use of freemarker.template.TemplateModelException in project freemarker by apache.
the class TaglibFactory method resolveRelativeUri.
private static String resolveRelativeUri(String uri) throws TaglibGettingException {
TemplateModel reqHash;
try {
reqHash = Environment.getCurrentEnvironment().getVariable(FreemarkerServlet.KEY_REQUEST_PRIVATE);
} catch (TemplateModelException e) {
throw new TaglibGettingException("Failed to get FreemarkerServlet request information", e);
if (reqHash instanceof HttpRequestHashModel) {
HttpServletRequest req = ((HttpRequestHashModel) reqHash).getRequest();
String pi = req.getPathInfo();
String reqPath = req.getServletPath();
if (reqPath == null) {
reqPath = "";
reqPath += (pi == null ? "" : pi);
// We don't care about paths with ".." in them. If the container
// wishes to resolve them on its own, let it be.
int lastSlash = reqPath.lastIndexOf('/');
if (lastSlash != -1) {
return reqPath.substring(0, lastSlash + 1) + uri;
} else {
return '/' + uri;
throw new TaglibGettingException("Can't resolve relative URI " + uri + " as request URL information is unavailable.");
use of freemarker.template.TemplateModelException in project freemarker by apache.
the class TaglibFactory method get.
* Retrieves a JSP tag library identified by an URI. The matching of the URI to a JSP taglib is done as described in
* the JSP 1.2 FCS specification.
* @param taglibUri
* The URI used in templates to refer to the taglib (like {@code <%@ taglib uri="..." ... %>} in
* JSP). It can be any of the three forms allowed by the JSP specification: absolute URI (like
* {@code}), root relative URI (like {@code /bar/foo.tld}) and non-root relative
* URI (like {@code bar/foo.tld}). Note that if a non-root relative URI is used it's resolved relative to
* the URL of the current request. In this case, the current request is obtained by looking up a
* {@link HttpRequestHashModel} object named <tt>Request</tt> in the root data model.
* {@link FreemarkerServlet} provides this object under the expected name, and custom servlets that want
* to integrate JSP taglib support should do the same.
* @return a {@link TemplateHashModel} representing the JSP taglib. Each element of this hash represents a single
* custom tag or EL function from the library, implemented as a {@link TemplateTransformModel} or
* {@link TemplateMethodModelEx}, respectively.
public TemplateModel get(final String taglibUri) throws TemplateModelException {
synchronized (lock) {
final Taglib taglib = (Taglib) taglibs.get(taglibUri);
if (taglib != null) {
return taglib;
boolean failedTldListAlreadyIncluded = false;
final TldLocation tldLocation;
final String normalizedTaglibUri;
try {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Locating TLD for taglib URI " + StringUtil.jQuoteNoXSS(taglibUri) + ".");
TldLocation explicitlyMappedTldLocation = getExplicitlyMappedTldLocation(taglibUri);
if (explicitlyMappedTldLocation != null) {
tldLocation = explicitlyMappedTldLocation;
normalizedTaglibUri = taglibUri;
} else {
// Taglib URI must be directly the path (no mapping).
final int urlType;
try {
urlType = getUriType(taglibUri);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw new TaglibGettingException("Malformed taglib URI: " + StringUtil.jQuote(taglibUri), e);
if (urlType == URL_TYPE_RELATIVE) {
normalizedTaglibUri = resolveRelativeUri(taglibUri);
} else if (urlType == URL_TYPE_ABSOLUTE) {
normalizedTaglibUri = taglibUri;
} else if (urlType == URL_TYPE_FULL) {
// Per spec., full URI-s can only be resolved through explicit mapping
String failedTLDsList = getFailedTLDsList();
failedTldListAlreadyIncluded = true;
throw new TaglibGettingException("No TLD was found for the " + StringUtil.jQuoteNoXSS(taglibUri) + " JSP taglib URI. (TLD-s are searched according " + "the JSP 2.2 specification. In development- and embedded-servlet-container " + "setups you may also need the " + "\"" + FreemarkerServlet.INIT_PARAM_META_INF_TLD_LOCATIONS + "\" and " + "\"" + FreemarkerServlet.INIT_PARAM_CLASSPATH_TLDS + "\" " + FreemarkerServlet.class.getName() + " init-params or the similar system " + "properites." + (failedTLDsList == null ? "" : " Also note these TLD-s were skipped earlier due to errors; " + "see error in the log: " + failedTLDsList) + ")");
} else {
throw new BugException();
if (!normalizedTaglibUri.equals(taglibUri)) {
final Taglib taglib = (Taglib) taglibs.get(normalizedTaglibUri);
if (taglib != null) {
return taglib;
tldLocation = isJarPath(normalizedTaglibUri) ? (TldLocation) new ServletContextJarEntryTldLocation(normalizedTaglibUri, DEFAULT_TLD_RESOURCE_PATH) : (TldLocation) new ServletContextTldLocation(normalizedTaglibUri);
} catch (Exception e) {
String failedTLDsList = failedTldListAlreadyIncluded ? null : getFailedTLDsList();
throw new TemplateModelException("Error while looking for TLD file for " + StringUtil.jQuoteNoXSS(taglibUri) + "; see cause exception." + (failedTLDsList == null ? "" : " (Note: These TLD-s were skipped earlier due to errors; " + "see errors in the log: " + failedTLDsList + ")"), e);
try {
return loadTaglib(tldLocation, normalizedTaglibUri);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new TemplateModelException("Error while loading tag library for URI " + StringUtil.jQuoteNoXSS(normalizedTaglibUri) + " from TLD location " + StringUtil.jQuoteNoXSS(tldLocation) + "; see cause exception.", e);
use of freemarker.template.TemplateModelException in project freemarker by apache.
