, if the namespace
			 * differs from the main namespace or additional schemas.
			 * Needed for validation based on schemaLocation attribute.
        if (!containerName.getNamespaceURI().equals(targetIndex.getNamespace()) && !additionalSchemas.containsKey(containerName.getNamespaceURI())) {
            try {
                @SuppressWarnings("null") final URI containerSchemaLoc = stripFragment(container.getLocation());
                if (containerSchemaLoc != null) {
                    addValidationSchema(containerName.getNamespaceURI(), new Locatable() {

                        public URI getLocation() {
                            return containerSchemaLoc;
                    }, null);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                reporter.error(new IOMessageImpl("Could not determine location of container definition", e));
        // additional schema namespace prefixes
        for (Entry<String, String> schemaNs : additionalSchemaPrefixes.entrySet()) {
            GmlWriterUtil.addNamespace(writer, schemaNs.getKey(), schemaNs.getValue());
        if (documentWrapper != null) {
            documentWrapper.startWrap(writer, reporter);
        GmlWriterUtil.writeStartElement(writer, containerName);
        // generate mandatory id attribute (for feature collection)
        String containerId = getParameter(PARAM_CONTAINER_ID).as(String.class);
        GmlWriterUtil.writeID(writer, containerDefinition, null, false, containerId);
        // write schema locations
        StringBuffer locations = new StringBuffer();
        String noNamespaceLocation = null;
        if (targetIndex.getNamespace() != null && !targetIndex.getNamespace().isEmpty()) {
            // $NON-NLS-1$
            locations.append(" ");
        } else {
            noNamespaceLocation = targetIndex.getLocation().toString();
        for (Entry<String, Locatable> schema : additionalSchemas.entrySet()) {
            if (schema.getKey() != null && !schema.getKey().isEmpty()) {
                if (locations.length() > 0) {
                    // $NON-NLS-1$
                    locations.append(" ");
                // $NON-NLS-1$
                locations.append(" ");
            } else {
                noNamespaceLocation = schema.getValue().getLocation().toString();
        if (locations.length() > 0) {
            // $NON-NLS-1$
            writer.writeAttribute(SCHEMA_INSTANCE_NS, "schemaLocation", locations.toString());
        if (noNamespaceLocation != null) {
            // $NON-NLS-1$
            writer.writeAttribute(// $NON-NLS-1$
            SCHEMA_INSTANCE_NS, // $NON-NLS-1$
            "noNamespaceSchemaLocation", noNamespaceLocation);
        writeAdditionalElements(writer, containerDefinition, reporter);
        // write the instances
        ResourceIterator<Instance> itInstance = instances.iterator();
        try {
            Map<TypeDefinition, DefinitionPath> paths = new HashMap<TypeDefinition, DefinitionPath>();
            long lastUpdate = 0;
            int count = 0;
            Descent lastDescent = null;
            while (itInstance.hasNext() && !progress.isCanceled()) {
                Instance instance =;
                TypeDefinition type = instance.getDefinition();
					 * Skip all objects that are no features when writing to a
					 * GML feature collection.
                boolean skip = useFeatureCollection && !GmlWriterUtil.isFeatureType(type);
                if (skip) {
                // get stored definition path for the type
                DefinitionPath defPath;
                if (paths.containsKey(type)) {
                    // get the stored path, may be null
                    defPath = paths.get(type);
                } else {
                    // determine a valid definition path in the container
                    defPath = findMemberAttribute(containerDefinition, containerName, type);
                    // store path (may be null)
                    paths.put(type, defPath);
                if (defPath != null) {
                    // write the feature
                    lastDescent = Descent.descend(writer, defPath, lastDescent, false);
                    writeMember(instance, type, reporter);
                } else {
                    reporter.warn(new IOMessageImpl(MessageFormat.format("No compatible member attribute for type {0} found in root element {1}, one instance was skipped", type.getDisplayName(), containerName.getLocalPart()), null));
                long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
                // only update every 100 milliseconds
                if (now - lastUpdate > 100 || !itInstance.hasNext()) {
                    lastUpdate = now;
                    sub.subTask(String.valueOf(count) + " instances");
            if (lastDescent != null) {
        } finally {
        // FeatureCollection
        if (documentWrapper != null) {
            documentWrapper.endWrap(writer, reporter);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        reporter.error(new IOMessageImpl(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e));
    } finally {
Also used : Instance(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.Instance) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName) IOMessageImpl( SubtaskProgressIndicator( URI( IOProviderConfigurationException( URISyntaxException( XMLStreamException( IOException( TypeDefinition(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.TypeDefinition) XmlElement( DefinitionPath( Descent( Locatable(

