use of ffx.potential.bonded.Rotamer in project ffx by mjschnie.
the class PhMD method tryRotamerStep.
* Attempt a rotamer MC move.
* @param targetMulti
* @return accept/reject
private boolean tryRotamerStep(MultiResidue targetMulti) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// Record the pre-change total energy.
double previousTotalEnergy = currentTotalEnergy();
// Write the before-step snapshot.
writeSnapshot(true, StepType.ROTAMER, config.snapshots);
// Save coordinates so we can return to them if move is rejected.
Residue residue = targetMulti.getActive();
ArrayList<Atom> atoms = residue.getAtomList();
ResidueState origState = residue.storeState();
double[] chi = new double[4];
RotamerLibrary.measureAARotamer(residue, chi, false);
AminoAcid3 aa = AminoAcid3.valueOf(residue.getName());
Rotamer origCoordsRotamer = new Rotamer(aa, origState, chi[0], 0, chi[1], 0, chi[2], 0, chi[3], 0);
// Select a new rotamer and swap to it.
Rotamer[] rotamers = residue.getRotamers(library);
int rotaRand = rng.nextInt(rotamers.length);
RotamerLibrary.applyRotamer(residue, rotamers[rotaRand]);
// Write the post-rotamer change snapshot.
writeSnapshot(false, StepType.ROTAMER, config.snapshots);
// Check the MC criterion.
double temperature = thermostat.getCurrentTemperature();
double kT = BOLTZMANN * temperature;
double postTotalEnergy = currentTotalEnergy();
double dG_tot = postTotalEnergy - previousTotalEnergy;
double criterion = exp(-dG_tot / kT);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(String.format(" Assessing possible MC rotamer step:\n"));
sb.append(String.format(" prev: %16.8f\n", previousTotalEnergy));
sb.append(String.format(" post: %16.8f\n", postTotalEnergy));
sb.append(String.format(" dG_tot: %16.8f\n", dG_tot));
sb.append(String.format(" -----\n"));
// Automatic acceptance if energy change is favorable.
if (dG_tot < 0) {
sb.append(String.format(" Accepted!"));;
propagateInactiveResidues(titratingMultis, true);
return true;
} else {
// Conditional acceptance if energy change is positive.
double metropolis = random();
sb.append(String.format(" criterion: %9.4f\n", criterion));
sb.append(String.format(" rng: %9.4f\n", metropolis));
if (metropolis < criterion) {
sb.append(String.format(" Accepted!"));;
propagateInactiveResidues(titratingMultis, true);
return true;
} else {
// Move was denied.
sb.append(String.format(" Denied."));;
// Undo the rejected move.
RotamerLibrary.applyRotamer(residue, origCoordsRotamer);
return false;
use of ffx.potential.bonded.Rotamer in project ffx by mjschnie.
the class RosenbluthChiAllMove method torsionSampler.
private void torsionSampler(List<Torsion> allTors) {
// Collects data for plot of uTors vs. theta.
// This is for finding the appropriate offset to add to each uTors such that the minimum is zero.
// double origChi[] = RotamerLibrary.measureRotamer(target, false);
double[] origChi = measureLysine(target, false);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(String.format(" Torsion Sampling for %s\n", target.getName()));
sb.append(String.format(" origChi:"));
for (int k = 0; k < origChi.length; k++) {
sb.append(String.format(" %6.2f", origChi[k]));
for (int k = 0; k < origChi.length; k++) {
Torsion tors = allTors.get(k);
AtomType type1 = tors.getAtomArray()[0].getAtomType();
AtomType type2 = tors.getAtomArray()[1].getAtomType();
AtomType type3 = tors.getAtomArray()[2].getAtomType();
AtomType type4 = tors.getAtomArray()[3].getAtomType();
sb.append(String.format(" %d: \"(%3d %3d %3s) (%3d %3d %3s) (%3d %3d %3s) (%3d %3d %3s)\"\n", k, type1.type, type1.atomClass,, type2.type, type2.atomClass,, type3.type, type3.atomClass,, type4.type, type4.atomClass,;
sb = new StringBuilder();
String type = "combinatorial";
if (type.equals("combinatorial")) {
sb.append(String.format(" Resi chi0 chi1 chi2 chi3 List<uTors> uTorsSum uTotal\n"));;
sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean doChi0 = false, doChi1 = false;
boolean doChi2 = true, doChi3 = true;
double increment = 1.0;
for (double chi0 = -180.0; chi0 < +180.0; chi0 += increment) {
for (double chi1 = -180.0; chi1 <= +180.0; chi1 += increment) {
for (double chi2 = -180.0; chi2 <= +180.0; chi2 += increment) {
for (double chi3 = -180.0; chi3 <= +180.0; chi3 += increment) {
sb.append(String.format(" %3s", target.getName()));
double[] newChi = new double[4];
if (doChi0) {
newChi[0] = chi0;
} else {
newChi[0] = origChi[0];
if (doChi1) {
newChi[1] = chi1;
} else {
