use of ffx.potential.utils.EnergyException in project ffx by mjschnie.
the class ParticleMeshEwaldCart method scfByPCG.
private int scfByPCG(boolean print, long startTime) {
long directTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
* A request of 0 SCF cycles simplifies mutual polarization to direct
* polarization.
StringBuilder sb = null;
if (print) {
sb = new StringBuilder("\n Self-Consistent Field\n" + " Iter RMS Change (Debye) Time\n");
* Find the induced dipole field due to direct dipoles (or predicted
* induced dipoles from previous steps).
try {
* Set initial conjugate gradient residual (a field).
* Store the current induced dipoles and load the residual induced
* dipole
* Compute preconditioner.
if (nSymm > 1) {
* Revert to the stored induce dipoles.
* Set initial conjugate vector (induced dipoles).
} catch (Exception e) {
String message = "Exception initializing preconditioned CG.";
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, e);
* Conjugate gradient iteration of the mutual induced dipoles.
int completedSCFCycles = 0;
int maxSCFCycles = 1000;
double eps = 100.0;
double previousEps;
boolean done = false;
while (!done) {
long cycleTime = -System.nanoTime();
* Store a copy of the current induced dipoles, then set the induced
* dipoles to the conjugate vector.
for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
vec[0][i] = inducedDipole[0][i][0];
vec[1][i] = inducedDipole[0][i][1];
vec[2][i] = inducedDipole[0][i][2];
inducedDipole[0][i][0] = conj[0][i];
inducedDipole[0][i][1] = conj[1][i];
inducedDipole[0][i][2] = conj[2][i];
vecCR[0][i] = inducedDipoleCR[0][i][0];
vecCR[1][i] = inducedDipoleCR[0][i][1];
vecCR[2][i] = inducedDipoleCR[0][i][2];
inducedDipoleCR[0][i][0] = conjCR[0][i];
inducedDipoleCR[0][i][1] = conjCR[1][i];
inducedDipoleCR[0][i][2] = conjCR[2][i];
* Find the induced dipole field.
try {
* Revert the induced dipoles to the saved values, then save the
* new residual field.
* Compute dot product of the conjugate vector and new residual.
* Reduce the residual field, add to the induced dipoles based
* on the scaled conjugate vector and finally set the induced
* dipoles to the polarizability times the residual field.
* Compute preconditioner.
if (nSymm > 1) {
* Revert the induced dipoles to the saved values.
* Compute the dot product of the residual and preconditioner.
* Update the conjugate vector and sum the square of the
* residual field.
pcgIterRegion2.sum = pcgIterRegion1.sumShared.get();
pcgIterRegion2.sumCR = pcgIterRegion1.sumCRShared.get();
} catch (Exception e) {
String message = "Exception in first CG iteration region.";
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, e);
previousEps = eps;
// eps = max(eps, epsCR);
eps = max(pcgIterRegion2.epsShared.get(), pcgIterRegion2.epsCRShared.get());
eps = MultipoleType.DEBYE * sqrt(eps / (double) nAtoms);
cycleTime += System.nanoTime();
if (print) {
sb.append(format(" %4d %15.10f %7.4f\n", completedSCFCycles, eps, cycleTime * TO_SECONDS));
* If the RMS Debye change increases, fail the SCF process.
if (eps > previousEps) {
if (sb != null) {
String message = format("Fatal SCF convergence failure: (%10.5f > %10.5f)\n", eps, previousEps);
throw new EnergyException(message, false);
* The SCF should converge well before the max iteration check.
