use of eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dto.UuidAndTitleCache in project cdmlib by cybertaxonomy.
the class TaxonNodeDaoHibernateImplTest method testGetTaxonNodeUuidAndTitleCacheOfAcceptedTaxaByClassification.
public final void testGetTaxonNodeUuidAndTitleCacheOfAcceptedTaxaByClassification() {
Classification classification = classificationDao.findByUuid(classificationUuid);
List<UuidAndTitleCache<TaxonNode>> result = taxonNodeDao.getTaxonNodeUuidAndTitleCacheOfAcceptedTaxaByClassification(classification, null, null, true);
assertEquals(7, result.size());
// test exclude
UUID excludeUUID = UUID.fromString("a9f42927-e507-4fda-9629-62073a908aae");
List<UUID> excludeUUids = new ArrayList<>();
result = taxonNodeDao.getTaxonNodeUuidAndTitleCacheOfAcceptedTaxaByClassification(classification, null, null, false);
assertEquals(6, result.size());
// test limit
int limit = 2;
result = taxonNodeDao.getTaxonNodeUuidAndTitleCacheOfAcceptedTaxaByClassification(classification, limit, null, false);
assertEquals(2, result.size());
// test pattern
String pattern = "*Rothschi*";
result = taxonNodeDao.getTaxonNodeUuidAndTitleCacheOfAcceptedTaxaByClassification(classification, 2, pattern, true);
assertEquals(1, result.size());
assertEquals("0b5846e5-b8d2-4ca9-ac51-099286ea4adc", result.get(0).getUuid().toString());
// test pattern
pattern = "*TestBaum*";
result = taxonNodeDao.getTaxonNodeUuidAndTitleCacheOfAcceptedTaxaByClassification(classification, null, pattern, true);
assertEquals(1, result.size());
assertEquals("6d6b43aa-3a77-4be5-91d0-00b702fc5d6e", result.get(0).getUuid().toString());
use of eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dto.UuidAndTitleCache in project cdmlib by cybertaxonomy.
the class DescriptiveDataSetDao method getTaxonFeatureDescriptionElementMap.
public <T extends DescriptionElementBase> Map<UuidAndTitleCache, Map<UUID, Set<T>>> getTaxonFeatureDescriptionElementMap(Class<T> clazz, UUID descriptiveDataSetUuid, DescriptiveSystemRole role) {
checkNotInPriorView("DescriptiveDataSetDao.getTaxonFeatureDescriptionElementMap(DescriptiveDataSet descriptiveDataSet, Set<Feature> features, Integer pageSize,Integer pageNumber, List<OrderHint> orderHints, List<String> propertyPaths)");
Map<UuidAndTitleCache, Map<UUID, Set<T>>> result = new HashMap<>();
try {
// for maps see
// Elements of indexed collections (arrays, lists, and maps) can be referred to by index in a where clause only:
// Example: from Order order where order.items[0].id = 1234
// feature
String strQueryTreeId = "SELECT FROM DescriptiveDataSet dds join dds.descriptiveSystem tree WHERE dds.uuid = :descriptiveDataSetUuid ";
Query queryTree = getSession().createQuery(strQueryTreeId);
queryTree.setParameter("descriptiveDataSetUuid", descriptiveDataSetUuid);
List<?> trees = queryTree.list();
String ftSelect = "SELECT FROM TermNode node join node.feature as feature " + " WHERE in (:trees) ";
Query ftQuery = getSession().createQuery(ftSelect);
ftQuery.setParameterList("trees", trees);
List<?> features = ftQuery.list();
String strClass = (clazz == null) ? "DescriptionElementBase" : clazz.getSimpleName();
String fetch = "";
if (clazz.equals(CategoricalData.class)) {
fetch = " left join fetch el.states stateList join fetch stateList.state ";
} else if (clazz.equals(QuantitativeData.class)) {
fetch = " left join fetch el.statisticalValues valueList join fetch valueList.type ";
String strQuery = " select taxon.uuid,, taxon.titleCache, feature.uuid, el " + " from " + strClass + " el " + " join el.feature feature " + " join el.inDescription d " + " join d.taxon taxon " + " join d.descriptiveDataSets ws " + " join ws.descriptiveSystem ftree " + fetch + " where ws.uuid = :descriptiveDataSetUuid " + " and el.class = :clazz " + " and in (:features) " + " order by taxon.uuid asc, feature.uuid asc";
Query query = getSession().createQuery(strQuery);
query.setParameter("descriptiveDataSetUuid", descriptiveDataSetUuid);
query.setParameter("clazz", clazz.getSimpleName());