Example 38 with TypeDefinition

use of eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.TypeDefinition in project hale by halestudio.

the class SpatiaLiteTestSuite method instanceWriterTest.

 * Test - reads data from a source SpatiaLite database, writes them to a
 * target SpatiaLite database and checks the results.
 * @throws Exception if an error occurs
public void instanceWriterTest() throws Exception {
    if (!isSpatiaLiteExtensionAvailable()) {"Skipping test because SpatiaLite extension is not available");
    Map<String, Object> propertyMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    for (int i = 0; i < SOUURCE_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAMES.length; i++) {
        String key = SOUURCE_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAMES[i];
        Object value = SOUURCE_TYPE_PROPERTY_VALUES[i];
        propertyMap.put(key, value);
    // ****** read Schema ******//
    Schema schema = readSchema(getSourceTempFilePath());
    assertEquals(1, schema.getMappingRelevantTypes().size());
    // Test properties
    TypeDefinition schemaType = schema.getMappingRelevantTypes().iterator().next();
    // Check every property for their existence
    checkType(schemaType, SOUURCE_TYPE_LOCAL_NAME, propertyMap.keySet());
    // ****** read Instances ******//
    InstanceCollection instances = readInstances(schema, getSourceTempFilePath());
    assertEquals(SOURCE_INSTANCES_COUNT, instances.size());
    checkInstances(instances, propertyMap);
    // ****** write Instances ******//
    // check target DB is empty
    InstanceCollection targetInstances = readInstances(schema, getTargetTempFilePath());
    assertEquals(0, targetInstances.size());
    writeInstances(schema, getTargetTempFilePath(), instances);
    // re-read instances to check they were written correctly
    targetInstances = readInstances(schema, getTargetTempFilePath());
    assertEquals(SOURCE_INSTANCES_COUNT, targetInstances.size());
    checkInstances(targetInstances, propertyMap);
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Schema(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.Schema) InstanceCollection(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.InstanceCollection) TypeDefinition(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.TypeDefinition)

Example 39 with TypeDefinition

use of eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.TypeDefinition in project hale by halestudio.

the class AbstractDBTest method checkBindingAndSqlType.

 * It checks if the binding of a data type read from schema and the expected
 * binding are equal.
 * @param map It maps a data type with a binding class to be expected. e.g.
 *            for postgresql db, for data type VARCHAR, the expected binding
 *            class is String.class
 * @param schema the schema read.
 * @throws Exception exception may thrown while getting the value of a
 *             static or instance field of type int.
protected void checkBindingAndSqlType(Schema schema, Map<String, Class<?>> map) throws Exception {
    final Map<String, Integer> sqlTypeMap = new HashMap<>();
    // all types fields
    for (final Field f : Types.class.getFields()) {
        sqlTypeMap.put(f.getName(), f.getInt(null));
    for (TypeDefinition td : schema.getTypes()) {
        for (ChildDefinition<?> cd : td.getChildren()) {
            PropertyDefinition property = cd.asProperty();
            String name = property.getPropertyType().getName().getLocalPart().toUpperCase();
            SQLType t = property.getPropertyType().getConstraint(SQLType.class);
            assertTrue(sqlTypeMap.containsValue(new Integer(t.getType())));
            Binding k = property.getPropertyType().getConstraint(Binding.class);
            // is mapped.
            if (map.containsKey(name))
                assertEquals(map.get(name), k.getBinding());
                fail(MessageFormat.format("No expected binding specified for type {0} (SQL type {1}) - binding is {2}", name, t.getType(), k.getBinding()));
Also used : Binding(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.constraint.type.Binding) Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) SQLType( PropertyDefinition(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.PropertyDefinition) TypeDefinition(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.TypeDefinition)

