use of freemarker.template.Configuration in project leopard by tanhaichao.
the class FtlView method getTemplate.
protected Template getTemplate(String name) throws IOException {
Configuration config = configurer.getConfiguration();
config.setTemplateLoader(new ClassTemplateLoader(this.getClass(), folder));
return config.getTemplate(name, "UTF-8");
use of freemarker.template.Configuration in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SimDataValuesServerResource method get_html.
public Representation get_html() {
VCellApiApplication application = ((VCellApiApplication) getApplication());
User vcellUser = application.getVCellUser(getChallengeResponse(), AuthenticationPolicy.ignoreInvalidCredentials);
SimDataValuesRepresentation simDataValues = getSimDataValuesRepresentation(vcellUser);
Map<String, Object> dataModel = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// +"?"+VCellApiApplication.REDIRECTURL_FORMNAME+"="+getRequest().getResourceRef().toUrl());
dataModel.put("loginurl", "/" + VCellApiApplication.LOGINFORM);
dataModel.put("logouturl", "/" + VCellApiApplication.LOGOUT + "?" + VCellApiApplication.REDIRECTURL_FORMNAME + "=" + Reference.encode(getRequest().getResourceRef().toUrl().toString()));
if (vcellUser != null) {
dataModel.put("userid", vcellUser.getName());
dataModel.put("userId", getAttribute(PARAM_USER));
dataModel.put("simId", getQueryValue(PARAM_SIM_ID));
Long startRowParam = getLongQueryValue(PARAM_START_ROW);
if (startRowParam != null) {
dataModel.put("startRow", startRowParam);
} else {
dataModel.put("startRow", 1);
Long maxRowsParam = getLongQueryValue(PARAM_MAX_ROWS);
if (maxRowsParam != null) {
dataModel.put("maxRows", maxRowsParam);
} else {
dataModel.put("maxRows", 10);
dataModel.put("simdatavalues", simDataValues);
int numVars = simDataValues.getVariables().length;
if (numVars > 1) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
String firstRow = "\"";
for (int i = 0; i < numVars; i++) {
firstRow += simDataValues.getVariables()[i].getName();
if (i < numVars - 1) {
firstRow += ",";
firstRow += "\\n\" + \n";
int numTimes = simDataValues.getVariables()[0].getValues().length;
for (int t = 0; t < numTimes; t++) {
String row = "\"";
for (int v = 0; v < numVars; v++) {
row += simDataValues.getVariables()[v].getValues()[t];
if (v < numVars - 1) {
row += ",";
row += "\\n\"";
if (t < numTimes - 1) {
row += " + \n";
String csvdata = buffer.toString();
// String csvdata = "\"t,x,y\\n\" + \n" +
// "\"0,0,0\\n\" + \n" +
// "\"1,1,1\\n\" + \n" +
// "\"2,2,4\\n\" + \n" +
// "\"3,3,9\\n\" + \n" +
// "\"4,4,16\\n\" + \n" +
// "\"5,5,25\\n\"";
dataModel.put("csvdata", csvdata);
Gson gson = new Gson();
dataModel.put("jsonResponse", gson.toJson(simDataValues));
Configuration templateConfiguration = application.getTemplateConfiguration();
Representation formFtl = new ClientResource(LocalReference.createClapReference("/simdatavalues.ftl")).get();
TemplateRepresentation templateRepresentation = new TemplateRepresentation(formFtl, templateConfiguration, dataModel, MediaType.TEXT_HTML);
return templateRepresentation;
use of freemarker.template.Configuration in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class PublicationsServerResource method get_html.
public Representation get_html() {
VCellApiApplication application = ((VCellApiApplication) getApplication());
User vcellUser = application.getVCellUser(getChallengeResponse(), AuthenticationPolicy.ignoreInvalidCredentials);
PublicationRepresentation[] publications = getPublicationRepresentations(vcellUser);
Map<String, Object> dataModel = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// +"?"+VCellApiApplication.REDIRECTURL_FORMNAME+"="+getRequest().getResourceRef().toUrl());
dataModel.put("loginurl", "/" + VCellApiApplication.LOGINFORM);
dataModel.put("logouturl", "/" + VCellApiApplication.LOGOUT + "?" + VCellApiApplication.REDIRECTURL_FORMNAME + "=" + Reference.encode(getRequest().getResourceRef().toUrl().toString()));
if (vcellUser != null) {
dataModel.put("userid", vcellUser.getName());
dataModel.put("pubId", getQueryValue(PARAM_PUB_ID));
dataModel.put("orderBy", getQueryValue(PARAM_ORDERBY));
dataModel.put("publications", Arrays.asList(publications));
Gson gson = new Gson();
dataModel.put("jsonResponse", gson.toJson(publications));
Configuration templateConfiguration = application.getTemplateConfiguration();
Representation formFtl = new ClientResource(LocalReference.createClapReference("/publications.ftl")).get();
TemplateRepresentation templateRepresentation = new TemplateRepresentation(formFtl, templateConfiguration, dataModel, MediaType.TEXT_HTML);
return templateRepresentation;
use of freemarker.template.Configuration in project camel by apache.
the class FreemarkerComponent method getConfiguration.
public synchronized Configuration getConfiguration() {
if (configuration == null) {
configuration = new Configuration();
configuration.setTemplateLoader(new URLTemplateLoader() {
protected URL getURL(String name) {
try {
return ResourceHelper.resolveMandatoryResourceAsUrl(getCamelContext().getClassResolver(), name);
} catch (Exception e) {
// so we should return null to signal the resource could not be found
return null;
return (Configuration) configuration.clone();
use of freemarker.template.Configuration in project camel by apache.
the class FreemarkerEndpoint method onExchange.
protected void onExchange(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
String path = getResourceUri();
ObjectHelper.notNull(configuration, "configuration");
ObjectHelper.notNull(path, "resourceUri");
String newResourceUri = exchange.getIn().getHeader(FreemarkerConstants.FREEMARKER_RESOURCE_URI, String.class);
if (newResourceUri != null) {
log.debug("{} set to {} creating new endpoint to handle exchange", FreemarkerConstants.FREEMARKER_RESOURCE_URI, newResourceUri);
FreemarkerEndpoint newEndpoint = findOrCreateEndpoint(getEndpointUri(), newResourceUri);
Reader reader = null;
String content = exchange.getIn().getHeader(FreemarkerConstants.FREEMARKER_TEMPLATE, String.class);
if (content != null) {
// use content from header
reader = new StringReader(content);
// remove the header to avoid it being propagated in the routing
Object dataModel = exchange.getIn().getHeader(FreemarkerConstants.FREEMARKER_DATA_MODEL, Object.class);
if (dataModel == null) {
dataModel = ExchangeHelper.createVariableMap(exchange);
// let freemarker parse and generate the result in buffer
Template template;
if (reader != null) {
log.debug("Freemarker is evaluating template read from header {} using context: {}", FreemarkerConstants.FREEMARKER_TEMPLATE, dataModel);
template = new Template("temp", reader, new Configuration());
} else {
log.debug("Freemarker is evaluating {} using context: {}", path, dataModel);
if (getEncoding() != null) {
template = configuration.getTemplate(path, getEncoding());
} else {
template = configuration.getTemplate(path);
StringWriter buffer = new StringWriter();
template.process(dataModel, buffer);
// now lets output the results to the exchange
Message out = exchange.getOut();