* Otherwise, fail the SCF process.
if (completedSCFCycles >= maxSCFCycles) {
if (sb != null) {
String message = format("Maximum SCF iterations reached: (%d)\n", completedSCFCycles);
throw new EnergyException(message, false);
* Check if the convergence criteria has been achieved.
if (eps < poleps) {
done = true;
if (print) {
sb.append(format(" Direct: %7.4f\n", TO_SECONDS * directTime));
startTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
sb.append(format(" Total: %7.4f", startTime * TO_SECONDS));;
* for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) { double dx =
* MultipoleType.DEBYE * inducedDipole[0][i][0]; double dy =
* MultipoleType.DEBYE * inducedDipole[0][i][1]; double dz =
* MultipoleType.DEBYE * inducedDipole[0][i][2]; double norm =
* sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);"ind %d
* %16.6f %16.6f %16.6f %16.6f", i + 1, dx, dy, dz, norm)); dx =
* MultipoleType.DEBYE * inducedDipoleCR[0][i][0]; dy =
* MultipoleType.DEBYE * inducedDipoleCR[0][i][1]; dz =
* MultipoleType.DEBYE * inducedDipoleCR[0][i][2]; norm = sqrt(dx *
* dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);"inp %d %16.6f %16.6f
* %16.6f %16.6f", i + 1, dx, dy, dz, norm)); }
* Find the final induced dipole field.
return completedSCFCycles;
use of ffx.potential.utils.EnergyException in project ffx by mjschnie.
the class ParticleMeshEwaldQI method scfBySOR.
* Converge the SCF using Successive Over-Relaxation (SOR).
private int scfBySOR(boolean print, long startTime) {
long directTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
* A request of 0 SCF cycles simplifies mutual polarization to direct
* polarization.
StringBuilder sb = null;
if (print) {
sb = new StringBuilder("\n Self-Consistent Field\n" + " Iter RMS Change (Debye) Time\n");
int completedSCFCycles = 0;
int maxSCFCycles = 1000;
double eps = 100.0;
double previousEps;
boolean done = false;
while (!done) {
long cycleTime = -System.nanoTime();
try {
if (reciprocalSpaceTerm && aewald > 0.0) {
reciprocalSpace.splineInducedDipoles(inducedDipole, inducedDipoleCR, use);
if (reciprocalSpaceTerm && aewald > 0.0) {
reciprocalSpace.computeInducedPhi(cartesianDipolePhi, cartesianDipolePhiCR);
if (generalizedKirkwoodTerm) {
* GK field.
gkEnergyTotal = -System.nanoTime();
gkEnergyTotal += System.nanoTime();
logger.fine(format(" Computed GK induced field %8.3f (sec)", gkEnergyTotal * 1.0e-9));
if (nSymm > 1) {
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
logger.warning("Exception computing mutual induced dipoles.");
throw ex;
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception computing mutual induced dipoles.", ex);
previousEps = eps;
eps = sorRegion.getEps();
eps = MultipoleType.DEBYE * sqrt(eps / (double) nAtoms);
cycleTime += System.nanoTime();
if (print) {
sb.append(format(" %4d %15.10f %7.4f\n", completedSCFCycles, eps, cycleTime * TO_SECONDS));
* If the RMS Debye change increases, fail the SCF process.
if (eps > previousEps) {
if (sb != null) {
String message = format("Fatal SCF convergence failure: (%10.5f > %10.5f)\n", eps, previousEps);
throw new EnergyException(message, false);
* The SCF should converge well before the max iteration check.
* Otherwise, fail the SCF process.
if (completedSCFCycles >= maxSCFCycles) {
if (sb != null) {
String message = format("Maximum SCF iterations reached: (%d)\n", completedSCFCycles);
throw new EnergyException(message, false);
* Check if the convergence criteria has been achieved.
if (eps < poleps) {
done = true;
if (print) {
sb.append(format(" Direct: %7.4f\n", TO_SECONDS * directTime));
startTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
sb.append(format(" Total: %7.4f", startTime * TO_SECONDS));;
return completedSCFCycles;
use of ffx.potential.utils.EnergyException in project ffx by mjschnie.
the class ParticleMeshEwaldQI method scfByPCG.
private int scfByPCG(boolean print, long startTime) {
long directTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
* A request of 0 SCF cycles simplifies mutual polarization to direct
* polarization.