the class Java8BeansWrapperBridgeMethodsTest method test.
private void test(Class<?> pClass) throws TemplateModelException {
BeansWrapper ow = new BeansWrapperBuilder(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_26).build();
TemplateHashModel wrapped;
try {
wrapped = (TemplateHashModel) ow.wrap(pClass.newInstance());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
TemplateMethodModelEx m1 = (TemplateMethodModelEx) wrapped.get("m1");
assertEquals(BridgeMethodsBean.M1_RETURN_VALUE, "" + m1.exec(Collections.emptyList()));
TemplateMethodModelEx m2 = (TemplateMethodModelEx) wrapped.get("m2");
use of freemarker.template.TemplateModelException in project freemarker by apache.
the class EnumModelsTest method modelCaching.
public void modelCaching() throws Exception {
BeansWrapper bw = new BeansWrapper(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_21);
TemplateHashModel enums = bw.getEnumModels();
TemplateHashModel e = (TemplateHashModel) enums.get(E.class.getName());
try {
} catch (TemplateModelException ex) {
assertTrue(ex.getCause() instanceof ClassNotFoundException);
TemplateModel a = e.get("A");
assertTrue(a instanceof TemplateScalarModel);
assertTrue(a instanceof TemplateHashModel);
assertEquals(((TemplateScalarModel) a).getAsString(), "ts:A");
TemplateMethodModelEx nameMethod = (TemplateMethodModelEx) ((TemplateHashModel) a).get("name");
assertEquals(((TemplateScalarModel) nameMethod.exec(new ArrayList())).getAsString(), "A");
assertSame(e, enums.get(E.class.getName()));
TemplateHashModel eAfterClean = (TemplateHashModel) enums.get(E.class.getName());
assertNotSame(e, eAfterClean);
assertSame(eAfterClean, enums.get(E.class.getName()));
use of freemarker.template.TemplateModelException in project freemarker by apache.
the class BeansWrapper method listToArray.
Object listToArray(List<?> list, Class<?> arrayClass, Map<Object, Object> recursionStops) throws TemplateModelException {
if (list instanceof SequenceAdapter) {
return unwrapSequenceToArray(((SequenceAdapter) list).getTemplateSequenceModel(), arrayClass, false, recursionStops);
if (recursionStops != null) {
Object retval = recursionStops.get(list);
if (retval != null) {
return retval;
} else {
recursionStops = new IdentityHashMap<Object, Object>();
Class<?> componentType = arrayClass.getComponentType();
Object array = Array.newInstance(componentType, list.size());
recursionStops.put(list, array);
try {
boolean isComponentTypeExamined = false;
// will be filled on demand
boolean isComponentTypeNumerical = false;
// will be filled on demand
boolean isComponentTypeList = false;
int i = 0;
for (Iterator<?> it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Object listItem =;
if (listItem != null && !componentType.isInstance(listItem)) {
// Type conversion is needed. If we can't do it, we just let it fail at Array.set later.
if (!isComponentTypeExamined) {
isComponentTypeNumerical = ClassUtil.isNumerical(componentType);
isComponentTypeList = List.class.isAssignableFrom(componentType);
isComponentTypeExamined = true;
if (isComponentTypeNumerical && listItem instanceof Number) {
listItem = forceUnwrappedNumberToType((Number) listItem, componentType, true);
} else if (componentType == String.class && listItem instanceof Character) {
listItem = String.valueOf(((Character) listItem).charValue());
} else if ((componentType == Character.class || componentType == char.class) && listItem instanceof String) {
String listItemStr = (String) listItem;
if (listItemStr.length() == 1) {
listItem = Character.valueOf(listItemStr.charAt(0));
} else if (componentType.isArray()) {
if (listItem instanceof List) {
listItem = listToArray((List<?>) listItem, componentType, recursionStops);
} else if (listItem instanceof TemplateSequenceModel) {
listItem = unwrapSequenceToArray((TemplateSequenceModel) listItem, componentType, false, recursionStops);
} else if (isComponentTypeList && listItem.getClass().isArray()) {
listItem = arrayToList(listItem);
try {
Array.set(array, i, listItem);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new TemplateModelException("Failed to convert " + ClassUtil.getShortClassNameOfObject(list) + " object to " + ClassUtil.getShortClassNameOfObject(array) + ": Problematic List item at index " + i + " with value type: " + ClassUtil.getShortClassNameOfObject(listItem), e);
} finally {
return array;