Example 40 with TypeDefinition

use of eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.TypeDefinition in project hale by halestudio.

the class SQLSchemaPage method updateState.

private boolean updateState(boolean runQuery) {
    boolean typeValid = false;
    boolean sqlValid = false;
    String error = null;
    String message = null;
    if (typeName != null) {
        // check type name
        String type = typeName.getText();
        typeValid = type != null && !type.isEmpty();
        if (typeValid) {
            // check if the name already exists in the source schema
            SchemaService schemas = HaleUI.getServiceProvider().getService(SchemaService.class);
            if (schemas != null) {
                TypeDefinition existing = schemas.getSchemas(SchemaSpaceID.SOURCE).getType(new QName(SQLSchemaReader.NAMESPACE, type));
                if (existing != null) {
                    typeValid = false;
                    error = "An SQL query with this name already exists";
        // also test for specific characters?
    if (sqlQuery != null) {
        // check SQL query
        String sql = sqlQuery.getText();
        sqlValid = sql != null && !sql.isEmpty();
        if (sqlValid) {
            String processedQuery;
            try {
                processedQuery = JDBCUtil.replaceVariables(sql, HaleUI.getServiceProvider());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                error = e.getLocalizedMessage();
                sqlValid = false;
                processedQuery = null;
            // check if processed SQL query can be executed
            if (runQuery && processedQuery != null) {
                ImportProvider provider = getWizard().getProvider();
                if (provider != null && provider instanceof JDBCProvider) {
                    Connection connection = null;
                    try {
                        try {
                            connection = ((JDBCProvider) provider).getConnection();
                        } catch (SQLException e) {
                            sqlValid = false;
                            error = "Could not establish database connection: " + e.getLocalizedMessage();
                        if (connection != null) {
                            try {
                                Statement statement = JDBCUtil.createReadStatement(connection, 1);
                                try {
                                    ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery(processedQuery);
                                    int columnCount = result.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
                                    if (columnCount <= 0) {
                                        sqlValid = false;
                                        error = "Query result does not have any columns";
                                    } else {
                                        if (columnCount == 1) {
                                            message = "Successfully tested query. It yields a result with a single column.";
                                        } else {
                                            message = MessageFormat.format("Successfully tested query. It yields a result with {0} columns.", columnCount);
                                } catch (SQLException e) {
                                    sqlValid = false;
                                    error = "Error querying database: " + e.getMessage();
                                } finally {
                            } catch (SQLException e) {
                                sqlValid = false;
                                error = "Could not create database statement: " + e.getMessage();
                    } finally {
                        if (connection != null) {
                            try {
                            } catch (SQLException e) {
                            // ignore
    boolean complete = typeValid && sqlValid;
    if (complete) {
        error = null;
    } else if (!typeValid && error == null) {
        error = "Please provide a name for the query";
    } else if (error == null) {
        error = "Please specify the SQL query to use";
    return complete;
Also used : JDBCProvider( SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName) Statement(java.sql.Statement) Connection(java.sql.Connection) ImportProvider( SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) TypeDefinition(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.TypeDefinition) SchemaService(eu.esdihumboldt.hale.ui.service.schema.SchemaService) ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet)


TypeDefinition (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.TypeDefinition)192 QName (javax.xml.namespace.QName)58 PropertyDefinition (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.PropertyDefinition)38 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)32 TypeEntityDefinition (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.align.model.impl.TypeEntityDefinition)26 DefaultTypeDefinition (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.impl.DefaultTypeDefinition)26 Test (org.junit.Test)24 Instance (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.Instance)22 PropertyEntityDefinition (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.align.model.impl.PropertyEntityDefinition)21 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)21 EntityDefinition (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.align.model.EntityDefinition)20 Schema (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.Schema)20 InstanceCollection (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.instance.model.InstanceCollection)16 ChildContext (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.align.model.ChildContext)15 XmlElement ( Cell (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.align.model.Cell)14 IOMessageImpl ( MutableCell (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.align.model.MutableCell)12 Binding (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.constraint.type.Binding)12 DefaultPropertyDefinition (eu.esdihumboldt.hale.common.schema.model.impl.DefaultPropertyDefinition)12