query.setParameterList("features", features);
// NOTE: Paging does not work with fetch
// fill result
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object[]> list = query.list();
for (Object[] listEntry : list) {
UUID taxonUuid = (UUID) listEntry[0];
Integer id = (Integer) listEntry[1];
String titleCache = (String) listEntry[2];
UuidAndTitleCache taxon = new UuidAndTitleCache(taxonUuid, id, titleCache);
UUID featureUuid = (UUID) listEntry[3];
T data = (T) listEntry[4];
Map<UUID, Set<T>> taxonMap = result.get(taxon);
if (taxonMap == null) {
taxonMap = new HashMap<>();
result.put(taxon, taxonMap);
Set<T> featureSet = taxonMap.get(featureUuid);
if (featureSet == null) {
featureSet = new HashSet<>();
taxonMap.put(featureUuid, featureSet);
} else {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("feature set already exists");
return result;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
use of eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dto.UuidAndTitleCache in project cdmlib by cybertaxonomy.
the class TaxonNameDaoHibernateImpl method getUuidAndTitleCacheOfNames.
public List<UuidAndTitleCache> getUuidAndTitleCacheOfNames(Integer limit, String pattern) {
String queryString = "SELECT uuid, id, fullTitleCache FROM TaxonName LIMIT " + limit;
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object[]> result = getSession().createSQLQuery(queryString).list();
if (result.size() == 0) {
return null;
} else {
List<UuidAndTitleCache> list = new ArrayList<>(result.size());
for (Object object : result) {
Object[] objectArray = (Object[]) object;
UUID uuid = UUID.fromString((String) objectArray[0]);
Integer id = (Integer) objectArray[1];
String titleCache = (String) objectArray[2];
list.add(new UuidAndTitleCache(type, uuid, id, titleCache));
return list;
use of eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dto.UuidAndTitleCache in project cdmlib by cybertaxonomy.
the class OccurrenceDaoHibernateImpl method findOccurrencesUuidAndTitleCache.
public <T extends SpecimenOrObservationBase> List<UuidAndTitleCache<SpecimenOrObservationBase>> findOccurrencesUuidAndTitleCache(Class<T> clazz, String queryString, String significantIdentifier, SpecimenOrObservationType recordBasis, Taxon associatedTaxon, TaxonName associatedTaxonName, MatchMode matchmode, Integer limit, Integer start, List<OrderHint> orderHints) {
Criteria criteria = createFindOccurrenceCriteria(clazz, queryString, significantIdentifier, recordBasis, associatedTaxon, associatedTaxonName, matchmode, limit, start, orderHints, null);
if (criteria != null) {
ProjectionList projectionList = Projections.projectionList();
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object[]> result = criteria.list();
List<UuidAndTitleCache<SpecimenOrObservationBase>> uuidAndTitleCacheList = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object[] object : result) {
uuidAndTitleCacheList.add(new UuidAndTitleCache<>((UUID) object[0], (Integer) object[1], (String) object[2]));
return uuidAndTitleCacheList;
} else {
return Collections.emptyList();
use of eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dto.UuidAndTitleCache in project cdmlib by cybertaxonomy.
the class OccurrenceDaoHibernateImpl method listUuidAndTitleCacheByAssociatedTaxon.
public <T extends SpecimenOrObservationBase> List<UuidAndTitleCache<SpecimenOrObservationBase>> listUuidAndTitleCacheByAssociatedTaxon(Class<T> clazz, Taxon associatedTaxon, Integer limit, Integer start, List<OrderHint> orderHints) {
Query query = createSpecimenQuery("sob.uuid,, sob.titleCache", clazz, associatedTaxon, limit, start, orderHints);
if (query == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
List<UuidAndTitleCache<SpecimenOrObservationBase>> list = new ArrayList<>();
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object[]> result = query.list();
for (Object[] object : result) {
list.add(new UuidAndTitleCache<>((UUID) object[0], (Integer) object[1], (String) object[2]));
return list;