use of eu.ggnet.dwoss.rules.TradeName in project dwoss by gg-net.
the class TreeTableController method getTradeNames.
private ObservableList<TreeItem<DataWrapper>> getTradeNames() {
ObservableList<TreeItem<DataWrapper>> result = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
for (TradeName tradeName : TradeName.values()) {
TreeItem<DataWrapper> item = new TreeItem<>(new TradeNameWrapper(tradeName));
return result;
use of eu.ggnet.dwoss.rules.TradeName in project dwoss by gg-net.
the class SelectExistingReportViewTryout method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
ReportAgent rastub = new ReportAgent() {
private int counter = 0;
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Unused Methods">
public List<SimpleReportLine> findSimple(SearchParameter search, int firstResult, int maxResults) {
// To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public List<ReportLine> find(SearchParameter search, int firstResult, int maxResults) {
// To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public long count(SearchParameter search) {
// To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public ViewReportResult prepareReport(ReportParameter p, boolean loadUnreported) {
// To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public List<ReportLine> findReportLinesByDocumentType(DocumentType type, Date from, Date till) {
// To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public Report store(Report report, Collection<Storeable> storeables) {
// To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public ViewReportResult findReportResult(long reportId) {
// To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public List<ReportLine> findAllReportLinesReverse(int firstResult, int maxResults) {
// To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public Set<ReportLine> attachDanglingComplaints(TradeName type, Date till) {
// To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public <T> long count(Class<T> entityClass) {
// To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public <T> List<T> findAll(Class<T> entityClass) {
// To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public <T> List<T> findAll(Class<T> entityClass, int start, int amount) {
// To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public <T> List<T> findAllEager(Class<T> entityClass) {
// To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public <T> List<T> findAllEager(Class<T> entityClass, int start, int amount) {
// To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public <T> T findById(Class<T> entityClass, Object id) {
// To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public <T> T findById(Class<T> entityClass, Object id, LockModeType lockModeType) {
// To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public <T> T findByIdEager(Class<T> entityClass, Object id) {
// To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public <T> T findByIdEager(Class<T> entityClass, Object id, LockModeType lockModeType) {
// To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public boolean updateReportLineComment(int optLock, long reportId, String comment) {
// To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
// </editor-fold>
public Reply<String> updateReportName(Report.OptimisticKey key, String name) {
System.out.println("Report Name updated with " + name + " calles");
if ((counter % 2) != 0) {
System.out.println("Counter=" + counter + " simulating Error");
return Reply.failure("Counter=" + counter + " simulating Error");
} else {
System.out.println("Counter=" + counter + " simulating Success");
return Reply.success(name);
Dl.remote().add(ReportAgent.class, rastub);
UiCore.startSwing(() -> new JLabel("Main Applikation"));
final Date today = new Date();
final Date enddate = new Date();
final Date startdate = new Date();
final Set<TradeName> trades = new HashSet<>();
// build some sample Reports
List<Report> allReports = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
for (TradeName traden : trades) {
startdate.setYear(62 + i);
long sum = today.getTime() + startdate.getTime();
Date sumDate = new Date(sum);
String name = "Report: " + i + "-" + traden + "-" + sumDate.toString();
Report e = new Report(name, traden, sumDate, enddate);
Ui.exec(() -> { -> allReports, () -> new SelectExistingReportView());
use of eu.ggnet.dwoss.rules.TradeName in project dwoss by gg-net.
the class ProductSpecMatches method execute.
public ChainLink.Result<String> execute(String value) {
ProductSpec spec = specAgent.findProductSpecByPartNoEager(value);
if (spec == null)
return new ChainLink.Result<>(value, ValidationStatus.ERROR, "ProductSpec existiert noch nicht, bitte anlegen");
TradeName isBrand = spec.getModel().getFamily().getSeries().getBrand();
if (isBrand != mustBrand)
return new ChainLink.Result<>(value, ValidationStatus.ERROR, "ProductSpec ist von der Marke " + isBrand.getName() + ", muss aber von der Marke " + mustBrand.getName() + " sein");
ProductGroup isGroup = spec.getModel().getFamily().getSeries().getGroup();
if (isGroup != mustGroup)
return new ChainLink.Result<>(value, ValidationStatus.ERROR, "ProductSpec ist aus der Warengruppe " + isGroup.getName() + ", muss aber aus der Warengruppe " + mustGroup.getName() + " sein");
return new ChainLink.Result<>(value);