newChi[1] = origChi[1];
if (doChi2) {
newChi[2] = chi2;
} else {
newChi[2] = origChi[2];
if (doChi3) {
newChi[3] = chi3;
} else {
newChi[3] = origChi[3];
Torsion chi0Tors = allTors.get(0);
Torsion chi1Tors = allTors.get(1);
Torsion chi2Tors = allTors.get(2);
Torsion chi3Tors = allTors.get(3);
Rotamer newState = createRotamer(target, newChi);
RotamerLibrary.applyRotamer(target, newState);
for (int wut = 0; wut < origChi.length; wut++) {
sb.append(String.format(" %3.0f", newChi[wut]));
writeSnapshot(String.format("%.0f", chi1), false);
double uTorsSum = 0.0;
for (int k = 0; k < allTors.size(); k++) {
double uTors = allTors.get(k).energy(false);
sb.append(String.format(" %5.2f", uTors));
uTorsSum += uTors;
sb.append(String.format(" %5.2f", uTorsSum));
double totalE = 1000.0;
try {
totalE = totalEnergy();
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (totalE > 1000.0) {
totalE = 1000.0;
sb.append(String.format(" %10.4f", totalE));
sb = new StringBuilder();
if (!doChi3) {
if (!doChi2) {
if (!doChi1) {
if (!doChi0) {
} else {
sb.append(String.format(" Resi Theta ( chi ) List<uTors,uTotal> \n"));;
sb = new StringBuilder();
for (double testTheta = -180.0; testTheta <= +180.0; testTheta += 0.01) {
sb.append(String.format(" %3s %6.2f", target.getName(), testTheta));
for (int k = 0; k < origChi.length; k++) {
double[] newChi = new double[origChi.length];
System.arraycopy(origChi, 0, newChi, 0, origChi.length);
Torsion tors = allTors.get(k);
newChi[k] = testTheta;
Rotamer newState = createRotamer(target, newChi);
RotamerLibrary.applyRotamer(target, newState);
sb.append(" (");
for (int wut = 0; wut < origChi.length; wut++) {
sb.append(String.format(" %6.2f", newChi[wut]));
sb.append(" )");
writeSnapshot(String.format("%.0f", testTheta), false);
double uTors = allTors.get(k).energy(false);
double totalE = 0.0;
try {
totalE = totalEnergy();
} catch (Exception ex) {
sb.append(String.format(" %9.6f %9.6f", uTors, totalE));
sb = new StringBuilder();
if (System.getProperty("cbmc-torsionSampler") != null) {
try {
File output = new File(System.getProperty("cbmc-torsionSampler"));
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(output));
} catch (IOException ex) {
use of ffx.potential.bonded.Rotamer in project ffx by mjschnie.
the class RosenbluthChiAllMove method cheapTorsionSet_diffs.
private TrialSet cheapTorsionSet_diffs(int setSize, String snapSuffix) {
double origFastEnergy = fastEnergy();
double origSlowEnergy = slowEnergy();
double origTotalEnergy = totalEnergy();
if (Math.abs(origTotalEnergy) > Math.abs(origFastEnergy + origSlowEnergy) + tolerance) {
logger.warning(String.format("WAIT WHAT. total != fast+slow : %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f", origTotalEnergy, origFastEnergy, origSlowEnergy));
report.append(String.format(" CheapTrialSet_Diffs (uDep uExt uExtBolt running)\n"));
TrialSet trialSet = new TrialSet(setSize);
double[] origChi = RotamerLibrary.measureRotamer(target, false);
double loggerW = 0.0;
int i = 0;
while (i < setSize) {
double[] newChi = new double[origChi.length];
System.arraycopy(origChi, 0, newChi, 0, origChi.length);
Rotamer newState = null;
for (int k = 0; k < origChi.length; k++) {
double crit = 1.00, rng = 1.00, theta, uFastThis = 0.0, uFast;
do {
theta = rand.nextDouble(360.0) - 180;
newChi[k] = theta;
newState = createRotamer(target, newChi);
RotamerLibrary.applyRotamer(target, newState);
uFastThis = fastEnergy();
uFast = uFastThis - origFastEnergy;
if (uFast <= 0) {
crit = FastMath.exp(-beta * uFast);
rng = rand.nextDouble();
} while (rng >= crit);
report.append(String.format(" Accept-reject at movenum %d pos %d chi,fast-orig=eng,crit (rng): %5.2f (%5.2f - %5.2f = %5.2f) %5.2f (%3.2f)\n", moveNumber, k, theta, uFastThis, origFastEnergy, uFast, crit, rng));
// this cheap version does all thetas at once
trialSet.theta[i] = 0.0;
trialSet.rotamer[i] = newState;
trialSet.uDep[i] = fastEnergy() - origFastEnergy;
trialSet.uExt[i] = slowEnergy() - origSlowEnergy;
loggerW += FastMath.exp(-beta * trialSet.uExt[i]);
if (i < 4 || i > setSize - 2) {
report.append(String.format(" %3s %d: %9.5g %9.5g %9.5g %9.5g\n", snapSuffix, i + 1, trialSet.uDep[i], trialSet.uExt[i], FastMath.exp(-beta * trialSet.uExt[i]), loggerW));
} else if (i == 4) {
report.append(String.format(" ...\n"));
writeSnapshot(snapSuffix, true);
return trialSet;
use of ffx.potential.bonded.Rotamer in project ffx by mjschnie.
the class RosenbluthChiAllMove method cheapTorsionSet_indiv.