StringBuilder sb = null;
if (print) {
sb = new StringBuilder("\n Self-Consistent Field\n" + " Iter RMS Change (Debye) Time\n");
* Find the induced dipole field due to direct dipoles (or predicted
* induced dipoles from previous steps).
try {
* Set initial conjugate gradient residual (a field).
* Store the current induced dipoles and load the residual induced
* dipole
* Compute preconditioner.
if (nSymm > 1) {
* Revert to the stored induce dipoles.
* Set initial conjugate vector (induced dipoles).
} catch (Exception e) {
String message = "Exception initializing preconditioned CG.";
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, e);
* Conjugate gradient iteration of the mutual induced dipoles.
int completedSCFCycles = 0;
int maxSCFCycles = 1000;
double eps = 100.0;
double previousEps;
boolean done = false;
while (!done) {
long cycleTime = -System.nanoTime();
* Store a copy of the current induced dipoles, then set the induced
* dipoles to the conjugate vector.
for (int i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
vec[0][i] = inducedDipole[0][i][0];
vec[1][i] = inducedDipole[0][i][1];
vec[2][i] = inducedDipole[0][i][2];
inducedDipole[0][i][0] = conj[0][i];
inducedDipole[0][i][1] = conj[1][i];
inducedDipole[0][i][2] = conj[2][i];
vecCR[0][i] = inducedDipoleCR[0][i][0];
vecCR[1][i] = inducedDipoleCR[0][i][1];
vecCR[2][i] = inducedDipoleCR[0][i][2];
inducedDipoleCR[0][i][0] = conjCR[0][i];
inducedDipoleCR[0][i][1] = conjCR[1][i];
inducedDipoleCR[0][i][2] = conjCR[2][i];
* Find the induced dipole field.
try {
* Revert the induced dipoles to the saved values, then save the
* new residual field.
* Compute dot product of the conjugate vector and new residual.
* Reduce the residual field, add to the induced dipoles based
* on the scaled conjugate vector and finally set the induced
* dipoles to the polarizability times the residual field.
* Compute preconditioner.
if (nSymm > 1) {
* Revert the induced dipoles to the saved values.
* Compute the dot product of the residual and preconditioner.
* Update the conjugate vector and sum the square of the
* residual field.
pcgIterRegion2.sum = pcgIterRegion1.sumShared.get();
pcgIterRegion2.sumCR = pcgIterRegion1.sumCRShared.get();
} catch (Exception e) {
String message = "Exception in first CG iteration region.";
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, e);
previousEps = eps;
// eps = max(eps, epsCR);
eps = max(pcgIterRegion2.epsShared.get(), pcgIterRegion2.epsCRShared.get());
eps = MultipoleType.DEBYE * sqrt(eps / (double) nAtoms);
cycleTime += System.nanoTime();
if (print) {
sb.append(format(" %4d %15.10f %7.4f\n", completedSCFCycles, eps, cycleTime * TO_SECONDS));
* If the RMS Debye change increases, fail the SCF process.
if (eps > previousEps) {
if (sb != null) {
String message = format("Fatal SCF convergence failure: (%10.5f > %10.5f)\n", eps, previousEps);
throw new EnergyException(message, false);
* The SCF should converge well before the max iteration check.
* Otherwise, fail the SCF process.
if (completedSCFCycles >= maxSCFCycles) {
if (sb != null) {
String message = format("Maximum SCF iterations reached: (%d)\n", completedSCFCycles);
throw new EnergyException(message, false);
* Check if the convergence criteria has been achieved.
if (eps < poleps) {
done = true;
if (print) {
sb.append(format(" Direct: %7.4f\n", TO_SECONDS * directTime));
startTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
sb.append(format(" Total: %7.4f", startTime * TO_SECONDS));;
* Find the final induced dipole field.
return completedSCFCycles;