* This version of the cheap method draws each INDIVIDUAL chi from its OWN
* Boltzmann. Each member of the test set is still a full set of chis.
private TrialSet cheapTorsionSet_indiv(List<Torsion> allTors, int setSize, String snapSuffix) {
report.append(String.format(" CheapTrialSet_Indiv (uDep uExt uExtBolt running)\n"));
TrialSet trialSet = new TrialSet(setSize);
double[] origChi = RotamerLibrary.measureRotamer(target, false);
double loggerW = 0.0;
int i = 0;
while (i < setSize) {
double[] newChi = new double[origChi.length];
System.arraycopy(origChi, 0, newChi, 0, origChi.length);
Rotamer newState = null;
for (int k = 0; k < origChi.length; k++) {
double crit, rng, theta, uTors, offset = 0.0;
do {
theta = rand.nextDouble(360.0) - 180;
newChi[k] = theta;
newState = createRotamer(target, newChi);
RotamerLibrary.applyRotamer(target, newState);
uTors = allTors.get(k).energy(false);
try {
offset = TORSION_OFFSET_AMPRO13.valueOf(target.getName() + k).offset;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
uTors += offset;
crit = FastMath.exp(-beta * uTors);
rng = rand.nextDouble();
} while (rng >= crit);
// report.append(String.format(" Accept-reject at movenum %d pos %d chi,eng,offset,crit: %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f\n",
// moveNumber, k, theta, uTors, offset, crit, rng));
double uTorsSum = 0;
for (Torsion tors : allTors) {
uTorsSum +=;
// this cheap version does all thetas at once
trialSet.theta[i] = 0.0;
trialSet.rotamer[i] = newState;
trialSet.uDep[i] = uTorsSum;
trialSet.uExt[i] = totalEnergy() - uTorsSum;
loggerW += FastMath.exp(-beta * trialSet.uExt[i]);
if (i < 4 || i > setSize - 2) {
report.append(String.format(" %3s %d: %9.5g %9.5g %9.5g %9.5g\n", snapSuffix, i + 1, trialSet.uDep[i], trialSet.uExt[i], FastMath.exp(-beta * trialSet.uExt[i]), loggerW));
} else if (i == 4) {
report.append(String.format(" ...\n"));
writeSnapshot(snapSuffix, true);
return trialSet;
use of ffx.potential.bonded.Rotamer in project ffx by mjschnie.
the class RosenbluthChiAllMove method expensiveTorsionSet.
* Uses the accept-reject method (F/S Algorithm46) to draw new chi values
* for the given torsion.
private TrialSet expensiveTorsionSet(Torsion tors, int chiIndex, int setSize, String snapSuffix) {
report.append(String.format(" TrialSet for Chi%d\t\t(Theta uDep uExt)\n", chiIndex));
TrialSet trialSet = new TrialSet(setSize);
double[] origChi = RotamerLibrary.measureRotamer(target, false);
int i = 0;
while (i < setSize) {
double theta = rand.nextDouble(360.0) - 180;
double[] newChi = new double[origChi.length];
System.arraycopy(origChi, 0, newChi, 0, origChi.length);
newChi[chiIndex] = theta;
Rotamer newState = createRotamer(target, newChi);
RotamerLibrary.applyRotamer(target, newState);
double uTors =;
double offset = 0;
try {
offset = TORSION_OFFSET_AMPRO13.valueOf(target.getName() + chiIndex).offset;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
uTors += offset;
double criterion = FastMath.exp(-beta * uTors);
double rng = rand.nextDouble();
report.append(String.format(" prop: %5.1f %.2g %.2g %.2g %.2g\n", theta, uTors, criterion, rng));
if (rng < criterion) {
report.append(String.format(" ^ Accepted!\n"));
writeSnapshot(snapSuffix, false);
trialSet.theta[i] = theta;
trialSet.rotamer[i] = newState;
trialSet.uDep[i] = uTors;
// Expensive!
trialSet.uExt[i] = totalEnergy() - uTors;
writeSnapshot(snapSuffix, true);
if (i < 4 || i > setSize - 1) {
report.append(String.format(" %3s %d: %5.2f\t%5.2f\t%5.2f\n", snapSuffix, i, theta, trialSet.uDep[i - 1], trialSet.uExt[i - 1]));
} else if (i == 4) {
report.append(String.format(" ...\n"));
return trialSet;